Medical Sovereign

One Thousand Seven Hundred and Nineteen Telephone Cooker

After hanging up the phone, Ding Ning immediately called Fan Kun.

Fan Kun was very happy to receive the call. He thought it was the Chinese New Year and Ding Ning was organizing a gathering for these old classmates.

As a result, before they even exchanged a few words, Ding Ning sincerely apologized to him, saying that it was because of him that he suffered this time.

"Wait a minute, Lao Liu, what are you talking about? What about being involved, what about suffering? Why can't I understand? Where are you? I'm in Ninghai now. Let's find some time to get together in the past two days."

Fan Kun was confused and interrupted him and asked confusedly.

"You are in Ninghai, not Zhoujiang?"

Ding Ning's heart skipped a beat, realizing that something seemed wrong.

"Zhoujiang? Why should I go to Zhoujiang? Since the last party, I have been staying in Yanjing to work on the branch office. I just returned to Ninghai yesterday. Speaking of which, I haven't thanked your sister-in-law yet. She introduced a few people in Yanjing I got to know my friends, and with their care, the branch’s business is booming. Haha, now my old man can’t stop smiling from ear to ear every day.”

Fan Kun said with excitement, he had seen the energy of Xiaoyao's friends during this period, and they could easily solve things that were so difficult in his eyes with just one phone call.

After experiencing the ups and downs of human relationships, he has become a lot more mature now. He has not become arrogant because of this. Instead, he has become more low-key and humble, and has got rid of his habit of showing off.

Because he knew very well that the success of the branch was all due to Xiaoyao's friends, and all of this was done for Ding Ning's sake, so he felt grateful from the bottom of his heart. Otherwise, just the revenge of the Wang family would make him disgraced. Get out of Yanjing in a hurry.

"Well, that's good. I'm out of town these two days. When I get back, let's find a time to get together. I have something else to do, so I'll hang up first."

Ding Ning smiled and hung up the phone, quickly dialing Ding Qianlie.

Although he didn't come forward about Fan Kun's matter, he knew it very well, because he was the one who asked Xiaoyao to say hello to Huzi. With the top young men in Yanjing taking care of him, Fan Kun's small company had no chance of doing business. Disaster.

"Hey, hey, damn, why did this guy die? I didn't even have time to ask him what he meant before."

Fan Kun heard the blind tone on the phone and said dumbfounded. He quickly dialed Ding Ning, only to find that the phone was still on. He shook his head speechlessly and muttered: "This guy is really busy."

"He is not Fan Kun but Wang Bo.

This piece of shit is really haunting. "

Listening to Ding Qianlie's detailed description of "Fan Kun", Ding Ning's face darkened. In fact, he had never looked at Wang Bo, let alone cared about him, and had never thought about it. how is he.

It's just that this Wang Bo has a bad character, a petty mind, an extremely dark mentality, and a strong jealousy. He likes to flatter others and suppress others. He is a complete villain. He deliberately targeted him when he was in college. When he was frustrated, he often gloated with sarcasm. , as if he couldn't show his presence without stepping on him.

Ding Ning didn't bother to pay attention to such a person. The last time he met Wang Bo accidentally at the 4S store, this guy came to provoke him again. As a result, he lost his face and lost his job. Since then, he has not heard of him. News about Wang Bo.

But he never thought that this almost forgotten "old classmate" would appear in his life in this way.

Even though the two were not on good terms before, if Wang Bo sincerely changed his ways, he would not argue with a little person. But how could this piece of shit be related to the Goddess organization? He happened to be locked up with his sister, and the most important thing was that this guy pretended to be Fan Kun, which made him have to be vigilant.

It stands to reason that with his current strength and status, he doesn't have to argue with a small person like Wang Bo, but now that Wang Bo is related to the Goddess organization, he has to be cautious.

The lessons learned from Zhao Shu are still fresh in his mind. Who knows if Wang Bo will become a monster like Zhao Shu if he gets the gene potion.

"Wang Bo? Isn't he your classmate? But why did he say he was Fan Kun?"

Ding Qianlie was stunned. She didn't expect that she was deceived, which made her confused about Wang Bo's intention.

"We are classmates, but they are the ones with whom we have the worst relationship. We have been at odds with each other since we were in school."

Ding Ning explained, and then said seriously: "Sister, if you see Wang Bo again, don't say anything, just arrest him, and then call me. I want to see what he wants to do."

"Okay, I understand. Hmph, I haven't even settled the score with him yet. How dare you lie to me? Let's see how I deal with him then."

Ding Qianlian said angrily.

"Have you met Mom?"

Ding Ning chatted with her sister for a few more words before she asked.

"Well, I saw you. I'm resting in the room next to my mother. She heard that I was pregnant and she couldn't close her mouth with joy."

Ding Qianlie said a little funny.

"Haha, Mom is going to be a grandma, she must be happy."

A warm smile appeared on Ding Ning's lips, and she said apologetically: "Sister, I'm sorry, you were frightened, and I didn't even have time to accompany you."

"What's the matter? You're busy with business. Oh, by the way, although everyone is safe this time, it also exposed your relationship with Mom. Mom suspects that Mr. Su is related to the Zhao family in Yanjing. You should be careful. point."

Ding Qianlie changed his tone and said seriously.

"Just expose it, we have nothing to be afraid of."

Ding Ning said nonchalantly, with his current strength and social status, he has nothing to fear except the powerful ones at the level of the Human Emperor.

"That's what I say, but the Zhao family should not be underestimated. I just chatted with my mother for a while. She is not worried about herself. She is worried that my father will not be safe outside."

Ding Qianlie hesitated and said, "My mother left you because some people from the Zhao family and the Su family threatened her with my father's life and yours."

Ding Ning was silent when he heard this. Although he had known for a long time that his mother had no choice but to leave him, but now that the old things were brought up again, the anger in his heart continued to rise and could not be calmed down for a long time.

"The Zhao family should all die!"

After a long time, Ding Ning finally said through gritted teeth. In fact, he knew very well that the Zhao family was just the pressure party, and some people from the Su family were the real accomplices.

But no matter what, those people were my mother's blood relatives, and he couldn't touch them without her permission.

Ding Qianlie could hear the repressed anger and resentment in his tone, and he sighed faintly: "I'm not worried about anything else right now. I'm just worried that my dad won't be safe outside. Mom and I feel the same way..."

"Let Mom come to Paradise Island during the Chinese New Year."

Ding Ning directly interrupted his sister and said without any doubt.

He knew what his sister wanted to say, and it was probably conveying what his mother meant. Before he was fully prepared, his mother did not want to expose the mother-son relationship between them.

He could understand his mother's mood. She said she was worried about his father, but in fact she was still worried about his safety, lest the Zhao family would do something bad to him.

After all, my mother is not a warrior and has always lived in a society ruled by law. She has no idea how terrifying the strength he now possesses is.

Since my mother is worried, he will show his strength in a way that her mother can understand.

"Well, well then, Du Xing is going to give birth in a few months. We can't have a baby and the wife has never even met her mother-in-law."

Ding Qianlie said jokingly, which made Ding Ning blush. If she hadn't suddenly mentioned it, he would have been instinctively avoiding this question.

Children not only represent the continuation of the bloodline, but also represent a kind of responsibility. Ling Xing gave him children without any regrets, but he could not even give her a title, which made him feel extremely guilty.

"Sister, after the Chinese New Year, shall we go get the certificate?"

Ding Ning suddenly spoke, and the other end of the phone suddenly became quiet.

"Sister, as soon as the marriage registration office opens during the Chinese New Year, we will go get the certificate."

If the previous sentence was a question, then Ding Ning's sentence was an affirmative sentence, full of unquestionable determination.

After a long time, Ding Qianlie let out a soft "hmm", with a thick nasal sound, as if he had a cold.

Ding Ning knew that her sister was crying. She had been waiting for her words for a long time. Her heart was instantly filled with self-blame and guilt. She mustered up the courage to say softly: "Wife, I love you!"

Ding Qianlie trembled all over, his cheeks were flushed, and tears could no longer hold back his eyes, but this time he cried with joy, and responded softly: "Husband, I love you too."

From the moment she was picked up by Suningxiang, she was destined to become Ding Ning's wife in this life. She had also been unwilling and complained, but at this moment, all her unwillingness and complaints disappeared, and she felt no in her heart. She was full of affection and sweetness, with a faint blush and tears on her pretty face, showing a shy and sweet smile.

"Hey, you will be my wife from now on."

Ding Ning grinned stupidly, and her heart suddenly felt at ease. It turned out that saying "I love you" was not that difficult. In fact, her sister had been waiting for his words.

"Silly, I haven't received my certificate yet."

Ding Qianlie wiped away his tears and said angrily.

"Sooner or later."

Ding Ning was like a young man who had just fallen in love. In this late night, he stood alone in the darkness and had endless things to say with Ding Qianlie.

Ding Ning reluctantly hung up the phone until the phone's battery became hot and the battery was about to run out and the alarm was called.

In the night, his eyes were shining brightly, and he murmured to himself: "Since you all want to see a powerful me, then I will let you see my true strength, so that no one will dare to point fingers at us anymore. , arbitrary bullying.”

Ninghai, Qingyun Security, Zhu Wuxia's assistant dormitory.

Zhu Wuxia slept particularly soundly that night. Ever since Ding Qianlie was kidnapped, she had been in a state of anxiety and had not slept soundly for several days.

It wasn't until last night when Youwu called him and told her that everyone was safe and sound that her anxious heart fell back into her stomach, she took a nice bath and went to bed happily.

Just as she was sleeping soundly, a figure entered her room quietly and turned on the light without grace. The strong light woke her up instantly.

After covering his eyes and adjusting to the light, Zhu Wuxia saw clearly that a man wearing a Zorro-style half mask was sitting on the sofa in an elegant manner, slowly lighting up a cigarette and smoking.

"Who are you?"

Zhu Wuxia's hair stood on end and his heart was pounding, but he forced himself to ask calmly.

Qingyun's security was tight, and there were ghost warriors guarding the dark places. Who was this man? He was able to enter her room silently, which made her feel terrified.

Ding Ning glanced at this woman with admiration. She was worthy of being the daughter of leader Wu Shu. Her calm demeanor in the face of danger seemed to have the necessary elements for a leader of an intelligence organization to act alone.

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