Medical Sovereign

Two thousand two hundred and eighty warning

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"Why do you mean you beg us? It seems so insincere."

Ding Ning muttered with dissatisfaction, and the hobbit was so angry that he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

But the situation is stronger than the person. Anyway, I have already lost all my face, and I don’t care if I lose a little more. I took a few deep breaths, calmed down my mood, adjusted my tone, and said in a low voice: "I beg you, please leave the United States as soon as possible."

"Well, since you are so sincere, I will reluctantly accept your suggestion. We will leave immediately after the people I need are delivered."

Ding Ning looked at Hobbit's trembling body and quietly clenched fists, and knew that going too far was not enough. If he continued to play, if he forced this guy to risk everything, it would be troublesome. After all, Diba was still in their hands.

Hobbit secretly breathed a sigh of relief, suppressed the shame in his heart, and said with a dark face: "I will ask someone to speed up the delivery."

Ding Ning ignored him, picked up the phone and said calmly: "Suspend the plan to blow up the Capitol Building and wait for my next order."

Hobbit suddenly trembled all over, and big drops of sweat appeared on his forehead. He secretly said that he was lucky. Fortunately, he gave up, otherwise, if the Capitol Building was bombed, the consequences would be serious.

The United States, which is known as the world's largest military power, does not even have the ability to protect the security of the Capitol Building. Not only has it become the biggest laughing stock in the world, the prestige of the United States will plummet due to this, and those countries that have always followed the lead of the United States will also turn against their will. If it falls into the arms of other major countries, the losses the United States will suffer by then are simply immeasurable.

Thinking of this, Hobbit's heart suddenly became balanced, and he thought rather tragically, I sacrificed my personal honor and bowed to these damn bastards for the sake of the entire United States. Not only am I not a sinner of the United States, but I should be. The hero who saved America.

The more Hobbit thought about it, the more he felt great. He was immersed in being moved by himself, and a proud smile appeared on his face.

Ding Ning frowned slightly and immediately became alert. Why did this guy have this expression? Could it be that if he doesn't give up, he has other conspiracies?

This made him very uneasy. He was not afraid of ten thousand, but afraid of the worst. He immediately said decisively: "Hobbit, we will go to Arizona now to send the people I want. I advise you not to play any tricks. You know."

Hobbit was slightly stunned. Arizona is the border between the United States and the Mok Country. Although he didn't understand why Ding Ning rushed there suddenly, they were willing to leave the hinterland of the United States. He naturally wanted it, so he immediately agreed and immediately called someone. Send Deba and Williams to Arizona.

Ding Ning secretly breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and boarded the flying boat, flying towards Arizona.

After getting out of Hobbit's sight, he immediately sent a text message, secretly branched out a martial spirit, and flew quickly towards the Bering Strait.

He would never leave his destiny to others to control. He was fearless no matter what tricks the Hobbit tried to play, but every minute Diba was in the hands of his enemies, he would have trouble sleeping and eating.

The Bering Sea is the northernmost sea area of ​​​​the Pacific Ocean. It is bounded by Siberia of Tsarist Russia to the west and Alaska of the United States to the east.

The Bering Strait is the only channel connecting the Arctic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, and is also the shortest sea passage between North America and the Asian continent.

Ding Ning judged that Williams and Diba would most likely take this shortest passage, so he made a temporary decision to rush to Arizona to wait. First, to prevent other changes, but to see if he could find Diba's location and bring her in advance. rescued.

Hobbit looked at the direction in which the spaceship disappeared, sighed softly, returned to the cabin and immediately made a phone call, arranging for someone to wait at the border. As soon as Williams brought Diba into the country, he would be controlled immediately. , sending them to Arizona.

On a cargo ship named Sea Dragon, Williams was

Standing on the deck, quietly staring at the Bering Sea in the night.

Despite the green light from the United States,

But rushing back to the United States so quickly is not something that can be accomplished in a short time. According to the flight distance, it will take at least two hours to enter the United States.

In the cargo hold below the deck, Diba was tied up in various ways with special ropes, curled up, and his face was pale and bloodless due to fear.

She didn't know who these people were who broke into her home and kidnapped her, but she knew that their skills were terrifying. Even though she was already a strong person at the pinnacle of the True Martial Realm, she was still in the hands of the American named Williams. He was subdued without holding on even for a moment.

This made her realize that these kidnappers were no ordinary kidnappers, but powerful warriors like Ding Ning.

Thinking of Ding Ning, Diba felt filled with regret.

After watching Ding Ning shine at the medical summit, she once had the urge to rush to Ninghai to celebrate him at all costs.

But she finally gave up the idea because of a guest interview show. After all, she has always been a very dedicated person.

But this time, she really regretted it. If she hadn't been too ambitious, she would have been having sex with Ding Ning at this moment, instead of being locked up in this dark cargo hold, facing the unknown fear.

Of course, she knew very well that even if she could escape this time by rushing to Ninghai impulsively, these people had obviously planned it for a long time, and they would not be able to escape the bad luck of being kidnapped next time.

She just regretted that she could not see the man she loved for the last time because of her career, which made her feel unspeakable regret.

Shui Wuhun has inherited Tianpeng's extreme speed very well. With nearly ten times the speed of sound and the bonus of water escape, he flies through the air with lightning speed. Even military satellites can't catch his fleeting movement. figure.

In less than half an hour, he arrived over the Bering Strait, slowed down, and looked back and forth like an eagle to search for all the ships sailing on the sea.

However, in the night, the temperature was very low, and the air was thick with moisture, forming a layer of light mist. The visibility was greatly reduced, so he had to land from a high altitude and keep searching close to the sea.

"Jingle Bell!"

A hurried phone call rang. Williams, who was standing on the deck, frowned. He took out his cell phone and found that it was a call from Andrea. He immediately pressed the answer button and said respectfully: "Master, it will be two more days." You can reach the United States in an hour.”

"Oh, it's not peaceful in the United States tonight. Is everything going well for you?"

Andrea was silent for a while before asking aloud.

Williams was his private product and one of the few biochemical warriors who could maintain high intelligence. He was his extremely powerful right-hand man. He was very dissatisfied with Hobbit's decision, but he did not dare to openly disobey it.

Therefore, he planned to do everything he could to accept fate, and hinting to Williams could be considered as fulfilling the friendship between host and guest. As for whether Williams could detect something was wrong, he could only leave it to fate.

Williams frowned, always feeling that there was something in Andrea's words, but he couldn't figure it out for a moment, and still said respectfully: "Everything went well."

"That's good, just be careful, that's all."

Andrea said calmly and hung up the phone.

Listening to the blind tone on the phone, Williams remained still as he answered the phone, but his face showed a thoughtful look.

Andrea actually told him to be careful?

This made him feel something was wrong, because he knew very well that in Andrea's eyes, the biochemical warriors were just consumables, and they would not be taken seriously no matter how many people died.

But this time, he showed concern for himself for the first time. This abnormal scene made him feel very uneasy.

Reconnecting with Andrea's previous statement that the United States was not at peace tonight, he immediately realized that something might have happened in the United States that he was not aware of, and had even seriously threatened his life.

And Andrea's hesitant speech was completely different from his frank style of giving orders directly in the past. This showed that he had scruples and could only give warnings in this obscure way.

Williams frowned. He had no way of guessing what had happened in the United States, but as a highly intelligent cyborg, he had the same emotions and desires as humans.

He was once an extremely good businessman, but he suffered from a terminal illness that would lead to his death. His strong unwillingness made him take the initiative to find someone from the Caesar family. After consideration, he accepted the Caesar family's proposal to install a loyalty chip in his brain, and then obtained the Taking advantage of the opportunity of biochemical transformation, he gained a new life in this alternative way.

Therefore, he has a desire to survive and a vigilance far beyond ordinary people, and he immediately smelled danger from Andrea's unconventional phone call.

"Turn around immediately and return to Tsarist Russia."

Williams was very decisive and immediately found the captain and gave cold orders.

The captain is an old white man with a big beard, and has a name that is very popular in the United States, called John.

Although he knew that Williams was probably a big shot, he still shook his head after hearing this: "NO, Mr. Williams, I'm sorry, we are a cargo ship carrying a lot of cargo. We must deliver these cargoes according to the agreed time. Delivered to the designated port..."


Before he finished speaking, John felt a pain in his chest and his voice suddenly stopped. He lowered his head in disbelief and watched as a mechanical arm with a metallic luster penetrated his chest and made a heart beat freely. The heart was pulled out alive and crushed with a bang.

"You damn devil, God will never forgive you..."

John raised his head with difficulty, staring angrily and fearfully into Williams's cold, unwavering eyes, cursing in despair, his pupils expanding, he fell to the ground with a thud, his eyes gradually lost their luster, but Wuzi was round and staring, looking up at the sky, as if asking why God didn't bless his people.

Looking at John's dead expression, Williams did not show any emotion. He turned around and looked at the crew members who were full of fear and seemed to have not woken up from the shock of John being killed. Said: "Who is the deputy captain?"

No one spoke, but they all subconsciously looked at a tall and burly white man in the crowd.

"You are the deputy captain, what is your name?"

Williams stared at the burly man and asked calmly.

The burly man looked horrified, with sweat pouring from his forehead. He was trembling and bent over, his teeth chattering uncontrollably. He stammered with a mournful face: "Big... big... big... man, my name is Langji is... the vice-captain of the Sea Dragon."

"Now I have important things to do and I need to turn around and rush back to Tsarist Russia immediately. Do you have any objections?"

Williams' expression remained calm as he stared at Longi and asked calmly.

" problem, you wish."

Langji was so frightened that he almost flew out of his mind. Damn it, Captain John’s heart was crushed when he had an opinion. No matter how much I have an opinion, I don’t dare to say that I have an opinion.

"Very well, then do as you say."

Williams nodded with satisfaction and said in a calm tone.


Langji bowed his head humbly and stammered in response.

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