Medical Sovereign

Two thousand one hundred and forty-four continues to be popular

"Hello to all the viewers in front of the TV, I am Lin Anyun, a reporter from NHTV. Yesterday, Midou Oral Liquid was released for the first time, triggering a panic buying frenzy with thousands of people emptying out. It once temporarily paralyzed nearby traffic. Today, the rush to buy Midou Oral Liquid Will the craze happen again? I’m also looking forward to it..."

"Hello everyone, I am Li Jun, a reporter from Kangwei News. My current location is Baifu Pharmacy on Nanjian Road. As one of the pharmacies that sells Midou Oral Liquid, today I will follow up and report on the sales of Midou Oral Liquid. Is the sales situation still as hot as yesterday..."

"As a newly developed new drug, what kind of magical charm does Mi Dou Oral Liquid have that can trigger such a large-scale rush to buy? Please follow my vision to reveal the secret. I am from the Tiandu TV Health and Wellness Channel Reporter Song Weiwei.”

In Ninghai, one of the top ten designated pharmacies selling Midou Oral Liquid has not yet opened, but there is already an endless queue in front of the door.

It is said that some people came to line up at four o'clock in the morning, fearing that they would not be able to buy Mi Dou oral liquid.

Ninghai TV station, major newspapers, and major online media all sent reporters to interview.

After all, this kind of sales event is unprecedented, and as soon as it was reported yesterday, it immediately attracted great attention from the people of the city.

Especially after the footage of the rush to buy Midou Oral Liquid yesterday was captured on video and posted online, it aroused heated discussions on the Internet, with all sorts of comments.

Some netizens scoffed, saying that this was a marketing ploy by dealers, and those rushing to buy Mi Dou Oral Liquid were definitely hired agents.

Some netizens refused to accept and retorted, saying that it is impossible for dealers to spend money to hire so many agents. After all, it is not the case at any sales point, but the queues at ten sales points are endless. No matter how rich the dealer is, I can't afford to hire so many caretakers.

The two got into a war of words over the issue of whether to hire a contractor or not, causing countless netizens to follow suit and build skyscrapers that were unattainable in an instant.

Some netizens have never heard of Midou Oral Liquid and are curious about what it is used for and why so many people are snapping up it.

Enthusiastic netizens who knew about it immediately gave a detailed introduction. When they learned that Mi Dou Oral Liquid was independently developed by Chinese people and could replace all antibiotics, all the netizens who saw the post became uneasy and left messages under the post.

"Our great country actually independently developed Mi Dou oral liquid that can replace all antibiotics. I wonder if the efficacy is really as miraculous as the rumors say? If so, I just want to say, it's amazing, my country."

——Netizen: I have worn a red scarf.

"Support domestic products, support Chinese medicine, and support the great renaissance of traditional medicine."

——Netizen: So handsome.

“As far as I know, all antibiotics have certain toxic and side effects.

I don’t know if the Mi Dou oral liquid independently developed in my country also has flaws in this regard. Please clarify. "

——Netizen: Real insights.

"I am a student at Ning University Medical School. I will answer your questions based on what I know. The developer of Mi Dou Oral Liquid is named Ding Ning. Maybe many people have never heard of this name, but the name of Little Miracle Doctor is something I I think everyone should be familiar with it. Yes, the little miracle doctor is Ding Ning. Ding Ning is the little miracle doctor, and he is also my idol. I can tell you with conscience and responsibility that this Mi Dou oral liquid, which is the pride of the Chinese people, is pure. Traditional Chinese medicine preparations have absolutely no toxic or side effects. While functioning as antibiotics, they also have the effect of mediating the immune system and strengthening the human body. Don’t ask me how I know this, because I was also one of the people who rushed to buy it yesterday. , the effect is absolutely stunning.”

——Netizen: If you love to the end, you will cut it with a knife.

"Holy shit, is it true? This Mi Dou oral liquid really has such miraculous curative effects? Why don't I believe it so much? Could it be that China's medical science has surpassed those of developed Western countries?"

——Netizen: If I don’t do it, who will?

"You idiot, what bothers you the most is the traitorous scum upstairs who lacks a sense of national pride and honor. What happened to the developed Western countries? How can the five thousand years of history of our great China be compared to those barbarians?"

——Netizen: A thick and long elephant trunk.

"It's an elephant's trunk. I've heard of the name of the little miracle doctor for a long time. I can trust the medicine he developed. I must support it. I don't know the price? Do you have any friends in Ninghai? Can you give me a price?"

——Netizen: You don’t know I love you.

"I'm from Ninghai. The price of ten bottles of oral liquid is only fifty-eight yuan per serving. It's high quality and low price. It's great value for money. It's worth owning. It's an absolutely conscientious price. Otherwise, who would rush to buy it? It's a pity that I'm just a poor student. I am not financially well-off, so I only bought three copies for my regular medicine collection.”

——Netizen: The new generation of superhuman beings.

"Fifty-eight, only fifty-eight, and the price will never increase. This is the promise made by the little miracle doctor, to let the Chinese people use conscientious medicine, safe medicine, and affordable medicine."

——Netizen: If you love to the end, you will cut it with a knife.

"Fifty-eight seems to be a little more expensive than those antibiotics, right? Can this be considered an affordable medicine?"

——Netizen: I am not a bad guy.

"Are you an idiot upstairs? This is the latest drug that can replace all antibiotics. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, and it can also regulate the human immune system and enhance physical fitness. It sells for fifty-eight dollars and is not a cheap drug. Is it a cheap medicine? Does it have to be given to you for free? If you are a poor person, stay away."

——Netizen: Black tiles.

"That's right. Nowadays, those imported medicines often cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Fifty-Eight is really not expensive. It is definitely an affordable medicine. I just don't know if the medicine is really as miraculous as the introduction. Please tell me."

——Netizen: It’s black that you don’t understand during the day.

"Yes, yes, has anyone used Mi Dou oral liquid? How did it feel? Please tell me."

——Netizen: The water town in dreams.

"That's right. All cheap and conscientious medicines are fake. Don't look at advertisements to see the efficacy. If anyone has personal experience, please speak out."

——Netizen: I lost her.

"I would like to solemnly state that I am from Ninghai. I am definitely not a hired agent. I have my ID card and real workplace as proof. I just want to leave a message to tell my truest experience. Half a month ago, I caught a cold. I had a fever, my nose was stuffy, and my whole body was hot. I spent thousands of dollars in the hospital to get fluids for a week, but it never got better. Yesterday, on my way to the hospital to get fluids, I happened to pass by Wanjiafu. I saw so many people queuing up at the big pharmacy. After I learned that the Mi Dou oral liquid developed by the little miracle doctor was officially launched, I called my wife and asked her to queue up to buy the medicine, while I continued to get water. Last night, my wife finally bought Mi Dou oral liquid. I immediately opened a bottle and drank it. The taste was a bit sour and a bit sweet, but the texture was still very good. I thought it would take at least a while to take effect. As a result, I Within ten minutes of drinking it, my high fever went away, my nose was clear, my cold was gone, my body was strong, my teeth were better, and it tasted delicious. By the way, I revealed a little secret, I am now at Wanjiafu University. There was a long queue at the drug store. My stupid wife had to wait in line for most of the day yesterday to buy a copy of Mi Dou Oral Liquid. This is no good, she must buy more as a regular household medicine. "

——Netizen: Who was who in the previous life.

"After identification, what the netizen above said should be true. I am also from Ninghai, and I am also a beneficiary of Midou Oral Liquid. I only want to say four words about the effect of Midou Oral Liquid, that is, it is immediate. As for whether it can really regulate immunity and enhance physical fitness, it will take time to prove, but I believe in the little miracle doctor because he is the pride of our Ninghai."

——Netizen: A wolf that doesn’t eat the grass beside its den.

"Why is such a magical drug only sold in Ninghai? Is there any online sales channel?"

——Netizen: The broken fleeting time.

"Strongly demand that Mikou Oral Liquid be sold nationwide."

"Strongly demand the national sale of Mikou Oral Liquid +1"

"Strongly demand the nationwide sale of Mikou Oral Liquid +2"

"Strongly demand the nationwide sale of Mikou Oral Liquid +3"

"Strongly requesting the nationwide sale of Mikou Oral Liquid +10086"

As one netizen expressed a strong desire to buy, tall buildings rose from the ground in the blink of an eye. Countless netizens followed suit and strongly demanded a nationwide sale.

The official website of Shengtang Pharmaceutical instantly received an influx of countless visitors, strongly demanding the opening of online purchasing channels. If Wu Xian's computer skills were not high enough and he restricted the right to speak, the official website's server would have been maxed out that day.

Although every staff member of Shengtang Pharmaceutical was too busy to touch the ground, their unprecedented pride made them hold their heads high and their faces filled with proud smiles.

Faced with the enthusiasm of netizens across the country, Ling Fei was really sad and happy. He could only report the situation to the representatives of the Ministry of Health sent by Minister Jiang overnight, and requested the country to speed up the construction of designated manufacturers in each province, and to implement nationwide measures as soon as possible. Mi Dou Oral Liquid will be sold on a large scale. Otherwise, Shengtang Pharmaceutical will really be unable to bear it.

The representative of the Ministry of Health did not dare to neglect, and immediately contacted Minister Jiang and reported the sales situation to him.

Minister Jiang did not express his position on the spot. After hanging up the phone, he directly asked the Prime Minister for instructions.

After receiving the instructions from the Prime Minister, Minister Jiang immediately arranged for someone to announce the exact release date of Mi Dou Oral Liquid in each province on the official website of the Ministry of Health. At the same time, he will instruct Shengtang Pharmaceutical to open online sales channels as soon as possible, so as to satisfy the eagerly awaited customers. People across the country are satisfied.

It's just that Wu Xian is very busy right now. Even if he is a hacker, he can only work overtime and night to open the online ordering channel as quickly as possible.

As the efficacy of Mi Dou Oral Liquid has been recognized by more and more people, the sales craze shows no sign of weakening.

The next day, a total of 3,863 copies were sold at the top ten sales points in Ninghai.

On the third day, Shengtang Pharmaceutical's online sales channel was officially opened. On that day, the number of online orders alone reached 5,637, and the number of physical store sales increased instead of decreasing, directly exceeding the 40 million mark.

This situation has far exceeded Ding Ning's original expectations. He could only add sixteen more temporary production lines overnight to barely be able to deliver goods.

On the fourth day, the sales volume of Shengtang Pharmaceutical's online sales channels soared to more than 80 million copies, and the sales volume in physical stores was only close to the 50 million mark.

Ding Ning is sure that online orders have nothing to do with the pharmaceutical alliance. After all, online shopping takes time to ship. No matter how wealthy the pharmaceutical alliance is, they will not use online shopping to defeat themselves with time differences. Online shopping should be There are indeed customers in need, which gives him a sense of accomplishment.

On the fifth day, Shengtang Pharmaceutical's online sales dropped somewhat, but still exceeded 60 million. Sales in physical stores increased instead of decreasing, breaking through the 50 million mark and directly approaching the 60 million mark.

"These foreign devils are really rich. Since you are willing to give me money, I will not be respectful and accept them all with a smile."

Ding Ning touched his chin and once again gave instructions to the water tribes in the spiritual sea, asking them to search for starfish in farther sea areas.

There is no way, the sea area for hundreds of miles has been completely cleared by the aquarium, and it is guaranteed that not even a starfish can be found.

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