Medical Sovereign

Two thousand one hundred and eighty-two borrow money

"This bastard is actually late for such an important occasion. Forget it, let's get started. I guess he got caught up in something. He will definitely be here later."

Governor Du said with a dark face.

Ding Ning dared to be late for such an important occasion. He was so unorganized and undisciplined... Well, well, that kid was not a member of the system at all, so he could only suppress the resentment in his heart.

In fact, it was not that Ding Ning wanted to be late, but as soon as he arrived at the parking lot refreshed from the castle in the air, he discovered that there was an uninvited guest in his Phaeton.

Long Luo, the divine son of the Dragon Temple.

He was currently sitting in the back seat of his Phaeton... No, strictly speaking, he should be sleeping in the back seat. Looking at his sleepy eyes and disheveled hair, this guy must have spent the night in the car last night.

"You are a son of God after all. You don't even have the money to buy a room in a hotel."

Although Ding Ning was surprised, he behaved calmly and joked.

Long Luo said sarcastically: "You really got it right. I really have no money."

Ding Ning looked at him intently, and his expression became extremely strange: "You have been waiting for me all night, don't you want to borrow money from me?"

Long Luo's face turned red, he coughed dryly, and said nonchalantly, "If you don't mind, I really have this plan."

"Why? Do I know you very well? If you borrow money and don't repay it, where will I go to find you? There are a lot of old people who borrow money and don't repay it now."

Ding Ning curled his lips and teased, but there was a hint of smile in his eyes, and he had a better impression of Long Luo.

This guy is a demigod-level powerhouse. He can't get it for as much money as he wants, but he would rather shamelessly come to him to borrow money than take anything by force. He kills people and buys goods, which is enough to show that this guy has a good nature.


Long Luo's face turned red after being squeezed, and he said coyly: "I don't know anyone in this world, so you are the only one I know well."

"Okay, just think of it as my doing good deeds. Tell me how much money you want to borrow."

Ding Ning looked at the time. Damn it, he was busy doing morning exercises with Luo Xue. He accidentally forgot the time. Now he was delayed by Long Luo for a while. He must be late today.

As for my phone, I was having fun with Sophia last night and I completely forgot to charge it, so it turned off automatically.

"I won't borrow more, just lend me a thousand..."

Long Luosi stretched out a finger. Before he finished speaking, there was a bank card in his hand. Ding Ning's impatient voice sounded in his ears: "Ten million, right? There are twenty million in the card." , the password is six six,

Take the card and get out of here quickly, I'm still in a hurry. "


Long Luo's face turned red and he glared at him as if he had been greatly insulted: "Shi Ke can't be humiliated. If you don't want to borrow money from me, just say so. Why bother sending me a card?"

Ding Ning was stunned. He blinked and was stunned for a long time. Seeing that Long Luo's expression didn't seem to be fake, he suddenly realized that this guy came from the temple. The temple was isolated from the world. It took a hundred years for a group of people to come out. How could he know what a bank was? Card, no wonder he thought he was fooling him.

"Oh my God, I'm really laughing my head off. You are really the son of God who is isolated from the world. You don't even know your bank card. Oops, I can't help it. I'm really laughing my head off."

After Ding Ning figured out what was going on, he laughed so hard that he burst into tears. This guy was really funny.

"bank card?"

As soon as Long Luo realized that he seemed to have misunderstood something, he looked at the bank card in his hand with a confused expression.

"Since you don't even know your bank card, you don't even know where the bank's door opens. Forget it, you're late anyway, and you don't care if you're late for a little longer. A good person will do his best to send Buddha to the West. I'll take him Just go to the bank and withdraw the money."

Ding Ning wiped away the tears from laughter, started the car and drove to the nearby Agricultural Bank of China. On the way, he began to educate him about what a bank is and what a bank card is.

After Long Luo understood, he suddenly said: "Isn't the bank you are talking about just a money bank? This bank card is equivalent to a bank note, right?"

"Yes, it's the same concept, but now that technology is advanced, there are still many differences between bank cards and the banknotes you mentioned. I saw that the magnetic stripe on the bank card doesn't..."

Ding Ning spent a lot of words and patiently explained, and finally made Long Luo roughly understand the difference between bank cards and banknotes. Not only can he deposit and withdraw money, but he can also handle website transactions and transfers, which made him click his tongue. Amazing.

But the speaker was unintentional and the listener was intentional. Long Luo accidentally mentioned banks and banknotes, which made Ding Ning overturn some of his original guesses about the three major temples.

He originally thought that there were only these three major forces in the different space where the three major temples were located, but now it seems that this is not the case. The different space they are in is more likely to be an ancient civilized society. Otherwise, where would there be banks and banks? Things like tickets appear.

It's a pity that although Long Luo knows nothing about modern technology and looks very cute and stupid, he is very vigilant. No matter how Ding Ning talks, he always answers accurately, which makes Ding Ning's teeth itch with hatred.

As a top VIP guest of the Agricultural Bank of China, Ding Ning’s arrival immediately alarmed the branch president, President Liu. Not only did he greet him in person, but the smile on his face was flattering, and the service was attentive and thoughtful. He took the green channel directly, and they only All he needs to do is drink tea and wait in the office. His posture is more affectionate than to his biological father.

There is no way, the president has seen a lot of rich people, but most of the rich people have fixed assets, and there is not much liquidity on the books.

There is no one like Ding Ning, who sleeps with hundreds of billions of dollars in bank accounts all day long. His deposit alone is enough to complete the entire branch's annual savings task. For their branch, He is definitely the authentic God of Wealth.

Ding Ning knew that VIPs had special treatment, but he had never enjoyed such privileges before. Looking at Mr. Liu's flattering smile, he felt flattered.

In fact, the bank specially arranged for him a customer service manager who provided free consultation and transfers 24 hours a day. Ding Ning had chatted with the sweet-sounding female customer service manager several times, but unfortunately he only heard her voice but never saw her. .

But this time, he finally met the real owner. To be honest, the female customer service manager was pretty good-looking. She was in her thirties, wearing a professional suit, and had a well-shaped figure. She just kept flirting with him and showed off her coquettish appearance. He immediately lost all interest.

Needless to say, if this female customer service manager can become a full-time customer service manager for a top VIP customer like him, she must have a close relationship with the pot-bellied President Liu. He has no interest in such a woman.

Manager Liu is able to sit in his current position, and he is naturally an old fox who is very good at observing people's emotions. Seeing Ding Ning's expression of surprise, his heart suddenly thumped, knowing that the beauty trap used by his mistress Liu Xu not only had no effect, but also aroused his anger. Disgusted, he immediately winked at her and asked her to restrain herself.

But Liu Xu, who had always obeyed his words, did not act according to his intentions this time. She still pestered Ding Ning with a face full of enthusiasm and chattered endlessly. She also pressed her plump body against his without hesitation. If there were no outsiders present, She couldn't wait to stage an erotic drama live.

President Liu's face instantly turned ugly, and he sneered secretly. Although this woman was his mistress, he was not her only man. It was said that several senior executives at the head office were having an affair with her, even if he had some plans for this. Coquettish women with ambitious skills are a little afraid of them.

He couldn't see Liu Xu's intention. Wasn't it just an attempt to climb up to the high branches of the God of Wealth? It was a pity that such a young and wealthy financial owner had never seen such a beautiful woman. How could he fall in love with such a mediocre person like her? It's really overestimating one's abilities.

Although Ding Ning has a compassionate heart, he is disgusted from the bottom of his heart towards a vain and money-worshiping woman like Liu Xu. Seeing that this woman is taking advantage of her, she puts her hand on her thigh as she talks, and keeps moving up. Shifting, his face suddenly darkened.

The spiritual power all over his body shook slightly, and he quietly shook off Liuxu's tofu-eating hand, stood up, looked at the time, and urged impatiently: "President Liu, my time is limited, please hurry up."

"Mr. Ding, I know that you are busy, but the bank does not have that much cash reserves, so it needs to be temporarily transferred from the head office. It will take a while. Please wait a little longer."

Manager Liu looked embarrassed, nodded and explained.

Ding Ning was speechless for a moment. Indeed, he had overlooked this point. The bank has regulations. Generally, customers need to make an appointment in advance when their withdrawal reaches a certain amount. Even VIP customers must greet them one day in advance.

Only super VIP customers like myself have the privilege of withdrawing money at any time. However, because there is no reservation in advance, a branch cannot have so much cash reserves and needs to be temporarily allocated from the head office or other banks.

Ding Ning is a very reasonable person, and he knows that this is no wonder Manager Liu, but the medical summit has already started for half a day, and he can't waste time here for a mere 20 million.

Immediately he rushed to Longluo helplessly and said: "I have something urgent, please wait here for a while."

Long Luo also knew that Ding Ning was wasted a lot of time, so he nodded considerately: "Okay, you have to go and do your business first."

Ding Ning nodded, turned to Manager Liu and said, "Then please help Mr. Liu greet my friend, and I'll leave first."

"Okay, Mr. Ding, we will definitely greet your friend."

Manager Liu quickly expressed his position, then took out a business card, handed it to him with both hands respectfully, and said apologetically: "Mr. Ding, I'm sorry to waste your precious time. This is my business card. I need to make a large withdrawal in the future." You can call me in advance and I will make arrangements for you.”

"Okay, then I'll bother Mr. Liu. I'm leaving. There's no need to send it off."

Ding Ning politely took Mr. Liu's business card and put it into his pocket with great solemnity. Without even looking at Liu Catkin, who had a resentful face, he strode away.

Not knowing what to do, Liu Xu wanted to see Ding Ning off to see if she could have anything to do with him, but was stopped by President Liu's stern eyes. She curled her lips and stopped unwillingly.

Turning his eyes, he saw Long Luo, who had always been taciturn, and his eyes suddenly lit up. The God of Wealth obviously didn't like her, but it didn't matter, there was a friend of the God of Wealth here.

Anyone who can become friends with the God of Wealth must be an ordinary person. If you can get close to him, what kind of class will you be in?

As a result, Long Luo was in tragedy. The catkins were stuck to him like a gummy candy, and he was so annoyed that he hurriedly said "I'm going out to do something and I'll be back soon" and ran away as if he was running away.

"You, you, please be a little self-aware. Some people are not something people like us can imagine."

Mr. Liu, who hated the fact that iron cannot become steel, pointed at the catkins and said earnestly.

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