Medical Sovereign

One Thousand Eight Hundred and Nineteen Delaying Time

"That's right, not to mention that Mo Dayan can improve things in the past. Now he does what he says. He even let us leave before. It was us who took the initiative to stay."

Jin Wuhun still said straightforwardly.

"So, don't try to drive a wedge between us here. It's useless."

Huo Wuhun unceremoniously exposed Yin Yang Wuhun's conspiracy.

"Haha, you are really stupid when I say you are stupid. He is deceiving you. If he is really as affectionate and righteous as you say, why has he abandoned you now?"

Yin Yang Wuhun continued tepidly, but he was actually testing what Ding Ning was doing.

"He didn't abandon us, he just..."

Jin Wuhun retorted hurriedly, but before he could finish his words, Shui Wuhun sharply interrupted him: "Shut up, he's trying to trick you."

"I...yeah, I'm so angry. This bastard is really insidious. I almost fell into his trap."

Only then did Jin Wuhun react and screamed angrily. He had to admit that in terms of IQ, ten of his own combined were no match for this insidious guy.

The Yin Yang Martial Spirit's face darkened, and he stared at the Water Martial Spirit with squinted eyes. In his opinion, these Martial Spirits were just idiots who were just born with intelligence. He could instigate them to rebel by just provoking them with a few words.

But he didn't expect that the water martial soul could actually see his intentions, which surprised him. This water martial soul seemed to be not simple. How could a newly born spiritual intelligence have such a high IQ? This was too abnormal.

Could it be that this water martial spirit, like himself, is also a reincarnated spirit inserted by someone, so who is the person behind him? What's the purpose? Do you also want to take this plane as your own?

This made him confused and worried. Although his father was the star master in the source world, there were many forces that he could not afford to offend.

If this unexplored plane had been targeted by some powerful force that could not afford to offend, then things would be in trouble. He did not want to create a strong enemy for his family that he could not afford to offend.

Shui Wuhun looked at him expressionlessly, and there was no emotion in Gujing Wubo's eyes. He could roughly guess what Yin Yang Wuhun was thinking, but who cared, as long as Ding Ning believed in him, it was enough.

Yin Yang Wuhun's face was uncertain, and he finally gritted his teeth and said, "Who cares, since he didn't reveal his identity, then he would just pretend to be stupid."

As long as he can win this plane and become a psychic Taoist fetus, it will be worth it even if he offends a certain big force. When the time comes, the worst he can do is spit out the piece of fat he got to make amends.

Besides, his father is also the Star Master under Emperor Yao Xuan. Even if the other party refuses to give up, Emperor Yao Xuan will not sit idly by.

Thinking of this, the Yin Yang Martial Spirit suddenly felt confident again. He ignored the deep gaze of the Shui Martial Spirit and drew a cold arc at the corner of his mouth: "Since you are so stubborn, don't blame me for being ruthless."

"It's useless to talk too much, as long as the subordinates see the truth."

Jin Wuhun is not only straightforward, but also a fighting madman like Huo Wuhun. Even if he knows that he is defeated, he will never give in.

The Five Elements Formation was activated again. This time, the Five Elements Martial Spirits were fighting for their lives. Instead of isolating the Yin and Yang Martial Spirits, they were trapping them in it, lest he forcefully rush into the sea of ​​consciousness and ruin Ding Ning's plan. .

The Yin Yang Martial Spirit suffered several small losses and no longer dared to underestimate the Five Elements Martial Spirit. Besides, although he didn't know what Ding Ning could do after entering the Sea of ​​Consciousness, he felt vaguely uneasy in his heart.

Therefore, there was no mercy in the attack this time, which made the Five Elements Martial Spirit feel even more strenuous. He could only use all his energy to cling to him.

But the price was also heavy. Jin Wuhun, who rushed to the front and acted as the direct force in the formation, coughed up soul blood, and his face was pale and there was no trace of human color.

Although Huo Wuhun was also seriously injured, he immediately took over from Jin Wuhun and became the sharp knife of the formation. Wild flames flew all over the sky, burning everything.

It's a pity that in front of a strong man of Yin Yang Martial Spirit's level, it was of no use at all. He just punched a few times and was sent flying backwards, and the Five Elements Formation was declared broken.

As soon as the formation was broken, the Five Elements Martial Spirits lost their last barrier, and were knocked to the ground one by one by the Yin and Yang Martial Spirits as fast as lightning. If he hadn't kept the Five Elements Martial Spirits, they were still useful, and besides, he was afraid of killing the Water Martial Spirits. The forces behind it were so offended that there was no way to end it, and their men deliberately left some strength behind, fearing that they would really disappear.

Shui Wuhun's face was ashen, and he completely lost his previous composure and calmness. He struggled to get up and stood in front of Yin Yang Wuhun with a resolute expression.

"Get out of the way, you should know that my men have shown mercy."

Yin Yang Wuhun frowned, feeling annoyed at Shui Wuhun's ignorant promotion.

"He, you can't move, otherwise, no one can save you and the people behind you."

Shui Wuhun estimated the time to be less than five minutes, four and a half minutes. In desperation, he could only use words to disturb the other party's mind and delay the time.

"Who...are you? And who do you represent?"

Yin Yang Wuhun asked with a confused expression.

He had been pretending to be deaf and mute because he was afraid that Shui Wuhun would reveal his identity and make him afraid, but now, Shui Wuhun couldn't help but reveal his identity after all, which made him depressed to death. He could give up this world, but He is bound to get the spiritual embryo.

"You are not qualified to know who I am and who I represent. All you need to know is that he is not someone you can offend."

Shui Wuhun's aura changed, from calm to flamboyant, from calm to arrogant, exuding an inviolable noble temperament, and spoke word by word.

That arrogant and arrogant look stunned Jin Wuhun and others. Is this still the quiet and elegant Tianshui in their impressions?

The Yin Yang Martial Spirit was completely suppressed, and his expression changed. He had no doubt that the Shui Martial Spirit was lying, because he had seen those young girls from the Imperial Clan and those unparalleled terrorist geniuses who were born with this kind of The awe-inspiring and inviolable temperament is an innate noble temperament that most people cannot imitate.

Such a person is indeed not someone he, a young star master, can afford to offend, but he is unwilling to do so.

There is a famous saying in Marx's "Das Kapital": With 50% profit, it will take desperate risks; for 100% profit, it dares to trample on all human laws; with 300% profit, it will Dare to commit any crime, even risk hanging your head.

This sentence also applies to the Yin Yang Martial Spirit at this time. The psychic Tao Fei is a pursuit that he cannot give up, and it is also the best shortcut to his peak.

Seeing that as long as Ding Ning is taken away, he can change his fate against the will of heaven, be reincarnated by a psychic Taoist body, and become a dragon among men with unparalleled qualifications comparable to those evildoers, how can he be so scared that he gives up easily with just a few words?

Therefore, just in the flash of lightning, Yin Yang Wuhun gritted his teeth and made a decision. For the unparalleled qualifications of the psychic Tao Fei, no matter how big the risk is, it is worth taking.

Besides, Shui Wuhun didn't tell who the force behind him was, so he could just pretend not to know, beat Shui Wuhun to the point of losing the ability to move, and then seize Ding Ning's body first.

As long as Shui Wuhun survives, this hatred is not irresolvable. It is nothing more than paying more benefits to make amends. As long as he can become a psychic Taoist fetus, any price paid will be worth it.

As for Shui Wuhun's warning, he didn't take it seriously at all. In his opinion, Ding Ning was just a lucky guy who got lucky and gathered the origin of heaven and earth. Can't afford it?

Although Shui Wuhun seemed calm and composed, he was always observing the facial expression of Yin Yang Wuhun. When he saw a fierce light flashing in his eyes, he immediately stepped back and shrugged: "Forget it, since you insist on committing suicide." I won’t stop you from seeking death, you can do whatever you want.”

After saying that, Shi Shiran walked aside and got out of the way, but silently counting the time in his heart, ten, nine, eight, seven...


Yin Yang Wuhun was stunned and didn't wake up for a long time. He didn't know what the water Wuhun was causing.

He was prepared to injure his martial soul with a heavy weight, but after exerting all his strength, he suddenly lost his target and almost suffered internal injuries.




When the time came, Shui Wuhun breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter what method he used, he stopped the Yin Yang Wuhun for five minutes as promised, and his mission was successfully completed.

Since he can solve the problem safely, why bother to suffer serious injuries? He is not that stupid.

Huo Wuhun and others looked at him with strange eyes, which made him shrug silently: "What look? Do I have flowers on my face?"

", you looked so domineering and handsome just now."

Huo Wuhun, who had always had a hot temper, showed a flattering expression and came up to flatter him like a pug.

"Yes, yes, brother, you were so pretending just now. I almost thought you were an alien from a higher plane."

Jin Wuhun leaned forward and gave a thumbs up, with an expression of admiration on his face.

"How is it possible? I just lied to that guy and delayed time."

The unnatural look on Shui Wuhun's face flashed away, and he pretended to be carefree.

"That's right, eldest... uh, how could eldest brother be from a different race? He is our brother and sister."

Mu Wuhun smiled and held Shui Wuhun's arm. His skillful movements made him look like a good best friend.

Only Tu Wuhun did not say a word, but smiled honestly, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

No one knows that he is the most intelligent one among the Five Elements Martial Spirits. It's just because of his personality. He never likes to be in the limelight, let alone talk, so he always behaves very low-key, which is why Shui Martial Soul takes the lead as the "big brother" .

But this does not mean that he is as simple and easy to deceive as the gold, fire and wood martial souls. He knows it in his heart. This is what Dazhi Ruoyu said.

He had long discovered that the water martial soul was abnormal. It behaved completely different from ordinary martial souls. Not only was it smart, but it was also a little too smart.

Moreover, she was too partial to Ding Ning, which was unreasonable and even vexatious, just like the unreasonable trust and preference of a pregnant girl towards her lover.

He always thought that "Shui Wuhun" had a soft spot for him because he fell in love with Ding Ning, but the scene that just happened made him realize that the origin of this companion seemed to be very simple, and it was very likely that it was more complicated than his own. Even more complicated.

This made him feel a little confused. Should he tell Ding Ning to take precautions? It would be fine if Shui Wuhun came with good intentions, but if he had other intentions, things would be troublesome.

But, in what capacity should he tell Ding Ning? If you tell him whether he believes it or not, he will probably doubt his origin, which is not worth the loss.

The doomsday disaster in Langya Realm caused the martial soul to break through and awaken its spiritual spirit. However, it also made the martial soul no longer so pure and activated the ambush laid by many people.

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