Medical Sovereign

One thousand eight hundred and forty-four statements

A purple flame kept beating like an elf on Ding Ning's fingertips, as if comforting him.

Ding Ning stopped feeling sad and carefully held the purple flame in his hand as if he had found a treasure. He looked at it dreamily, as if Mei's cold and beautiful face appeared in front of him again.

The unparalleled sadness was eroding his heart like a tide, making his tears flow out of control like a flood.

The scattered tears fell on the palm of the hand, and the purple flame made a sizzling sound, shaking like a candle in the wind.

Ding Ning turned his head hurriedly, fearing that his tears would extinguish the purple flames, and desperately activated the Purple Yin Fentian Fire in his body to use it as nourishment to warm the purple flames.

This is the last mark Mei left in this world. He will never allow it to go out, never allow it.

With the infusion of the Purple Yin Burning Sky Fire, the flames that were about to extinguish sizzled like adding fuel to the fire, and burned brightly again, like elves in the fire, jumping for joy around him, no longer as sickly as before. appearance.

Ding Ning showed a look of relief. This flame was a trace of the original fire that Mei stripped off in order to send him away from the space channel. It was actually equivalent to her soul fire.

As long as this original fire exists, Mei will not really be wiped out. Perhaps, one day in the future, it will burst out the spark of life again, allowing Mei to reappear in the world.

"Charming, I will wait for you to come back, even if it is a hundred thousand years, a million years, tens of millions of years... I will always be waiting for you, waiting for you to reappear in the world. By then, I will love you more than anyone else." I love you even more to make up for the regret of being lonely and helpless in this life."

Ding Ning looked at the purple fire dreamily and murmured to himself in a low voice. With this original soul fire, the charm was not completely destroyed, and there was still a trace of ethereal vitality, which made him feel much better.

The beauty has passed away, and the grief is endless, but life must go on.

After carefully incorporating the soul fire into the starry world within his body, and after making sure that it would not go out again, Ding Ning gathered his mood and began to look at the unfamiliar environment around him.

Here, the green mountains are majestic, the trees are shady, and the aura is so rich that it looks like reality. It definitely cannot be the earth.

What exactly is this place? Could it be the prehistoric continent?

Although Taikoo's trip was short-lived, it brought him indelible painful memories.

Two women who were enemies of each other,

But they all got related to him inexplicably, but the ending was not happy.

The charming soul is flying away, and life and death are uncertain.

Although Ding Ning wanted to return to Earth immediately, when he realized that he was probably in the ancient continent, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Mei is gone, and nothing can happen to Li anymore. He must find her no matter what, or at least make sure that she is safe and sound. This has almost become his biggest obsession.

Walking in the mountains, Ding Ning felt that his soul power was quietly draining away at an undetectable speed, and then he realized a very serious problem. He was now just a soul body, without a physical body.

Although the martial soul has been condensed to the extreme and can walk outside like normal people, there is no danger of the soul power dissipating. However, he suffered severe backlash in his search for Li Shenhun. The condensed soul body also has a dim light, and it will be difficult to move around in the outside world. Continuously draining soul power.

If he can't find a way to solve this problem, when his soul power is lost too much, he will die and disappear completely into smoke.

Ding Ning was not in a hurry. Although his soul power was constantly being lost, the speed was extremely slow. In less than ten days and a half, there would be no worries about his life.

Speaking of which, it was thanks to Anze that his yin and yang martial arts had been tempered to the extreme without even realizing it, so that he could persist until now after suffering severe backlash.

Now among the eight major martial spirits and the main soul, only the Starlight Martial Spirit has not been completely tempered.

As long as the Starlight Martial Soul is tempered, he will be able to step into the pinnacle of the ninth level of the Holy Martial Arts in one fell swoop. Perhaps, it is not impossible to break through to God in one go.

After all, the most important thing about becoming a god is to understand one's own way, and his way of medicine has been unswerving from beginning to end and has never changed.

The goal is clear and the Taoist heart is firm.

There will be no bottlenecks for him in breaking through to trance. The only issue that needs to be considered is how to shape his own way.

After so many things, meeting so many strong men, and consulting the Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl, Ding Ning finally understood how to break through to the divine realm.

The so-called trance is actually a process of transforming the cultivated spiritual power into divine power, while the divine soul transforms from illusion to solidification.

But whether it is the transformation of energy or soul, it is actually the same as alchemy, which is to continuously purify the energy and soul to the point where there are no impurities. From virtuality to reality, that step will naturally be taken.

This is a very easy thing for him who has the Nine Apertures and the black and white Tai Chi diagram, but for ordinary people, it is simply as difficult as climbing to the sky.

After all, whether it is spiritual power or soul, tempering it to the point where it does not contain any impurities is destined to be a long-term task.

You must know that the earth is now a desert of spiritual energy. Not to mention tempering and purifying spiritual energy, it is good to be able to supply the spiritual energy needed for daily cultivation.

What's more, the tempering of the divine soul is extremely dangerous. If it's not done right, the soul will fly away. How can someone like him complete the tempering of nine great souls in a daze like him.

Those who are at the peak of the Holy Martial Arts can only use water milling skills to polish their souls bit by bit over a long period of time. The tempering speed is simply a turtle speed. Perhaps when their life span is exhausted, they may not be able to Tempering completed.

This made Ding Ning realize that perhaps, the earth did not have the power to suppress the laws that restricted warriors from breaking through to the gods as recognized by those warriors.

It is very likely that the warriors have died of old age and have not finished tempering their spiritual power and soul, so naturally they will not be able to break through and enter the state of mind.

Over time, those warriors blamed heaven and others and put the responsibility for their inability to break through to the gods on the body of heaven, thinking that the laws of heaven and earth in the human world had become the shackles of their cultivation.

This possibility is not impossible, but there is a very high possibility that this is the truth, but no matter what, it cannot shake Ding Ning's determination to become stronger.

In the past, the state of trance seemed unattainable in his eyes, but Taikoo and his party made him realize what the real world is.

Not to mention being in a state of trance, even those who are at the peak of divine transformation or even the immortal-level experts are still ants that can be easily crushed to death in the eyes of people from the source world.

As his horizons broadened, Ding Ning's heart also grew bigger, and he was so absorbed that it was really not worth mentioning.

His goal is now no longer limited to this remote place in the Three Realms, but the stars and the sea, with the sword pointing at the Source Realm.

Not to mention trampling on the five star emperors, at least we must be on an equal footing with them so that they can feel fear and know that not just anyone can get involved in the Three Realms.

Of course, such an ambitious goal requires sufficient confidence and strength to support it. Therefore, Ding Ning urgently wants to become stronger, stronger, and stronger again.

A strong heart continued to take root in his heart, and the sad emotions were swept away, and he cheered up again.

Mei's departure made him fully understand Su Zhe's grief. Empathizing with her, he needed to become stronger so that tragedies like Mei would not happen again.

The Five Elements Martial Spirit seemed to sense the change in his mood and quietly merged with his soul.

With the addition of this new force, the loss of his soul power has slowed down again, and his soul's injuries have gradually stabilized. Conservative estimates suggest that there should be no problem in persisting for a year and a half without taking action.

He released his spiritual consciousness to investigate and found that this place was inaccessible and there was no human habitation within a hundred miles. This made him open his nine orifices without any scruples and began to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth crazily.

The abundant spiritual energy of heaven and earth formed a huge funnel-shaped tide in mid-air. The long whale sucked water into his body, allowing his strength to continuously recover. His transparent soul gradually became solidified as if it had a physical body.

Ding Ning had never been so happy before. He devoted himself selflessly to his cultivation, absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth like a shriveled sponge. The nine orifices and the black and white Tai Chi diagram were overloaded crazily, purifying the endless stream of spiritual energy. Purify again.

The Five Elements Martial Spirits were dumbfounded. They knew that Ding Ning contained many secrets. Even though they were Ding Ning's Martial Spirits, due to certain rules, they could not pry into Ding Ning's memory at all, so they did not know that Ding Ning actually practiced it. So...well, earth-shattering.

Perhaps, at this moment, only earth-shattering words can be used to describe their inner shock.

This kind of cultivation speed and method is simply unheard of and unseen by them. Even those proud emperors in the source world are probably all scum compared to Ding Ning in their cultivation speed.

"Now I finally know why in a low-level plane like the Three Realms, he was able to reach his current level at this age. This speed of cultivation is unprecedented, if not unprecedented."

The Five Elements Martial Spirits seemed to have communicated openly and honestly, and the Earth Martial Spirits no longer concealed their identities and said with emotion on their faces.

In the Origin Realm, there are many people like Ding Ning who have cultivated to the Holy Martial Realm in their twenties, and their qualifications can only be regarded as barely adequate. Some of the emperor's favorites from some powerful forces have become god-level powerhouses at the age of seventeen or eighteen. Lift.

What's more, some children of special races do not need to practice at all, and they will naturally become powerful in the realm of gods as soon as they reach adulthood. This is a gift given by the race's talent and blood, and is not something that others can envy.

But that was in the Source Realm, where the proud emperors had unique innate advantages. If they were thrown to a lower plane, even if they were geniuses, they would definitely be considered monsters if they could reach the realm of divine martial arts in their early twenties. Not to mention compared to Ding Ning.

That's why Tu Wuhun said the above words with emotion.

"Yeah, I don't know if it's because of the technique or because of his own specialness."

Huo Wuhun should also reveal his identity frankly and openly, no longer hiding it, his eyes sparkled, and he asked curiously.

"Whether it's because of his skills or his own specialness, it doesn't mean that his future is destined to soar."

Shui Wuhun's face exuded an inexplicable brilliance, and he said sincerely: "I think that since you can come here, it means that the people behind you have bet on him. I hope that everyone can work together to help He grows up and doesn’t have any other thoughts.”

"That's for sure. Since we are here, it means that our fate has been tied to him, and we will naturally help him wholeheartedly."

Mu Wuhun was the first to express his support.

"I don't have any objection. This guy is very affectionate and has a good temperament for me. Even if the old guy at home doesn't support him, I will support him."

Huo Wuhun said straightforwardly, obviously very satisfied with Ding Ning's previous performance.

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