Medical Sovereign

One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty-Eight Li Muyuan

Mei Niang seemed to sense that something was wrong. She suddenly opened her eyes and looked at the young man who was so happy and innocent, her mouth wide open in shock.

Growing up in a blacksmith shop, Mei Niang knew how heavy the special hammer in her father's hand was, weighing a full 180 kilograms. Even a stone could be smashed into pieces, but this young man Nothing happened at all. How hard is this head? Is it still a human head?

Compared to Mei Niang's surprise, Li Tiejiang was shocked. Only he knew how strong he was. The hammer weighed 180 kilograms, which is not bad, but with his strength, it was mixed with martial arts. , the strength is more than ten thousand catties?

A hammer weighing 10,000 kilograms hits a person's head. Not only does it not cause damage, it also bounces back. Is this something that humans can do?

Therefore, at this moment, Tiejiang Li was completely shocked. He knew that this fool was very powerful before, but he never expected that he would be so powerful. He could survive his hammer unscathed with just the strength of his body. Even in the Forbidden City The imperial guards inside can't do this either.

The young man didn't even notice the blow, and didn't even move to touch his head in pain. He still stared at Mei Niang, as if he couldn't get enough.

There was a strange look on Mei Niang's face, but she soon returned to her natural state. She lowered her head timidly, with a bright red blush on her snow-white and slender neck, looking uncontrollably ashamed.

But she knew very well in her heart that this extremely powerful young man was not coveting her beauty at all, but there was something about him that seemed to attract him.

The blacksmith shop fell into a deathly silence, with only the flame on the stove flickering and making a soft sound from time to time.

"Who is your Excellency? And why are you here?"

After a long time, Li Tiejiang protected Mei Niang behind him with a solemn expression and asked vigilantly.

Unfortunately, there was no response. The young man had no reaction and no intention to speak. He still stared directly at Mei Niang.

It's just that there is no covetousness and lust in those eyes as outsiders think, only godlessness and emptiness.

"I see, are you a spirit puppet? So that's the case, no wonder."

Seeing the young man's unusual reaction, Li Tiejiang suddenly had an idea flash in his mind, and he suddenly cried out.

"Spirit puppet? What is a spirit puppet?"

Mei Niang opened her beautiful big eyes,

He asked curiously, and secretly glanced at the young man standing there like a statue.

"Spirit puppets are a kind of fighting machine refined by super sect forces using secret methods. Their bodies are extremely powerful, but they have no thoughts and souls. Everything is controlled by the person who refines them. If he is a spirit puppet, That makes sense. After all, in the Tiangu Dynasty, there are very few people who can withstand the power of Li Muyuan’s blow with only their physical bodies.”

Tiejiang Li's face couldn't help but exude a look of pride.

He, Li Muyuan, was a well-known genius in the Tiangu Dynasty back then. Although in the end he had to hide his name and escape for some reason, and his cultivation level plummeted because of his injuries, not just anyone could withstand his full blow. .

"Does the Tiangu Dynasty have such super sect power?"

Mei Niang's eyes lit up and she asked with a look of desire.

"have no idea."

Li Tiejiang shook his head with a bitter look on his face: "Those super sect forces are all aloof and treat mortals like ants. They don't care about even the royal family. How can they meddle in our business."

The luster in Mei Niang's eyes gradually dimmed. She looked at the stupid young man with determination and murmured to herself: "Am I going to waste my whole life like this without any hope of revenge? Xuan Xuan. Where is the person Taoist Master Ling mentioned? When will he appear?"

"Mr... Mei Niang, don't say so much. It's not yet certain whether this person is a spirit puppet. If not, it would be bad if the news is leaked."

Li Tiejiang waved his hand at her anxiously and said, "Besides, Taoist Master Xuanling is always nagging and what he says is never accurate, so you don't need to take it too seriously."


Mei Niang responded obediently, but the sadness in her beautiful eyes could not go away. She originally thought that this silly young man was the person that Taoist Master Xuanling said, but in the end, it turned out to be just a walking corpse. The spirit puppet made her extremely disappointed.

"Strange, why is there a spirit puppet here? Is there someone from the super sect nearby?"

Li Tiejiang stared at the young man closely, mumbling in confusion, then his expression changed as if he remembered something, and he said in a voiceless voice: "No, he is not a spirit puppet."


After hearing this, Mei Niang suddenly raised her head, her eyes filled with light of expectation. The time mentioned by Taoist Master Xuanling has come. Only the seemingly crazy young man in front of her is more like the person in his prophecy. If He is not a spirit puppet, which means that he is probably the person in the prophecy.


Li Tiejiang looked embarrassed, coughed twice, and said sarcastically: "I heard that the spirit puppet is a fighting machine. Not only does it have no thoughts, but it doesn't even have the instinct of a man. If he is a spirit puppet, then what? How could I do something like that to you?"

Although Li Tiejiang said something vague, Mei Niang understood it instantly. Her pink cheeks were as red as blood, and she stamped her feet anxiously and angrily, and explained eagerly: "It's nothing at all, he... He didn’t do anything to me. It was Wu Laosan who wanted to take advantage of me when he saw me alone... He wanted to take advantage of it... to bully me, so he beat Wu Laosan away. "

"You mean, he didn't defile you? Instead, he saved you? Then why did I see you disheveled when I arrived and there were some bloodstains on the ground?"

Li Tiejiang's eyes lit up and he asked in confusion.

Mei Niang nodded, her pink cheeks were so red that she could bleed. Knowing that he had misunderstood, she said sternly: "My clothes were torn by Wu Lao San, and that blood...that blood was also Wu Lao San's." He was so bloody that you beat him up without asking any questions, which is why there was such a big misunderstanding. "

"That's good, that's good, I thought... I thought... Haha!"

Tiejiang Li breathed a sigh of relief, scratched the back of his head and chuckled twice.

Although they are not biological father and daughter, their relationship is better than that of father and daughter. After all, her mother was his childhood sweetheart.

It's a pity that he was young, frivolous and devoted to martial arts, so he insisted on leaving home to study under her teacher despite her tearful pleas to stay.

He had been away for eight years, and when he returned from his studies, he had already changed. His lover from back then was drafted into the palace and became the concubine of the current Holy Emperor.

He was heartbroken and realized that he had lost the most important person in his life. With reluctance, he went to the imperial capital, wanting to take a look at her from a distance and know whether she was doing well.

If she can be happy, he will silently bless her. If she is unhappy, even if she is an enemy of the royal family, he will take her out of the sea of ​​misery and wander around the world from now on.

But how can people in the harem be seen whenever they want? Therefore, he resolutely joined the military and was quickly promoted with his outstanding skills and accumulated military exploits. After becoming famous, he voluntarily gave up his position as a general with military power and high authority. A Praetorian Guard.

Many people don't understand his thoughts and think he is stupid, but only he knows that the glory and wealth in this world are nothing to him. He has only one purpose from beginning to end, and that is to have the qualification to move around the palace. , so that he could see her, even if it was just a glance from a distance, he would be satisfied.

But fate has its way with people, and he never expected that just when he finally saw her whom he had been longing for for more than three months, it would be their last meeting.

The woman he loved deeply was ostracized in the ruthless harem. After giving birth to a daughter, she was framed by someone in the harem. This made Long Yan furious and ordered her to die with a white silk ribbon.

It was under such circumstances that Li Muyuan finally saw the woman he had missed. He stormed into the palace, killed the eunuchs and maids, and wanted to take her away from the imperial capital.

But she would rather die than go with him, because if she left, she would be disobeying the decree, and her family would be implicated and the nine tribes would be exterminated. Therefore, she asked him to take away her daughter Mei Niang, who was waiting to be fed. She would not I hope that my daughter will grow up in a cold and heartless palace. I just hope that she can live a peaceful life and live an ordinary life.

Li Muyuan couldn't defeat her at all, so he could only tearfully fight his way out of the palace with his newly born Mei Niang, fleeing all the way, narrowly escaping from death countless times, and it took him three years to get rid of her completely. The pursuers hid in Lijia Village incognito.

As Mei Niang grew up, she became smarter and smarter. Although her childhood memories were very vague, she still vaguely guessed some of her life experience.

Li Muyuan didn't want to hide it from her. After all, her mother was the woman he loved most. He couldn't bear that her daughter didn't even know his mother's name, so he told her everything about her life experience.

Unexpectedly, although Mei Niang is young, she is extremely precocious. Ever since she learned about her life experience, she has been obsessed with revenge.

The royal family was too powerful and it was impossible to overthrow it, so Mei Niang targeted her revenge on the culprit who framed her mother, Concubine Ming.

Mei Niang, who was full of hatred, worked tirelessly to follow Li Muyuan to practice martial arts. Unfortunately, God opened a door for her and also closed a window for her. Although she was extremely smart, she had no talent for martial arts at all. , although they have worked hard enough over the years, they have not even crossed the simplest threshold.

The disheartened Mei Niang was filled with depression and sadness. Could she just live a mediocre life like this? Isn’t she an arrogant woman who can’t even avenge her mother?

Feeling depressed, she went with the girls in the village to Baiyun Temple, a hundred miles away, to ask for fortune-telling to relieve her inner depression. Unexpectedly, she happened to meet Taoist Master Xuanling, who was famous for his divine calculations.

The unwilling Mei Niang couldn't care about anything else and begged Taoist Master Xuanling to tell her fortune.

Taoist priest Xuanling was truly a fortune teller. He could tell at a glance that she had an extraordinary life experience and gave a prophecy. If her wish came true, when she turned eighteen, a man destined for her would appear and everything would be over. Everything will be resolved satisfactorily.

Today is Mei Niang's birthday. After today, she will be nineteen years old, which is also the time that Taoist Master Xuanling said.

Therefore, she subconsciously thought that the crazy young man was the one she had been waiting for, so she rashly ran to test him out. Unexpectedly, she met Wu Laosan, a pervert who wanted to do violence to her.

Fortunately, although the young man was stupid and liked to stare at women, he had a sense of justice and injured Wu Laosan and saved her.

She was frightened at that time, so she threw herself into the young man's arms and cried loudly. Unexpectedly, she was misunderstood by Li Muyuan who came over and attacked the young man without asking any questions.

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