Medical Sovereign

Two thousand three hundred and ten Qiao Jieer’s craftsmanship

On the plane from Shudu to Yanjing, Long Luo happily played with the ID card in his hand, looking like he would never tire of it.

The Dragon King shook his head and said with a smile: "It's just an ID card. Are you so excited?"

"Of course, as for that, I am a person with status now."

Long Luo said matter-of-factly, and then began to express his bitterness: "You don't know how painful it is to have no identity. I can't stay in luxury hotels, fly, or take high-speed rail. I haven't been sleeping in the wilderness during this period. , just get into someone’s car and make do for one night, working like a homeless child all day long, that’s so painful, oh, just talking about it brings tears to my eyes.”

The Dragon King didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said angrily: "With your strength, you can't live well wherever you go. How can you make it so miserable?"

"That's what I say, but I won't do anything that is harmful to nature. This is the bottom line of my life."

Long Luo said seriously.

The Dragon King rolled his eyes: "With a personality like yours, I wonder how you grew up so big in the God's Domain."

“It’s precisely because I’ve seen too much of the law of the jungle and the strong that I don’t want to become that person.”

Long Luo's expression became a little gloomy, and he turned his head to look at the white clouds outside the window, with sadness in his eyes.

The Dragon King was sensitive to the fact that something must have happened to his brother whom he hadn't seen for decades that he didn't know about, but he didn't want to say it, and he wouldn't ask. Although they were brothers, everyone had their own secrets. There was no need to get to the bottom of it, so he deliberately uncovered his scars and immediately changed the subject: "Ding Ning, he is a very magical little guy. Let's have more contact with him in the future."

Long Luo's eyes were a little dazed and he murmured: "Yeah, I never thought that a person like him would be born in this world. It seems that he is omnipotent and there is nothing he can't do."

"It's not that exaggerated. Isn't he just as helpless about Ryuga's matter?"

The Dragon King shook his head and said, although Ding Ning's performance has always been amazing and astonishing to him, no one in this world is omnipotent. Everyone has their own troubles, and Ding Ning is no exception.

"Do you think he's really helpless?"

Long Luo asked suddenly, but his eyes shone with a strange luster.

The Dragon King was stunned for a moment, frowned and said, "Of course, if he had the means, how could he watch Long Ya leave helplessly."


I don’t think so, I always feel that he has a solution, but we are still outsiders to him, so it’s not convenient for him to say it in front of us. "

Long Luo held a different opinion.

"You mean, what was he planning by taking the hunter to talk alone?"

The Dragon King said thoughtfully.

"Well, although I don't know what he said to the hunter, I always think it has something to do with the dragon tooth thing."

Long Luo nodded.

"That doesn't mean anything. Maybe he just wants the hunter to comfort Ryuga on his behalf?"

The Dragon King didn't think that Ding Ning would have a way to solve the problem of Long Ya's return, so he shook his head and speculated.


Long Luo shrugged and did not continue on this topic. After all, it was just his intuition. No matter how much he said, his elder brother would not believe it.

But after seeing Ding Ning's magic and martial arts, he had an inexplicable feeling in his heart. With that guy's protective temperament, he would never watch his father being wronged and remain indifferent.

Paradise Island.

Sister Qiao burst into tears while hugging Luo Xue, who had returned to her original appearance. There was no need for personal identification. From the moment she saw Luo Xue, the wonderful sense of blood connection convinced her that this was definitely her daughter.

Although the snow has already fallen

She was mentally prepared, but when it came to this moment, she still felt helpless and panicked.

But the blood and family ties were there, and the feeling of mother-daughter connection made her burst into tears. She felt so mixed that she couldn't explain what it felt like.

Are you saying you don’t hate it at all? That must be a lie. After so many years of being alone and helpless, and being captured by the Goddess organization for inhumane genetic experiments, I lived a dark underground life without seeing the sun for three full years, living with creatures like bats and rats all day long. If it weren't for After being rescued by Ding Ning, I'm afraid the grass on her grave is now half as tall as a person.

But she is a sensible girl, and she also knows that Sister Qiao had to abandon her in order to protect her. She can complain, but she should not hate.

Especially when she saw Sister Qiao crying so hard, she, who was already kind-hearted, immediately chose to forgive.

The other women on the paradise island, watching their mother and daughter holding each other's arms and crying, thinking about Luoxue's tragic experience over the years, also wiped their tears beside her.

Suningxiang and Granny Hua had returned to Yanjing after receiving the news that Ding Ning was safe. After all, she was the helmsman of the Su family's commercial aircraft carrier. If she disappeared for too long, something big would happen.

Although she was a little disappointed that Ding Lie could not return for the time being, she was not too sad. Instead, she was slightly relieved. As long as she knew that he was still alive and well, it was the best news for her.

In fact, after more than twenty years of separation, she has become accustomed to her current life. If Ding Lie comes back suddenly, she may still be a little uncomfortable. After all, without being mentally prepared, she doesn't know what to do when she really sees him. say something.

"Okay, don't cry, today is a big day, we have to celebrate it."

Although Ding Qianlie was hurt by the scene and cried out of breath, she was a business goddess after all and had strong self-control. She quickly suppressed her sadness and said with a smile while wiping her tears.

"Well, don't cry anymore, don't cry anymore."

Luoxue patted Sister Qiao's shoulder, who was out of breath from crying. She couldn't even say "Mom" out of her mouth.

"Okay, don't cry, let's not cry anymore. Don't fight with me today. I want to cook myself and make a delicious meal for Nana."

Sister Qiao wiped her tears and said with a bright smile.

She also knows that it is unrealistic for Luoxue to accept her as a mother all at once, but the days are long, and she will do her best to make up for the maternal love she owes her for more than twenty years, so that she can slowly accept herself.

"My name is not Nana, my name is Luoxue."

Luoxue muttered dissatisfiedly, but when she heard Sister Qiao said she wanted to cook herself, her eyes lit up again.

"Okay, okay, let's not call her Nana, call her Luoxue."

Sister Qiao said in a dumbfounded voice, muttering to herself that she would have to deal with this little bastard Ning'er for depriving me, the mother, of her naming rights and changing my Nana's name to Luoxue.

"Brother said that he learned all his cooking skills from you. Can I watch while you cook?"

Luoxue said with bright eyes. She had a paranoid fanaticism about cooking. Although she couldn't say the word "Mom" for the moment, she didn't want to miss any opportunity to learn cooking.

"Silly boy, what do you think?"

Sister Qiao rubbed Luoxue's head lovingly and said scolding.

"Hehe, then I'll be stealing from you."

Luoxue was not used to having her head rubbed by anyone other than Ding Ning. She tilted her head and stuck out her tongue.

"Follow me, Ning'er hasn't learned even 50% of my cooking skills. What can you learn from following him?"

When it comes to the professional field, Qiao’s voice is full of confidence and pride.

"You're bragging, I don't believe it. My cooking skills are very good."

Luoxue was unhappy. In her heart, Ding Ning was perfect and could not be slandered by anyone.

Sister Qiao's heart skipped a beat and she muttered to herself.

He mumbled, wouldn't Ning'er, a little pervert, bring harm to his own daughter?

She now knows that all the women living on Paradise Island are Ding Ning's women. To be honest, she was quite proud at first. After all, she watched Ding Ning grow up and regarded him as her own. The more wives he found, the happier she would be. .

But she would be very unhappy if her daughter was one of them. No mother would want to watch her daughter share a man with another woman.

But she knew that her daughter was still not close to her, so no matter how suspicious she was, she couldn't ask more questions. She could only make insinuations and see what the situation was.

"Believe it or not, I said the same thing. Come on, let me show you my cooking skills."

Sister Qiao raised her head proudly and walked to the kitchen first.

"Is it true? My husband's cooking skills are only 50% of hers? Why do I not believe it so much?"

Xi muttered softly, feeling that Sister Qiao was bragging.

"You'll know when you try it later."

Ding Qianlie also felt that Sister Qiao was exaggerating, but he was an elder after all, so he couldn't say much and could only smooth things over.

But facts speak louder than words. Although these women favor their men in their hearts, they have to say that Sister Qiao's cooking skills are so good that they suddenly feel that Luoxue's cooking skills are not that good after all.

Although Luoxue refused to admit it, she was convinced in her heart and pestered Sister Qiao to learn cooking from her.

Sister Qiao was just trying to build a good relationship with her daughter, so she naturally wanted her to have it. She taught her everything she had to teach her without any reservation, and she wished she could teach her how to cook a spoon step by step.

With the contact of teaching cooking skills, the relationship between mother and daughter has also grown rapidly. Although Luoxue hasn't called her mom yet, she has obviously become much closer to her.

Perhaps due to genetic factors, Luoxue has a very high talent for cooking. She knows everything about it, and can draw inferences from one example to another, which makes Qiaojie smile from ear to ear. She even says that her precious daughter is much smarter than that little fool Ding Ning. .

Unexpectedly, she was so happy that she became sad again. This sentence angered Luoxue again. She pouted and refused to talk to her, which made Sister Qiao burst into tears. She apologized repeatedly and promised not to speak ill of Ding Ning in the future. Luoxue reluctantly forgave her.

This is really a bit of tofu with brine, one thing is reduced and the other is reduced.

Sister Qiao has a strong nature and has never been soft to anyone. Even her eldest brother, Ding Lie, will always attack him if he is unhappy, but she has no way to deal with Luoxue, her daughter.

Luoxue was secretly proud of herself. Although she had a gentle temperament, she was not stupid at all. Ever since she learned that Qiao Jieer was her mother, she had been worried that she would object to her being with Ding Ning, so she took every step and never wanted to Calling her mom, and showing her protection for Ding Ning everywhere, is to pave the way for Qiao Jieer to accept reality in the future.

Ding Qianlie was full. As a very restrained pregnant woman, when she tasted Qiao Jie'er's delicacies, she still couldn't hold back her appetite. She ate three large bowls of rice, which made her belly grow bigger. It's like she's pregnant.

After spending half an hour walking with Ye Duxing in Bu Xiaoshi, and drinking the hawthorn Xiaoshi tea brewed by Ding Ning, I felt a little better.

Jingle Bell!

The phone rang rapidly. When Ding Qianlie saw that it was Ding Ning, he quickly pressed the answer button.

"Okay, I'll book a flight immediately and rush there."

After listening to Ding Ning's explanation of his intention, Ding Qianlie agreed without hesitation.

An hour later, Ding Qianlie appeared at Hongqiao Airport and boarded the flight from Ninghai to Shudu. She was accompanied by Xia Hou and others, who were responsible for protecting her safety.

Just as she was taking the plane, a piece of news quickly spread in the business circle of Shudu. Ding Qianlie, the vice president of Shengtang Group, would hold a cocktail party at the Golden Horse Hotel in Shudu tonight and invite celebrities from all walks of life in Shudu to the banquet.

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