Medical Sovereign

One Thousand Eight Hundred and Nine Xiang Tiange’s Instructions

Although the Demon Emperor didn't know why she was so sure that Ding Ning was not dead, since she was so sure, there was no sadness on her face, and she was immediately relieved.

Lao Huai smiled happily and said: "As long as it's okay, it's okay, then I'll be relieved. Otherwise, his grandma and I really can't explain anything."

"Grandma? Are you Grandma's father?"

The listless Ling Yun suddenly raised his head and asked in surprise.

Ding Ning's grandmother is Master Jingxin. Not only did she know about it, she had also seen her. But what she didn't expect was that Master Jingxin was so old and her father was still alive and still so young. He looked like he was four years old. He looks like a middle-aged man in his teens.

But thinking that he had easily killed Kurikamas, who had left everyone helpless, I immediately felt relieved. Such a super strong man,

"Yes, otherwise how could I say he was his great-grandfather?"

The Demon Emperor stroked his chin reservedly, then suddenly remembered that he looked like a beardless man now, and put down his hand in a somewhat sarcastic manner.

"He Linger (Ling Yun) (Feng Pianwu) has met Grandpa Zeng."

Now that the identity of the Demon Emperor was confirmed, he was the elder. The three women did not dare to neglect him and bowed to him one after another.

"Excuse me. I don't know where Ning'er is now. What are your next plans..."

Before he finished speaking, the Demon Emperor suddenly turned his head and looked at the sky in the distance, and then said: "Someone is coming, you should leave quickly."

The three girls of He Ling'er were a little confused. What happened if someone came? It's not like they are shameless.

Ling Yun reacted and said quickly: "It should be the military from various countries. I don't know which country they are from. What should I do with these demons?"

"Since Ding Ning has decided to take them in, let's take them away."

He Ling'er bit her lip. Although she was not happy to take in these ugly demons, since it was Ding Ning's decision, she could only take them away.

The Demon Emperor's eyes flashed and he said in surprise: "You want to take in these demons?"

Demons were notoriously cunning and treacherous. He really couldn't understand why Ding Ning wanted to take in these demons.


This is Ding Ning's decision, and we don't want to go against his wishes. "

Feng Pianwu nodded solemnly.

"Then be careful, I'll leave first."

Not wanting to be seen, the Demon Emperor immediately waved his hand, turned around and took a step forward, disappearing without a trace.

"Let's go, let's take these demons deep into the mountains first, avoid the sight of these people, and then teleport away."

He Ling'er said decisively, supported the two frail girls, and took the lead to walk deeper into the valley.

The demon army was uneasy, with confusion in their eyes. Ding Ning was no longer here, and they didn't know whether the previous agreement was still valid. If He Ling'er and others left them alone, they really didn't know what to do.

"Follow us, hurry up, don't fall behind, and be careful not to leave any traces on the road."

After taking the elixir, Lang Kui recovered a lot of energy. He rode a bloodthirsty wolf and greeted the demon army.

The demon army was immediately overjoyed. It seemed that although Ding Ning was gone, his men were still carrying out the agreement as agreed. They followed immediately, keeping in mind Lang Kui's instructions. They walked very lightly and kept walking from time to time along the way. traces of cleaning.

He Ling'er, who was walking at the front, said distressedly: "Where are these demons going to go? They can't be brought back to Paradise Island, right?"

"Who knows what Ding Ning is thinking? He didn't say anything. How should we arrange it?"

Feng Pianwu complained.

"It's definitely not possible to arrange to go to Paradise Island. I think it's better to contact Sister Qianyou and see what she means."

Ling Yun said with a helpless face.

"It seems that's all it can do."

He Ling'er shrugged, took out her cell phone and looked at it. She saw that although the signal was only one bar, there was still a signal, so she quickly dialed Ding Qianlie's number.

Ding Qianlie is now basically immune to Ding Ning disappearing at every turn. No matter where he is, as long as he is still alive.

When she learned that there were 60,000 to 70,000 demons to be admitted, she also had a headache. After all, demons are different from humans and would be eye-catching wherever they were placed. This made her worried.

"Take them to Myanmar to see the medicinal materials base."

Finally, Luoxue on the side gave him an idea.

“It seems that’s all we can do for the time being.”

Ding Qianlie thought for a while and immediately made the decision.

There was no way, Ding Ning was not here, and they didn't dare to let the demons stay on Paradise Island. Not to mention the danger they might bring, just looking at their appearance made them panic, so it was better to stay far away and wait for Ding Ning to come back. Make plans again.

He Ling'er got the letter without any ink, so he immediately asked Lang Kui to send a message so that the demons could be mentally prepared.

The demons didn't care where they went. Although Yaoyuanzi looked a little different from what Ding Ning said before, as long as they had enough to eat.

"Fortunately, Ding Ning has improved the teleportation array and can use the energy of heaven and earth as energy. Otherwise, just the spiritual crystals needed for teleportation would bankrupt us."

Deep in the valley, the three women sat bored on a big rock, watching the demons lining up and being transported to the Burmese medicinal material base one after another. Ling Yun held his cheek and smiled bitterly.

"I wonder how he is doing now?"

Feng Pianwu said with a worried face.

Compared to Ling Yun and He Ling'er, her current mood is the most complicated. After all, she has not been to Paradise Island yet, and there are many sisters she has not met. Will they welcome her?

"Don't worry, he is blessed with great fortune. No place can trap him. He will definitely come back soon."

He Ling'er comforted him with confidence.

For Ding Ning, women from the demon race are far more confident than women from the human race. After all, they have seen Ding Ning create miracles one after another.

In their hearts, they not only admire Ding Ning, but also have unspeakable admiration for him.

Ling Yun was now done with the old Amon, and he immediately saw Feng Pianwu's hidden worry and embarrassment. He hugged her shoulders carelessly and said: "Sisters are very easy to get along with, don't worry."

Feng Pianwu responded with a shy smile, but she felt much more at peace in her heart, with a hint of expectation.

On the helicopter, Xiahou Weiyang stood motionless in all directions, looking out the window with a determined face, and a powerful aura that could not be concealed flowing through his body.

"Third brother, these aliens are very strong. You must be careful later. If something cannot be done, retreat immediately. Don't force yourself."

Xiang Tiange sat next to Xiahou Weiyang and warned him worriedly.

"I know this. Now I'm just worried that Lao Jiu has... ugh!"

Xiahou Weiyang looked calm, but there was lingering sadness between her brows.

If the earthen jar is not broken near the well, the general will inevitably die in battle.

They had been fighting on the battlefield all their lives, and they had long been accustomed to seeing life and death. If Qu Wuyou died on the battlefield, he would shed tears at most, but in his heart he would be proud of his brother, because it was a sacrifice for the country and the people.

They had survived so many swords and swords, but now, if Qu Wuyou died here in a daze, it would make him feel worthless and aggrieved.

"Marquis Wu, I have nothing to ask for, I just ask you to bring back my father's body and let him bury him in peace."

Ye Qingxuan's eyes were filled with tears, and he said on the verge of tears.

Although she really wanted Xiahou Weiyang to kill Kurikamas to avenge her father, she knew that even though Wuhou had broken through to the Holy Martial Realm, he was by no means a match for those demons.

The fact that he was willing to take huge risks to collect Qu Wuyou's body was a testament to his loyalty.

Xia Hou Weiyang looked at her with soft eyes and said softly: "Xiao Jing'er, you are the blood of Lao Jiu. Don't call me Wu Hou. From now on, just call me Third Uncle."

"Well, Third Uncle!"

Ye Qingxuan nodded heavily.

"Don't worry, your father is my comrade-in-arms and my brother. We have been together through thick and thin for so many years. Naturally, I will not let his body be exposed in the wilderness."

Xiahou Weiyang said with firm eyes.

The powerful power overflowed involuntarily, making Ye Qingxuan secretly frightened. Is this the aura that just broke through the holy martial arts? Why does it feel stronger than those old antiques at the peak of Shengwu?

Xiang Tiange glanced at Xiahou Weiyang enviously, is this the aura of the Holy Martial Realm? So strong, at least dozens of times stronger than before the breakthrough.

Xiahou Weiyang was keenly aware of his envy, patted his shoulder, and said with a wry smile: "Just after the breakthrough, the power cannot be fully controlled, and it will always leak out unconsciously. After the things here are over, you Just go into seclusion and break through immediately, Lao Jiu... Hey! I hope good luck will come to you."

Xiahou Weiyang originally wanted to encourage Xiang Tiange, but as soon as he mentioned Qu Wuyou, his mood suddenly disappeared, and he let out a long sigh and remained silent.

Although they all knew that Qu Wuyou would probably die this time, before seeing his body, they still had a little bit of luck in their hearts.

"No matter what, Lao Jiu's revenge must be avenged."

Xiang Tiange said with fierce eyes: "I have already reported to my superiors. The superiors have communicated with the officials of the Kazakhstan country and agreed that our army will be stationed in the Kazakhstan country to help eliminate the aliens. Now Greedy Wolf is in charge of the deployment. I am only waiting for you. After coming out, we immediately bombed the entire valley without blind spots."

"Don't be impatient. Let's wait and see the specific situation. If the man with wings can communicate best, I will join hands with him to kill the most powerful demon. If he can't communicate, we will act according to the plan at that time. "

Xiahou Weiyang said calmly.

"Well, save me. If that strong man can communicate, you can advise him not to come out of the valley."

Xiang Tiange said with something in mind.

Xiahou Weiyang nodded silently to express her understanding.

They had been together for decades, and he could understand the meaning of some words without saying them explicitly.

Birdman looks like a Chinese. Regardless of whether he can kill those aliens in the end or whether he is a hero who saves all mankind, there are many people who don't want to see him alive.

The birds are all good and the bows are hidden, and the cunning rabbits are dead and being cooked by running dogs.

When the alien race was annihilated, the Birdman had no use value. When some people thought that his existence would become a threat, they would kill him.

Even though the people coming from the US military were very secretive, they couldn't hide it from Xiang Tiange's eyes.

It's hard for them to say anything about such a thing. They can't completely break up with the United States over this, right? It's not in the country's interest and they can't stop it.

But they didn't want to see a human hero like Birdman killed like this, so he could only ask Xiahou Weiyang to remind the Birdman to be careful as much as possible.

Ding Ning vaguely felt as if he was in a world of blood and fire, with red magma flowing everywhere and countless creatures fighting.

Those creatures were humans and beasts, and there were countless strange and strange races that he had never heard of or seen before.

But without exception, those creatures were terrifyingly powerful, and the power they exuded from their movements was as terrifying as destroying heaven and earth.

Ding Ning was terrified. He didn't know why he appeared in such a terrifying world. He subconsciously turned invisible immediately, fearing that he would accidentally be affected by the battle and beat him to death.

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