Medical Sovereign

Two thousand three hundred and ninety-eight, the void forms an array

Looking at this scene, although the rest of the Heavenly Army did not know about it beforehand, at this moment, it goes without saying that they also guessed what happened.

Zhu Dapeng, who had always been taciturn and considered a loser, even risked his own life to release a signal for help, which completely subverted their impression of him. The scene of that bright blood-stained smile was instantly frozen in their memories, deeply shocking them. soul,

"Fat Zhu, if there is an afterlife, I will never bully you again. I want to be the best brother with you. Whoever dares to bully you, I will risk my life with him."

"I always thought you were a loser and not worthy of being with us, but until today, I didn't know that you are the real hero. Brother, go on well."

"Fat Zhu, I won't obey anyone, so I will obey you. You did what I wanted to do but didn't dare to do. I bullied you and called you a coward. Now, I apologize to you. If you are a coward, then the whole world will There are no bold ones anymore. Compared with you, I am the real coward. It’s a pity that I looked down on others in the past and didn’t get along well with you. Brother Dapeng, have a good journey. If we meet again in the next life, I will be with you. You are confused."

"Sacrificing one's life for righteousness is easier said than done. You have done something that none of us could do even if we wanted to. All I can say is, I admire you. Brother Dapeng, please walk slowly on the road to hell. Brothers will come to accompany you soon." I won't let you be lonely anymore. We went to Huangquan, and we also wanted to eat a lot of meat and drink alcohol together. We drank the strongest wine, picked up the hottest girls, and rode the hottest horses..."

Zhu Dapeng's tragic act made them all face Zhu Dapeng's position from the bottom of their hearts. They neatly clasped their fists and bent down at ninety degrees to bow deeply. They murmured softly to commemorate his departure. This is what the monks can do. The deepest respect expressed.

However, they also knew very well that the furious Demon-Suppressing Arhat had nowhere to vent his anger, and the next step would probably be to use them to vent his anger.

But they have no fear. Living in this troubled world, people die every day. They have long been numb. However, these disasters that they should not have to bear are all caused by those evil intruders. They are not unwilling, but only speak from the deepest part of their hearts. of hatred.

"Damn ants, you have completely angered me, kill them, kill them for me."

The demon-suppressing Arhat was furious and ordered loudly.

He wished he could kill all the humble ants in front of him, but he knew that the signal for help had been sent out, the matter was irreversible, and there was not much time left for him.

If he personally killed these ants to vent his anger, he would certainly be able to vent his anger, but he would not have time to break through the Scarlet Buddha's defense before the strong men from heaven arrived, and would not be able to kill that damn boy.


He ordered the demigods on the side of the invaders to be responsible for killing these damn heavenly troops, and he had to race against time to blast through the defenses of the Scarlet Buddha before the powerful men from heaven arrived, and wipe out the humble ants who deserved death. Vent your hatred and run away immediately.

Of course, although he was unwilling to admit it from the bottom of his heart, he subconsciously had the idea that he must kill the monster Ding Ning to avoid future troubles. Otherwise, once he grows up, he may be the unlucky one.

After all, what Ding Ning showed now was only the cultivation of the Divine Martial Realm, but he was able to kill a half-step immortal with all his strength, which made him shudder when he thought about it.

The Divine Martial Realm can kill half-step immortals, but what if he breaks through the Holy Martial Realm or even becomes a god? Wouldn't it be possible to kill him, a strong man in the early stage of immortality?

Li Jikang and others felt relieved when they heard this. Originally, their battle circle was the area where demigod-level experts fought. The strength of the two sides was very different. As long as the Demon-Suppressing Arhat did not take action, they had nothing to fear.

Of course, they could also guess the thoughts of the Demon-Suppressing Arhat, but they had done everything they could, and the rest could only be left to fate.


Soldiers faced soldiers, generals faced each other, and the brutal fighting began again in an instant.

However, it is obvious that the intensity of the battle this time is far more intense than before. Zhu Dapeng's death undoubtedly stimulated most of the Heavenly Army. These people were filled with hatred and guilt, their morale was like a rainbow, they were not afraid of life and death, and they burst out with far beyond ordinary fighting power. .

As soon as the battle began, many invading soldiers were killed by the red-eyed Heavenly Army, which was as fierce as a mad tiger, and screams came one after another.

Fighting is actually the same as fighting between ordinary street gangsters. As long as one party's momentum increases, the other party will be correspondingly timid and timid, and they will be timid in fighting, eventually forming a passive situation of crushing.

The battle situation also developed in this way. The Heavenly Army was brave and unafraid of death with grief and anger, and with the thought that even if they died, they would be buried with them. They exchanged lives for lives as soon as they came up. The invaders were defeated step by step, although they were still defeated. It won't be a huge defeat, but the defeat has been revealed, and it is only a matter of time before the entire army is annihilated.

The demon-suppressing Arhat's face was as dark as water, and he was furiously bombarding the Scarlet Buddha without any hesitation. Even when he saw the soldiers from the same camp as him dying miserably beside him, he didn't bother to take another look.

To him, these demigods were just cannon fodder. Even if they were all dead, he would not feel any distress and it would not have any impact on the overall situation.

Only this weird kid in the bloody light shield will definitely become a serious problem in the future if he is not eliminated. Today, this kid will die no matter what.

Boom boom boom!

Under the indiscriminate bombardment of the Demon-Suppressing Arhat, with the bloody light shield flickering on and off for a while, he was finally overwhelmed and collapsed prematurely.

With a flash of blood-colored light, the light shield disappeared and turned into a string of Buddhist beads falling to the ground.

The demon-suppressing arhat paid no attention to the Buddha bead. He could only see Ding Ning, whose light had dispersed at this moment, but his face was calm, and he even grinned at him.

"Nie Zhan, I don't know how you can still laugh when death is imminent."

The demon-suppressing Arhat has always been suspicious. Although he didn't think that Ding Ning could escape from his hands, his confident appearance made him a little suspicious. He didn't take action immediately. Instead, he sneered and said.

Ding Ning was overjoyed, shaking his hands as if they were cramping, and said with a smile: "Do you know why the protagonist in TV dramas always comes back at critical moments?"

The Demon-Suppressing Arhat is a TV series? what's that? The protagonist does know what it means. What exactly does this kid want to express by saying this?

Unable to react for a moment, the Demon-Suppressing Arhat unexpectedly stupidly asked subconsciously: "Why?"


Ding Ning paused deliberately, and when he made the last stroke of the formation talisman in his hand, he sneered: "The villain talks too much nonsense."

"You little bastard, go to hell."

Only then did the Demon-Suppressing Arhat realize that he had been tricked. He suddenly became furious and punched Ding Ning in the head with a loud roar.

This punch was his full strength. Even though the previous bombardment of the Scarlet Buddha consumed a lot of his strength, it was not something that a mere martial artist in the Divine Martial Realm could resist. He was confident that this punch would definitely smash this little bastard. head to eliminate the hatred in his heart and eliminate a henchman for the invading Alliance army.


A crisp voice containing violent anger came from afar, and an elegant and graceful figure emerged from the dust like a fairy from Lingbo, rushing towards him at an incredible speed.

The demon-suppressing arhat trembled in his heart and screamed inwardly. It was actually Li Sining, that bitch, who came in person. She was an Immortal Heavenly Master. Even in the early stage of the Immortal Heavenly Master, a little finger could easily crush him to death.

With her speed, she could arrive in five breaths at most. He could smash the head of the henchman in front of him in half a breath, and there would still be four breaths for him to escape, which should be enough. What's more, he had already used a secret method to notify the Buddha. The Lord has come to the rescue, and he will surely arrive soon.

Thinking of this, a ferocious look flashed in the eyes of the Demon-Suppressing Arhat. Not only did the fist in his hand not stop, but it suddenly accelerated, vowing to kill this damn evil obstacle before escaping.

It's a pity that the ideal is very full and the reality is very skinny.

Ding Ning himself likes to delve into things that interest him, and he is very accomplished in formations. He has also practiced the art of cutting cattle since he was a child, and his hand speed is far beyond ordinary people. Coupled with the huge power of the soul and his affinity for the elements of heaven and earth, Xi He The Void Formation, which Emperor Hades had not been able to complete for tens of millions of years, took him less than three hours to complete.

After successfully practicing, he did not leave the will space immediately. Instead, he practiced repeatedly and arduously, eventually reaching the level of instinctive memory like a conditioned reflex. He only stopped practicing after ensuring that the Void Formation was foolproof, and then calmly recovered the consumed energy. Only then did the power of the soul leave the will space, preparing to give the Demon-Suppressing Arhat a big surprise.

As the saying goes, you will see the meaning of a book after reading it a hundred times. Practice makes perfect. This is an eternal truth. As he continued to practice forming void formations, he gradually became better. By analogy, he was unexpectedly happy. The way of formations turned out to be different. Breakthrough, has officially reached the level of the master of the divine formation.

Even though he only crossed a small level from a divine formation master to become a divine formation master, his understanding of the formations and the power of the formations he deployed were completely different.

It can be said that as a divine formation master, Ding Ning previously deployed a divine-level trap that could trap the Demon-Suppressing Arhat for up to ten minutes. But now, he is confident that even if the Demon-Suppressing Arhat reaches his full potential, it can trap him for at least fifteen minutes. above.

The level of the Locking Dragon Star Array is unknown, and its lethality varies greatly with the precision of the formation. He can deploy the Dragon Locking Star Formation in ten minutes, but its lethality is greatly reduced. It can severely damage the Demon-Conquering Arhat, but it may not be able to kill him. Kill him.

But with more than fifteen minutes of leisurely formation time, the result is completely different. Ding Ning has absolute confidence that he can kill it completely.

Therefore, Li's arrival made him not surprised but happy. Someone actually gave him a pillow just when he was dozing off. This was a great opportunity for Li to witness his transformation from decay into magic.

Erlang Zhenjun is very powerful, but can he be as awesome as my brother? The Divine Martial Realm can kill immortals. Can Erlangshen be able to do it?

All in all, this guy just had one idea: seize the opportunity to show off in front of Li, show off his muscles, and make this little girl who looks down on him change her mind and stop being erratic and unruly about women all day long.

The demon-suppressing arhat had a ferocious smile on his face. He seemed to have seen the scene of Ding Ning's head smashing like a watermelon, and he was also ready to escape immediately.

Among the 108 commanders of the Heavenly Army, there are many middle- to late-stage Immortal Heavenly Lords and even peak warriors, but the most ruthless, cruel and violent one is definitely Li Sining, the early Heavenly Lord.

However, just when the Demon-Suppressing Arhat was about to smash Ding Ning's head, Ding Ning suddenly disappeared in front of his eyes. This shocked him, and he jumped as if he had been stung by a scorpion, his eyes widened. In disbelief, he searched everywhere for traces of Ding Ning.

But this search made him feel like he was falling into an icy valley, because it was not that Ding Ning disappeared, but that he inexplicably came to a strange space.

The surroundings were surrounded by clouds and mist, making it impossible to see even one's fingers. The entire battlefield had disappeared without a trace, and even the sound was cut off.

"Is this a formation? No, it can't be a formation, it must be an illusion. Yes, it must be an illusion."

Demon Suppressing Arhat's first reaction was that it was a formation, but he quickly rejected it and felt relieved.

Although he didn't know the formation, he had never eaten pork and had seen pigs running. Those formation masters had to spend a long time to set up the formation, so he firmly believed that this must not be a formation but an illusion.

If it was a formation, he would still be a little frightened, but he really didn't pay attention to the mere illusion. Any illusion was mainly based on deceiving the senses and even the mind. As long as he kept his mind, violent bombardment could directly break it.

Of course, high-level illusions are not easy to crack, but by the same token, it takes a certain amount of time to arrange a high-level illusion. Therefore, he took it for granted that this was just a simple illusion that Ding Ning had arranged in a hurry.

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