Medical Sovereign

Two thousand one hundred and ninety tarsal maggots

"The diagnosis phase of the first part of the medical exchange is over. The representative from China took eight minutes and fifty-seven seconds, and the representative from the United States took five minutes and three seconds. Next, representatives from both sides are asked to write a diagnostic report based on the diagnosis results."

Katharina took the microphone and announced loudly.

Staff members had already brought paper and pens and handed them to both parties.

Sun Yaozu and Ding Ning took the pen and paper, pondered for a moment, then bent down at their desks and started writing a diagnostic report.

The two of them finished writing almost at the same time and handed the diagnostic report to the referee panel for review.

At this moment, the two had a brief exchange of glances. Sun Yaozu smiled provocatively at Ding Ning, his face relaxed and filled with self-confidence.

Ding Ning was like a deep pool without any ripples. He didn't even smile and simply ignored his provocative eyes.

This indifferent attitude made Sun Yaozu's face darken, and his eyes flashed coldly when he looked at him.

This subtle scene was faithfully recorded by the camera, causing an uproar on the Internet again. There is no doubt that the public opinion is naturally one-sided in favor of Ding Ning, and there is a lot of scolding for Sun Yaozu, who has forgotten his ancestors.

The referee team was very confused at the moment. Due to the strange power of the patient's automatic body protection, they were unable to examine the patient at all. They only had a rough description of the condition provided by Xemili, and could only analyze the two diagnosis reports based on the case description. Which one is more accurate.

The diagnostic report provided by Sun Yaozu stated: The internal organs were severely injured, the meridians were damaged, the body was poisoned, and all the limbs and bones were invaded by toxins.

However, Ding Ning's diagnosis report was concise and concise: he suffered internal injuries, damaged internal organs and meridians, and was poisoned by "tarsal maggots".

"Although the representative from the United States gave a more detailed explanation, the representative from China gave the name of the poison he was poisoned, which seemed to be slightly better."

One referee straightened his beard and said with a troubled face.

"But the question is, we don't know what kind of poison is in the tarsal bones. Does he mean that the poison of the maggots in the tarsal bones is the poison of the maggots in the tarsal bones? And as far as I know, the poison of the maggots in the tarsal bones is in the bones. There are poisonous sores growing nearby, and the poison of maggots on the tarsal bones does not seem to be appropriate. "

Another referee objected.

Dr. Carlos was also hesitant, shook his head and said with a wry smile: "In this round of competition, even we referees don't know the patient's condition, so it is difficult to make accurate judgments."

"I think it's better to ask Miss Shimeili to make the assessment. After all, she sent the patient, and she knows the patient's condition better than anyone else."

Colamisu made sound suggestions.

Katharina frowned: "Would this be unfair?"

All the referees were silent. Yes, Xemili was the initiator of this bet, and she was on the side of the American representative. Who can guarantee that her decision would not be biased in favor of the American representative?

"Then what do you think we should do?"

Dr. Carlos said irritably that as a referee, he did not have any authority, which made him feel very powerless.

"I think it would be a good idea to let Miss Xemili come and see the results, but we will not rely on her decision-making, it can only be used as a reference."

Katharina also knew that such a thing was not good, and after pondering for a while, she put forward her own ideas.


Let's do it this way. Let's ask Miss Shimeili to take a look at the results of both parties and see what she says. Then we can make a decision. "

The four referees all nodded in agreement. Although it seemed that they were very incompetent, this was the only way they could do it for now.

Xemili came very quickly. After seeing the diagnosis results of both parties, a flash of light flashed in her eyes and she said decisively: "The representative from China wins."

The referees all looked at her in astonishment, with dull expressions on their faces. Wasn't she on the side of the American delegation? How could he take a clear stand in favor of representatives from China?

"Just announce it like this. If the American representative questions it, I will explain it."

Xemili bowed slightly to show respect, turned and left after saying a few words.

"what to do?"

The members of the judging panel looked at each other in confusion, wondering what kind of medicine was being sold in Xemili's gourd.

"Since there is no bias in favor of the American delegation, let's announce it like this."

Katharina didn't care why Shimeili uncharacteristically favored China. Since she also believed that Ding Ning won, she would just announce it like this.

"That's all it can do. I hope Xue Mili can give the American representative a reasonable explanation. I don't want to change it again and again."

Professor Carlos said gloomily, which shows that he is still very upset about being questioned by Curry Jones in public in the first round of the competition and having to change the verdict in the end.

"After deliberation by the judging panel, a consensus was reached. In the first round, the representative from China scored 28 points, the representative from the United States scored 26 points, and the representative from China won."

Katharina took the initiative to seize the right to speak and announced in front of everyone.

"My diagnosis took less time than him, and the diagnosis results will not be wrong. Why should I be judged to lose?"

Sure enough, the situation that the referee team least wanted to face appeared, and Sun Yaozu angrily raised questions on the spot.

The faces of the members of the refereeing team turned dark. They were highly respected and had served as referees countless times. They were always known for their impartiality and impartiality. However, at this summit, first Curry Jones and now Sun Yaozu raised issues with them one after another. Questioning, this is simply a slap in the face.

However, this time the questioning failed them to even come up with a credible statement, leaving them speechless and could only look at Xemili with resentment on their faces.

"Because you only see the poison, but you don't know what kind of poison it is."

Fortunately, Xemili did not disappoint them and stood up immediately and said.

All the cameras and cameras were focused on Shimeili, and people secretly speculated who this mixed-race beauty was, who could actually give an explanation on behalf of the refereeing team.

Sun Yaozu's pupils shrank violently into a glow, and he stared at Xemili, his eyes full of anger at being betrayed, and said coldly: "Are you sure?"


Xemili said in a neither humble nor condescending manner, bowed slightly to the referees, and sat back in her seat gracefully.

"I demand that the diagnostic report be released."

Sun Yaozu gritted his teeth and said, he didn't believe it, even he couldn't diagnose what kind of poison it was, but Ding Ning was able to diagnose it.

"No problem, it will be announced even if you don't tell me."

Professor Carlos breathed a long sigh of relief and waved to the staff. The prepared staff immediately opened the big screen and made the diagnosis results public.

"Tarsal maggot?"

Sun Yaozu stared at the diagnosis report issued by Ding Ning, frowning and said unconvinced: "He said it's tarsal maggots, which is tarsal maggots. As far as I know, tarsal maggots grow close to the bones. of malignant sores, and the patient..."

"That's because you are too ignorant. You are the heir of Yaowang Valley. You have never even heard of this tarsal maggot poison. I really feel sorry for Senior Yaowang."

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Ding Ning directly: "In Volume 13 of the Treatise on Moving Essence and Transforming Qi in "The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic Su Wen" it is said: Because one knows the victory over all diseases, one can predict the cure for all diseases. , the ancient miraculous doctors used Suga as a mat and cud as a dog. When people were sick, they sought medical treatment, but if they cursed from the north, they would be cured in ten words. In ancient times, the maggots in the tarsal bones snatched away and left no life..."

Cold sweat broke out on Sun Yaozu's forehead, and his face changed slightly. "Suwen" is one of the four major works of traditional Chinese medicine and the source of traditional Chinese medicine. As a descendant of Yaowang Valley, how could he not memorize it.

Not only has he memorized it, but he has memorized it very well since he was a child. However, just because he has memorized it does not mean that he understands its meaning. In particular, the Treatise on Shifting Essence and Transforming Qi is extremely difficult to understand. Even the sages of Yaowang Valley are familiar with it. I am at a loss as to what to do, because this article focuses on Zhu Youshu, the most mysterious and profound method among the major schools of Chinese medicine.

Zhuyoushu is a method that uses Chinese herbal medicine to treat diseases by using spells to restrain the disease.

"Zhu" refers to the curse, and "Yu" refers to the cause of illness. This technique was widely spread in ancient China. It was mostly taught orally and heart-to-heart by a master leading an apprentice. It has been passed down to this day, and only eleven of the thirteen subjects of Zhu You are left. , two of which have long been lost.

To put it bluntly, Zhu Youshu is the most marginalized subject in Chinese medicine. It is extremely rare and mysterious. It contains many profound metaphysics involving the principles of heaven and earth. It is precisely because it is so magical that modern science cannot give a reasonable explanation. It has been criticized as a perverse theory and even labeled as "witchcraft".

It can be said that traditional Chinese medicine is considered by Westerners to be a pseudoscience, or even a heresy with strange powers and evil spirits. Zhu Youshu can be regarded as the culprit.

If it were anyone else, they would definitely think that Ding Ning was engaging in feudal superstition, but Sun Yaozu, as an authentic descendant of the traditional Chinese medicine school, would not think so. Instead, he was horrified and deeply fearful of Ding Ning.

Because although there is no inheritance of Zhu Youshu in Yaowang Valley, the ancestor Sun Simiao highly praised it. He once regretfully praised it in his handwriting: In the way of medicine, Zhu You is the first to be recommended. Only when you have reached the state of transformation can you get started. , but tomorrow and the earth can distinguish yin and yang, move its shape, and control its soul. It's a pity that I was called the King of Medicine in vain, and my life span is limited, so I can't get a glimpse of it...

The general idea is that Zhu Youshu is not a twisted theory with strange powers and chaos, but an extremely advanced medicine. Without a certain level of medicine, it is impossible to study this profound and unpredictable subject.

Thinking of the human body cosmology proposed by Ding Ning before, Sun Yaozu had to suspect that Ding Ning's medical skills had reached the "transformation state" mentioned by his ancestor Sun Simiao.

But then he shook his head and threw this ridiculous idea out of his mind.

How can this be? Even the ancestors regretted that they could not set foot in the so-called "Transformation Realm". How old is Ding Ning? He was only in his early twenties. Even if he was extremely talented and had been studying medicine since his mother's womb, he would still not be able to surpass his ancestors and get a glimpse of the supreme palace that even the Demon King would regret for the rest of his life.

It must have been his study of human body cosmology that led to his understanding of Zhu Youshu. Even if he had a superficial understanding of it, it must have been a coincidence.

After all, although Zhu Youshu requires a very high medical level to study, there has been no shortage of "wizards" who know it but don't know why.

Sun Yaozu secretly found reasons for Ding Ning to get involved in Zhu You's art. He was absolutely unwilling to believe that he had surpassed his ancestors, understood the great ways of heaven and earth, and began to study the supreme medical method - Zhu You.

But he had to admit that he lost this round.

Even though he took advantage of the fact that he had been in contact with patients before and it took less time to diagnose than the other party, Ding Ning accurately named the poison the patient had been exposed to - tarsal maggots.

This is a kind of soul poison. He doesn't know what its name is, but judging from Xemili's reaction, this poison should indeed be called tarsal maggot.

"I admit defeat in this round."

Sun Yaozu was not someone who couldn't afford to let go, so he immediately admitted defeat.

He knew that if he insisted on fighting to the end and refused to admit defeat, Xemili would be angry and tell him what he had diagnosed for the patient before. By then, he would be even more embarrassed.

What's more, he knew very well that he was only behind by two points in the first game. This difference could easily lead him to overtake in the next two games. There was no need to act so ungracefully, as that would not only embarrass Shi Wang Valley, but also make Shi Wang Valley lose face. Shimeili felt disgusted with him.

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