Medical Sovereign

Two thousand one hundred and thirty-two soft-hearted

The only thing he regretted was that there was no news whether the Thunder God Guards from the Thunder Temple did not follow Lei Lie out or entered the divine formation.

However, the Death Guard followed Mu Tianshang without his knowledge. He believed that the Thunder Guard must also have followed, but they never showed up.

If this is the case, this means that the news that all the people of the three major temples have fallen on Paradise Island will inevitably spread back to the temple. I believe that it will not be long before the three major temples will madly retaliate against him.

Ding Ning was not afraid of this, and was even a little eager to give it a try.

Not to mention that when a person from the temple comes to the earthly world, his cultivation will be limited to the demigod realm. Even if there is no limit, with his current physical strength and Tianpeng's extreme speed, can he still run away if he can't win?

Besides, it is true that the Human Emperor is just for food. If the three major temples dare to use power that exceeds that of the human world, the Human Emperor will not have to worry about the restriction of not taking action against humans and go on a killing spree. It is his duty to protect the human world. He dares to do so. Everything destroyed is dead.

Of course, this was a judgment made by Ding Ning without knowing that the Human Emperor was seriously injured and difficult to recover from. If he knew that the Human Emperor had to fall into a long sleep to heal after the battle with the demon lord, he might not be like this now. Optimistic.

Therefore, at this moment, Ding Ning was rushing to Yanjing with great interest, wanting to take a peek at whether Ye Manyao could successfully clean up the family.

At the foot of Yanshan Mountain, Ye Xiao, supported by Feng Lai and Feng Gui, looked bitterly at Ye Manyao and Ye Qingshuang, who were glaring at him, and said dejectedly: "I know that my sins are serious, you can do it, but I only Please let Feng Lai and Feng Gui go for the sake of being in the same school."


Feng Lai Feng Gui cried sadly.

"Impossible. Although they acted according to your instructions, they betrayed the master and helped the sect to commit evil. How can they follow the rules of the sect if they don't kill them."

Before Ye Manyao could speak, Ye Qingshuang said coldly.

A look of sadness flashed in Ye Xiao's eyes. He tried his best to get rid of Feng Lai and Feng Gui's support. He fell to the ground with a thud, banging his forehead with all his strength, and his forehead was bleeding. He cried and begged: "Ancestor , Patriarch, they are all implicated by me, please give them a way out."

"Master, you saved our lives. If you hadn't adopted us and brought us back to the Saintess Clan, we would have died long ago. Our lives are yours. Even if you die, we will never live alone."

Feng Lai and Feng Gui knelt beside Ye Xiao, already crying into tears.

The words already contained a strong intention of death.

"Shut up. Master is already a cripple and has done something wrong. Death is not a pity. But you are still young and have a bright future. You must not die lightly until the last moment."

Night Owl scolded sharply.

The two women looked at each other and saw the determination in each other's eyes. They cried in grief: "Master, in our hearts, you are our reborn parents. We will never be able to repay what we owe you in our lifetime. Everyone." Let’s die together and live together.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Feng Lai suddenly rose up like a rabbit and a falcon. He shook his hands in mid-air and threw out pieces of formation stones, instantly forming a trap formation, trapping Ye Manyao and Ye Qingshuang in the formation. He also shouted: "Feng Gui, take Master to the Imperial Palace to find Uncle Qingxuan."

"Sister, take care of yourself."

Feng Gui cried out sadly, picked up Ye Xiao and ran towards Yanshan Mountain.

"You...don't be stupid, it's useless."

Ye Xiao wanted to struggle, but her limbs were paralyzed. She couldn't resist Fenggui, and sighed helplessly.

"You just said that you should never die lightly until the last moment."

With an unprecedented look of determination on Feng Gui's face, he gritted his teeth and ran towards the Imperial Palace as fast as he could.

"A mere trapped formation

, actually wants to trap us, what a fool’s errand. "

Ye Qingshuang said disdainfully that as a master of formations, this low-level trapping formation was terrifying. With her speed and strength, even if Feng Gui was allowed to run for ten minutes, she could easily catch up before she arrived at the Imperial Palace. they.

"I know that my ancestor has great attainments in formations, and I have no intention of being an enemy of my ancestor, but I can die, but Master must not die. I'm sorry."

Feng Lai glanced at Feng Gui's retreating back with nostalgia. An abnormal flush suddenly appeared on his face, and the aura around him began to surge crazily.

"Are you crazy? You actually used a forbidden technique to cast a soul-breaking trap? Your soul will be shattered and you will never be reincarnated."

Ye Manyao, who had always been calm, changed her face and let out a sharp scream.

"I'm sorry, Master, Master, maybe in your eyes, Master is evil-minded and not a good person, but for me and Feng Gui, she is our only relative in this world, and she is also our mother. As a daughter, How could I just watch my mother die?"

The skin all over Feng Lai's body began to ooze blood, and his face was distorted into an inhuman shape due to pain. It looked extremely terrifying. His eyes were filled with deep attachment to this world, but his tone was full of affection and determination without hesitation. meaning.

"Hey! He is also a very affectionate person. What a pity."

Ye Qingshuang's everlasting Bingshan face was also moved by it. He sighed and closed his eyes, unable to bear to see Feng Lai die.

"Is it worth it? Is it really worth it?"

Ye Manyao kept murmuring.

She didn't understand, with Ye Xiao's usual style, how could Feng Lai be so loyal to her, even risking his life to buy her time to escape.

You must know that the soul-shattering locking formation is a taboo technique of the Saintess Clan. It forcibly breaks the soul of the person who casts the spell to strengthen the power of the trap, but the price is that the person who casts the spell will completely disappear into thin air and will never be reincarnated.

Only when the Saintess tribe encounters an unbeatable and powerful enemy and faces a desperate situation of certain death, they will use this forbidden technique to trap the enemy and buy time for the tribesmen to escape.

Although Feng Lai is not at a high level, once he uses this forbidden technique, he can trap them for at least half an hour. And in half an hour, with Feng Gui's speed, he will definitely be able to successfully bring Ye Xiao to the Guoshi's Mansion and obtain the Guoshi's Mansion. shelter.

"It's worth it. To exchange my soul for the safety of Master and Feng Gui is a very worthwhile deal for me. When people live in this world, they either repay a favor or take revenge. I have no enemies, so I can only repay the favor."

Because Feng Lai used the forbidden technique, his skin began to crack inch by inch, and bright red blood continued to spread along the open wounds. His whole body looked like a bloody man, but there was a smile of relief in his tone, which made people listen. Everyone felt sad for it.

As a result, someone who was hiding and waiting to watch the show relented, and Feng Lai's character of repaying kindness made him deeply moved.

Not to mention that he was a compassionate person, but just as a doctor with medical ethics, he could not sit back and watch a young girl pass away in such a tragic way.

Although Ye Xiao deserves to die, Feng Lai is innocent.

Although she is suspected of helping Zhou do evil, it can even be said that she is blindly loyal without distinguishing right from wrong.

But these days, people who can value kindness more than heaven are on the verge of extinction. They are even rarer than giant pandas. Every one of them is dying.

Just based on this shining point in her character, Ding Ning couldn't convince herself to sit back and do nothing.

However, he had already said not to interfere. Wouldn't it be a waste of money to take action now? How would Ye Manyao view herself?

Ding Ning was very torn, but he only hesitated for a thousandth of a second before making his decision.

There are things a man does and things he doesn't do, and doing nothing to save someone is definitely not what a good man should do.

Since it's hard to show up, just change your identity.

Taking off clothes and putting on clothes is definitely a good trick for a certain flower bush veteran. Without even taking a second, someone took off his clothes and put on bio-simulated skin, and then spent another second to change into clothes made of animal skin. Disguised as a man with messy hair like a wild man.

Then, the figure flashed and appeared behind Feng Lai like a ghost. He slapped the Jade Pillow point on the back of her head, scattering her forcibly condensed soul and returning them to their respective places.


Feng Lai groaned, rolled his eyes and fainted.

Ding Ning hugged her and Jie Jie gave a strange laugh: "It's such a pity that such a beautiful girl died. I'd better take her back to the mountain and be a village wife."

After saying that, with a flick of his finger, a ray of light fell on the formation stone. After a wave of formation patterns, the trapped formation was reinforced. Ye Manyao and the two of them would not get out of the trap in less than half an hour, so they were like carrying a sack. Feng Lai was carried on his shoulders and fled away like a rabbit and a falcon.

It wasn't that he wanted to let Ye Xiao go, but he was concerned about Feng Lai's mood. If she knew that Ye Xiao, whom she desperately wanted to save, was chased and killed by Ye Manyao because of him, I'm afraid she wouldn't live alone.

"Hey, I can't help it. I'm such a compassionate person."

Ding Ning sighed in disgust, found a remote place, and immediately began to treat Feng Lai's injuries.

Although the forcibly condensed soul was knocked back to its original position by him, the injuries on her body were real. She had not trained her body with soldiers, nor was she a green wood body that could heal quickly. If not treated in time, she would just lose blood. Too much can kill her.

The treatment process was very fragrant. Every inch of Feng Lai's body had to be smeared with ointment that would stop bleeding, promote muscle growth, and remove scars. However, the hideous wounds all over her body really couldn't make anyone have any charming thoughts.

"Who is this person? How come I have never heard of such a powerful figure in the world?"

Everything happened so fast. After Ding Ning had gone away for a long time, Ye Qingshuang muttered to herself in a daze.

She couldn't help but be shocked. The Saintess clan had always been famous for their formations, and she was also a master of formations. But even she couldn't upgrade the trapped formation without using forbidden techniques.

But that person just flicked his fingers lightly, and made the trap achieve the effect that Feng Lai had to sacrifice his life to achieve. With this move alone, the person's formation skills were beyond her reach.

Possessing formation attainments that put her, a formation master, behind her, it goes without saying that the person coming here must be at the level of a divine formation master.

Divine Formation Master, that is not a dime a pound of cabbage. Over the years, the Saintess Clan has only given birth to one Divine Formation Master, Ye Linglong.

The most ironic thing is that Ye Linglong, a divine formation master, was promoted after she left the Saintess Clan. This made her realize that there must be an expert with extremely terrifying formation skills sitting on Paradise Island.

She was already a little numb to the magic of Paradise Island, but now, in addition to the awesome people on Paradise Island, she unexpectedly encountered another divine formation master. This made her feel a deep sense of frustration. For the first time in her life, she faced The saintly clan she was so proud of felt a little suspicious.

Is the Holy Maiden Clan really the number one holy land in the world?

"I don't know. I have never heard of such a person in this world."

Ye Manyao frowned tightly, with lingering sadness between her brows.

If people's hearts are broken, it will be difficult to lead the team.

It’s okay to have a divine formation master on Paradise Island. After all, it’s the power of one’s own men, so even if you’re awesome, you won’t be able to go outside.

But now, in addition to Paradise Island, a mysterious god-level formation master has appeared. How can this make her, the patriarch of the Saintess Clan, who is famous for her formation skills, embarrassed?

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