Medical Sovereign

Two Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty-six Great Leaders

"You are so brave. You dare to attack our Qingyun Club. Brothers, damn it, you finally have a chance to have some fun."

In the security monitoring room of Qingyun Club, You Leng stared at the hundreds of black-clothed men on the surveillance screen, with a sinister smile on his face, picked up the radio and shouted excitedly.


The entire backyard of Qingyun Club was boiling in an instant. No one was afraid or frightened. Instead, there was excitement on their faces, as if they had just been released from prison after more than ten years and saw a beautiful girl without clothes. He rushed out of the training ground.

Anyone who can train in the backyard of Qingyun Club is not a fighting maniac who is full of energy and wants to find something to do. He usually conducts boring training day and night, which is not as exciting as actual combat.

Therefore, when the dense crowd of men in black opened the door and rushed into the backyard of Qingyun Club, they were immediately stunned. Thousands of people had already surrounded them.

Well, although the strength of these people is generally not high, they are all like wolves and tigers, exuding a fierce and fearless aura. The high morale alone makes them terrified.

"Damn, how dare you come to Qingyun Security to cause trouble and fuck them."

A burly man with his upper body naked, exposing his muscular muscles, grinned ferociously and shouted, and thousands of Qingyun security guards rushed forward with howls.


It has to be said that the combat effectiveness of Kaikai's elite is still very terrifying. Even if one is against ten, they are only slightly behind. Back to back, they cover each other and resist the endless attacks from all directions.

This is not to say that Qingyun Security is not strong, but that these security guards who are training are all candidates for the Zodiac Team, and they have not been taught by Ding Ning. The strongest ones are only in the Earth Martial Realm, and the lowest ones are those who open the door. The top hundreds of elites in the Earth Martial Realm have reached the True Martial Realm, and being able to gain the upper hand is enough to be proud of.

Hundreds of ghost warriors hugged their arms and watched the melee on the roof of the building, all of them beaming with joy.

Although these alternate security guards are generally not very strong, they are better in numbers and have high morale. Even if they are injured, they will not flinch. After a simple treatment, they will pounce on again without fear of death, allowing the elites who open the door to continue to attack. It is consumed.

Just when there was a killing sound in the backyard, Abacus was also beaten by You Lin, causing blood to flow from the corner of his mouth, and he collapsed on the ground like a dead dog, vomiting blood.

Originally You Lin just wanted to teach him a lesson and did not intend to do anything harsh, but when he opened the door, he was obviously prepared and actually let people attack the Qingyun Club. Since he had already betrayed his face, how could he show mercy? If it weren't for Zhu Wu Xia asked him to spare his life. Abacus might have become a dead man by now.

"Is this how you open the door? It's not very good."

Zhu Wuxia quietly looked at the melee outside the door and sneered.

Abacus looked with hatred in his eyes and said with a ferocious smile: "I underestimated your Qingyun security, but what's the use of having so many people? They are just a group of low-level warriors. When the big leader arrives, you will all die, all of you will die..."

"Fuck you, what a bullshit boss, wait until he sees how I can destroy him."

You Lin kicked the abacus away, hit the wall hard, rolled over and fell to the ground, with a look of disdain on his face, and he said proudly.

He naturally has the confidence to say this. The demon clan is already powerful in combat. After being genetically modified by Ding Ning, his strength has also improved by leaps and bounds, reaching the peak of the demon king.

As far as he knew, the most powerful warrior in the human world was only at the peak of the Holy Martial Arts. Even if the leader in Abacus's mouth was a strong man at the peak of the Holy Martial Arts, he had no fear and was confident of defeating him.

"Hahaha, the power of the Great Master is beyond what humble ants like you can imagine.

With your strength, the Great Master can destroy you with a wave of his hand. Just wait and repent in hell. "

Abacus kept vomiting blood from his mouth, but his eyes flashed with fanaticism and he cursed at the top of his lungs.

The big boss is the general shopkeeper who opens the black market all over the world. His strength is unfathomable. In the past, there was no such position for opening the door.

Just a dozen years ago, there was a huge European force that coveted the huge profits of the black market. It wanted to drive away those who opened the door and dominate the black market business in Europe.

At the beginning, that force did cause great losses to Kaimen. Even the shopkeepers were killed several times. Kaimen had to swallow his anger, gave up the European market, and asked for help from Kaimen's headquarters.

There is no way, that European power is extremely powerful, there are actually five martial saints in the family, and three of them are at the peak of martial saints.

Martial Saint is a Westerner's name, which corresponds to a strong person in the Shenzhou Holy Martial Realm. A strong person at the peak of the Martial Saint Realm is a strong person at the peak of the Holy Martial Realm.

After the headquarters got the news, they were furious, and finally sent a strong man to ask for an explanation from the European force. At that time, shopkeepers from all over the country still didn't understand, thinking that sending a strong man was useless, but they had five warriors. The one in charge of the Holy Spirit is extremely unfavorable to him.

As a result, everyone's attention was shocked. This strong man went to Europe single-handedly. Even if five martial saints teamed up, they were no match for him. He only paid the price of minor injuries and killed the five martial saints and bloodbathed the family. European forces have taken back the European black market.

From then on, this powerful man never returned to the headquarters. Instead, he sat in the secular world and became the chief executive.

In the eyes of those who open the door, the Grand Master is invincible. Even the Holy See Pope, who is known as the most powerful person in the West, will never be his opponent if he does not use the Seven Sacred Artifacts. .

The Grand Master sits in the secular world, but he can't take action personally when trouble comes. Therefore, he carefully trained a disciple, the Kaifu General.

Over the years, whenever there is trouble in opening the door, the general will take action to solve it. If it weren't for the general's mission this time, Abacus believes that the general can easily wipe out You Lin without the need for the general to take action. .

"Then I want to see how powerful the big master you are talking about is."

When You Lin heard this, not only was he not afraid, but his eyes were full of fighting spirit, and the blood in his body was boiling.

After the young master modified his genes, his strength continued to skyrocket, but he had no chance to take action. He was eager to test his strength with a powerful opponent.

He was not afraid, but Zhu Wuxia frowned. As the leader of the ghost intelligence organization, she must be responsible for the young master and the safety of her subordinates.

Now she and Kai Meng had started a quarrel with each other, and the fight had reached a point where they would never end. She had to report it to the young master, both emotionally and rationally.

She immediately edited a long text message and sent it to Ding Ning. Unless it was an urgent matter, she would call the young master directly. Otherwise, she would usually send text messages to report the situation.

In any case, although the matter at hand seems quite serious, it is not urgent yet, so texting should be enough.

The reception scene at Shudu Jinma Hotel.

Ding Ning heard a ding from his phone, which must have been a text message. He was about to open it to check, but his sister winked at him and turned around to walk to the passage next to her.

Ding Ning understood and knew that his sister must have something to say to him, so he didn't care to read the text message. He put away his phone and told Pan Weiguo that he was going to the bathroom. He went to find his sister invisibly when no one was prepared.

Ding Qianlie came to him to tell him that things had changed, Wu Shimin had surrendered, and the original plan would be slightly changed.

Ding Ning was overjoyed when he heard this. With Wu Shimin as the inner ghost, he could greatly shorten the time for the destruction of the Wu family, which was much more convenient than his original plan.

The most important thing is that he took away Hai Mingzhu's innocence in a daze, and he felt guilty from the bottom of his heart. He really didn't want to use the Hai family anymore to drag them into this muddy water.

After all, the Hai family may be a thousand-year-old wealthy family, but the Wu family is not bad at all. In a real fight, even if the Hai family can win, they will only kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred to themselves.

What's more, his sister also told him that the Wu family actually has an ancestor who has entered the divine realm. Although he is not afraid, it may be difficult for the Hai family to withstand the wrath of the ancestor of the Wu family.

"Arsenal? Where? Why have you never heard of it?"

When Ding Ning heard her sister talk about the news she got from Wu Shimin, she couldn't help but murmured in confusion.

"I don't know either. Wu Shimin also learned about this name after peeking into the letters of the ancestor of the Wu family. He doesn't know where it is specifically."

Ding Qianlie rubbed her temples with a headache. One of the three major temples was enough to give people a headache, and now she had to provoke an existence from an unknown place. She was really worried about whether Ding Ning could withstand such a huge pressure.

After all, she knew that Ding Ning had been warned by the Human Emperor that if it was inconvenient for the old man of the Crane clan to take action again, could he really be able to cope with it with only Yang Jingcheng, a strong man in the divine realm?

What's more, Ding Ning was nervous about her and sent Yang Jingcheng to protect her. He himself had no one to protect him and was in danger.

"I'll ask you later about where this arsenal is."

Ding Ning didn't think too much and said thoughtfully.

He has absolute self-confidence. Even if he faces a strong person in the divine realm, even if he is defeated, he can escape safely. On the contrary, it is his own women who make him extremely uneasy.

Ling Yun is still in Long Yi's hands. Xiao Nuo and Xue Mili are still in a coma. He plans to rush back to Ninghai tonight. If his sister stays in Shu, she will be protected by Yang Jingcheng, so there is no chance of any accidents. .

After the two discussed it, they returned to the reception one after another. It was getting late. Things that should be announced were announced, and those who should sign up were also signed up. Ding Qianlie chatted with everyone for a while, and then announced This time the reception is over.

People dispersed one after another, their faces either excited or frustrated, and they discussed who would eventually get the exclusive agency rights.

Ding Ning saw that although Pan Weiguo was a little disappointed, he was generally calm, and he couldn't help but take another high look at his father-in-law.

Song Shu'e liked his son-in-law so much that she invited him home for lunch on the spot. She would cook in person and let him taste her cooking.

Ding Ning wanted to agree, but thinking that Ninghai still had a lot of things waiting for him, he could only politely refuse with apology, which made Song Shu'e feel disappointed.

Fortunately, they are also reasonable people. Although they don't know Ding Ning's exact identity, they can tell that he is really up to something. More importantly, he truly loves his daughter and has solved a big problem for the Pan family.

In the end, he was not too pushy, but earnestly told him to come to his home as a guest next time he came to Shu. After getting Ding Ning's promise, he reluctantly watched him and Pan Xiangyun drive away together.

"Old Pan, what do you think this kid Ding Ning does? I don't know if it's an illusion, but I always feel like I've seen him somewhere."

Watching Bentley Business go away in the night, Song Shu'e frowned and thought hard.

"Don't tell me, I have the same feeling. I always feel like I have seen him somewhere, but I can't remember it no matter how hard I think about it."

Pan Weiguo frowned and said with some confusion.

"Forget it, never mind him. Maybe this is fate. He is destined to be our son-in-law."

Song Shu'e was also puzzled. She shook her head freely and said happily.

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