Medical Sovereign

Two Thousand Two Hundred and Seventy Seven The Gate of Hell

"Minister Jason, you are the deputy director of the Special Warfare Department, and you represent Lord Odin's will. Although those few...well, they are a bit cruel, they still respect Lord Odin very much, and they will not hurt you. ”

Hobbit seemed to know that it was too hard to force others, and comforted him with gentle words.

"NO, I beg you, find someone else. I really don't want to die."

Jason begged with tears in his eyes.

Cursing secretly in my heart, who are you trying to coax? They respect Odin, but they won't be polite to me. Even if they tear me apart, Lord Odin will never stand up for me and break up with them. , I really don’t want to be taken advantage of.

"Minister Jason."

Hobbit changed from the gentle gentleness of the spring breeze before, and his tone suddenly became serious: "It is related to the safety of the United States. As the current highest officer of the Special Operations Department, you are responsible for protecting the safety of the people. It is right to invite a few adults to take action. As for your duty, do you want me to report to the White House and ask the President to call you personally?”

"I...well, I will ask them to take action."

Jason was about to cry, but he couldn't argue, so he could only agree with a sad face.

After all, the Special Warfare Department is the department fully responsible for warrior matters, including communication with Hellfire. Now that Nicholas and Augustus are captured, as the current top officer of the Special Warfare Department, this is indeed his unshirkable responsibility.

"Then I'll wait for news from Minister Jason."

Hobbit secretly breathed a sigh of relief and finally got this guy to agree. However, he knew Jason was greedy for life and fearful of death. In order to prevent this guy from deliberately delaying time, he gave a stern warning: "Our citizens are now under the influence of terrorists." During the threat, we must ask those people to take action as soon as possible, otherwise..."

Although he hadn't finished speaking, Jason could already hear the chill in it, and replied like a mourning concubine: "I'll leave now."

"Minister Jason has taken the overall situation into consideration and made great contributions to the homeland security of the United States. Afterwards, I will take credit for Minister Jason."

The big stick was swung down, and it was time to eat a sweet date. Hobbit's tone changed, and he became as calm as a spring breeze again. He was completely different from when he threatened Jason before.

Jason was immediately elated, but he said righteously: "This is my duty, and I will never look back."

Hobbit ignored his hypocritical statement and hung up the phone directly.

When dealing with a person like Jason who loves success, he must understand his psychology, otherwise, there is no way to make him obedient.

"MD, you hung up on me. What a rude guy."

Jason cursed dissatisfiedly as he listened to the blind tone coming from the phone.

But when I thought about the legendary terrifying place that I was about to go to, I couldn't help but tremble all over. My expression was uncertain for a long time, then I gritted my teeth and stood up and walked out, muttering softly: "Those guys are cruel and addicted, but... Blood, but I am the deputy director of the Special Operations Department. If I bring two sacrifices, they won’t kill me, right?”

There are countless versions of legends about Hellfire.

Some people say that they are a group of highly skilled bloodthirsty warriors who once killed innocent people in the United States, arousing the anger of Lord Odin, the patron saint. They were finally surrendered by Lord Odin with force and became the most powerful armed force under Lord Odin. strength.

Some people say that they are super biochemical warriors accidentally created by the US military during secret biochemical experiments. However, they lost control because of imperfect biochemical technology, so they were secretly imprisoned.

Some people also say that they are devils from hell, with a violent temperament, cruelty and bloodthirsty. The U.S. government took a fancy to their powerful force, so it reached some kind of agreement with them to support them in peacetime. When the U.S. government needs it, they will Take action to solve the problem for the United States.

Others say that they are aliens from outer space who cannot return to their hometown because of the crash of their flying saucer. Since the United States is the most powerful country on earth, they chose to cooperate with the United States and let the American government help them repair it. Flying saucers, and as a trade, they will give the United States part of the high technology of outer space civilization, so the United States' technology will be so developed.

There are no less than a hundred versions of the legend, but they are only circulated among high-level and upper-class circles in the United States. Ordinary people have no idea about the existence of Hellfire.

There are different opinions and confusion, and many people even sneer at it, thinking that Hellfire does not exist at all, and everything is spread through lies, so that a fictional force can be spread so magically.

But Jason knew that Hellfire was real. Although he didn't know their origin, he had benefited from Nicholas's favor and was fortunate enough to witness a member of Hellfire from a distance.

Unfortunately, because of the distance, he didn't see the other person's appearance clearly. He only remembered that the other person was wearing a well-tailored tuxedo and a bow tie. He was elegant. He didn't look like the legendary devil at all, but more like a noble and elegant person. He was about to attend a party. A gentleman at a grand banquet.

Of course, that good impression was completely shattered when the Hellfire member bit the throats of two members of the Special Operations Department like a wild beast in front of him and tore them alive. The blood-colored pupils of human emotions have also become the source of nightmares that have haunted him for half a year.

Fortunately, Nicholas, the cheap son-in-law, told him after knowing about this matter that Hellfire lived in a very special and weird place, and he had to pay a certain price every time he came out. Therefore, the blood essence of two warriors was needed to act. Sacrifice can make up for their losses.

This answer allowed Jason to finally get rid of the nightmare, and he was no longer so afraid of Hellfire psychologically.

Afterwards, he also curiously asked Nicholas about the origin of Hellfire.

Unfortunately, Nicholas kept secret about this, and gave him a very stern warning not to inquire about things he shouldn't, so that he never dared to mention this name in front of Nicholas from then on.

However, although Nicholas is the head of the Special Warfare Department, he is focused on martial arts and has no time to take care of everything in the Special Warfare Department. He leaves the daily work to Jason.

Therefore, Jason also learned about the location of Hellfire. It was called Dream Valley, not far from Area 51, in an inaccessible hill. Nicholas called it the Gate of Hell.

Jason sat in the back seat of the Mercedes-Benz, recalling the information about Hellfire with his eyes closed, feeling both scared and excited.

He secretly glanced at the two young members of the Special Operations Department, one who was concentrating on driving and the other sitting in the passenger seat playing with his mobile phone. He was secretly sighing in his heart, but he didn't feel any guilt at all.

Because they were the "sacrifice" that Nicholas deliberately hoarded in advance in order to invite Hellfire to take action at the critical moment. Although these sacrifices themselves did not know about them and were always kept in the dark, from the day they joined the Special Operations Department Destiny has already been determined, the difference is nothing more than becoming a sacrifice one day earlier and one day later.

Therefore, since their fate is doomed, Jason naturally has no regrets. All he does is select them from the "sacrifice" and fulfill their mission earlier.

Dream Valley is located in a hilly area ten kilometers away from the west side of Groom Lake. It is also what Nicholas said is the gate to hell.

Although it was Jason's first time here, because he had done enough homework in advance and had a detailed map, it only took him less than half an hour to find the Dream Valley.

Although the two young members of the Special Operations Department were very confused as to why Secretary Jason brought them to such a desolate valley in the middle of the night, their strict discipline still made them bury their doubts deep in their hearts and follow them step by step. Jason looked around cautiously.

After all, Jason is not a warrior, he is just an ordinary person. In this desolate and inaccessible valley, no one can guarantee whether a ferocious large beast will suddenly appear and attack. Of course, they are not afraid, but they have to shoulder the responsibility of protecting Jason. important task.

Jason held a spotlight flashlight, looked at the map from time to time, and walked deeper and deeper into the valley. Fortunately, it was winter, the weather was cold, everything withered, and the dense weeds turned into grass. The mud is soft to walk on, but it doesn't cause much hindrance. Otherwise, the valley full of weeds would not be so easy to walk on.

"It's strange, this is here, why can't I find the door?"

Jason used his flashlight to shine the location of the Gate of Hell marked on the map, compared it with the surrounding environment, and confirmed that the so-called Gate of Hell was in front of him. However, he did not see the so-called "Gate", and he couldn't help but frown and murmured in confusion. With.

Coming here in the middle of the night looking for a door?

The two members of the Special Operations Department looked at each other, wondering if Jason had lost his mind and stayed up most of the night. He came to this damn place to find some kind of door. What kind of door could there be here?

There was a loud bang, and there was a bright fire in the night sky in the distance. Although the three of them were startled, they were not surprised. Such explosions had not happened once or twice along the way. They had long been used to it and were completely numb.

But the explosion made Jason feel even more urgent, because he knew very well that this was a terrorist attack launched by those "terrorists". If the Gate of Hell could not be found as soon as possible, Hellfire would be asked to stop those damned people. The yellow-skinned monkey will cause panic in the entire United States and put pressure on the White House. The unlucky ones are him and Hobbit.

Never before at this moment did he envy Nicholas so much. Although he had become a prisoner and lost his freedom and dignity, he would not be burdened with such huge pressure and have to come to such a ghost place to have sex with the terrible devil in the middle of the night. trade.




Just when Jason was worried, the ground beneath his feet suddenly softened. He instantly lost his center of gravity and fell into a deep pit that suddenly appeared on the ground. He couldn't help but let out a scream.

The two members of the Special Operations Department also fell into the pit involuntarily, but they were warriors after all. Although they were not panicking, they stretched out their hands and tried hard to grab the wall of the pit to slow down their fall.

However, when they finally touched the wall of the pit, they felt an extremely cold air seeping into their bodies along their skin and spreading rapidly to their limbs and bones.

The two of them felt as if their souls were frozen, and their consciousness quickly fell into confusion. They gave up resistance and allowed their bodies to fall freely, sinking, sinking, and sinking again...

I don’t know how long it took, but it seemed like millions of years had passed, and it seemed like it was just a moment. With a bang, Jason felt as if he had passed through an invisible transparent barrier and entered a gloomy and cold world. Although it was greatly It slowed down the fall, but it still kept falling.

This gave rise to endless fear in his heart. Don't fall to death without finding the gate of hell. This would be such an unjust death.

He tried hard to open his eyes to see the surrounding environment, but everything in front of him was pitch black and he couldn't see his fingers, so he gave up this futile move.

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