Medical Sovereign

Two thousand one hundred and forty-eight Yaowang Valley

Ding Ning sipped her tea and interrupted lightly: "If I guessed correctly, you are also part of the Pharmaceutical Alliance, so after getting the news, you plan to wait and see before placing a bet."

Anna paused for a moment, her expression changed slightly, then she lowered her eyes and said mockingly: "Sure enough, I can't hide anything from Mr. Ding, I knew it."


Ding Ning took out a cigarette, lighting it and puffing on it, regardless of whether she liked the smell of the smoke or not.

Although Anna didn't say it directly, he had roughly figured out a clear context of the matter in his mind.

Ivan must also have a pharmaceutical company under his command, which is part of the Pharmaceutical Alliance. After learning that the Pharmaceutical Alliance was going to deal with him, although they did not participate, they adopted a wait-and-see attitude.

But now, after Ivan discovered that the Pharmaceutical Alliance had taken action, it did not defeat him as expected, so he decided to immediately send someone to make a deal with him.

Ivan must be feeling very upset now, thinking that he could not provide help in times of need but still want to make things better, so he gave himself a warning to express his goodwill.

But a heroic figure like him would naturally not admit that he had deliberately adopted a wait-and-see attitude before. He must have wanted Anna to pretend that she had just learned the news and came immediately to warn him to gain his favor.

But Anna is a very smart woman. After realizing that she didn't seem to be that simple, she immediately realized that the original plan might not work, so she changed her strategy and decided to tell the truth frankly.

"Since Mr. Ding is clear about the first thing, I won't go into details. I'll just talk about the second thing. My father had a heart transplant half a year ago. The operation went well. But recently, something happened. There are slight signs of rejection, and I am relying on anti-rejection drugs to maintain my life, but the situation... is not optimistic, so I would like to ask Mr. Ding to save my father's life. You can ask for any compensation you need. "

Anna looked at him very sincerely and begged.

Ding Ning's face was calm, and he stared at Anna as if he could see through people's hearts. He asked in a deep voice: "Are you going to invite me to Tsarist Russia to treat your father's illness, or are you coming to seek medicine?"

This sentence was also a test. He didn't know whether Anna came for the name of his little miracle doctor or for the assimilation potion.

If it is the former, there are extenuating circumstances. If it is the latter, then the matter will be complicated. You know, the assimilation agent is still in clinical trials, and very few people know about it. Where did Ivan learn about assimilation? Potion?

Of course, he would never have thought that Academician Cao Jingsen had told Linnai about the anabolic agent on the phone in order to help him apply for the Noel Prize for Physiology and Medicine the year after next year.

As Ding Ning's recommender, Lin Nai felt that he had found a treasure, and he couldn't help but tell the story in a moment of excitement. Assimilation drugs are no longer a secret in the Western medical world.

It was precisely because of receiving this news,

The person behind Richard used his connections in China to illegally take photos of the assimilation potion and send it to Richard.

"Ask for medicine. Of course, it would be better if Dr. Ding is willing to go there in person."

Anna didn't know the reason and answered naturally.

"How do you know I will be prescribed anti-rejection medication?"

Ding Ning was a little confused. He didn't know whether it was a coincidence or the news about the assimilation potion had been leaked.

"Didn't you develop the assimilation potion?"

Anna asked blankly, not understanding what he meant.

She is not to blame for this matter, but Berkavish did not explain it clearly, making her mistakenly think that this was something everyone knew.

Ding Ning's face darkened, and his eyes were cold as he said, "How do you know about the assimilation potion?"

Anna didn't know why he suddenly changed his face, and explained anxiously: "My father's subordinate Berkavish told my father after he came back from attending the meeting of the Pharmaceutical Alliance to discuss dealing with you."

Ding Ning narrowed his eyes slightly and ordered extremely forcefully: "Call Berkavish immediately. I want to speak to him."

The two bodyguards stared at Ding Ning with unkind expressions, waiting for Anna's order to attack Ding Ning immediately.

But Anna glared and told them not to act rashly. She took out her mobile phone and dialed directly: "Uncle Berkavish, this is Anna."

"Yes, I am with Mr. Ding now."

", that's it...Mr. Ding wants to talk to you now, and please answer all his questions truthfully. Yes, okay, I'll let him talk to you."

After Anna and Berkavish were relieved, she handed the phone to Ding Ning.

"Hello, Mr. Berkavish."

Ding Ning took the phone and said calmly.

After receiving Anna's instructions, Berkavish cooperated very well and told in great detail everything that happened when he attended the Pharmaceutical Alliance meeting that day.

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Berkavish."

Ding Ning's expression has completely calmed down. Although he didn't know that Lin Nai had leaked the news a long time ago, he was sure that there was definitely a traitor in the department responsible for clinical trials in China. Otherwise, how could the photos of the assimilation agent appear in the pharmaceutical industry? In the hands of the alliance?

"Mr. Ding, my father's..."

Ana put away the phone and asked cautiously.

Before he finished speaking, Ding Ning waved his hand and interrupted: "The assimilation agent is still in clinical trials. Isn't it too early for you to ask for medicine now? Aren't you afraid of the side effects of the assimilation agent?"

Anna bit her lower lip lightly and said with a very sincere look: "To be honest with you, we have our news channels. The assimilation agent has now entered the final stage of clinical trials. The previous stages of clinical trials have been very successful. I believe it will be soon." The last process will be completed, but it will take a long time from the drug passing the test to being officially put into production. My father may not be able to wait that long, so I am here this time to order an assimilation potion with you. ”

Ding Ning twitched the corner of his mouth. Damn it, the assimilation drug has entered the final stage of clinical trials. Hell, even foreigners know about it, but he, the developer, doesn't know about it. The confidentiality awareness of this drug testing department is really hard to complain about.

"Mr. Ding, can you help me? As long as you can save my father's life, I will agree to any conditions you have."

Anna looked at him pitifully and begged.

Ding Ning looked at her with a strange expression and said jokingly: "Can you agree to any conditions?"

Anna's face suddenly turned red. She knew that she had a speech problem in her desperation. Looking at Ding Ning's joking eyes, she still gritted her teeth and said, "Yes, as long as you can save my father, I will agree to any condition you have."


Ding Ning stopped teasing her and looked at the time on his watch: "Let's go in three days. You can come again in three days. I won't keep you here as I have other things to do today."

Anna didn't expect that he would agree so happily, with gratitude in her eyes, she stood up, bowed deeply, and said sincerely: "Thank you!"

"Don't thank me yet. I'll let you negotiate the terms in three days. It's not a free gift."

Ding Ning said with a smile.

Anna was not surprised, and still said sincerely: "Then thank you too. At least, you gave me hope."

Ding Ning smiled and said nothing, watching her turn and leave. Just as Anna walked to the door, he suddenly stopped. A tangled look flashed on his face, but he soon became determined, turned his head and spoke very fast. Quickly whispered: "Be careful of Yaowang Valley."

Before Ding Ning could understand what he meant, Anna left quickly with two bear bodyguards.

"Yaowang Valley?"

Ding Ning's slender knuckles knocked on the sofa clasp unconsciously, murmuring in a low voice, and his eyes flashed thoughtfully.

This was not the first time he heard the name of Yaowang Valley. The incense used by the killer who assassinated Bai Qing last time was purchased from Yaowang Valley.

The medical summit would last three days, so he asked Anna to come back in three days. Anna naturally understood what it meant. She reminded herself at this time that she should know something.

But it was obvious that Anna was extremely afraid of this Medicine King Valley. She just gave him a vague reminder without any intention of explaining it, and didn't even give him a chance to ask.

Therefore, he did not catch up with her to ask. Firstly, he estimated that even if he asked, he would not be able to find out anything. Secondly, he had absolute confidence in his own strength. No matter who the Medicine King Valley was, he would not take it too seriously. superior.

But as the saying goes, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. Now that he knew that people from Yaowang Valley were participating in this medical summit, he still had to do some research.

"Wuxia, check the information on Yaowang Valley for me."

Ding Ning took out the phone, called Zhu Wuxia, and gave direct instructions.

Zhu Wuxia has not been idle during this period. The domestic intelligence network has been basically laid out. Even if the tentacles have not reached all corners, it should not be difficult to get information about Yaowang Valley.

After hanging up the phone, Ding Ning rushed to the Shangri-La Hotel. Perhaps, he could get some news from Katharina.

After all, that girl is Tian Xuanzi's daughter, and she can be regarded as half of her own. What's more, she is also the official initiator of this medical summit, so she will definitely know more inside information.

Unfortunately, Ding Ning was disappointed. Although Katharina was still bright and charming, she really didn’t know too many inside stories. This time, it was just because of her status as the president of the World Medical Association that she was used by the Rothschild family to become a partner with China. The link and bridge between governments.

"I'm sorry. I thought it was a grand event for the international medical community to communicate with each other, so I tried my best to promote this summit. I didn't expect that it was taken advantage of."

Katharina said with great annoyance after seeing Ding Ning.

If she had known that this was a bet, she would not have participated. After all, although she grew up in the Holy See, she has half of China's blood in her body. She still has very deep feelings for China.

"I can't blame you. You also want to promote the development of medicine for all mankind. From this perspective, what you did is not wrong at all."

Although Ding Ning was disappointed, he had no intention of blaming Katharina.

Since the Rothschild family is well prepared, as one of the most mysterious families in the world, there is no doubt about the strength of the Rothschild family. Even if there is no Katharina to facilitate this matter, there will definitely be Others come to fulfill this mission.

"However, I think it's not necessarily a bad thing. With your medical skills, winning this medical competition is definitely a sure thing."

Seeing that Ding Ning didn't blame her, Katharina immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile.

Being able to be so highly praised by a stunning beauty, Ding Ning still felt a sense of accomplishment. He looked at her amusedly: "You have so much confidence in me."

"Of course, you are the best doctor I have ever seen, bar none."

Katharina's evaluation was quite high, of course.

"Should I feel honored?"

Ding Ning said with a smile, it is comfortable to chat with a beautiful woman.

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