Medical Sovereign

Two thousand three hundred and ninety-five, the opportunity will never come again

Ding Ning was shocked. Li Jikang had told him before that Buddhist forces are generally sorted according to the strength of the three Buddha Lords, the four Arhats and the eight Dharma Protectors.

Although the Blood Buddha Temple is not as good as the great Buddhist sects like the Ancient Buddha Temple, the ranking of strength remains basically the same.

Only the Dharma Protector Vajra ranked in the third sequence has half-immortal strength, so what kind of cultivation is the Arhat? At least he's an Immortal Emperor-level powerhouse, right? What about the three great Buddhas above Arhat? Isn't it possible that he is an immortal emperor-level powerhouse?

Although he cultivated himself and removed all external help, aiming to find an invincible path, he was not naive enough to think that he could really compete with the immortal-level powerhouse.

Even if he wanted to defeat Medog in front of him, he would have to pay a high price.

He is not afraid of Medog, he is only worried that if he beats the small one, the big one will come, and if he beats the big one, the old one will come. If he really provokes the Arhat of the Blood Buddha Temple to take action, he will probably die.

But now is not the time to think too much. The top priority is to deal with Medog first. We will talk about the future later. At the worst, we can just lower our dignity and let Li Jikang ask for help.

Of course, he didn't want to get to the point where Li Jikang asked for help unless it was absolutely necessary.

After all, he is a man, and he is a man with a bit of chauvinism in his heart. Li had already looked down on him very much before, and he didn't want to be protected by her again, which would be very embarrassing.

Excluding objects, what he can rely on is the power of the laws he has comprehended, the will of the sword, and his physical body. Although the power of the physical body is sealed, the defensive strength is still there, and it is not easy for Medog to kill him.

"Broken mountains and rivers."

Quickly sorting out what he had to rely on, Ding Ning instantly entered his second personality, exuding a cold aura. Three spells of superimposition caused his strength to skyrocket. He turned his palm into a sword and slashed hard at Metuo's palm.

The terrifying collision exploded with a loud bang, as if the sky was shattering and the earth was shattering, gravel was flying and dust was flying.

"Who has the upper hand, the one who killed Xiaotoutuo before, or Motuo?"

"Of course it's Motuo. He's a semi-immortal powerhouse."

"I don't think so. The sword technique the man used before was so terrifying. It made me feel like Yin and Yang were reversed and time and space were confused. Even half-step immortality might not be possible, right?"

"That's just a certain artistic conception. The difference in strength is so big that there is no suspense at all.


Whether they were the invaders or the Heavenly Army, they had stopped after Ding Ning released Chaos Yin Yang and stood aside to watch the fun. After all, they were only demigods. It was a big deal for them to be able to watch the battles of the powerful gods. It was helpful to look at the dust all over the sky, and they were talking quietly, and many people even had quarrels about it.


Before everyone finished speaking, they suddenly saw a figure rewinding out of the smoke and dust like a kite with a broken string. When it landed, it clattered on the ground and stepped back for more than ten steps before steadying itself. His face was pale, and there was blood at the corner of his mouth. Who else could it be if it wasn't Ding Ning?

The Heavenly Army side was suddenly silent, and there was a strong look of disappointment in their eyes. The intruders were all in high spirits and cheering, as if they had won a great battle. There were also those who wanted to take the opportunity to hug their thighs and shouted "Lord Medog" Mighty, Lord Motuo is invincible!”

Li Jikang and Zhou Lei glanced at each other and saw the hesitation in each other's eyes. Although the senior was an Ancient Heavenly Lord, his injury had not healed after all, and he had now cut himself off to cultivate himself, so he could not be Motuo's opponent.

Therefore, whether to ask for help has become their most entangled issue at the moment. Logically speaking, in this case, they should ask for help directly, but Ding Ning had given them a death order before, and he must not ask for help before he spoke.

They only thought that this was a powerful man at the Heavenly level maintaining his due dignity, and they did not dare to disobey him at all. How could they have thought that Ding Ning was just a man of chauvinism and did not want Li to see him in such a miserable state.


At this moment, the smoke and dust gradually dispersed, slowly revealing Motuo's figure. The onlookers' eyes widened in shock, and they all gasped.

Before Ding Ning was knocked away, they only thought that Motuo had the absolute upper hand. Now they saw that Motuo was in ragged clothes, with broken fists, blood dripping down his arms, and the muscles on his face were twisted and twisted, full of pain and rage. Only then did he realize that the person who really suffered was not Ding Ning but Motuo.

Those guys who wanted to flatter Medog were like old ducks being strangled by the neck. The cheers suddenly stopped, and they subconsciously shrank their necks and hid in the crowd, fearing that Medog would regard them as intentional mockery and become one of them. A punching bag for venting anger.

Ding Ning smiled bitterly in his heart. It seemed like he had the upper hand with this move, but in fact, only he knew that he was the one who was really at a disadvantage.

This damn guy is actually a body refiner. Although his physical defense is not as strong as his, his strength is far superior to his self-proclaimed physical strength. If he hadn't taken advantage of the situation and landed on the ground, he stepped back more than ten steps to neutralize the opponent's strength. I'm afraid he has been seriously injured.

Even so, he is not having a good time now. All his internal organs have been displaced by the shock. His entire right arm has lost consciousness as if it is not his own, and he cannot use any strength. Fortunately, Motuo is not feeling well either, and his fist bones have been shattered. , it will take time to recover, and it also gave him a chance to breathe.

"Haha, okay, very good. After so many years, I have not been injured by anyone with pure physical strength. You are very good and worthy of my all-out efforts."

Medog was obviously very confident in his physical strength. He never used the power of the laws of heaven and earth from beginning to end. He stared at Ding Ning with dark eyes and laughed angrily.

"Then come on, what are you waiting for? Waiting for your injury to recover?"

Ding Ning said in a merciless manner that he would not lose even if he loses.

Motuo blushed when he was told this, but a broken fist bone was not a serious injury for a half-immortal strongman like him, but it would take time to recover, so even if he was bullied by Ding Ning's words, he would remain calm. Shaanpi pretended not to hear, and stood there using his spiritual power to quickly repair the broken bones. After all, this kind of injury greatly affects combat effectiveness.

Unfortunately, Ding Ning did not intend to give him a chance to heal.

Because he knew very well that without using those sealed external forces, he was no match for Medog. He could barely compete with him because he entered the second personality and became possessed three times.

But neither the second personality nor the possessed state can last for too long. Once the time limit is exceeded, he will most likely never come back, and his mind will be controlled by the devil and he will become a real devil.

Therefore, he must fight quickly and never fight a protracted war. After feeling that his right arm had regained some consciousness, he kicked the ground hard and shot up into the sky like a boring cannonball. He raised his left fist as if waving a huge weapon. Like a hammer, it slammed down on Medog's head.

In order to race against time, he also fought hard and directly used the Eight Heaven-Shattering Hammers used for weapon refining.

Although this set of hammering techniques was specially designed for weapon refining, he could never figure out the level. It required extremely high control of power. Once used at full strength, the lethality was still extremely terrifying.

Metuo watched Ding Ning fall from the sky like a giant hammer, but there was a hint of disdain on the corner of his mouth, and he snorted: "A mere ant that has never even stepped into the divine realm, how dare to do it to me after just a few days of physical training?" In this case, I will play with you and let you see what true half-step immortality is."

Before he finished speaking, Motuo suddenly raised his right leg and whipped his leg towards Ding Ning's hammer with a terrifying sonic boom.

Ding Ning's expression changed, and he felt a strong threat from the whip leg, and he instantly realized that this Motuo was half-immortal, and some part of his body must have condensed immortal bones.

At this moment, his fist was injured, but he used his legs to fight. There was no doubt that his right leg must have developed an immortal bone.

I just don’t know if his right leg alone has condensed immortal bones, or if both legs have condensed immortal bones. It would be fine if he only had one right leg, but if both legs had immortal bones, it would be troublesome.

These thoughts flashed through lightning. Now that he knew that his legs were condensed with immortal bones, and with the self-proclaimed physical strength, he would not be stupid enough to touch eggs and stones. Lightly tapping the instep of his left foot, his figure suddenly shot up in the air, narrowly avoiding Medog's sharp kick.

Wudang Qinggong's unique skill Lai Yun Zong, although Wudang has declined on earth, and no one can display the essence of this style Lai Yun Zong, but for a strong man of Ding Ning's level, copying it perfectly, It's just a matter of thoughts.

It's not that he doesn't want to fly, but he found that no matter it was Xiaotoutuo before, Motuo in front of him, or the super strong man who used to destroy the world at every turn, none of them could fly. The battles were all about flying. Do it on the ground.

This made him mutter to himself. He didn't know if there were any restrictions here or if there was a forbidden air formation. He didn't want to fly into the sky in confusion and die.

Therefore, Ti Yunzong has an absolute place of use here. Even Medog couldn't help but light up when he saw this move.

Avoiding Medog's whip was not the goal, it was just that he didn't want to take advantage of it lightly. The most important goal was to find a fighter opportunity and complete the victory in one battle.

As a result, when Ding Ning passed over Motuo's head, his body twisted strangely and turned into a huge crane.

The phantom of the crane made a crisp chirping sound, and the chirping sound was actually secretly mixed with a spiritual attack, which made Motuo's soul tremble and his mind was filled with confusion.

Taking advantage of the moment when Motuo lost his mind, the bird's beak, as sharp as a knife, stabbed at Motuo's heavenly spirit with lightning speed.


Metuo is worthy of being a half-step immortal powerhouse. Although he lost his mind, his instinct for danger quickly woke him up. He let out a shocking roar in fear, and his whole body's aura erupted like an erupting volcano. His clothes were shattered, revealing his muscular muscles that were made of copper.

That's not all. As soon as he thought, the power of the surrounding heaven and earth quickly gathered, and a spiritual shield was placed above his head in an attempt to block this fatal blow. At the same time, he ignored the injury to his right fist, A soaring cannon blasted towards Ding Ning above his head with all its strength.

Ding Ning felt the terrifying power, but a ruthless look flashed in his eyes. The opportunity must not be missed before it comes. If he cannot seize this opportunity to kill him, it may be difficult to find another opportunity.

After all, this guy is desperate and has no choice but to use the laws and the agreement of the power of heaven and earth. Once Medog's unscrupulous fighting power is fully unleashed, he will definitely not be able to kill him in a short time.

At that time, once he reaches the limit of his second personality and possessed state, he may really become a big devil.

In a flash of thought, Ding Ning weighed the pros and cons, and decided to kill him even though he was severely injured.

He immediately ignored the soaring cannon, and a sharp edge suddenly flashed on the bird's beak, and it pecked down at Medog's head like thunder.

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