Medical Sovereign

Two thousand two hundred and eighty-seven Compromise

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"Ryuga, what's wrong? What happened?"

The Dragon King didn't eavesdrop on the phone, so he naturally didn't know what happened. But from Ding Lie's reaction, he could tell that something must have happened, so he couldn't help but ask.

Ding Lie hesitated for a moment, probably thinking that the Dragon King would know about it sooner or later, so he pulled him aside and told him the whole story in a low voice.

The Dragon King's brows knitted into a big knot. He irritably asked for a cigarette from Ding Lie and lit it, thinking silently.

Two men were standing next to the flying boat, smoking cigarettes, their brows full of uncontrollable sadness. Although the fifty-two old Dragon Soul members had not seen each other for more than twenty years, they were their brothers who had shared life and death together. , and now something happened because of them. Whether it was due to the blood-thirsty comradeship or conscience, they couldn't just sit back and watch.

"Go to Yanjing first. If we want to save them, we must first restore our identity. We have no power in our hands. It is extremely difficult to save them. For such a thing, we can only take one step at a time."

The Dragon King was also at a loss and could only say helplessly in the end.

Although Ding Lie was a little disappointed, he also knew that what the Dragon King said was true. He was still charged with treason. If he couldn't wash away his grievances, let alone save them, he wouldn't even be able to appear in China openly.

Meng Wenhan, Duan Xiaowu and others didn't know what happened yet, but when they saw Ding Lie frowning deeply, they knew that something big must have happened. Otherwise, with his current state of mind, there would be very few things that could make him So out of control.

Sister Qiao was still chatting enthusiastically with Kong Lei about Luoxue. She was so immersed in the joy of being reunited with her daughter that she didn't notice the change in the atmosphere.

Ding Lie couldn't bear to disturb her, so he called Meng Wenhan and Duan Xiaowu aside, and whispered what happened. Their expressions changed instantly, and they felt moved, annoyed, and felt a deep sense of powerlessness in their hearts.

"Dad, I think this matter is not as simple as it seems.\

,"After careful consideration, Ding Ning went to his father and whispered.

"How to say?"

Ding Lie said with some surprise, Meng Wenhan and Duan Xiaowu also looked at him.

"Think about it, although your comrades have made a temporary decision to rescue you, since they are former Dragon Soul members, they must have rich anti-reconnaissance capabilities. Even if they act in a hurry, they must have a careful plan. At the very least, The matter will only be exposed after they leave the border of China, right?"

Ding Ning thought about it and said: "But in fact, they were stopped by Longjiao before they could even leave the military area, but the military immediately arranged for people to arrest them. It seems that they have been prepared for a long time. Don't you think Something's wrong?"

"Could someone have leaked the news?"

Duan Xiaowu thought.

"If the news was leaked, the military could have tried to dissuade them in advance. Why did they take action only after they stole the arms and established the established fact?"

Ding Ning shook his head and flatly denied it.

Meng Wenhan's eyes flashed, and he lost his voice in shock: "You mean, this is a conspiracy deliberately targeting them?"

Ding Lie and Duan Xiaowu looked at each other and saw the solemn look in each other's eyes. If it is true as Ding Ning said, then the black hand behind this matter is really terrible and has calculated human nature to the core.

"I'm not sure yet, but it's possible, and the possibility is very high."

Ding Ning's eyes flashed with wisdom, and he talked eloquently: "The key to the matter lies in Longjiao. How did he know that these comrades were going to save you, and how did he appear in the southwest theater in time to stop them? Although I don’t know where Dragon Soul’s headquarters is, I’m sure it won’t be in the Southwest War Zone.”

"Yes, Dragon Soul is in Yanjing, not in the Southwest War Zone. It takes a long time to get from Yanjing to the Southwest War Zone. Longjiao specially rushed to stop them, which means that Longjiao must have received the news in advance and rushed there in advance. Go to the Southwest Theater to stop them."

Meng Wenhan looked thoughtful,

He said with a frown.

"This shows that Longjiao must have received news that someone was going to deal with them, so he rushed to stop them as soon as possible. Once they are allowed to fly fighter planes and leave the border of China, they will be guilty of treason, but there is no such thing. When they thought about it but were stopped by Long Jiao, they became angry and implicated Long Jiao. "

Meng Wenhan's face was so gloomy that he could shed tears, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Who is it that has such sinister intentions and wants to kill all our old comrades in one fell swoop?"

"It seems that the appearance of the Dragon King and Dad has touched some people's sensitive nerves."

Ding Ning sneered.

Ding Lie was startled, and then he understood. It seemed that the people who participated in framing him back then were beginning to get restless. They were not targeting Longjiao or the group of comrades, but Longya Ding Lie.

This is a demonstration and a threat. If Ding Lie does not reverse the case, does not return, and continues to be his wanted criminal, nothing will happen to Long Jiao and his comrades. But once he insists on overturning the case, then Long Jiao and Those comrades will all become sacrifices for his return.

Meng Wenhan and Duan Xiaowu were not fools either. They figured this out immediately, their expression turned extremely ugly, and they quietly clenched their fists.

Back then, they were willing to be charged with treason, escape from prison, and go overseas, enduring the humiliation and burden for more than 20 years. Wasn't it just that one day they could seek justice for the twenty-five brothers who died in vain?

But now, seeing that the injustice is about to be overturned, the enemy is trying another dirty trick, taking advantage of the fifty-two veteran Dragon Soul members and forcing them to compromise, which makes them feel aggrieved and unwilling.

The twenty-five comrades who died were brothers, so why are the fifty-two living comrades not brothers who share life and death?

This multiple-choice question is really too difficult for them.

"Brother, you make the decision. We will do whatever you say."

Meng Wenhan looked at Ding Lie and said in a deep voice, although his tone was heavy, it was full of heavy trust and respect.

Duan Xiaowu was always taciturn and just nodded slightly, indicating that he had the same opinion as Meng Wenhan.

Ding Lie was silent, smoking a cigarette without saying a word, looking at the scenery in the distance without focus.

After a long time, he flicked the cigarette butt and drew a bright parabola in the air, but his eyes gradually became determined.

Meng Wenhan and Duan Xiaowu looked deeply at each other without saying a word, but just through eye contact, they immediately understood what he meant. There was no suggestion or objection, but they just nodded heavily at the same time.

"Ning'er, find a place to put us down."

Ding Lie looked at Ding Ning with a trace of guilt in his eyes and said calmly.

"Dad, mom is still waiting for you."

Ding Ning looked at his father deeply and said in a serious tone.

A look of deep guilt appeared on Ding Lie's face, and he said solemnly: "I know, tell her I'm sorry for me."

"I'm sorry? Do you know how my mother got here all these years? She is a woman who has to bear the infamy all by herself and bear the prodding from everyone behind her back. Why? Isn't it just to be able to stand upright and be aboveboard one day? Are you with me? She has been waiting for you for more than 20 years, how long are you going to make her wait? Ask yourself, are you worthy of my mother?"

Ding Ning's eyes were red, his chest was heaving rapidly, and he asked loudly and emotionally.

He knew that his father had made a decision that he was least willing to accept, and his heart hurt so much as if it was tightly grasped by a pair of invisible hands. People like his father would rather be wronged than turn a blind eye. He watched something happen to Pao Ze in the past and ignored it.

Intellectually he could understand it, but emotionally he couldn't accept it. When he thought of his mother's eagerness to see her family reunited soon, his heart felt like a needle pricking him. He could no longer control his emotions and was hysterical. Completely vented.

Everyone was alarmed and looked at them in surprise. They didn't know what happened, but they wisely didn't ask.

Ding Lie closed his eyes in pain, did not answer, and said without any doubt: "Let us go down."

"Ning'er... don't blame your father. He had no choice but to do it. The dead are gone, but the living will continue. Sometimes, people can't live just for themselves."

Meng Wenhan patted Ding Ning on the shoulder, sighed and consoled him.

"I understand, but you can't always live for others. Why do you have to pay for some people's mindless behavior?"

Ding Ning said angrily that although his father's comrades had good intentions, their impulsiveness caused all his father's twenty years of hard work and patience to go to waste. He was unwilling to do so.

Ding Lie didn't say a word, he just lowered his head and smoked cigarettes one after another. His generous back turned rickety at this moment. He was carrying too much, and it was already heavy enough to bend his straight spine.

The Dragon King had been listening to their conversation and understood what was going on. He stood up and said solemnly: "With the current situation, it's okay to compromise for the time being. Trust me, I will get to the bottom of this matter as soon as possible and give it to you." Let’s give an account to those brothers who died in vain.”

Ding Lie nodded, but he didn't have any hope in his heart. After all, those comrades had done bad things with good intentions and had been caught. They had indeed made mistakes.

If he doesn't compromise, these fifty-two comrades will be sent to a military court. Such consequences are definitely something he cannot bear.

As for the Dragon King, although he is the God of War in China, he has been missing for more than 20 years. Even if he returns, those people will never let him return to his original position. The most likely possibility is to hang up a false title and retire at home. , how can we help them clear their grievances if they have no power in their hands?

"Leilei, land, let them down!"

Ding Ning said coldly with a straight face.

The flying boat landed slowly, and the depressive atmosphere quietly filled the air. Diba grasped Ding Ning's hand uneasily. Although she didn't know what happened, she was smart enough not to ask questions, and used her own way to quietly comfort him, in exchange for his A forced smile.

Duan Xiaowu took Qiao Jieer, who was still confused, to explain what happened, and decided to let her go back to Ninghai with Ding Ning to meet her daughter. After all, she was not on the wanted list.

Although Sister Qiao really wanted to leave with them, when she thought of her daughter whom she had been separated from for more than 20 years, she finally chose to stay and meet her daughter.

"Uncle Xiao Wu, come here, I have something to tell you."

The flying boat landed in an open space next to a forest. Ding Ning did not look at his father. He took Duan Xiaowu aside and muttered for a long time. He didn't know what he said. Although everyone present was curious, no one was in the mood to ask.

Five minutes later, Duan Xiaowu came back with a strange expression, followed Ding Lie and Meng Wenhan and left without looking back. From the beginning to the end, there was no communication between the two of them.

"We have entered the border of China. Put away the airship and we will take the plane back."

Half an hour later, after the flying boat arrived in Shuzhou, the Kingdom of China, Ding Ning, who had always been silent, suddenly spoke up.

"That's fine."

The Dragon King was the first to express his support.

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