Medical Sovereign

Two thousand two hundred and eighty-five years ago

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Ding Lie waved his hand and said without any doubt: "Stop talking, I once swore that if I can't find that child in this life, I will never regain my appearance."

"I have found Sister Qiao's child."

Ding Ning said with a smile.

But one sentence made Ding Lie stare at Ding Ning with his eyes wide open, wondering if he had heard wrongly, and asked tremblingly: "What did you say?"

"Ning'er, you said you found Nana?"

Duan Xiaowu was shaking as if struck by lightning, his eyes were already bloodshot, he stared at Ding Ning in disbelief and asked, but the voice he made was hoarse and scary, which showed how agitated he was.

Although Sister Qiao had already known about this from Ding Ning, she never had time to tell him. At this moment, her face was already filled with tears, and she threw herself into Duan Xiaowu's arms and sobbed heartlessly: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Xiaowu..." Brother, wuwu... Ning'er has found Nana, we will see her soon, wuwuwu..."

However, these are no longer tears of worry and depression, but tears of joy.

"So good, so good..."

Duan Xiaowu's eyes were red, and he grinned with an expression that couldn't be told whether he was crying or laughing. He kept murmuring, and hugged Sister Qiao very hard, letting her cry in his arms to vent her more than twenty years. The pent-up pain of lovesickness, but the violent trembling of his body and the tears that burst out of his eyes, betrayed his excitement at the moment.

Meng Wenhan turned around and wiped away his tears quietly. When he turned around, he showed a smile of relief and joy. He was sincerely happy that Duan Xiaowu and his wife could reunite as a family.

The hard lines on Ding Lie's face also became a bit softer, but he knew very well that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, so he still asked seriously: "How did you find Nana? So what? Are you sure she is the daughter of Xiao Wu and Qiao Jieer? "

Duan Xiaowu and Sister Qiao were shocked when they heard this, and quickly calmed down from the ecstasy of finding their daughter. They all turned to look at Ding Ning.

Yes, they searched for more than 20 years but still couldn't find it. Ding Ning didn't even know about it, so how did he find it?

Although Ding Ning had briefly told Sister Qiao what happened, she didn't really believe in such a fantasy thing as traveling through time.

Ding Ning had a headache. He could tell the truth to Sister Qiao, but in front of so many people, if he said that he had saved Sister Qiao more than 20 years ago, his father would probably be the first to treat him as nonsense. Badao was beaten violently.

But he had to answer his father's question and could only shrug helplessly: "I have told Sister Qiao what happened. If you want to know, just ask her. I can only say that I dare to guarantee it with my life. Chu Yunna...well, her name has been changed to Ding Luoxue now, and she is one in a million the daughter of Uncle Xiao Wu and Sister Qiao."

"Ah, Sister Luoxue is the daughter of Uncle Xiao Wu and Sister Qiaoer."

Kong Lei exclaimed with surprise on her face.

Only a few people, including Ding Ning and Ding Qianlie, knew about Luoxue's life experience. Even Kong Lei didn't know, and she had always wondered who Qiao's daughter was, but she didn't expect it to be the sweet and well-behaved Luoxue.

"Do you know Nana?"

Sister Qiao's eyes lit up, and she looked at Kong Lei differently, full of eagerness and expectation.

"Of course, Luoxue's cooking skills are very good, and she's also well-behaved and kind-hearted. The sisters really like her."

Kong Lei said very honestly, making Ding Ning feel guilty for a while.

Fortunately, no one cared who this sister was. Sister Qiao sat down next to Kong Lei and started chatting, asking round and round about her daughter's current situation and personality preferences.

Duan Xiaowu's character has always been relatively reserved, but at this time he let go of his reserve and turned into a gossip man, interjecting from time to time to ask about his daughter's situation.

When Diba heard from the side that Luoxue was actually the female chef from Castle in the Sky, she had already covered her mouth in shock and glanced at Ding Ning resentfully.

No wonder he has a dedicated long-term box in Castle in the Sky.

It turns out that he is the boss behind Castle in the Sky, and the female chef is his god-sister.

Of course, this was also thanks to Kong Lei. She knew that the future father-in-law seemed to be extremely dissatisfied with Ding Ning's efforts to attract bees and butterflies, so she naturally avoided this when speaking, covering up the actual relationship between Luoxue and Ding Ning, and only called them brother and sister.

Ding Ning breathed a sigh of relief on the side, but at the same time he was secretly worried. Luoxue was his little wife. Although Uncle Xiao Wu and Sister Qiao regarded him as their own son, they should not object to him marrying Luoxue, but after they knew that they It's hard to say if there's more than one woman behind.

This gave him a headache. Mother-in-law and father-in-law were indeed the most terrifying creatures in the world.

Moreover, there is Diba. Although she loves him deeply now, with her character, what should she do after knowing that she has a large harem?

"Ning'er, are you sure you're not mistaken?"

Seeing the excitement of Duan Xiaowu and his wife, Ding Lie felt uneasy in his heart. He pulled Ding Ning aside and asked seriously.

"Dad, there is absolutely no mistake. If you are worried, let's wait until they meet. Don't recognize each other first. We can do a paternity test before talking."

Ding Ning said with confidence. He traveled back in time twenty years ago and left the plum blossom mark on Luo Xue with his own hands. He would never be wrong about this.

"Okay, it's not that dad doesn't believe you, but you also know that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. I'm worried that if I make a mistake, Sister Qiao will not be able to bear such a blow."

Ding Lie gave a rare explanation.

"Dad, I understand."

Ding Ning can understand his father's mood. After all, whether it is Uncle Xiao Wu or Sister Qiao, they have been together day and night and shared life and death for more than 20 years. In his heart, they are completely the same as relatives, and their feelings even exceed blood ties.


Ding Lie became taciturn again, sitting on the edge of the flying boat, staring at the passing scene in a daze.

"Why, you are about to see your mother. Are you feeling very nervous?"

Ding Ning sat on the side of the flying boat with his father and said with a narrow smile.

"You brat, even your father dares to tease you."

Ding Lie blushed and cursed with a smile.

"Dad, now that you're here, shouldn't you tell me how you caught up with mom back then?"

Ding Ning chuckled. It was rare to see his father embarrassed, so he was not going to let him go.


Hearing this, Ding Lie's dark face flashed with a gentle look, his eyes flashed with memories, and he softly recounted the past between him and Ding Ning's mother.

Back then, Ding Lie, as the most important Dragon Ya in the Dragon Soul Dragon Triangle and the designated successor of the Dragon King, was a rising star in the army.

Because, in the Dragon Soul, the dragon tooth, which is regarded as a sharp sword, has always been revered.

The tasks performed by Ryuga are the most difficult and have the highest mortality rate. Those who can survive and become Ryuga are basically the successors of the next Dragon King.

It can be said that Ding Lie was the youngest major general in the history of China. Including Dragon Scales and Dragon Horns, their military ranks were only senior colonels. They were equivalent to Long Ya's right and left hands.

If nothing unexpected happened, given Ding Lie's circumstances at the time, as long as he stayed in the army for ten or twenty years and made no mistakes, becoming a lieutenant general or even general would be a sure thing.

Once, Long Lin was hospitalized because he was injured while performing a mission. Long Lin was like a brother to Ding Lie, so he naturally wanted to visit him when he was injured.

Long Lin's family was well off, so even if he was injured and hospitalized, he would always be admitted to the hospital in the Yanjing Military Region.

At that time, Long Ya was performing a mission overseas and had no time to spare, so after completing the mission, he took advantage of his vacation to visit Long Lin in the hospital.

But it was this visit that completely changed the trajectory of his life, from a promising military star to a wanted criminal charged with treason, but it also led to his encounter with the woman he was destined to be.

What happened is not complicated, it's even ridiculous to say.

After visiting Dragon Scale, Ding Lie planned to rush back to the station overnight, but when he passed by the door of a bar, he saw a few gangsters plotting against a drunk woman.

As a soldier who protects his family and country and is extremely upright and bloody, he naturally can't watch the woman being humiliated, so he staged a scene of a hero saving the beauty.

After rescuing the woman, Ding Lie discovered that the woman was stunningly tall, which made his heart flutter. However, he had never been one to take advantage of others, so he planned to send the woman home.

Unexpectedly, the woman was unconscious and unable to communicate at all. In desperation, Ding Lie opened a room, settled her down, and prepared to leave.

Unexpectedly, the woman was not only drunk, but also drugged. When the drug took effect, she took the initiative to knock down Ding Lie.

When Ding Lie said this, his face became extremely shocked. He scratched his head in embarrassment and said, regardless of whether Ding Ning believed it or not, to be honest, he didn't know what was going on at the time. He was obviously capable of refusing, but at that time he suddenly lost his mind. , and he turned the raw rice into cooked rice in a daze.

Ding Ning looked at his father's embarrassed look and couldn't help but chuckle to himself. Well, in fact, he knew very well that all this was caused by the old guy, the Demon Emperor. Just to create myself, the three-blooded awakener.

But in Ding Lie's opinion, it was probably because he fell in love with the woman at first sight and was so strong-willed that he couldn't resist the temptation.

When he woke up the next day, the woman did not cry and fuss like other women. Instead, she acted extremely calmly and interrogated eight generations of his ancestors as if checking their household registration.

Ding Lie was just a junior brother. He had never seen such a scene before. He swore and cursed. He even took out the real estate certificate of his hometown, saying that he would be responsible for her.

That woman was undoubtedly Ding Ning's mother, Sun Ningxiang. Perhaps because Ding Lie was honest and kind, perhaps because Ding Lie saved her, or perhaps because she was dissatisfied with the marriage arranged by the family, instead of blaming him, she expressed the hope that he could Accompany yourself for three days.

At that time, Ding Lie had no idea of ​​Suningxiang's true identity, nor did he expect that she was the eldest lady of the Su family, known as the first talented woman and the most beautiful woman in Yanjing.

Out of guilt and a responsible attitude, Ding Lie immediately asked for three days' leave from his superiors, and he and Suning Xiang spent three days and three nights traveling around like a couple in love.

Three days, for many people, may be just a wasted time that is forgotten in the blink of an eye, but for them, a pair of familiar strangers, it is the best time that will be unforgettable and will never be forgotten in their lifetime.

Although they only got along for three short days, they were like the fate of the past life and the present life, from unfamiliarity to acquaintance, from acquaintance to mutual acquaintance, and then from mutual acquaintance to love...

At the end of the three-day holiday, the two were already inseparable and inseparable. When they parted, Ding Lie solemnly promised her to wait for him. He would definitely marry her in a glorious way for up to three years.

Sun Ningxiang did not make any reply at that time, but said with a smile and tears, don't put too much pressure on yourself, just let everything happen.

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