Medical Sovereign

Two thousand one hundred and fifty-seven Follow

Ding Ning couldn't help but feel happy when he saw the constipated expression on the official representative of the US delegation's face, as if he had eaten shit.

Of course, Ding Ning knew very well that Katharina's support for Chinese medicine was actually just her personal intention.

But she was very smart and played a word game to change the concept.

First, as the president of the World Medical Association, he welcomed experts and scholars from various countries, and then he clearly pointed out the important position of traditional Chinese medicine in the international medical community. It is easy to misunderstand that the World Medical Association has recognized the international status of traditional Chinese medicine. .

In fact, due to the translation, the foreigners did not understand that what Katharina was talking about was traditional Chinese medicine rather than traditional Chinese medicine.

The Chinese language is so broad and profound that it can actually be explained by the language of the barbarians.

Chinese medicine.

Traditional Chinese Medicine.

One word difference, but completely different concepts.

Western interest groups have been desperately suppressing traditional Chinese medicine in recent years, but they do not reject traditional Chinese medicine. Many Western countries are even developing and promoting proprietary Chinese medicines that use Chinese herbal medicine as raw materials and are processed into various dosage forms.

Therefore, Katharina seems to be supporting traditional Chinese medicine, but in fact, her words leave room for maneuver. Even if she is criticized by the World Medical Association for these words in the future, she will be able to defend her confidently.

Ding Ning secretly praised his daughter-in-law for being cunning and cunning, but even more fond of Katharina.

After all, the World Medical Association is not monolithic. Katharina has just taken over the position of president and has not yet secured her position. Therefore, even if she sets a language trap, she will still have to bear tremendous pressure. , which is tantamount to declaring war with the entire Western interest group.

Looking at Katharina talking eloquently on the rostrum, Ding Ning murmured in his heart: "Katharina, just with your good intentions, I will not let you be at the forefront of the storm. Don't worry. , I will use practical actions to prove to everyone that your vision is correct. "

Mr. Hu's heart was surging, and his eyes filled with tears of excitement. He straightened his chest subconsciously, with a solemn look on his face.

For Chinese medicine to be recognized by the international medical community, they have been waiting for this day for too long.

Although they know very well that there is still a long way to go before Chinese medicine can stand at the top of the world again, they firmly believe that with today’s good start, that day will not be too far away.

Compared to the extremely intense resentment expressed by the official representatives of the U.S. delegation,

Most of the medical experts did not react excessively and were able to maintain a calm mind.

After all, most of them are true scholars. In their hearts, medicine has no international boundaries and no factions. As long as they can make outstanding contributions to human medicine, they can accept them wholeheartedly.

In fact, given their current status, they are still willing to attend this medical exchange summit. First, they have received a semi-mandatory invitation from the government and cannot refuse; second, they are indeed convinced of the Lancet article on the existence of meridians. I have a strong interest in the anesthesia theory of traditional Chinese medicine, so I came here with an attitude of seeking verification.

Therefore, after Katharina finished her eloquent speech and announced that the International Medical Summit had officially begun, and when the Medical Exchange Summit began its first agenda, an American medical expert stood up first, bowed slightly to Ding Ning, and said with English asked: "Hello, Mr. Ding Ning, I have read the Lancet article on the meridian theory. Although it seems to be very reasonable in theory, I still have many... well, I can't figure out the principle. I understand, so I want to experience it myself and witness the existence of the meridians, is that okay?”

After speaking, the medical representative motioned to the translator beside him and asked him to translate for Ding Ning.

The translator was about to speak, but Ding Ning stood up and waved his hand, bowed slightly to show respect, and said in extremely fluent English without being humble or condescending: "Of course, respected Professor Carew."

Professor Carew raised his eyebrows in surprise. He seemed not to have expected that Ding Ning could speak English so well. He stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation in a very graceful manner.

All the cameras instantly focused on the two people, broadcast live to the world, and countless people sat in front of the TV to watch this historic moment.

Although many people don't know who Professor Carew is, Du Niang exists, and his information can be searched by just entering key words.

A top medical expert who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for discovering how malaria parasites are introduced into the human body through malarial mosquitoes. Many people who were not familiar with him instantly knew his identity, and their eyes became hot.

On Paradise Island, all the girls gathered in the main castle hall. Even Luo Xue, who was always the most dedicated, did not go to the restaurant and watched the live broadcast on the big screen with her sisters.

In Villa No. 2 of Shengshi Huating, the heating was turned on. Song Ziyi, who was wearing silk pajamas, was leaning lazily on the sofa. She was holding a piece of shrimp crackers in her hand and was about to stuff it into her mouth when she saw Ding Ning on the TV screen. With a confident smile, he calmly walked towards Professor Carew. He subconsciously sat up straight and forgot to eat the shrimp crackers. He held his breath and nervously followed the development of the situation.

Although she knew that Ding Ning was a very skilled medical person, she still couldn't help but worry about him. After all, this was a global live broadcast. If something went wrong, he would be humiliated and thrown into his grandma's house. He worked so hard The established image of a miracle doctor will collapse in an instant, and his reputation will be ruined.

No, why should I worry about this annoying guy?

Song Ziyi suddenly realized that he was a little confused. Didn't he hate him very much? Why worry about him?

Thinking of the bet that Yang Mi once made with her, her pretty face turned red for no reason. She stuffed the shrimp crackers into her mouth and chewed them in anger, looking for reasons for herself in her heart.

It's impossible for me to fall in love with him. It's just that he is the male lead and we are partners. If he is embarrassed, he will definitely be in trouble and affect the subsequent filming.

Right, that is it.

Song Ziyi quickly and confidently found a suitable reason for herself, and continued to worry about Ding Ning with peace of mind.

In Muqing's advertising assistant's office, Liu Yingying was sitting on a chair with a pen in her hand. She seemed to be working, but in fact she was nervously watching the live broadcast on the computer.

This is the first time she has deserted during working hours. Although the online live broadcast will be partially delayed, she can't watch the live TV broadcast directly during working hours.

In the Ninghai Municipal Government Propaganda Department office, the desk was covered with documents. Du Yuewen pretended to read the documents and chatted absentmindedly with his colleagues, but his eyes were always lingering on the live broadcast on the computer.

Unfortunately, since it was during working hours, the sound could not be played and she could only watch online subtitles, which made her feel slightly regretful.

Looking at that familiar yet unfamiliar figure, Du Yuewen didn't know what he thought of, and a shy red cloud appeared on his pretty face.

Tiangong Media Legal Department.

Cui Yin was sitting upright in front of his desk, staring at the computer screen intently while writing as fast as he could.

The members of the legal team around him secretly admired that Minister Cui's skills were so good that he could draft documents directly on the computer without even looking at them.

If they get closer, they may find something written on the paper on Minister Cui's desk. There are only two words densely repeated on it: Ding Ning, Ding Ning, Ding Ning...

In the office of the president of Korea Samsung Foundation, Lee Eun-hee is not sitting in the luxurious office chair that symbolizes power as usual.

Instead, he sat on the sofa, turned on the large-screen LED LCD TV, and watched the live broadcast with relish.

For this reason, for the first time in her life, she willfully canceled all meetings and business talks, and refused to be disturbed by anyone, leaving the president's assistant Jin Youxi puzzled. Could it be that the president was heartbroken and wanted to be alone for some quiet time.

Caspian Sea.

The Caspian Sea marked on this unconventional map of the Caspian Sea is a place similar to a secret space.

There is a lonely island in the endless vast sea.

If you look closely, you will find that the island is covered with all kinds of strange buildings.

It's strange because the architectural styles are very different, ranging from modern architectural styles to completely retro-style antique buildings.

In the very center of the island, there is a mountain peak, with palace-like buildings standing on the peak.

What is shocking is that the architectural style of these buildings is different from any building on earth. Even the materials are made of a crystal-like translucent material that shines under the sunlight. , extremely beautiful, just like the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea.

In the center of the building complex is a towering Crystal Palace.

At this moment, a middle-aged man with a majestic face and a mermaid pattern embroidered on his chest was sitting on a large chair, rubbing his temples with a headache, and muttering resentfully: "Old Green, do you think Angel is... I’m so ambitious when I go out. I insist on installing Internet TV on our Caspian Island, and keep talking about integrating with international standards. Do we, Atlantis, need to integrate with international standards?”

"Sir, I grew up on Caspian Island and rarely had the chance to go out. I gained a lot of knowledge during this trip. I think, at this age, you see everything new. Although we in Atlantis There is no need to integrate with the secular world, but since we live in this place, it is good to know more about it. "

Old Green stood aside respectfully, lowered his head and whispered,

His heart was also full of helplessness. He knew that the relationship between the young lady and that Ding Ning was not normal, but he did not dare to tell the clan leader. If the clan leader knew, not only would his precious daughter’s soul be taken away by others, but she would also be very angry. Maybe he lost his virginity, but he was so angry that he just ran away.

"That's true, hey, forget it, let her go. Although this worldly person is boring, there are still some things that we should understand."

The middle-aged man compromised helplessly, and then asked depressedly: "This time you accompanied Angel to attend the World Warriors Conference, did you really not find the turning point that the fortune teller said?"

Old Green shook his head with a grimace and said: "Forgive Old Green for being ignorant, I really don't see where the turning point is."

"Is it because the time has not come yet?"

The middle-aged man touched his chin and said thoughtfully.

Old Green remained silent, but he couldn't express the pain in his heart. In fact, this trip was not without any gains. At least, the master was likely to gain a grandson.

He had a vague feeling that the turning point of the master's lineage might come true here. As long as the lady is pregnant with a boy, the embarrassing situation of having no successor in this lineage will be solved. Even if the lady's secret of disguising herself as a man is leaked, the situation will be solved. never mind.

But whether this was easy to say or not, he really couldn't guarantee whether the master would be furious and tear him apart after he said this, so it was wiser to pretend to be stupid.

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