Medical Sovereign

Two thousand two hundred and thirty six tough attitude

You know, whether they are wolf riders or ghost leopards, they are both strong fighting races.

What's more, the lowest strength of these demon warriors are all great demons, and the most powerful ones have even reached the peak of demon kings.

Could it be that His Majesty Emperor Peng handed over the secretly trained monster warriors to the young master?

Granny Hua secretly guessed, but then denied this guess. After all, the human environment has changed drastically and the spiritual energy is thin. It is extremely difficult for the demon clan to become a great demon, let alone a demon king.

To put it bluntly, it is impossible for Daxue Mountain to produce such an elite demon warrior.

Everything she saw tonight completely overturned Granny Hua's perception of the young master she had never met.

If Sun Ningxiang hadn't been staring at the TV to follow the development of the incident and was in no mood to talk, she would have had to pester her to learn more about this mysterious young master.

Just when the private army of Paradise Island unknowingly arrived at the branch of the Longteng Group in the United States and waited for the rescue operation, warships set sail one after another, and planes took off one after another. In the name of temporary military exercises, Chen Bing border, attracted Countless high-level officials were frightened and secretly speculated on the purpose of China's move.

Suddenly, China became the focus of the world's attention, and people quickly linked this series of actions with the incident where the signal was forcibly inserted tonight.

China is using this method to send a signal, an extremely tough signal.

If you fight, I will fight.

Today's China is no longer a weak country that lets others rub it but dares to be angry but dare not speak out.

Although China is peace-loving, it does not mean that it is afraid of war. Once some countries question doing something that exceeds the bottom line of China's tolerance, then let's go to war.

The White House of the United States.

President Daybaran was in a very unhappy mood at the moment, and his face was so gloomy that it could drip with water. It was completely different from the happy mood he had been in half an hour ago when he used official language to shirk the request of the head of state.

In less than an hour, China was able to organize a large-scale temporary military exercise that swept the country.

This kind of appeal and quick response ability to execute orders and prohibitions all demonstrate the power of China's military power. At least, the United States cannot do this.

Thinking of the consequences if the war broke out, Dayibalang became timid. He did not expect that Shenzhou, which had always only protested and condemned when something happened,

This time the attitude has become so tough.

Although the United States claims to be the most powerful country in the world, it knows how to drink water. As the president, I know better than anyone else that the United States is now heavily in debt, has an economic deficit, and has a large unemployment rate. It simply cannot afford to fight a large-scale war that wastes people and money. , especially China, which spans half the world.

The sleeping dragon in the East has awakened, rising and taking off at a speed that no one dares to despise. In just a few decades, it has become a powerful nation. This is an unrepeatable miracle, and it also makes the United States regard it as the biggest threat. main reason.

The United States is deliberately provoking, suppressing, and making things difficult for it...

The purpose is to curb the speed of China's rise, gain more time to ease economic pressure, calmly carry out layout, and allow the United States to maintain its hegemony as the number one power.

Judging from China's past attitude towards provocations, it was nothing more than protesting and condemning to win sympathy from the international community. Therefore, when the head of state of China took the initiative to call him to communicate, his attitude was extremely arrogant and disdainful, using his usual social media skills. He used smooth words to express that he knew nothing about the matter and adopted the tactic of procrastination.

Unexpectedly, this time the Chinese government reacted so fiercely, even resorting to war to exert pressure.

"If you insist on going your own way, you will be responsible for all the consequences."

The words that the head of state of China said when he hung up the phone still seemed to linger in his ears at this moment, but his attitude at that time was scornful, even extremely contemptuous, and he didn't take it seriously at all.

But now, the Shenzhou Kingdom has proved with actions that those words are not just words, but that they really intend to take action.

Daibarang felt very frustrated, very angry, very annoyed, very angry...

When did the world's most powerful country fall to the point of being threatened by a developing country?

But behind these emotions, he was more filled with fear and panic. Even though the United States seemed arrogant to the outside world, his family knew their own affairs. Once a war really started with China, the United States would finally win the war. Victory would definitely mean killing one thousand enemies and losing eight hundred to oneself, which would set the country's economy back for at least a hundred years.

By then, the position of the world's most powerful country will definitely no longer belong to the United States. This kind of consequences is unbearable for him as the president, and also unbearable for the American people. He will become a sinner of history and be nailed to the rack of shame forever. .

"Your Excellency, look..."

Clem, the think tank next to him, looked at Daibarang's uncertain face and asked cautiously.

"Call Joseph and tell him to stop all his stupid behavior immediately."

Daibarang rubbed his temples with a headache, and his face felt hot.

Clem once reminded him to focus on economic warfare and not to use extreme measures to anger China, but he didn't take it seriously at all. He also laughed at China as a cowardly nation. The most they dared to do was protest and condemn. To anger him How can it be.

But reality gave him a loud slap in the face, forcing him to eat his words and act in accordance with Shenzhou's intentions.

"Yes, I'll call him immediately."

Climb let out a long sigh of relief, turned around and left quickly.

As a think tank, he is very aware of the economic situation of the United States. It is most appropriate to use the Chinese saying "externally strong but yet powerful" to describe it. It is extremely irrational to start a war with China now.

He was afraid that Daibalang would not be able to save face and insisted on persisting to the end. He could not even imagine how far things would turn in the end.

Fortunately, Daibaran, a businessman-turned-president, still knows how to weigh the pros and cons. Angering China will only cause the United States to suffer huge losses. Between interests and face, he wisely chose the former.

However, when he heard the unreachable prompt from the phone, Clem became surprisingly angry. While he kept redialing the phone, he cursed angrily: "Fuck, damn Joseph, after you die, He will also go to hell."

"Your Excellency, I have to tell you a very unpleasant news. General Joseph's phone cannot be connected."

Five minutes later, Clem gave up making the call and reported to Daybalan with an ugly face.


Daibarang's expression changed with horror, and he asked anxiously: "Is it because he didn't answer the call or because he couldn't get through?"

"It can't get through. I think he must have blocked the signal at the scene."

Climb said with a serious expression.

Daibarang's face was ashen and he said solemnly: "What are the other contact methods?"

"I've tried all the contact methods, but I can't get in touch with him."

Climb shook his head with a bitter look on his face.

"Damn it!"

Daibaran swore angrily, and then he was filled with endless fear and panic. He was pacing back and forth like an ant on a hot pot, but he found that he was unable to do anything. He helplessly looked at Clem who was thinking hard for advice. Said: "Then what should we do now?"

Clem did not answer immediately, but thought for a moment and then said: "I have contacted the military closest to the scene to rush to convey your order. I hope I can make it in time."

"What if it's too late?"

Daibarang had to prepare for the worst and asked helplessly.

Clem glanced at him, and then said with a sincere face: "I suggest that the President immediately contact the head of state of China to express our attitude, truthfully inform the current situation, and obtain his understanding and forgiveness. In this case , Even if General Joseph cannot be stopped, China will not really go to war with us in anger. "

"This is asking me to bow to him."

Daibarang's face turned green and red, and he said unwillingly: "Is there any other way?"

Although he knows that this is the best approach at the moment, it is based on trampling on his dignity as president, and he really cannot afford to lose face.

"This is the only way."

Climb shook his head and said with great certainty.

But he was deeply relieved. Since Daibarang asked this, it meant that although he was reluctant, he had actually accepted this only way in his heart.

The dignified president was able to lose face and apologize to an unfriendly head of state. This kind of adaptability and magnanimity are the qualities that a qualified person in power should have.

Of course, this is a pleasant way of saying it. To put it more unpleasantly, it actually means being thick-skinned and shameless.

Daibarang's face was gloomy. Although he accepted the suggestion, he felt his face burning when he thought of his arrogant attitude when he answered the phone before, but now he was eager to get the other party's forgiveness.

"Your Excellency, although I hate to say it, I have to remind you that it is better to make this call earlier. If you call it late, it will be useless."

Seeing that he was still moving, Climb had no choice but to remind him.

Before the worst happens, making this call is still useful, but once it happens, calling again will not only have no effect in calming the other party's anger, but will make the other party feel that he is provoking.

"Okay, pick me up from the Chinese Congress."

Daibaran was not a fool. He immediately realized the criticality of time as soon as he was reminded by Clem. Once a certain period of time passed, the meaning of this call would be completely different.

In the Chinese Capitol Building, seven big bosses were sitting around the conference table with sinking faces. The atmosphere was unprecedentedly solemn and solemn.

"Are you a little impulsive?"

A big boss looked at the head of state sitting at the top, frowned and said softly: "Once a war does break out, the United States will certainly not be able to get any favors, but we will not suffer the consequences either."

"Don't rush, just wait, Daibarang will make a clear choice."

The head of state sipped the Lingcui tea and said confidently.

"We can't afford to fight, and the United States can't even afford to fight. Daibarang is not a fool, he is a businessman, and he can settle this account better than anyone else."

The Prime Minister said with a chuckle.

The big boss showed a look of surprise and said with a smile: "This is a soldier who can subdue others without fighting."

"What if Dayibalan doesn't act according to common sense?"

A big boss raised his concerns.

"The soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it."

The head of state put down his tea cup and said calmly: "If Dayibalang really doesn't know what to do, let's start a war."

Everyone's expressions changed with horror. They thought that the head of state was just putting pressure on the other party, but they didn't expect that he actually planned to start a war.

"Of course, that's the worst-case scenario. We in China have been silent for too long, and it's time to make our voices heard."

The head of state had a majestic look on his face, showing an aura of iron-blooded killing, and spoke impassionedly.

"Yes, China loves peace and has no ambition to dominate, but it is not a soft persimmon that can be pinched by anyone. Some countries are trying to get their noses in the face. It's time to teach them a lesson."

The boss in charge of the military has always been a radical, and he patted the table and said excitedly.

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