Medical Sovereign

Two Thousand and Thirty-Five: Using force to suppress others

Everyone was horrified and moved by this. They did not expect that this female phoenix would be so affectionate and righteous, and would die for the sake of the male phoenix, which made the emotional men and women couldn't help but sob softly.

The sound of the piano was low and slow, as if playing an elegy for the pair of miserable mandarin ducks, which made people feel very depressed.

"What? I don't allow them to die. They are not allowed to die. We want them to live happily together forever."

Ding Qianlie's eyes turned red from crying and he muttered unwillingly.

As if he heard her dissatisfaction, Ding Ning's slender hand suddenly accelerated, turning into afterimages, and the sound of the piano suddenly became impassioned.

The corpses of male and female phoenixes once again appeared in people's minds. Their blood continued to flow, and eventually merged together to form a small puddle of blood.

A fiery red sycamore leaf fell quietly, and by chance it landed on the blood puddle. As if a chemical reaction had occurred, with a bang, bright red flames rose from the blood puddle.

Everyone suddenly became energetic and paid close attention to the development of the situation. Although the song "Feng Qiu Huang" ended in tragedy, it was extremely perfect from an artistic point of view.

Human nature often yearns for a happy ending. Even if it is superfluous and ruins this perfect song, they still hope to see a happy ending.

The body of the phoenix burned in the raging flames, gradually turning into nothingness, but what followed was that the burning red flame split into two, made a "chirp" sound, and turned into a pair of firebirds soaring into the sky. They rise up, keep circling and dancing, accompanying each other until they disappear in the sky.

The music stopped quietly, and only the elongated flame afterimages left by the pair of firebirds in the sky were still vivid in my mind, making people immersed in it and unable to extricate themselves for a long time.

In the deathly silence of the scene, Ding Ning quietly stood up and bowed slightly to thank him. Without showing off or being arrogant, his face remained calm as he walked towards Ding Qianlie calmly.

Just looking at her eyes, there was a strong and irreducible affection. He gently hugged her into his arms and said distressedly: "I'm sorry, sister, for making you sad."

"No, I'm very happy. I played it really well. If it weren't for me, this piece would definitely become a masterpiece."

Ding Qianlie quietly nestled in his arms and spoke in an unprecedented gentle tone.

Because she knew that the ending of the song "Feng Qiu Huang" was slightly flawed because of her wish. The tragic ending was far more artistic and contagious than the happy ending.

Although Ding Ning used an ambiguous ending similar to that of Butterfly to satisfy human beings' inner longing for beautiful things, it undoubtedly brought this song down a notch that should have become an eternal masterpiece.

"What are the masterpieces? Haha, I don't make a living by composing music. This song was written just for you. It's hard enough for me to make you cry. For me, nothing is happier than you. Happiness is more important.”

Ding Ning pinched the bridge of her nose lovingly and said nonchalantly.

Ding Qianlie's pretty face turned red. She had never been so intimate with Ding Ning in public before. She was a little shy and wanted to leave his arms, but she had just experienced the ups and downs of emotions and was very reluctant to let go. She could only hold the ostrich in her arms. Psychologically, hide your head in his arms and feel his warm embrace.

I thought to myself, who cares, just laugh at him if you want. He is my husband anyway, is it illegal for a couple to show off their affection in public? Is it illegal? Is it illegal?

Bang bang bang!

The lone applause suddenly came from the middle-aged man who knew music. Even if applauding Ding Ning in public might make the Zhou family dissatisfied, he could not ignore his conscience and not applaud. Such good music was really rare. .

He played music when he was young and worked as a resident singer in a bar. He had a musical dream to make a name for himself.

But in the end, the cruelty of reality sapped his passion, forcing him to give up his dreams and shoulder the responsibilities of a man.

But he still loves music in his heart. Even if his dream no longer exists, the blood in his body will still burn and boil for good music. Therefore, he stood up and was the first to applaud Ding Ning.

At this moment, he praised this good song not as a businessman, but as a musician.

Zhou Junxiong glared at him fiercely. Although Ding Ning did play much better than Zhou Haoqian, the right to speak in this world is in the hands of a few people. As long as no one cheers for Ding Ning, he can forcefully control it. Due to the situation, Ding Ning was judged to be the loser.

The middle-aged man shuddered all over, his face turned a little pale, and the intensity of his slaps became much weaker. There was a trace of hesitation in his heart. Is it really worth offending the Zhou family for a piece of music?

Bang bang bang!

Just as he was beating a drum in his heart, a second person stood up and applauded Ding Ning.

It's Mr. Tang.

Then comes the third one...

the fourth……

The umpteenth one...

In the end, the whole club burst into thunderous applause, cheering for Ding Ning. It had nothing to do with profit or gain or loss, only the appreciation.

The applause lasted for a long time and kept echoing in the sky above the club.


Zhou Junxiong's face was ashen and he felt as sick as if he had eaten a fly.

The law does not punish everyone, this is not an empty statement.

If there are two people, or even ten or eight people, with the power of the Zhou family, they can suppress them, and retaliating against them is just a matter of words.

But except for the Zhou family and a few die-hard allies of the Zhou family, everyone at the scene was applauding Ding Ning. No matter how powerful the Zhou family was, they would not dare to offend everyone.

But if he was asked to admit defeat like this, he was very unwilling to do so, so he could only quietly wink at a die-hard ally of the Zhou family.

"Ahem, cough, everyone, please be quiet."

An old voice came through the microphone, and people gradually stopped applauding and looked at the old man wearing a red Tang suit, holding a microphone and preparing to speak.

"Is he Director Xue of Tianlong Group? What do you want to say?"

Someone asked doubtfully.

"Dr. Xue is the host of tonight's reception, and it is appropriate for him to speak now."

Someone who knew the inside story was standing by to explain.

"It is said that Director Xue and the Zhou family are very close."

Someone else whispered the inside story, and everyone was stunned and looked at Ding Ning worriedly.

Although he and Ding Ning are neither relatives nor friends, an adaptation of Feng Qiuhuang has conquered the hearts of most people, and they are naturally inclined towards Ding Ning psychologically.

But they are profit-seeking businessmen, and they cannot stand up to support Ding Ning at the risk of offending the Zhou family. Being able to applaud him is their limit.

"Haha, hello everyone, I am Xue Nakui, and I am also the host of tonight's reception. Many people must know me, so I won't introduce myself in detail here."

Xue Nakui looked harmless and said with a smile, "Just now, everyone enjoyed the performance of Young Master Zhou and this little brother. To be honest, it was wonderful, very wonderful. Although I, Xue Nakui, have no musical ability, I am also I was fascinated by it.”

Everyone laughed in agreement after hearing this, but they knew in their hearts that Xue Nakui seemed to be confusing right and wrong.

Even though this old guy is not young, he is still a gold member, but he has always followed Zhou Junxiong's lead. The Tianlong Group is only able to be where it is today because of being close to the big tree of the Zhou family.

This old guy is definitely Zhou Junxiong's loyal dog, and because his name is very close to a certain kind of dog, many people behind his back call him Schnauzer with envy and jealousy.

Ding Qianlie quietly held Ding Ning's hand, her beautiful eyes flashing with concern. She had also heard about the relationship between Xue Nakui and the Zhou family. Because I had no prejudice against the Zhou family before, I thought Xue Nakui was smiling all day long and seemed quite kind, so I had a good impression of him.

But now, the Zhou family was on opposite sides, and the enemy's friend was the enemy. She didn't think that Xue Nakui would speak for Ding Ning.

"It doesn't matter, just keep reading."

Ding Ning said with an indifferent expression.

He really didn't care whether he won or lost. In fact, even though the Zhou family arranged this one-sided proposal forcefully and domineeringly, he didn't really get angry.

But if the Zhou family doesn't know what's good and continues to have evil thoughts, then don't blame him for not giving Bai Qing face.

"Both are young talents, and both performed very well. Xue thinks that both of them have their own merits. How about a draw in the first game?"

Xue Nakui's eyes flashed. Even though he was thick-skinned, he couldn't help but blush when he said this. This was completely overwhelming, but he couldn't help it. Zhou Junxiong arranged for him to do this, and he didn't do it at all. Room for rejection.


The crowd immediately exploded, and they started talking in low voices with strange expressions. It was obvious who was higher and which was lower. This Schnauzer was truly a loyal dog, and he could even say such shameless things.

Zhou Haogan's face was as red as a persimmon. According to his always upright character, he would never agree to this obviously unfair verdict.

But now, it was related to the woman he fell in love with at first sight, so he remained surprisingly silent and acquiesced to this result without conscience.

"Quiet, quiet, Xue said, I don't have any musical talent, but it sounds good anyway. If anyone has different opinions, they can stand up and express their different opinions."

Xue Nakui said with a smile, and his tone was very sincere, but the threat in his words was self-evident.

Stand up and express a different opinion? What a fool you are. If someone really stood up and spoke out, the young man might be judged to win, but what would be the result? There will inevitably be retaliation from the Zhou family.

Is it worth offending the Zhou family to speak justice to a stranger? The answer was obvious, so there was an expected silence.

Xue Nakui smiled with satisfaction. This result was not beyond his expectation.

One side is the wealthy Zhou family, and the other side is the unknown nobody. These people know in their hearts what to choose.

What's more, everyone is a member of the China Chamber of Commerce and can be considered one of our own, and that boy is just an outsider who got in. He is sure that no one will dare to stand up and help him.


Ding Qian's face turned red with anger and he was about to argue, but Ding Ning reached out to stop him and said nonchalantly: "If it's a draw, let's draw. I just want to play with them more. If I win all the way, wouldn't it be boring?" Very.”

Ding Qianlie's towering chest rose and fell sharply, and he said angrily: "If there is one, then there are two. What if they still act like this in the next round?"

"One can only do two, but not three. I am giving the Zhou family a chance for Bai Qing's sake. I hope they know how to cherish it."

A cold light flashed in Ding Ning's eyes, but there was a faint smile on his lips. He wanted to see how shameless the Zhou family could be.

"Hmph, these people are so shameless, young master, would you like to..."

Siya was also angry. She puffed up her cheeks and made a fierce gesture of wiping her neck. However, she looked cute and not murderous at all.

"Okay, just be your chairman's secretary. Don't fight and kill such a beautiful girl all day long. That's what men should do."

Ding Ning rubbed Siya's little head in a funny way.

Siya stuck out her tongue, wrinkled her little nose and muttered softly: "The young master favors boys over girls."

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