Medical Sovereign

Two thousand one hundred and thirty-nine sales are booming

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"I consider her my sister because as a member of the Bai family, I will never allow Bai Qing to marry a celebrity. No matter how clean and self-sufficient the celebrity is, in the eyes of an old feudal lord like Mr. Bai, he is just an actor. , she is not worthy to be the wife of the Bai family at all, but she has the identity of my sister, which is completely different. Mr. Bai will never treat her as an actress again, so her marriage with Bai Qing will be less. There were a lot of obstacles.”

When Ding Ning calmly explained Feng Lai's doubts, Bai Qing and Jiang Yimeng had already left. Of course, before that, Bai Qing had already called someone to clean up the scene and brought the two unconscious killers back for interrogation.

Although those killers all wore skull masks, Bai Qing would not foolishly think that they must be members of the Skull and Bones Society. It was more likely that the people behind the scenes were deliberately confusing their vision.

"Is it great to be your sister?"

Feng Lai asked with some confusion. She really couldn't understand why Jiang Yimeng became Ding Ning's sister, so that the old man of the Bai family would not regard her as an actress.

The corner of Ding Ning's mouth twitched. This pretender failed miserably. The little girl has no idea how important my brother is to Mr. Bai.

For people who have reached the status of Mr. Bai, all the glory, wealth, fame and fortune are just clouds in their eyes. Their only concern is whether they can live a long life.

The key to whether they can live a few more years without illness or disaster lies in his hands. As long as Jiang Yimeng has the identity of his god-sister, even if she is still an actress in the eyes of old man Bai, she is definitely not ordinary. actor.

Of course, he would not tell Feng Lai this, as it would give people the feeling of bragging, so he said calmly: "You will understand in the future."

"Hey, you're still trying to sell it off."

Feng Lai hid under the quilt with only his head exposed, and pouted unhappily, but he did not continue to dwell on the topic, but said with a blushing face: "Can you... please give me back my clothes."

Ding Ning's forehead was instantly covered with black lines. It was as if he hid the clothes and deliberately let her run naked.

He immediately rolled his eyes in annoyance: "I would like to return it to you, but the problem is, all your clothes are in pieces. I have thrown them into the trash, so how can I return them to you?"

"How could my clothes be torn..."

Feng Lai stopped abruptly before he finished speaking and stuck out his tongue in embarrassment.

Because she suddenly remembered that when she used the forbidden technique before, the skin all over her body was torn. Let alone her clothes, it was impossible to stay intact. Even if they could still be intact, they were all soaked in blood and could not be worn at all.

"What should I do? I can't just lie in bed all day."

Feng Lai said with a sad face and secretly glanced at Ding Ning who was reading a book.

"It's late at night, where can I find clothes with you? Let's wait until daybreak."

Ding Ning yawned, walked to the bed as a matter of course, lifted the quilt and got in.


Feng Lai screamed, curled up and looked at him in horror: "What are you going to do?"

Ding Ning said confidently: "Of course I'm going to bed."

"Why do you have to sleep with your clothes on?"

But Feng Lai's next words made Ding Ning feel confused. This girl's brain circuit seemed to be different from others.

Do you want me to take off my clothes and sleep? Does this chick want to push me down? Are you obedient? Is it obedience? Or obey?

Ding Ning only took a thousandth of a second to make a decision. In order not to hurt the beauty's heart, he had to obey.

So, it only took one second for someone to strip naked, covering his chest with a tragic face, waiting for the violent storm to come.

As a result... Feng Lai put on his clothes faster than he could take off his clothes, and let out a sigh of satisfaction: "I still feel at ease with my clothes on."

Well, you are at ease,

Brother, the wind blew my butt off.

Ding Ning cursed the irregular menstruation of the woman who deceived him with resentment in his heart, while chatting with her casually.

Gradually, my eyelids became heavy as if filled with lead. It didn't take long for me to drift into sleep, and there was a slight sound of deep sleep.

"Ding Ning!"

"Ding Ning!"

Just when he was sleeping soundly, Feng Lai called him twice. Seeing that he didn't respond and his snoring continued, he sneakily got up and looked at his sleeping face with complicated eyes.

After a long time, she leaned down and kissed him on the lips like a dragonfly, and said quietly to herself: "You made my master disabled. Logically speaking, I should kill you to avenge my master, but you saved my life." My life has also helped me improve my realm. I... really can't do it. To be honest, I may... maybe... like you a little bit. Unfortunately, you are Master's enemy. Between us It is destined to be impossible. From now on, we will meet as passers-by."

After saying that, he sighed softly, took one last longing look at Ding Ning, then resolutely turned around and walked out, quickly disappearing into the night.

"Xiao Nizi, you have a conscience."

In the room, Ding Ning quietly opened his eyes, a pair of eyes with a hidden smile shining brightly in the darkness.

He never expected that this girl Feng Lai would take advantage of his unpreparedness and secretly hide the chicken drum incense brought by the killer, and use the opportunity of going to the bathroom to light it in an attempt to make herself faint.

It's a pity, who is he? He immediately noticed the fascinating fragrance as soon as it hit his nose, and deliberately pretended to be tricked, just to see what tricks she planned to play.

You know, he came to the rescue because he valued this girl's character of love and justice. If she even abandoned this greatest advantage, she would not be worthy of his pity.

Fortunately, this little girl still has a conscience and is not willing to attack him. Otherwise, he would have to be ruthless and destroy her.

Shi Shiran got up, arranged it in the courtyard, installed a teleportation array base in a hidden place, and teleported directly back to Paradise Island.

Saving Feng Lai was just a whim because of her loyalty. Since she chose to leave on her own, he would not force anything. For him, this was just a small episode in his life and he would not stay. Too many ripples.

The breakthrough in his state of mind made his temperament become indifferent and casual, and even his temperament became somewhat ethereal.

What pleased him was that this change was not the replacement of humanity by divinity, but a spiritual transformation that made his mentality more restrained and peaceful.

This means that although he has not officially become a god, he already has the capital to compete with divinity.

"Hey, why didn't you rest?"

As soon as he returned to the main castle, Ding Ning saw his sister, Luo Xue and other women who had lived on Paradise Island all year round. Except for walking alone, almost all of them were eating fruits, cracking nuts, and chatting happily in the living room. He was surprised that no one was playing mahjong, and he couldn't help but ask curiously.

"If you, the hands-off shopkeeper, don't come back, how can we dare to sleep?"

Ding Qianlie came up to him with a smile, and like a gentle and virtuous wife, she naturally took the coat he took off and hung it on the hanger.

"Seeing that you are all so happy, tell me, what good thing happened to you?"

Ding Ning asked, sitting on the sofa with a smile.

Luoxue stuck out her tongue: "Brother, my sister is right when she says you are the hands-off shopkeeper. Yesterday was the day when Mi Dou Oral Liquid was officially released."

Ding Ning then realized it and slapped his forehead, suddenly saying: "Looking at my memory, I have completely forgotten about this matter."

"It's not that you have a bad memory, it's that you don't pay attention at all."

Ziqueer gave him a cute and angry look and said.


Ding Ning chuckled and did not distinguish. Indeed, with the strength of his soul now, unless he wanted to forget, it would be impossible to forget anything.

"Brother, aren't you worried? What if the sales of Mi Dou Oral Liquid are not optimistic?"

Pan Xiangyun looked serious and asked seriously.

"Real gold is not afraid of fire, so there is nothing to worry about."

Ding Ning opened his mouth and ate a grape that Luoxue had peeled for him, and said confidently.

"Gee, let me tell you, even though I don't even show my face, I actually know something about it."

Ye Huanjiao said with a smile.

"Brother, that's confidence."

Ye Le said with a smile on his face.

"Looking at how happy you are, the sales should be going well, right?"

Seeing their high spirits, Ding Ning already knew what was going on.

"It's not just good, it's so popular. If it weren't for Qingyun's security, there would have been a robbery accident."

Ding Qianlie sat next to Ding Ning and said happily.


Ding Ning was not too surprised. After all, Mi Dou Oral Liquid was only sold in ten designated large pharmacies in Ninghai, so looting was expected, so Qingyun Security was dispatched early to maintain order.

"Do you know how many Mi Dou oral liquids were sold today?"

Ding Qianlie whetted Ding Ning's appetite.

Ding Ning remained calm and calm, holding a grape and peeling it, and asked casually: "How much?"

Ding Qianlie rolled her eyes. She wanted to surprise Ding Ning, but she didn't expect him to react like this, which made her feel as frustrated as punching the cotton with all her strength. But when she thought of the amazing sales, her mood immediately changed. Feeling better, he raised three fingers and shook them.

"Three million copies? Well, it's about what I expected."

Ding Ning fed the peeled grapes to Luoxue, who had a happy smile on his face, and said calmly without raising his head.

"three million?"

The corner of Ding Qianlie's mouth curled up with a hint of pride: "Multiply that by ten."

"Thirty million copies, that's...what? How much did you say?"

Before Ding Ning could finish his careless words, he suddenly realized what he was saying. He suddenly raised his head and asked with wide eyes in disbelief.

Ding Qianlie finally saw the effect that satisfied her, and said with high spirits: "To be precise, it's 34.5 million copies."

Even though Ding Ning was frightened, Lei was dumbfounded when he heard this terrifying figure.

You know, this is the first sale like a test of the waters. It is only limited to the Ninghai area. Even the sales points are only ten large pharmacies. In just one day, more than 30 million copies were sold. This is definitely far beyond the limit. his psychological expectations.

Although Mi Dou Oral Liquid follows the affordable price route at Ding Ning’s insistence, don’t forget that medicines are always a huge profit industry. Even if Mi Dou Oral Liquid only sells for 58 yuan per serving, excluding production costs and channel sales After paying taxes, taxes and other miscellaneous expenses, the net profit is about ten yuan.

A net profit of ten yuan, 34.5 million is 345 million. This is the sales performance of the first sale on the first day, which is like testing the waters.

After people truly realize the miraculous efficacy of Mi Dou Oral Liquid, sales will inevitably explode. Sales outlets will be spread across the country and even the world. How high can the daily sales performance be?

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