Medical Sovereign

Two Thousand and Forty Six Genius

"No, please don't. This is our territory. It would be great if we destroy the flowers and plants."

Feng Jun was startled, and waved his hands repeatedly, joking, his whole family is living in Green Field Villa now, so he would be frightened if he heard gunshots.

"There are plenty of opportunities if you want to find someone to practice with. Let's take him down first. When we get back, I'll tell the boss if I can knock him unconscious and send him to the Middle East. He can be used as a training partner for our legion so that everyone can have a good time."

With a wave of his hand, Lu Zhan made a decision about Lei's future tragic fate.

"Okay, this is a good idea, it's settled, we finally have a decent sparring partner."

When everyone heard this, they were all happy and applauded.

They had been hit hard by Ye Tianlang during this period, and they were all holding back their anger and wanted to work hard to improve.

Even though they are now at the peak of true martial arts, the habits developed by soldiers still make them prefer modern fighting methods.

Although cold weapon combat seems to have more visual impact, why do you have to go to all the trouble to chop with a knife when something can be solved with a bullet? Isn't that stupid?

If Ding Ning knew what they were thinking, he would definitely laugh or cry, but he would not object. All he could do was to provide them with the best logistical support. As for how they would go, it would be up to them.

Ding Ning is full of expectations for what kind of combat effectiveness a combat group formed by combining the characteristics of soldiers and warriors can burst out.

He originally thought that taking the military route was his unique idea, but after learning about the existence of the Habayashi Guards, he realized that the country had actually had this idea for a long time and had already begun to take action.

The only difference between the Zodiac Legion and the Habayashi Guards is probably that one transforms from a warrior to a soldier, and the other transforms a soldier into a warrior.

Although they seem to be similar, there is a big difference in essence. Ding Ning asked himself that the Zodiac Corps definitely has more potential than the Habayashi Guards.

Because since ancient times, warriors have used force to break the law, and warriors are rebellious. It is not easy to completely change their ideological concepts and become soldiers who obey orders and prohibitions.

What's more, he always felt that the purpose of those warriors joining the Habayashi Guards was not simple. He did not deny that some of them might have the concept of family and country in their hearts and wanted to serve the country, but those with such feelings were by no means the majority. most.

More may be coveting the free cultivation resources provided by the state,

Either they want to stand out and make a name for themselves, or they have a certain mission to fight for power, or they simply want to sharpen themselves...

Such a person can do well when they have an absolute advantage, but once they encounter adversity or when their own interests or even life safety are at stake, they will never have much loyalty at all.

But by turning soldiers into warriors, there is no need to worry about this aspect at all. They have developed the habit of obeying orders as their bounden duty. No matter how strong they become, their first loyalty is to the country.

To use a very unpleasant analogy, although they are nominally Ding Ning's subordinates, they will complete the orders given to him to the letter, even if it involves murder and arson, there will be no ambiguity.

But once Ding Ning wants to betray the country and make orders that seriously endanger the national interests, they will definitely choose to disobey his orders. In serious cases, they may even turn against him. This is the nature of soldiers and cannot be violated.

They may obey Ding Ningyan out of gratitude, but they still have their own moral standards and the ability to distinguish right from wrong. When certain orders exceed the bottom line of what they can accept, they will trigger a strong backlash.

Of course, this is just an example. It is impossible for Ding Ning to commit treason, so these assumptions cannot exist.

I just use this assumption to explain that soldiers who become warriors are far more loyal and reliable than warriors who are trained into soldiers. This loyalty refers to loyalty to the country.

First there is a country, then there is a family. Even if they are grateful to Ding Ning, the country always comes first.

Konores took out the cigarette case in his pocket and wanted to light one, but after thinking about it, he suppressed his craving and put it away.

Being a sniper is a very sacred profession in his heart. He meticulously abides by all professional dogma and has self-discipline that is almost paranoid.

On weekdays, when he appears as the first heir of the Koremus family, he has no taboos on smoking, drinking, and beauty. This is the way an heir of an ancient family should live.

But once he takes on the identity of Lei and incarnates as the God of Death who secretly harvests lives, he will never touch tobacco, alcohol, beauty, or anything that might have even a slight impact on him.

Therefore, during his mission, he was like an ascetic monk with severe mysophobia. He did not smoke, drink, eat meat, touch women, or use men's perfume...

Only drink clean water and flavorless compressed biscuits to prevent body odor from revealing your position.

Konores has an in-depth study of Chinese culture and cannot remember where he heard a Chinese saying: Details determine success or failure.

He deeply believes in this sentence and regards it as his motto in life. He pays great attention to details and strives for excellence in everything he does. He also has strict requirements for his subordinates. Many people scold him behind his back for being picky.

In fact, many old employees of the family business could not tolerate his almost harsh criticism and jointly complained to the family elders association to express their strong dissatisfaction with him.

Faced with questions from family elders, he insisted on speaking with facts.

Facts have proved that he was right. The charm of this famous saying from China is everywhere. The efficiency of the family business has tripled compared with previous years. The old employees have nothing to say. The attitude of the elders of the family has also changed drastically. They treat him Full of praise.

When Konores thought of this, a faint smile appeared on his lips. Whether he was a boss or a sniper, this Chinese saying was a universal magic weapon.

Paying attention to details can lead to ultimate victory.

So, he began to follow the good habits he had developed, recalling every detail of the mission to see where he had fallen short so that he could correct it next time.

It is true that details determine success or failure, but what is wrong is that he did not pay attention to all the details.

At the very least, the news about Ding Ning and Green Field Villa was ignored in the information he investigated in advance.

Of course, this can't be blamed on him. It can only be blamed on Ding Ning's confidentiality work. Few people know the relationship between him and Green Field Villa.

Therefore, it was a tragedy for Konores. By the time he realized something was wrong, no fewer than ten guns were pointed at his head, and he could only raise his hands and surrender.

He really couldn't understand. Isn't China the country with the strictest gun ban in the world? Who are these guys? Why are there so many guns?

It could even be judged by the infrared rays locked on his forehead that there were at least five sniper rifles aimed at him in the darkness.


There was a slight sound of brakes, and the Toyota Business stopped in the darkness in front of the Green Field Villa.

Sakura's hand grasped the handle of the knife tightly, her eyes fixed on the villa that was shadowy in the darkness, like a monster that chooses people to eat, and said softly: "Something is wrong, something seems very wrong."

"What's wrong? Something's wrong."

KING immediately became vigilant. He subconsciously touched the gun bag on his back and looked out the car window.

"I can't tell. My instinct tells me that this place is very dangerous."

Sakura did not turn off the engine and kept the vehicle ready to start at any time, and said without looking back.

Although KING was still vigilant, he was obviously disapproving of it. He never believed in a woman's intuition and would be suspicious all day long.

"I came to see if there was an ambush."

Dianguang finally had a place to use and volunteered.

KING nodded. Compared to Sakura's intuition, he felt that Dianguang's technology was more reliable.

The electric light was tapping the keyboard quickly, and the holographic projection screen emitted a faint blue light. The picture moved three-dimensionally, and the search range continued to expand like a radar scan.

Red dots appeared on the projection screen one by one. The electric light stared at the screen and said softly: "According to the human body heat sensor, there are... nearly two thousand people in the entire Green Field Villa, and there are more than a hundred people near the entrance of the Villa... That's not right. , something is indeed wrong, these people are equipped with weapons.”

Ding Ning, who was invisible and looking at the screen with great interest, looked at the electric light in surprise when he heard this. He was surprised that the Internet search could sense human body heat at the same time. He didn't expect that he could also tell whether it was equipped with a weapon. This electric light also What a talent.

It had to be said that Ding Ning was moved. Although Wu Xian was also a very skilled hacker, his strength was obviously not as good as the one in front of him.

Not to mention the jammer that can block surveillance, this modified tank alone amazed him. It was definitely a genius design.

Yes, this is not an ordinary vehicle, but a serious chariot.

At this moment, he had already understood the entire car through absolute touch. He wouldn't know it if he didn't touch it, and he would be startled if he touched it.

The car not only has a real-time holographic projection that can detect road conditions within a five-kilometer radius, there are also three "Metal Storms" installed in the mezzanine of the sunroof that can fire 16,000 rounds of ammunition per second. As long as the electric light gives the order, anyone who dares to Anyone standing in front of the car will be torn into pieces instantly by the roar of the metal storm.

Not only that, the metal used to build the main body of the carriage is a metal alloy he has never seen before. Although there is no specific data, Ding Ning knows that the hardness of this alloy is far higher than those of so-called bulletproof metals. It can be said that this car is Like a steel fortress, even if it collides head-on with an armored vehicle, there will be no damage.

Hidden in the mezzanine of the car wall are eight drones that can isolate the vehicle from detection by electronic instruments. The previous bird-shaped drone is one of them.

When he saw one of the drones that could blend into the surrounding environment, Ding Ning finally understood how the sniper shot him after some research.

It's not that Lei's sniper skills are great, it's that this drone is great.

The camouflage color of this drone was very clever. Not only did it deceive his consciousness, but it was also able to connect with other drones through signals and transmit his coordinates and images to the snipers through relays.

Then, the drone will predict the best ballistic trajectory through calculation, and all the sniper has to do is to accurately enter the coordinates of the assassination target on the special sniper rifle and pull the trigger.

After figuring out the truth, Ding Ning couldn't laugh or cry at the same time but was secretly frightened. Fortunately, Dianguang hadn't invented a remote-controlled tracking bullet yet, otherwise, he might not be able to escape this time.

However, since drones need to relay signals, it means that their signal coverage is also limited.

Otherwise, these guys don't need to come to Ninghai in person. They can just find a nearby city and release drones for remote-controlled sniping.

Thinking of this, Ding Ning felt a little at ease, but the look in his eyes when he looked at Dian Guang was as if he was looking at a naked beauty. This guy belongs to him.

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