Medical Sovereign

Two thousand and fifty-one reward

Ding Qianlie seemed to understand what he meant, rolled his eyes at him, caressed his belly, his face exuded the glory of motherhood, and said quietly: "I want to do more good deeds and accumulate more virtues for our children. "

Ding Ning moved slightly, her eyes full of tenderness: "Since sister has this heart, I will save her once. However, I can't guarantee whether she will listen. After all, that is the demon sword Muramasa, and he will not give up so easily. of."

"Isn't she going to become your master? If you accept her as your disciple, she can still disobey the master."

Ding Qianlie suggested.

Ding Ning's eyes twitched, and she said with a wry smile: "That's not necessarily the case. She only wants to avenge her dead master by worshiping me as her master, but she may not really regard me as her master."

"How can I be a husband if I'm not a master? I don't mind. I don't care anyway. You have the best way to deal with women."

Ding Qianlie finished jokingly, and then said seriously: "However, I really don't object to you taking her in. Qiandai lives alone in the ice palace all day, rarely communicates with everyone, and has no sense of existence. You She’s so busy that I can’t stay with her all day long. If a Fuso girl can stay with her, she might be more cheerful.”

Ding Ning looked at her blankly, feeling so moved that he said emotionally: "Sister, I've suffered so much for you."

It is really not easy for my sister, the master of the harem, to not only worry about the group's business every day, but also to carefully care about the emotions of her women.

Perhaps it was due to his personality, or perhaps it was due to the ice skills he practiced, that his personality became more and more cold. He spent the whole day practicing in the Sakura Ice Palace and rarely showed up.

Even though she sometimes came to the main castle to eat, she rarely communicated with other people and returned to the Sakura Ice Palace immediately after the meal. This made Ding Qianlie very worried, fearing that she had some kind of autism.

"What's so hard about it? I quite like this kind of life. Besides, they are not only your wives but also my sisters. As the eldest sister, I naturally have to care about my sisters."

Ding Qianlie didn't like sensationalism, so he said impatiently.

"It's so happy to be the sister of Sister Zhanyou. I also want to be the sister of Sister Zhanyou."

The Ant Princess said nonchalantly, making Ding Qianlie laugh out loud, with a playful look on her face.

Ding Ning's face is full of black lines, but this sister is not good. Although many of his women are demons, but ants? forget it.

He felt that there was a big gap between him and Teddy who dared to expose himself to the sun and the air.

At most, it can be compared with Xu Xian who dares to fight against the sun.

Well, he felt that his style must be a little higher than that of Xu Daguanren. After all, he was one behind the other, and Xun'er and Lian'er were sisters.

Of course, this is only for now. In the future, his style will be even higher. When Pikachu, the real dragon, wakes up, he will definitely completely crush many officials and pursue Teddy.

If Susu, the ghost king, is added...

Ding Ning suddenly felt that he seemed to have surpassed Brother Teddy. The sun, the sky, the sky and the air were nothing. Do you dare to be a ghost?

"They are telling the truth!"

The Ant Princess was very unhappy with their expressions. She glanced at Ding Ning and said angrily.

"Okay, from now on you will be the good sister who leads Sister Hunting, okay?"

Ding Qianlie didn't take it seriously and said perfunctorily with a smile.

"Sister Qianyou, don't go back on your word. When I get back, I will tell my father that I don't want to be an ant queen. I want to give birth to many babies for Ding Ning just like sister Qianyou."

The ant princess immediately said happily.

Ant's world is very simple, there are not so many complicated thoughts, and reproduction of offspring is a matter of course. She will not hide her affection for Ding Ning.

"Okay, from now on, little Ningning will give birth to many, many babies for Ding Ning."

Ding Qianlian looked at Ding Ning narrowly and laughed, almost crying.

Ding Ning's face was as black as a charcoal head. Thinking about it with an ant... the picture was so beautiful and harsh that it made him feel a chill in his heart and he couldn't help but shudder.

"Miss Ying, the boss calls you to come in."

Gong Qiang looked a little embarrassed and said to Ying, who was standing alone in the cold wind.

Remembering that he had misunderstood his boss before, his face couldn't help but feel hot.

Although the boss generously said he didn't care, he still felt ashamed that he had questioned the boss's character.

"Master, are you willing to see me?"

Sakura's cold face showed a hint of joy.

"Well, come on in, it's so cold outside, come with me."

Gong Qiang said somewhat uncomfortably, turning around to lead the way, but his heart was filled with resentment. This girl would have called her master earlier, but she said it so easily, and ended up making a big mistake for herself, Mavericks and the others. I almost laughed out loud.


As soon as she entered the villa, Sakura smelled the mouth-watering aroma of barbecue, and her stomach began to growl at this time, which made her feel ashamed.

Gong Qiang swallowed quietly, hehehehe, and said proudly: "The boss will grill the meat in person tonight. Miss Ying will have a good meal today."

"Master can also grill meat? What kind of meat is this? Why is it so fragrant?"

Sakura's eyes lit up and she asked curiously.

Ninjas are never greedy, and plain water bread is their main daily food.

Of course, this refers to real ninjas like Sakura, not those ragtag ninjas who were trained to serve politicians.

In fact, not many major ninja families abide by ninja dogma nowadays. Only those old antiques who live in seclusion and serve as a shocking presence in the ninja family will follow the ancient ninja tradition.

But at this moment, the ninja dogma that she had always abided by was also forgotten by the alluring aroma of barbecue. She just wanted to taste how delicious such fragrant barbecue was.

"I'm not bragging. If the boss's cooking skills claim to be second in the world, no one would dare to claim to be first. As for what kind of meat it is, hehe, you'd better ask the boss yourself."

Although Ying calls her Master Ding Ning, Gong Qiang still has a sense of confidentiality and will never say anything that shouldn't be said.

After all, it was too shocking to say it. It was a monster, a big monster level monster. He didn't even know where the boss got it from.

Ding Ning was concentrating on roasting meat. There was a dense crowd around the bonfire, but no one said a word. Their eyes were like hooks staring at the fragrant barbecue that gradually turned into a golden color, and they swallowed hard.

No one paid any attention to Ying. Even Gong Qiang found a seat and sat down. He swallowed his saliva and stared at the barbecue eagerly. At this moment, their eyes could no longer tolerate anything except barbecue.

Fortunately, the bonfire circle was big enough, so Ding Ning set up ten large grills at once. The monster meat on the grills was like a mountain, which was enough to fill the bellies of more than 2,000 people present.

Of course, it's just a belly wrap. If you want to be full, you may have to bake it several times.

Ying was a little at a loss and didn't know where to sit. She wanted to sit next to Ding Ning, but unfortunately, he was already surrounded by beautiful women.

Each and every one of those women was incredibly beautiful. Even though she was quite confident in her appearance, she still felt a deep sense of frustration at this moment.

Especially a woman who seemed to be otherworldly, even though she was salivating without any image, it did not affect her beauty at all, making her feel ashamed.

This suddenly made her wonder if she had misunderstood her master before. How could she covet her own beauty when she had so many incredibly beautiful women?

"Sakura, sit here and wait for a while."

A beautiful woman with a powerful aura of a queen suddenly turned her head and smiled at her and waved.

Sakura suddenly felt a good impression of her, bowed respectfully to express her gratitude, walked to the woman with small steps and sat down next to her.


The tempting aroma of barbecue hit her nostrils, and Sakura's stomach growled unsatisfactorily. She was immediately ashamed and her face turned red with embarrassment.

"Haha, don't worry, it will be ready soon. Forget about you, those of us who have tasted it, when we think about being able to eat it soon, we can't wait to swallow it with our tongues."

Ding Qianlie said with an understanding smile, causing Yingying to look at her gratefully.

But soon, her attention was attracted by the barbecue, and she was secretly shocked while swallowing her saliva.

What kind of meat is this? Why is it so big? Although the meat on each grill is cut up, it is obviously a whole piece. Each piece of meat is no smaller than an elephant.

But what if it was an elephant? But the skinned head can still be vaguely distinguished from the head of an elephant.

This made her wonder, what kind of meat is this? Why does it look so strange? One of the heads looks like a tiger's head, but how can a tiger's head be so big? Bigger than an average tiger?

Although she was curious, her status was rather awkward at the moment and she couldn't ask too many questions. She could only sigh in her heart. No wonder Master admired and yearned for China so much.

China is indeed an ancient and mysterious country, a land of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. There are countless strange people and strangers, and even barbecued animals are beasts she has never seen before.

This made her feel even more passionate, and she secretly decided to become Ding Ning's teacher no matter what. As for whether he would take her body, she no longer cared.

In order to complete a mission, a ninja can actively devote himself to the mission goal. She has to learn the art from a master. If she doesn't pay anything, why should someone teach her the hidden arts?

It is fair and reasonable for me to serve him since he taught me hidden skills. What's more, he is so handsome, so losing my virginity to him is not an injustice. It is better than losing my virginity to those bad old men.

Sakura looked at Ding Ning who was concentrating on the barbecue with blurred eyes, thinking to herself, whether it was the reflection of the bonfire or the memory of some embarrassing scenes that were not suitable for children, her pretty face was covered with crimson.

"Okay, get ready to eat."

Ding Ning looked at the heat and announced loudly.


The scene suddenly burst into cheers. Although everyone was eagerly waiting, no one went up to grab it. They all lined up neatly as if they were getting food in the army canteen, waiting for Marine Corps and others to distribute it.

Ding Ning ignored them, took out a knife, cut off a large piece of barbecue and handed it to Ying, smiling and saying: "You must be starving."

Sakura's pink cheeks were filled with blush, and she nodded sheepishly, wanting to be humble, but the aroma of barbecue kept challenging the limits of her sense of smell, making her accept the barbecue without any spine. Hot it and took a small bite pretending to be polite.

But the next moment, her eyes lit up. It was delicious, so delicious. She had never eaten such delicious food in her life.

No longer caring about any restraint, she hugged the barbecue and began to eat in a very unladylike way. Even if it was so hot that she was bald and pouting, she didn't want to wait a minute longer.

Fortunately, the other beauties didn't seem to know what restraint was. They were all so burned that they sucked in the cool air and stuffed it into their mouths desperately, so that she didn't look any obtrusive.

"How can you eat meat without wine?"

Ding Ning said with a smile as he watched everyone feasting as if they were reincarnations of starving ghosts.

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