Medical Sovereign

One thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, the evil star

Qisha was very excited and walked side by side outside the hotel with Ye Qingxuan.

He was very grateful to the blind guy who tried to tease Ye Qingxuan. If it weren't for him, the senior sister might not be willing to look at him.

After he stepped forward and beat the guy's nose and face until he was bruised and swollen, Ye Qingxuan's attitude towards him changed greatly. Although it was still cold, at least it was not as indifferent as before.

Could it be that her majestic masculinity impressed her? So when I invited her to have a midnight snack together, she agreed without even hesitating.

Qisha had a silly smile on his face, thinking narcissistically, tilting his head and looking at Ye Qingxuan's beautiful side face infatuatedly.

Feeling his hot gaze, Ye Qingxuan's heart beat wildly like a deer's, and his long eyelashes flickered in panic, cursing inwardly what was wrong with him, how could he be tempted by this little brat.

Although, in her eyes, the man who tried to tease her was an ant that could be crushed easily and would not pose any threat to her at all.

But she has been severely insecure since she was a child. The moment Qisha subconsciously stepped forward to protect her, that generous back gave her an unprecedented sense of security, which made her dusty heart tremble.

Women are such emotional creatures sometimes, even a very inconspicuous and subtle move may touch the softest side of her heart.

It has to be said that Qisha was very lucky. When Ye Qingxuan had just met her father and her heart was the most sensitive and vulnerable, he opened the door to her heart with his inadvertent behavior.

A sweetheart who was obsessed with him, a man who was attracted by his heart, looked flustered. The two martial arts masters were distracted at the moment. They actually lost their due vigilance and did not notice a man in red clothes walking towards them with his hands behind his back. Come on, there is still a sinister smile on the corner of your mouth.

"Idiot, what's so interesting? Think about what you want to treat me to, right? If I'm not satisfied with the meal, don't blame me for being rude to you."

Ye Qingxuan was so flustered by what he saw that he glared at him with a red face, waved his fist and said fiercely.

Qisha chuckled and said, "Good-looking, senior sister is the most beautiful person in the world."

If a man usually complimented her so frivolously, Ye Qingxuan would definitely give him a punch in return, but these words coming out of Qisha's mouth made her feel sweet in her heart.

Her pretty face was stained with red frost, her eyes flickered to avoid his gaze, and she pretended to be angry and said: "Slick tongue,

Do you often...ah, be careful. "

Halfway through the words, from the corner of Ye Qingxuan's eyes, he saw a cold light flash in the hands of the man in red who passed by them, and stabbed Qisha in the back like a poisonous snake. His beautiful face suddenly turned pale, and he couldn't bear it. Zhu screamed in surprise.

Although Qisha focused all his thoughts on Ye Qingxuan, he was a warrior with extremely rich combat experience. Before Ye Qingxuan could issue a warning, his instinct for danger made him react, and his body moved forward. He suddenly moved sideways and narrowly avoided the critical point.

With a pop, blood flew.

Qisha's reaction was not unpleasant, but unfortunately, one was a premeditated assassination, and the other was a hasty reaction. Although he avoided the vital part of the waist, as the body swung, his left arm was still scratched by the dagger. A hole was broken.

It was just a small wound, nothing to Qisha, but as a strong numbness hit his left arm, Qisha immediately realized that something was wrong. The dagger was poisoned.

"court death!"

Qisha roared angrily, and punched Red Snake in the face, who had a look of disbelief on his face, as if he was shocked that he could avoid his fatal blow.

Feeling the power of the fist, Red Snake's expression suddenly changed, and he cursed Li Mingrui in his heart for being such a bastard. He was obviously a master of martial arts, and he was in trouble now.

Although he was frightened in his heart, the Red Snake's own strength was not bad. Although it was far inferior to Qisha, he was definitely a top killer with extremely rich experience. He touched the ground lightly with his toes amid the electric light and flint, and followed Qisha like a feather. The killing fist force retreated, and he turned around and escaped into the darkness without looking back.

"If you want to leave, stay."

Qisha was frightened and about to chase after him, but he stumbled and almost fell to the ground. Knowing that the poison was taking effect, he dared to chase him again. He quickly circulated Gang Qi to suppress the poison, but Ye Qingxuan's furious voice came from his ears, lest she He accidentally got caught and quickly reminded loudly: "Senior sister, be careful, the dagger is poisonous."


Ye Qingxuan, who was like a ghost, was about to kill the red snake with one palm. After hearing these words, her face suddenly changed. The concern and worry in her heart made her move her hands pause.

In just such a moment of hesitation, the horrified Red Snake, who thought he was certain to die, instantly caught a glimmer of hope. His body jumped forward, twisted strangely, and rolled like a donkey in embarrassment. It actually rolled out for more than ten meters, as if it was leaving a string. It shot up like an arrow and disappeared into the darkness within a few ups and downs.

Ye Qingxuan was worried about Qisha's injuries and feared that he would fall into the enemy's plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain. He hurriedly turned back to help Qisha, whose face turned dark and could not even stand still. He asked with concern: "How are you?"

"Hehe, if I can get Senior Sister's care, I will be happy even if I die."

Qisha, this guy has already reached this point and still wants to pick up girls. Those words that seemed like a joke made Ye Qingxuan feel sweet for no reason, but looking at the black anger on his face, he couldn't laugh anymore and was angry. He said anxiously: "What time has it been? You're still joking."

"I'm not kidding, I'm serious, senior sister, I like you. I'm a stupid person and can't speak, but I really like you and hope to take care of you for the rest of my life."

Qisha grabbed her jade hand with his backhand and said sincerely.

Ye Qingxuan's face was red and her heart was in a state of confusion. She was attracted to Qisha, but it was just that. She had not yet committed herself to her for the rest of her life. Seeing that he was in danger of being poisoned, she did not forget to confess her feelings to her. Feeling ashamed, angry and anxious, I rolled my eyes and said, "Don't think about all that mess now, just think of a way to detoxify it quickly."

Qisha smiled bitterly, his eyes dimmed, and he laughed at himself: "I really overturned this time. There is no antidote for this poison."

Ye Qingxuan's face turned pale, and she shook her head in disbelief: "No, it won't happen. I will take you to my father now. He will definitely be able to help you detoxify. Even if my father can't, there is still the third uncle here. , He must have a way."

"It's useless. Although the master and the third uncle have amazing cultivation, they are not good at detoxifying. What's more, I know that this kind of poison is the poison of the extremely rare red flame snake. The red flame snake is not an ordinary snake, but a kind of poison." It’s a monster, and there’s no cure for this kind of poison.”

Qisha's body softened and he fell into Ye Qingxuan's arms, showing a sad and bitter smile. If he had been wary, with the strength of the killer, he would not even be able to get close, let alone stab him. I didn't expect that I would die here due to my carelessness. I really overturned the boat in the gutter.

"No, there must be a way, there must be a way. There must be someone in this world who can detoxify this kind of poison. Even if I travel to the ends of the world, I will definitely find someone who can help you detoxify."

Ye Qingxuan hugged Qisha, who was all hot and his face was already dark, shaking his head desperately, crying hoarsely while taking out his cell phone to call Qu Wuyou.

"Both of my parents died when I was a child. At that time, some people accused me of being a lone star from heaven who would kill the people around me. No one wanted me. It was my aunt who adopted me despite everyone's objections. As a result, she wanted to I died in a car accident."

There was sadness in Qisha's eyes, and he murmured in a whisper: "I was in pain at the time, thinking that I might really be a lone star in the sky, so I ran into Yanshan and wanted to take my own life to avoid harming others and myself. Unexpectedly, I was saved by my master. The master told me that I had a special destiny and had evil spirits in my life, which ordinary people could not bear, so he named me Qisha to suppress the evil spirits in my life. "

Ye Qingxuan looked at him foolishly, with tears already streaming down his face. He thought his fate was miserable enough, but he didn't expect Qisha to have such a pitiful life experience.

Qisha grinned, showing a smile that was even uglier than crying. He raised his hand that was already as black as ink with difficulty and wiped her tears: "Don't cry, crying won't make you beautiful. In fact, I'm quite happy. I died today." It's me and not you, which means you are tougher than me."

If Ye Qingxuan hadn't felt that the man in front of him was about to die of poison, and Ye Qingxuan was enveloped in deep sadness, he would have made him laugh.

"I have only loved two women in my life. The first woman died before I had time to tell her. I don't know if I killed her."

There was a look of nostalgia in Qisha's eyes, and he seemed to think of the death of "Qianbao" again, and murmured to himself like a dream: "When I learned the news of her death, I regretted that I didn't have time to confess to her, even if it was Being rejected, at least I won’t have any regrets.”

Ye Qingxuan stopped crying and felt sour in her heart. After all, she was a woman, and Qisha was the man who made her heart beat. How could she not care about the woman he once liked.

Qisha looked at her directly, with deep affection like the sea hidden in his eyes: "I thought that my heart had died with her death, and I would never fall in love with another woman in this life, but I don't know why. From the moment I saw you, my heart was beating so fast that I always wanted to attract your attention. But at that time, Master's life and death were uncertain, so I didn't dare to say it, and I didn't dare to think about it. But now, I can finally Say it out loud, Qingxuan, I love you!"

Ye Qingxuan hugged his head tightly, sat on the ground without any image, and said in tears: "I like you too, Qisha, don't die, okay? As long as you don't die, I promise to marry you for the rest of my life." I won’t even leave you.”

"Hey! Silly girl, these words from you are enough. I am very happy, really happy. Thank you for not rejecting me, so that my life is not in vain. At least, you let me know that there are still people in this world. A woman cares about me, I am very satisfied, very satisfied..."

Qisha sighed with satisfaction and looked at her affectionately, with nostalgia, reluctance, and a hint of relief and satisfaction. However, his voice became smaller and smaller, his eyes became darker and darker, and he had already entered the dying stage.

"Qisha, don't, don't die, you irresponsible liar, you deceived my heart and walked away. Don't even think about it, I won't let you die. Dad, come and save Qisha." Kill."

Ye Qingxuan felt as if the most important thing in her life was about to leave her. She shook the dying Qisha desperately, crying with heartbreak, and cried into the phone call that was finally connected.

Qu Wuyou's expression on the other end of the phone changed drastically: "Jing'er, what happened to Qisha, where are you?"

"Dad, we are at the door of the hotel. He has been poisoned and is about to die. Come and save him, wuwuwu..."

Ye Qingxuan cried heartbreakingly, and a deep sense of fear surrounded her, as if she had returned to the helplessness she felt when she was a child and watched her mother die.

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