Medical Sovereign

One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twelve Repentance

Kaman and Cold were not idle either. They surrounded Ding Ning with a ferocious smile. The powerful power gave them absolute confidence. This damn guy is dead today.

Ding Ning is very distressed. Now it seems that his basic combat strength cannot withstand their joint attack. So what if he wants to transform into a giant? Or is it better to enter the second personality? Or is it better to be possessed by a demon?

No matter which one of these three types it is, it will increase his combat power, but there is no doubt that the increase of transforming into a giant is the most powerful among the three.

Ding Ning quickly made a decision and planned to fight quickly. Otherwise, if someone discovered the three-headed monster, he didn't know what kind of panic it would bring. He immediately sneered: "Do you really think you are the only one who can transform?"

Burning gold blood!

Ding Ning opened his mouth and let out a roar, and the terrifying sound waves spread around him, and he forcefully knocked back Charlie's condescending palm.

The faces of the three monsters changed dramatically, and their eyes showed horror. They looked in disbelief as the muscles around the black-faced man expanded crazily. With a tearing sound, the clothes on his body were torn, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a towering giant more than thirty meters tall. , their three-meter-tall figures were as small as ants in front of the giant.

The terrifying power made the three of them tremble. Without making eye contact, they turned around and ran away without hesitation. They always thought that they were monsters, but they didn't expect that this black-faced man was the real monster.

Zhao Shu's eyes widened in shock, and he looked at the terrifying giant in disbelief. His mind went blank. What kind of monster did he provoke?

On the contrary, Keke didn't react at all. In her eyes, no matter what Ding Ning became, he was still the big brother who loved and doted on her.

If it weren't for...if it weren't for the indescribable feeling that Zhao Shu brought her, she would never want to go against her elder brother.

"I want to leave, but it's too late!"

A loud bell-like sound rang out. Ding Ning just raised his foot slightly and lightly crushed it with his big toe. Charlie, who was the fastest escaping man, was stepped into the ground by an invisible force. The smooth concrete road clicked like a sound. Spider web-like patches of cracks.

Sorry, people in Zhoujiang, it seems this road needs to be rebuilt.


Orcs also have dignity, okay? No matter how scared he is, the wild nature contained in his animal genes also gives him extraordinary courage. He wields his sharp wolf claws and scratches desperately. Ding Ning accidentally let him break free. The ground escaped.

"Hey, it's really interesting."

Ding Ning was surprised to see that although Charlie looked disgraced, with blood on the corners of his mouth, and looked extremely embarrassed, he had not been harmed much. He did not expect that these guys' defense would increase so much after they transformed into monsters.

But so what, just now he just tapped it casually with his toes, without even using 1% of his strength. If he didn't accept it, he would just keep doing it, and he would lift his foot and step down hard again.

Charlie seemed to be completely irritated, and let out a shocking roar. His blood-red eyes instantly turned scarlet, and his body expanded again. In the blink of an eye, he turned into a human wolf more than six meters tall. He raised his dark wolf claws and fiercely He grabbed at the soles of Ding Ning's feet.

"Charlie actually completed his second transformation? Now that kid is finished."

Cold and Kaman said with excitement and excitement in their eyes, with envy and surprise in their eyes.

They have the ability to transform through potions, but only a few people can trigger a second transformation under extreme circumstances. Although the sequelae of the second transformation are much more serious than the sequelae of the first transformation, they will be weaker for a longer period of time. It takes a while to recover, but the combat power it possesses is completely different from that of a transformation. It can increase the combat power almost ten times, so how can they not be envious.


But the scene that happened next moment made their expressions change drastically, and their hands and feet felt as cold as if they had been poured cold water on their heads.

In their eyes, the second transformation, which was invincible, turned into a joke after Ding Ning stepped into a deep pit with his casual kick.

There was a loud bang, the ground cracked, and dust flew into the air. In the deep pit, Charlie let out a shrill scream, and blood spurted out like underground water.

The second transformation was very strong, but it was vulnerable to a giant that was more than thirty meters tall. Ding Ning only used less than half of his strength to step on him and break his bones and tendons. He vomited blood crazily in his mouth and his body was fast. He was shrunk and was forcibly knocked back to his original shape. He was lying dying at the bottom of the pit, looking like he would not survive.

Cold and Carman were so frightened that they could not care about Charlie's life or death, so they turned around and ran away.

"I told you, none of you can run away."

Ding Ning's cold voice resounded through the sky like the death-defying Yama, causing the two transformed monsters to fly away. They even tried their best to feed themselves, running as fast as they could.

"Those who offend our country must be punished!"

The cold voice sounded again, and Cold felt enveloped by a huge shadow. He couldn't help but feel the soul of the dead, and roared in madness. He rolled on the spot, narrowly avoiding the big foot falling from the sky, and gravel splashed on his face. It was burning and painful.

Ding Ning is also helpless. Transforming into a giant is very powerful, but the huge body and terrifying power also have disadvantages, that is, slow movement.

To put it bluntly, it was fortunate that these guys were pseudo-saints who took drugs and could not borrow the power of heaven and earth, so he had the opportunity to kill them. If it were a real holy warrior who wanted to run away, he would still I'm really not sure I can stop it.

He raised his foot again and stepped down hard. Although the movement was a bit slow, fortunately the foot was big enough and the area covered was wide enough. If he couldn't be killed by one foot, he would just step on it a few more times.

Cold screamed in horror, looking at the super big foot falling from the sky in fear, rolling around desperately, but after Ding Ningfu got a war trampling in his heart, he could only scream in despair, and was trampled alive. Turned into minced meat.

Ding Ning looked astonished. It turns out that this is the correct way to use War Stomp. The power is really terrifying.

But the consequences were also serious. The road with a radius of 100 meters had turned into a huge sinkhole. The street lights on both sides collapsed like fragile grass. The scene was as miserable as if it had just been ravaged by a typhoon.

After silently expressing his apology to the fellow villagers in Chongzhoujiang, Ding Ning turned his head and looked at Kaman who was shivering. It was time to end. There was too much movement here and it had alarmed many people. He could see countless cars. The lights are flashing and they are speeding towards here.

"now you."

Ding Ning said indifferently, then raised his feet.

It was better to die than to live. How could Kaman be willing to just sit back and wait for death? He suddenly rushed towards Zhao Shu and Coco like a meteor, shouting crazily: "If you want to die, let's die together."

He could tell that this mysterious black-faced man who could transform seemed to care a lot about Coco, so if he could catch Coco, he might still have a chance of survival.

"you dare!"

Ding Ning's expression suddenly changed, and he yelled angrily with eyes split open, cursing himself for being careless in his heart. He didn't expect that Kaman would jump over the wall to kidnap Coco, and ran towards Coco without hesitation.

The shortcomings of being able to transform into a giant are clearly revealed at this moment. Although the distance of each step he takes is very large, his speed is disadvantageous. It cannot be compared to the desperate and well-prepared Kaman who jumped up in the flash of lightning. Next to Coco, he grabbed her with a ferocious smile.

At this moment, Ding Ning is still at least ten meters away from Coco. This ten-meter distance can be reached in less than half a second, but this half second is so far away that it is out of reach.

Although Coco tried her best to protect herself and waved countless tentacles to block Kaman crazily, her strength was too far behind that of the Saint to stop Kaman even for a second.

Just when Ding Ning was furious, gnashing his teeth in hatred but helpless, and Kaman was about to strangle Coco's neck, Zhao Shu, who had been leaning in Coco's arms with a pale face, suddenly turned over, pressed Coco under him, and blocked Kaman with his back. Man, with a pop, Kaman's tiger claw penetrated Zhao Shu's body like cutting tofu.

Kaman was stunned, and Ding Ning was also stunned. They didn't expect that Zhao Shu would make such a move at this time.

"Young Master Su, are you so crazy? Do you know that not only will I die, but you will also die?"

Kaman roared hysterically. He was just a little bit away, just a little bit away. He could catch Coco and escape, but this damn Zhao Shu had completely cut off his last chance of survival.

Ding Ning was just stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately. Without hesitation, he grabbed Kaman, who had a look of despair on his face, and squeezed him hard. The terrifying force crushed him into pulp.

"Master, master..."

Coco's big, pure eyes were full of panic at the moment. She was trembling and hugging Zhao Shu, who had a face as white as gold paper, and cried heartbreakingly.

Ding Ning put away his transformation and returned to his original state, standing there quietly looking at Zhao Shu who was on the verge of death. He felt extremely complicated and didn't know what it was like.

It was this person who had brought him countless troubles and countless dangers to the people around him. This person had sinned so heinously that he would never be able to atone for his sins even if he died.

But at the last moment of his life, he resolutely made a move to protect Coco, which made him suddenly feel that he was not so heartless, and that he still had an undiminished conscience after all.

It's not because of his kindness as a woman, nor because of his softness. In fact, as long as he wants to, he is fully capable of saving Zhao Shu at this moment.

But he didn't want to leave himself with a threat lurking in the darkness that could give him or the people around him a fatal blow at any time, even though according to blood relationship, he should call this person his cousin.

Therefore, he just watched silently, waiting for the end of the life of this cruel and ruthless man who would do anything.

"Keke, don't...don't be so nice to me, I...I don't deserve it...I'm just a's's me who ruined your life..."

Zhao Shu's face was pale and colorless. He raised his hand with difficulty and caressed Coco's tear-covered face. His eyes were filled with deep guilt. A tear flowed from the corner of his eye and he murmured in a sleepy voice: "I used to just treat you as a plaything, but since you disappeared, I missed you like crazy, and I realized that I had fallen in love with you a long time ago. Coco, I'm sorry, I killed your whole family, Even your father was killed by me myself, your name is Shangguan Keke..."

Coco's eyes widened in confusion, looking at him at a loss. With her child-like IQ, she didn't quite understand what he was expressing. She didn't even have any idea about her family and father, but she just felt an inexplicable feeling in her heart. The sadness made her burst into tears and she kept sobbing.

The wound on Zhao Shu's back was deep and had already hurt his heart. The blood spread quickly under him, seeping into the ground and dyeing it dark red.

Ding Ning listened to Zhao Shu's confessional murmur and secretly clenched his fists. He really didn't understand why a person like Zhao Shu had such a twisted personality. He killed his whole family and turned such a simple and innocent little girl into a human being. The ghostless monster actually kept saying that he fell in love with her in the end, which made him feel that it was the greatest irony in life.

Can such a vicious, vicious and inhumane person really still have such a true and beautiful emotion as love? Ding Ning felt deeply confused about this.

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