Medical Sovereign

Two Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Three Perfect Biochemical Technology

A figure quietly opened the metal door of the laboratory and walked in majestically.

Perhaps because he thought no one would come in here, perhaps because he was worried about being discovered, or perhaps because he was in a hurry to escape, Mason didn't even turn on the light, so he didn't find the dead-eyed Wenke lying not far from him, hurriedly He walked straight to the large closet in the corner of the laboratory.

Seeing that the person coming was the helpless Mason, Wang Bo secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to sneak up and kill him, he suddenly discovered that Mason had taken out all the clothes hanging in the closet and piled them on the table. Go up, the heart cannot help but move, suspend the action of murder.

Because he knew very well that the owner of this laboratory was actually Mason, and Wenke only became half the owner because of his status as Mason's student.

The experimental data in Wenke's hands are all about energy extractors. Although it can make Wang Bo make a fortune, it cannot be compared with the method of manufacturing biochemical warriors mastered by Mason.

So, when Mason risked his life and came to the laboratory at this time, he must have come to take away his scientific research results. Then, it is very likely that there is an extremely hidden safe hidden in the big closet.

This made Wang Bo's heart suddenly feel hot, and his eyes flashed with greed. If he could get the method of making biochemical warriors, he could create countless biochemical warriors to make up for his lack of force. When the time comes, Ding Ning, It's not just that you can flatten and round it, and ravage it as much as you want.

However, to Wang Bo's expectation, Mason did not open the hidden safe as he thought, but pressed an inconspicuous button in the large wardrobe. The empty inner wall of the large wardrobe suddenly slid open to both sides, Revealing an electronic metal door inside.

After a series of extremely tedious verification procedures for palm prints, passwords, pupils, and DNA, the metal door opened silently. Mason then turned around and picked up the clothes piled on the test table and hung them up in the closet again, while he ducked in. Wardrobe, just when he was about to close the door of the closet, he saw Wang Bo's playful eyes behind his spectacles.


Mason was shocked. When he discovered that it was an experimental assistant who had just arrived, he was relieved. There was a fierce light in his eyes and he opened his mouth to curse.

Because Wang Bo is too thin, even though his physical fitness is average due to years of doing experiments, he doesn't think this guy can pose any threat to him.

This secret room was secretly built by him to deal with emergencies like today. It contained enough food and water for him to live for a year. He did not allow anyone to leak this secret, so at this moment, he had murderous intentions in his heart. Wang Bo must be killed and silenced, and no one must know that he is hiding here.

As for one year later,

He believes that his experiment on the strongest biochemical warrior will be successfully completed. By then, he will transform himself into the strongest biochemical warrior, and no one will be able to pose a threat to him.

Although his life is very good now, he knows very well that this is just because he has use value. He is always working for others, and his destiny is not under his control. Once he loses his use value, whether it is the US military or those No wealthy family in Area 51 would let him leave alive and expose the secrets of the biochemical warriors even if they put their hands into District 51.

Therefore, when he was researching biochemical technology, he secretly kept a careful eye on it and handed over imperfect biochemical technology. He secretly hid the truly perfect biochemical technology in a secret room, waiting for its final perfection to transform himself. Become the strongest biochemical warrior and control your own destiny.

Unfortunately, even if he didn't intend to kill Wang Bo to silence him, Wang Bo didn't intend to let him live. The moment he opened the door to the secret room, his death was doomed.

Then, Mason felt a bright light flash before his eyes, a sharp pain in his throat, blood gushing out like a fountain, his eyes suddenly bulged, unwilling and resentful

Staring at Wang Bo's sinister face, he opened his mouth to say something, but his throat was cut and his trachea kept leaking air. He could only make a weird sound of "whooshing". He waved his hands feebly and pulled something down. His pupils gradually began to expand, and he completely lost consciousness.


Wang Bo breathed a long sigh of relief. Although this was not the first time he had killed someone, facing Mason's hateful eyes still made him feel nervous.

Looking into Mason's dead gray eyes, Wang Bo grabbed his hair and pulled his body out of the closet, cursing fiercely: "Damn old guy, I was scared to death."


Wang Bo dragged Mason's body to Wenke's body with great difficulty, touched his chin, and tried his best to pose as if they had died together. He also wiped off the fingerprints on the scalpel and stuffed it into Wenke's hand.

After thinking about it, Wang Bo turned on the computer again, put a copy of Wenke's scientific research materials into Mason's pocket, then smiled with satisfaction, briefly cleaned up the blood stains at the scene, and put the blood-stained He picked up the clothes one by one, got into the closet, closed the door from the inside, and then entered the secret room behind the metal door.

Zi La La!

After a slight sound of electricity, the door of the secret room closed quietly, and no trace could be seen from the outside.

"Hahaha, perfect biochemical warrior technology, Mason, thank you for this gift. Ding Ning, just wait for me. When I become a perfect biochemical warrior, you will die."

Five minutes later, Wang Bo's ecstatic laughter sounded in the secret room.

What he didn't know was that not long after he entered the secret room, two people, a man and a woman, quietly came to the secret laboratory.

Seeing Wenke and Mason staring at death, the woman looked extremely ugly: "It's still too late."

"Angelia, hurry up and leave. Joseph is crazy. If you don't leave, it will be too late."

Andrea was as panic-stricken as a bereaved dog at the moment. He couldn't think of staying here for a long time. The zombie virus made him feel cold just thinking about it.

"Wait a minute, Wink and Mason didn't kill each other. Someone must have killed them, taken away the latest research results, and forged the crime scene."

Angelia is indeed an agent of the CIA. Wang Bo thought that the disguise was perfect, but she saw something fishy at a glance.

Ignoring the anxious Andrea, she crouched down and searched in the pockets of Mason and Wenke. When she found the USB flash drive that Wang Bo had specially left in Mason's pocket, a trace of undetectable joy flashed in her eyes.

She quietly glanced at Andrea and found that he didn't pay attention at all. Angelia turned her palm over and quietly hid the USB flash drive. She stood up and said helplessly: "There is nothing, it must be damned." The Chinese took away the experimental data."

"How can I care about experimental data now? If you don't leave, I will leave first."

Andrea said dissatisfied and turned away.

"Go, go, go now, wait for me, I don't want to become a zombie."

Angelia pretended to be unwilling to glance at Dr. Wenke's open safe, and quickly followed.

"There are enemies outside, how can we get out? Can we talk now?"

Andrea was willing to follow Angelia here because Angelia told him that she had a way to leave here. Otherwise, he would have fled long ago if he had the time to waste time here.

Angelia smiled proudly: "Do you really think you have control of Area 51? Haha, come with me, there are many things you don't know."

Andrea's face looked a little ugly, but she also knew not to look.

They reached into Area 51. In fact, it is the US government that really controls this place.

As an agent of the CIA stationed in Area 51, Angelia naturally knows much more than outsiders like them. Now she doesn't care about being angry about the US military's concealment of investors like them, as long as she can escape from this damned place. place, he would thank God.

Angelia walked to the washbasin in a bathroom with ease and gently tightened an expansion screw that fixed the washroom mirror. The mirror suddenly extended half a meter out of the wall, rotating 360 degrees, revealing a Electronic verification interface full of buttons.

After a series of identity verifications such as face scanning, pupils, fingerprints and DNA, the entire wall trembled slightly, and the washbasin suddenly slid smoothly to one side, revealing a hole with a rotating step down.

"Let's go. This is directly connected to Area A. It should be much safer to leave Area 51 from Area A."

Angelia looked at Andrea's dumbfounded expression and warned sternly: "Follow me closely. If you don't go through identity verification, you will die inside."


Only then did Andrea come back to her senses, and responded with a frightened voice, followed closely behind Angelia, and entered the cave entrance along the steps.


After they disappeared into the hole, the washbasin trembled slightly and returned to its original position. The washroom became quiet again, as if nothing had happened.

A moment later, more than a dozen wolf riders appeared in the bathroom. After a careful search, nothing unusual was found, and then they dispersed.


The conference room was filled with smoke, all the military giants had serious faces, and the atmosphere was so oppressive that it made people breathless.

"This is a provocation, a naked provocation, and they openly attack our military bases on our own American soil. They don't take our American military seriously at all."

A white-haired military giant slammed the table angrily and roared.

"Yes, this is not just a matter of provoking our US military. I think this is an extremely serious terrorist attack. I propose that these terrorists be immediately encircled and suppressed, and they must not be allowed to leave alive."

Next to him, a military giant with a majestic face and a big belly also expressed his position with a frosty face.

"Covina, don't evade the important. This matter was entirely caused by Joseph. If you want to kill the Dragon King of China, just kill him directly. Why do you need to forcibly switch the communication signal without using your brain and conduct a global live broadcast?"

A military giant with a hooked nose glared at the white-haired giant, with a strong tone of questioning in his tone.

"Hams, please understand. Although Joseph and I are both from the Andrew family, he is him and I am me. He will naturally pay for the mistakes he made. What does it have to do with me?"

Covina scowled, glared at Hams and argued without showing any signs of weakness.

"Huh, who knows if you guys colluded. Now that Joseph's behavior has caused big trouble, you just want to throw the blame away. It's not that easy."

An old man with brown hair next to Hams said in a sinister tone.

Covina's face was full of anger, and he shouted angrily at the brown-haired old man: "It seems that your Dia family wants to use this incident as a reason to pour dirty water on our Andrew family."

Hams sneered expressionlessly: "Covina, don't sound so innocent. Without the support of your Andrew family, would Joseph have the courage and ability to do such a thing?"

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