Medical Sovereign

Two thousand two hundred and fifteen, falling into the trap

Ding Ning suddenly realized that such a thing would never happen in a social system like China, but in the United States, it is really not a rare thing.

"Biochemical warriors like us are expensive to build, so they won't be easily dispatched without huge benefits."

Williams took a peek at Ding Ning's face and said tremblingly: "This time we came to China, we have two tasks. One is to seize the latest mining technology for flammable ice. Unfortunately, the experts sent by the Chinese government were so powerful that we The mission failed; so, we perform the second mission.”

"The second mission is for me?"

Ding Ning's eyes flashed and he asked with a half-smile.


Williams' face changed and he said nervously: "But we really have no ill intentions towards you, but the consortium behind us appreciates your medical abilities and wants to invite you to join District 51 to study one of the projects. "

"What project?"

Ding Ning asked curiously.

Williams' eyes were wandering and he said timidly: "Zombie virus."

Ding Ning's expression suddenly changed, and he exuded a terrifying anger. He gritted his teeth and said, "You are playing with fire."

Williams was so frightened that he trembled all over and said with a grimace: "I am just a small person who acts according to orders. Their decisions are not something I can influence at all."

Ding Ning took a few deep breaths before calming down, and said expressionlessly: "Why are they studying the virus? Do they want to destroy the whole world?"

"No, it's not."

Williams waved his hands repeatedly and said: "There is a doctor of medicine who thinks that the life forms of zombies are very interesting. If the secrets can be studied, maybe humans can find a way to live forever. As you know, those big consortiums hold huge amounts of money in their hands." Wealth and power, there is almost nothing they want that they cannot get. The only thing they care about may be immortality. Therefore, they are extremely interested in the topic proposed by this medical doctor and are willing to fund this research. "

Ding Ning's face was calm, but there was a huge wave in his heart. Bai Qing had proposed this suggestion, but he rejected it without hesitation.

Although Bai Qing eventually changed his statement that he was researching virus serum in order to prevent the recurrence of zombie viruses, he knew very well that Bai Qing had not given up on that plan, otherwise, he would not have been raised in the secret laboratory in the South China Sea. There were dozens of zombies.

In fact, he knew very well that as the president of the Renaissance Association, Bai Qing had some things he couldn't control himself. This secret project that had a great potential to cause a world disaster must have the secret support of people at the national level.

Immortality is an endless temptation for warriors whose life span is far beyond that of ordinary people, let alone ordinary people whose life span is only a short hundred years.

Especially for those who hold huge wealth and supreme power, immortality is an unparalleled temptation.

Therefore, it is really not surprising that those consortiums that can even reach out to District 51 want to pursue immortality by studying zombie viruses.

Although he could understand it, Ding Ning couldn't accept it at all. The zombie virus was absolutely devastating. Once the zombie virus was leaked, the entire world would be devastated.

The last time the loss virus was able to be eliminated was purely a coincidence. If Athena hadn't possessed Katharina and performed the Great Purification Technique to purify the zombie virus, we still don't know what the world would be like now.

Despite his superb medical skills, he was not sure whether he could develop the serum of the zombie virus. After all, that thing was released by Liu Junwei, a mutated monster, and it was completely different from ordinary infectious viruses.

As for why the virus can turn humans into zombies, he had a vague guess that it might have something to do with the power of reincarnation.

What is the power of reincarnation? That is one of the biggest secrets between heaven and earth. How can it be studied thoroughly with current scientific and technological means?

Therefore, the idea of ​​developing an elixir of immortality by studying zombie viruses is simply not feasible and is simply a pipe dream.

"Where's Ling Yun?"

Now that Ding Ning understood Williams' origin and purpose, he didn't bother to ask any more questions and asked the most critical question directly.

"It has been sent to District 51."

Williams said fearfully.

Ding Ning's face was as dark as water: "How did you leave?"

"Not sure."

Williams replied, shaking his head.

"What did you say?"

Ding Ning's whole body suddenly released a terrifying pressure, and his cold eyes exuded undisguised murderous intent.

Williams closed his eyes and said as if he were dead: "If you kill me, I don't know. Every biochemical warrior has his own mission. My mission is to carry out the mission. How to bring people back and which way to take them." There is a dedicated person in charge of the route, I have no right to interfere.”

Ding Ning stared at him to make sure he was not lying. Then he withdrew his pressure and said calmly: "Get ready and set off as soon as dawn."

"Where to go?"

Williams asked, opening his eyes blankly.

"Didn't you come to ask me to study zombie viruses? I agreed."

Ding Ning said calmly, then he covered his face with frost, and his eyes flashed with cold light: "If Ling Yun loses one hair, I swear, I will level the 51st District."

Perhaps the happiness came too suddenly. Williams, who thought he would definitely die, was stunned for a long time, and then he was overjoyed and promised again and again: "No, absolutely not, we are here to invite you, how could we hurt your wife?" , I dare to guarantee this with my life.”

"It's best this way, otherwise, I don't mind letting you taste what it means to live but not die."

Ding Ning felt relieved and warned in a cold tone.

"Don't worry, as long as you accept our invitation, your lady will be absolutely safe."

Williams' eyes flickered and he murmured to himself that Ling Yun's previous injury could not be counted.

Ding Ning didn't notice his eyes, and his eyes fell on the two unconscious girls: "Who are they? Why are they here?"

"Well, they were sent by the owner of this villa to serve me, but you also know that I have already modified my body and have no interest in men and women. If Academician Ding is interested..."

Williams said without blushing and out of breath. Before he finished speaking, he saw Ding Ning's cold eyes and immediately closed his mouth.

Although he could tell that these two girls were the kind of money worshipers, everyone had their own way of living, so he refused to comment.

But now that he had encountered it, he couldn't ignore it. He grabbed the wrist of one of the girls and activated Absolute Touch to check her body. Suddenly he felt a pain in his finger, as if he had been bitten by an insect, which made him change his face in shock.

You must know that his physical strength is now comparable to that of an immortal powerhouse. What can actually pierce his skin?

When he lowered his head and looked carefully, he saw a thin needle that was almost invisible to the naked eye suddenly drilled out of the skin of the girl's wrist. Then he felt a spin and fainted to the ground.

A smile appeared on Williams' face, without the frightened look before, he kicked Ding Ning hard, laughed proudly and said: "Ding Ning, Ding Ning, if you are as cunning as a ghost, you haven't fallen into my trap." Ji, haha, do you really think I don’t know that you are a master of martial arts? Tsk tsk, if I didn’t know that your biggest weakness is your love for beauty, I would really fall into your hands.”

The two girls suddenly opened their eyes at this moment, with a strange red light flashing in their eyes. They took out a handful of chips from Ding Ning's pocket with expressionless faces, pieced together the scattered limb fragments, and placed the chips in their bodies. After a while, those biochemical warriors who could no longer die came to life one after another.

It's just that their bodies were shattered too much before, and exhausting the power of the chip couldn't completely restore them. One or two of them looked like monsters put together, extremely terrifying and weird.

"Huh? Why is there one missing?"

When Williams saw that there was a corpse that had never been resurrected, he frowned and let out a cry of surprise. He turned over Ding Ning's body but couldn't find the last chip.

"Forget it, just one less. If you can bring Ding Ning back, it will be worth it even if they all die."

Williams didn't take it too seriously. They were just ordinary biochemical warriors. As long as they had a chip, they could be produced at any time.

"Don't stay here for long, retreat immediately."

Williams was afraid of long nights and long dreams, so he made a decisive decision.

"Yes, sir."

One of the most recovered biochemical warriors carried Ding Ning on his back expressionlessly, walked out with Williams, got into a commercial vehicle, and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

There were only two girls left in Villa No. 17, sitting on the sofa with dull eyes, motionless as if they were demented.


Ten minutes later, a violent explosion occurred in Villa No. 17, and the entire villa instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire, annihilating all traces.

Chen Dafu, who came over after hearing the news, was ashen-faced. He sat down on the ground and cried loudly. If Williams died in his villa, he would not be able to escape even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

Fortunately, after the fire was put out, forensic identification showed that only the bones of two girls were buried in the flames, which made him heave a long sigh of relief.

But what he couldn't accept was that when he contacted the House family to get the share promised by Williams, he was told that Williams had died a year ago.

The share was gone, the villa worth more than one billion was gone, and the families of the two victim girls took him to court.

Chen Dafu tried his best to put all the responsibility on Williams, but no one believed it because the United States issued a death certificate stating that Williams died a year ago.

Chen Dafu, who almost had a nervous breakdown, suddenly remembered Liu Jianguo and Li Yuqing. Of course, they were also present and could prove that Williams had indeed appeared.

It's a pity that Li Yuqing and Liu Jianguo were still worried about getting into trouble. Chen Dafu looked like a villain before. They unanimously denied seeing Williams. Before, they only went to Villa No. 17 on an invitation from Chen Dafu. meet each other.

Well, Chen Dafu is now like mud that fell into a shithole, not just shit, but also shit. Not to mention that the secret of hiding a beauty in a golden house was exposed, and he was also suspected of arson and murder. His wife also divorced him and took away most of the property.

In the end, although Chen Dafu was released due to insufficient evidence of murder, he had to bear huge compensation for the two women who were burned to death, which made his already stretched finances even worse.

The company's bankruptcy made him unable to bear the blow. He suffered a mental breakdown and went completely crazy. He could only spend the rest of his life in a mental hospital. This was probably retribution.

"What is this place?"

When Ding Ning woke up, he felt sore all over his body, as if he had been beaten violently. He had never tasted physical pain since his military training. This feeling made him feel very novel.

Just as he was about to sit up, he found that he was naked and his limbs were firmly fixed on a cold alloy bed by extremely strong alloy shackles.

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