Medical Sovereign

One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty Charming Curiosity

But there are always some things in the world that plans cannot keep up with.

Just when Ding Ning decided to stop ink and prepare to search for Anze's soul, something unexpected happened.

After the powerful human beings and gods searched for the corpses of Jue Helan to no avail, their hearts were filled with sadness, and the atmosphere became depressing and heavy.

The black-faced man wiped away his tears and kicked the remains of the altar that had been destroyed by Jue's self-destruction as if to vent his anger.

It was this kick that caused the quiet space to change. Violent shocks were heard, and the entire space seemed to collapse instantly. Space cracks like bloody mouths suddenly opened in the surrounding air. Devouring everything.

The gods and human beings who were caught off guard screamed and were swallowed up by the space crack before they could make any response.

Ding Ning, who was about to search for souls, felt that the world was spinning, and the violent fluctuations in space came. He instantly lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground, rolling on the ground like a rolling gourd.

It felt like a ship going out to sea encountered a typhoon. It was constantly bumping in the huge waves. Ding Ning was shaken by the bumps, dizzy, and couldn't even stand steady.

Anze, whose whole body was sealed, was even more unlucky. He was rolling around without any ability to control himself. He was spinning around in circles and was miserable.

Ding Ning's heart suddenly sank to the bottom. Based on his experience of escaping from death many times in space turbulence, he knew that Mei was involved in the space turbulence at this moment.

Although he didn't like Mei and other gods, he was in her belly now, even though he didn't want to admit it. But from a certain perspective, she is now his mother.

It feels weird and absurd, but it's true.

Ding Ning felt depressed for a while when he thought that he was Mei's son. What kind of international joke was he making? That girl was just fine as a daughter-in-law, so she might as well forget about being a mother.

But now he couldn't think about it at all, because he noticed that Mei had begun to burn the original true fire to protect herself. The terrifying Purple Yin Burning Sky Fire continued to burn the space, burning the cracks in the space into nothingness.

It has to be said that even though Mei is essentially a goblin, she is still a goblin born from the Tongtian Lingbao and is extremely powerful. The terrifying turbulence of space cannot even harm her in the slightest under the burning of the Purple Yin Burning Sky Fire.

However, she could only protect herself, but she could not break out of the space turbulence area at all. She was constantly drifting with the space storm like a small boat in the stormy sea.

Being swept away into the distance.

Seeing that Mei was able to protect herself for a while, Ding Ning felt a little relieved, but then she started to worry about leaving.

Although Li is a strong man in the Origin Dao and is not much inferior to Mei in terms of strength, his ability to survive in the turbulence of space is definitely not comparable to that of fairies like Mei.

Not caring about anything else, Ding Ning let go of his consciousness and penetrated Mei's body, constantly searching for Li's figure in the violent spatial turbulence.

Mei keenly sensed this divine consciousness, and a strange color appeared on her face. Is this the divine consciousness released by the psychic Taoist fetus? Isn’t it true that psychic Tao fetuses can only channel psychic instincts? How come you still have divine consciousness?


Ding Ning suddenly groaned, his face turned pale and colorless. His consciousness was crushed by the violent spatial turbulence, causing him to suffer a strong backlash.


Anze let out a shrill scream, with soul blood hanging from the corner of his mouth. He stared at Ding Ning resentfully and yelled: "Use your spiritual consciousness to search the turbulence in space. Are you fucking crazy? Don't hold me back if you want to die."

"Shut up!"

Ding Ning stretched out his hand to wipe the soul blood from the corner of his mouth, cursed angrily, and once again released his consciousness to explore outside.


His consciousness was crushed again and again, and Ding Ning suffered backlash again and again. His face was frighteningly pale, but his eyes shone with perseverance that would not give up until he reached his goal.

In his heart, Li is not only his woman, but also the only daughter of that respectable old man, Lu. He has watched Lu die in front of his eyes and will never let Li make any mistakes again.

"Ah! You madman, if you want to die, just die by yourself. I haven't lived enough yet. Let's separate now, immediately."

The consciousness was crushed again and again, and the sea of ​​​​consciousness suffered backlash again and again, but Ding Ning had no intention of stopping. The severe pain of his soul being torn apart finally made Anze collapse, crying and actively asking to separate from Ding Ning. .

"If you want to separate, hurry up, I still need to find someone."

Anze finally agreed to separate from his soul. This was a good thing, but Ding Ning couldn't be happy because he saw that several strong human beings had been torn into pieces by the space storm and annihilated in the turbulence of space. , but Li was never seen.

"Bonus, I'll break it up now, I'm in trouble. I'm so crazy to meet such a lunatic like you."

Anze didn't care whether the psychic Tao fetus or not. The pain of having his soul torn apart made him miserable, and he didn't want to try it again.

Although it is sealed, peeling off the soul does not require any action, it is just a matter of mind control.

Soon, Anze's soul kept squirming like a maggot, not only breaking away from the Yin Yang Martial Spirit, but even the main soul.

It's not that he wants to do this, but any soul that belongs to Ding Ning will make him suffer the pain of having his soul torn apart. He doesn't want to experience that kind of inhuman pain at all, so no matter how reluctant he is, he can only return it to Zhao intact.

Ding Ning felt happy. He didn't expect that the matter that had been bothering him would be solved like this. If he had known it was so simple, he would have tortured himself a long time ago.

However, this is someone like Anze who is afraid of taking care of his life. If it were any other warrior, he would never spit out what he had eaten so easily.

Quickly merging the main soul and the martial soul, the powerful aura continued to rise, and even the pain of being crushed was reduced a lot.

Ding Ning was secretly surprised, and then burst with joy. Unexpectedly, after being "borrowed" by Anze, the main soul and Yin Yang martial soul would undergo some kind of transformation. They became more solid and vigorous than before. It seems that the breakthrough to the ninth level of the holy martial arts is also It's just around the corner.

After Anze left Ding Ning's soul, the heartbreaking pain finally disappeared, making him let out a long sigh of relief.

But when he thought about his dream of being a psychic being shattered, his heart began to bleed.

But compared to the pain of his soul being constantly torn apart, he felt that the decision he made was still wise.

Especially now that he has realized that there is no spiritual spirit in Ding Ning's main soul at all, and that what he thought was a success in seizing the body is actually a joke, he feels that returning the useless main soul to Ding Ning is actually nothing.

The worst thing is, after his spirit reaches a certain level and stops going crazy, he can seize his body again.

Anze's eyes flickered, he had bad intentions in his heart, and his eyes when looking at Ding Ning became sinister.

However, before that, the seal set by this kid must be broken.

Three hundred and sixty seals, how long will it take to break them? This madman is really cruel. I curse you to die.

Anze felt the three hundred and sixty seals on his body with tears in his eyes, cursed Ding Ning secretly in his heart, and patiently began to break the seals bit by bit.

According to Ding Ning's estimation, it would take at least several hours for Anze to break the seal.

But he forgot that when he broke the seal, he was free to move, but Anze's whole body was sealed, making it countless times more difficult to break.

In addition, he greatly overestimated Anze's accomplishments in sealing techniques. He never expected that Anze would not be able to break the seal in less than three or two days.

None of this was within his scope of consideration. After merging the main soul as quickly as possible, he immediately regained control of the soul body. Without even having time to experience the changes in the soul body, he released his consciousness again and continued to search for Li's body. trace.

"Are you a psychic? Are you looking for someone?"

A hesitant voice suddenly sounded in his mind through his spiritual consciousness.


Ding Ning asked in surprise.

"Well, are you a psychic Taoist?"

Mei asked curiously and timidly.

After all, the psychic Tao fetus is exaggerated in legends and is full of mythical colors. Therefore, even if the deaths of Jue and Lu are directly or indirectly related to the psychic Tao fetus, no one will question it, including Mei. No exception.

"That's right, can you still hold on?"

Ding Ning was anxious to find Li, so he said something perfunctory, but then felt that it seemed a little impolite, so he greeted him politely.

"have no idea."

Mei's answer was very straightforward, but Ding Ning was a little stunned. He didn't know what it meant? You don't know whether you can hold it or not?

"I can still hold on at the moment, but I certainly won't hold on for long. Who knows when I will end. When my source is exhausted, I will be crushed to pieces and my soul will be scattered like your spiritual consciousness."

Mei's voice was very calm, as if she had no fear of death, only confusion about life.

This made Ding Ning suddenly feel sorry for this goblin. The magic of the Tongtian Lingbao sounded impressive, but in reality, he was just a bunch of pitiful goblins.

They have no parents, no relatives, no friends. They live alone in this world without even knowing why they live. They are always lonely and lonely.

Maybe they have become accustomed to such days, but what Anze said is right, no matter what it is that becomes a spirit, as long as spiritual intelligence is born, it will have seven emotions and six desires, and will feel loneliness and loneliness.

Birds of a feather flock together and people divide into groups. Although they don't want to admit it, they still subconsciously yearn for a lively life.

This is probably the reason why these innate gods established heaven. They did not want to dominate the human world at all, they just deceived themselves and others and wanted to interact with similar people in this name, join forces to keep warm, and comfort the emptiness and loneliness.

"Life has many meanings, such as killing for the common people in the world, and protecting you... You need to feel and think with your heart. When you understand it, you may feel that living is actually a very meaningful thing. , at least, in the hearts of those who care about you, they hope you can live well. "

Ding Ning is like a life tutor class, earnestly and seductively trying to arouse Charming's desire to live.

"People who care about me? Does anyone care about me? Will you care about me?"

There was a hint of yearning in Mei Qing's cold voice. At this moment, she didn't look like a condescending goddess, but more like a little girl who longed for someone to care for her.

"Of course, I am half your son now. Even if it is for my own life, I will still care about your safety."

Ding Ning said jokingly.


Mei repeated subconsciously, with a hint of bitterness in her tone: "Is it just because of this that you care?"

"Then why do you want me to care? To fall in love with you?"

Ding Ning's habit of being a talkative happened again. He opened his mouth to tease her, and then regretted it after saying it. He wished he could give himself a slap in the face. He was so arrogant that he dared to say anything.

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