Medical Sovereign

Two thousand two hundred and thirty-eight Oulun Pharmaceutical

Smelly bitch, slut, broken shoes...

Li Zhiqiang stared angrily at his young lover's shameless naked butt crawling into the kitchen, cursing crazily in his heart.

Thinking of the gentleness and virtuousness of the yellow-faced wife, compared with this young and beautiful but shameless little lover, Li Zhiqiang felt regret for the first time in his life. If he cared about the love between husband and wife, he would go home to celebrate the 20th wedding anniversary with his wife tonight. If so, how could he end up in his current situation?

But now, it was too late to regret it. Li Zhiqiang could only pray that these terrifying warriors would treat him like a fart.

He secretly swore in his heart that as long as he could survive this time, he would treat his gentle and virtuous wife wholeheartedly and never mess around with women outside again.

"Lord Son of God."

The dozen warriors didn't react at all to the busy little lover in the kitchen who kept breaking dishes, but they showed great respect to a young man who suddenly appeared, and they all stood up and greeted him.

Li Zhiqiang was shocked. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the young man, only to find that the man was wearing a black ancient robe embroidered with three skulls. If he hadn't known that these people were warriors, he would have thought that this guy came from some movie or TV show. An actor came back from filming at the base and didn't have time to take off his makeup.


Shen San responded casually with an expressionless face, and looked up at a big man with rosacea: "Red Nose, have you found out about Ding Ning's situation?"

Ding Ning, the little miracle doctor?

Li Zhiqiang was shocked, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated. As a real estate developer in Ninghai, how could he not know who the little miracle doctor Ding Ning was? What's more, his Ziqiang Construction Company itself is a partner with Longxing Real Estate, a subsidiary of Longteng Group. .

Of course, saying that he is a partner is putting money in his own face. In fact, his company just subcontracted a small construction project from Longxing Real Estate.

But this didn't stop him from knowing more about Ding Ning than the average person. Although it was still superficial, he knew that Ding Ning was the younger brother of Ding Qianlie, the chairman of Longteng Group.

This made Li Zhiqiang confused. Although Ding Ning was an invisible rich second generation and a miracle doctor, he was just an ordinary person. How could he provoke such a group of terrifying warriors?

"Lord Shenzi, we have roughly figured out that he is the dean of the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Anesthesia that was just opened at Ninghai University. He is also a professor at Ninghai University. He currently lives in Villa No. 1 of Shengshi Huating."

The big man with rosacea reported respectfully.

In fact, he felt helpless. He hated it when people talked about his rosacea, but Lord Shenzi didn't even bother to remember his name and just called him "Red Nose". He dared not speak out in anger, and felt so aggrieved.

"Villa No. 1 of Shengshi Huating?"

A flash of light flashed in Shen San's eyes, and after muttering to himself, he sat down on the sofa with a golden sword under the respectful eyes of all the God slaves, closed his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking.

None of the divine slaves dared to sit down. They all stood aside with their hands solemn and respectful. One clever divine slave was afraid of disturbing the divine son's thinking. He picked up the remote control he had just learned to use and turned down the sound of the TV to the minimum.

"Dragon King, today is the day you die."

At this moment, the screen was forcibly switched, and a scene in the arena appeared, and Joseph's proud voice came from the TV.

Shen San suddenly opened his eyes, stared at the TV screen, and said hurriedly: "Where is the sound? Turn on the sound."

"Yes, Lord Godson."

The god slave almost cried out of fright, "Nima, the flattery slapped the horse's leg now," and he hurriedly turned up the volume again.

Fortunately, Shen San didn't argue with him. His eyes were fixed on the Dragon King on the TV screen like nails. His breathing became rapid, and his eyes were shining with excitement.

Although the Dragon King's appearance changed drastically, the aura emanating from his body gave him a familiar feeling, which was very similar to the dragon power exuded by the strong men of the Dragon Temple. This reminded him of the inner temple's preparation for going out to participate in the trial. The Son of God secretly issued a secret mission, which was to capture or kill alive a traitor to the Dragon Temple - Long Qi.

He has seen all the people who participated in the trial of the Dragon Temple. He is sure that the Dragon King on TV is definitely not the son or slave of the God who participated in the trial of the Dragon Temple. Therefore, the identity of the Dragon King is self-evident and must be that person. There is no doubt that Long Qi is the traitor to the Dragon Temple.

If you catch Long Qi alive, you can get the quota to become a member of the inner hall, and be accepted as a direct disciple by a big shot in the inner hall; if you kill Long Qi, you can get the qualifications of a member of the inner hall.

Why do these sons of gods take part in the trial? Isn’t it just to become a member of the inner temple?

But after witnessing Ding Ning killing the Eighth Guards of Shenzhou with his own eyes that night, Shensan no longer dared to hold out much hope for winning the championship in this trial. After all, entering the inner palace was good, but he had to live to survive.

Although the qualifications of the Divine Eight Guards are not good, because they are old enough, their strength among the Divine Guards is above average. Such veteran gods have been defeated by Ding Ning. He will not be arrogant to think that he is a semi-entertained warrior. Kami will be stronger than Kamibaemon.

I originally planned to just play it safe and return home when the half-year deadline was up, continue to sharpen my fighting strength, upgrade step by step, and then consider competing for the qualifications to enter the inner palace when I became a god.

But he didn't expect that the road to perfection would lead him to unexpectedly discover Long Fei, who was suspected of being a wanted criminal in the inner palace. This made him inexplicably excited.

"Check for me. Find out where these people are as quickly as possible."

Although Shen San was excited, he also knew that since he could detect the dragon power in the Dragon King, other gods would also be able to detect it. He must find the whereabouts of this Dragon King before others, whether he is dead or alive. All must be obtained.

"Yes, Lord Godson."

The God slaves are all bitter in their hearts. This is a TV. What kind of TV series may it be playing? Where can we check it? But they dare not refuse the Son of God’s destiny. They can only agree first and rush in swarm. After getting out, the Eight Immortals crossed the sea and showed their magical powers, trying to find the whereabouts of the people on the TV as quickly as possible.

"Check, I don't care what method you use, find out where these people are right away."

At the same time as Shen San gave the order, the same order was also issued from the mouths of other sons of gods and goddesses.

After Ding Ning killed the Eight Divine Guards in Ding Ning Town, those gods and goddesses who ranked lower and thought they were not Ding Ning's opponents basically gave up on this trial mission. After discovering the dragon power emanating from the Dragon King, their already desperate hearts suddenly Jian saw hope again, and no one wanted to miss this opportunity to enter the inner palace in addition to winning the trial.

"Brother, is that you?"

In an inconspicuous Samsung hotel, Long Luo, wearing a bathrobe, sat on the bed, staring straight at the Dragon King on the TV, with tears of excitement flashing in the corners of his eyes.

But then he realized that his elder brother was in a bad situation. Long Luo moved and his bathrobe fell off. The energy of heaven and earth fluctuated, and he actually transformed into a set of dragon armor covered with pitch-black scales, like a dragon god coming to the world.

Long Luo, who was wearing armor, muttered words, and the double pupils in his eyes kept changing and changing like the sun, moon and stars, and a space crack opened beside him.

The next moment, Long Luo's figure flashed, and he actually got into the crack in the space, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Only the TV in the room was still flashing a bright blue light.

Los Angeles, USA, conference room of Pharmaceutical Alliance Headquarters.

The representatives of the pharmaceutical giants all had gloomy faces and stared coldly at the ugly-faced Richard.

Their plan was forcibly stopped because of the medical summit. Even the people behind him were warned to stop all actions against Shengtang Pharmaceutical during the medical summit.

Although Richard was very reluctant, he had to stop after learning that the driving force behind this medical summit was the Rothschild family.

I thought that since the Rothschild family set up this bet, they must be 100% sure. Although Richard felt unhappy that the Rothschild family had picked his peaches halfway, he did not have the courage to challenge this ancient family. , no matter how unwilling I am, I can only swallow my anger.

But he never expected that Ding Ning would completely trample the dignity of Western medicine under his feet with his miraculous alchemy skills. Not only was he not knocked out of the dust, but he became famous all over the world in one battle.

The rise of traditional Chinese medicine is inevitable. No matter how much they, Western medicine giants, advocate the threat from China, ordinary people are not interested in the dispute between traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. They only care about who develops safer, healthier and more effective medicines.

Obviously, the little miracle doctor from China is so powerful. Just a female apprentice named Wenrou Rou defeated the delegation of experts representing the highest medical achievements in the United States. It is no longer clear how effective the Mi Dou oral liquid he developed is.

Therefore, in the past two days, all major pharmaceutical giants have been having a headache. Both the group headquarters and various drug retail stores have been besieged by a huge user group, strongly demanding to purchase Mi Dou Oral Liquid, which has seriously disrupted their normal business order. .

When the major pharmaceutical groups had no choice but to hold a press conference to inform them that they had not obtained the overseas sales rights for Midou Oral Liquid, they were immediately criticized collectively by the angry people. They did not even obtain the sales agency rights for Midou Oral Liquid. , and he still has the nerve to call himself a pharmaceutical giant.

If it were just like this, no one would have to sell it, and the masses would be dissatisfied and make noise for a while and it would be over.

But at this time, Oulun Pharmaceutical, a subsidiary of Allen International, suddenly announced that it would officially start selling Mi Dou oral liquid, and it would be sold in limited quantities.

The price is ten times more expensive than in China, but even so, it is still being snapped up. However, because it was stated in advance that it was a limited sale, even those customers who did not rush to buy it did not express dissatisfaction and waited to grab it the next day. purchase.

Oulun Pharmaceutical is currently the only pharmaceutical company that has obtained the overseas sales rights of Mi Dou oral liquid, and has become one of the most well-known pharmaceutical companies in the world, seriously threatening the leading position of various pharmaceutical giants.

They all understand this truth before fighting outsiders. Therefore, at this moment, the fire in the backyard has made Richard no longer have the energy to continue targeting Shengtang Pharmaceuticals. The top priority is to join forces to attack Oulun Pharmaceuticals first, so Then everyone was called to a meeting to study countermeasures.

Richard knew the seriousness of the matter, but the pharmaceutical giants involved in the crackdown plan had invested so much money, and now they were getting nothing. How could they agree to it?

Although Richard has a backer behind him, which makes them extremely afraid, they can become a pharmaceutical giant without anyone behind him. When it comes to their vital interests, no one will have any affection for him.

Therefore, at this moment, the pharmaceutical giants broke out and began to join forces to force the palace to force Richard to compensate them for the funds they had previously spent to implement the plan.


Richard got angry, slammed the table hard and said angrily: "Now Oulun Pharmaceutical has seriously threatened our position, the top priority is how to suppress Oulun Pharmaceutical's arrogance, instead of worrying about it here."

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