Medical Sovereign

Two Thousand Four Hundred Eleven Nightmare

"Hey, you actually know about the Red Lotus Karmic Fire?"

The monster exclaimed in surprise. It did not expect that this boy could recognize the unique flame in hell at a glance, which was beyond its expectation.

Ding Ning smiled bitterly and stretched out a finger. The fingertips were burning with bright red flames. It could be something other than red lotus karma fire.

The monster was shocked, looked at Ding Ning with strange eyes, and asked tentatively: "You don't have the blood of our nightmare family, do you?"


Ding Ning opened his mouth in shock and his eyes widened in disbelief.

Nightmares have appeared in many literary works. He always thought they were fictitious creatures, but he did not expect that such magical creatures really existed and he encountered them.

"No, no, I'm a human, but I don't have nightmare blood."

Ding Ning shook his head repeatedly and said, "I'm just kidding. If a dignified human race doesn't do that, why should we become a monster?"

"Without Nightmare's bloodline, how could you have the Red Lotus Karmic Fire that only the Nightmare clan can control?"

Nightmare didn't believe it at all and said it with certainty.

"Can only the Nightmare clan control the Red Lotus Karma Fire?"

Ding Ning really didn't understand this, but then he realized something was wrong. This red lotus fire came from Anxi, and Anxi was the daughter of Hades, so it couldn't be of nightmare blood.

But he subconsciously didn't want Nightmare to know this, and immediately diverted the trouble away, shaking his head repeatedly and saying: "Impossible, I know that a group of people possess Red Lotus Karma Fire, but they don't call it Red Lotus Karma Fire. But call it hellfire.”

"Hell fire? The blood fire of the three-headed hell dog? Hey, it's just a beast fire, how can it be compared with the red lotus fire?"

Nightmare said with great disdain, obviously looking down on the three-headed hell dog.

Ding Ning was speechless. Although he didn't understand what beast fire was, he also knew that the hell fire was indeed not on the same level as the red lotus karma fire. The gap was quite big.

"Perhaps you don't even know that you have Nightmare bloodline. It is impossible for someone without Nightmare bloodline to control the Red Lotus Karmic Fire, unless..."

When Nightmare said this, he suddenly closed his mouth, as if he thought it was impossible, and shook his head mockingly.

"Unless what?"

Ding Ning's heart moved.

He asked persistently.

Since Nightmare is so sure, it means that it is impossible for people without Nightmare bloodline to control the Red Lotus Karmic Fire. However, An Anxi is obviously not of Nightmare bloodline, but he still harbors Red Lotus Karmic Fire in his body, which makes him deeply curious.

The nightmare probably believed that he had the blood of his own people, and his eyes softened a lot. He shook his head and said with a smile: "Legend has it that unless he is a reincarnated body, after going through reincarnation, he clearly understands the way of life and death, and refines the Nine Nethers." Only by origin can it be possible to control the red lotus karma fire, but I did not sense the smell of reincarnation from you, which means that you cannot be the body of reincarnation, let alone..."

"What's more?"

Ding Ning asked, but there was an uproar in his heart.

Could it be that An Xi is the body of reincarnation, which has refined the origin of Jiuyou after going through reincarnation? Otherwise, how can we explain that she harbors the red lotus karma fire?

What's more, what An Xin understood was indeed the way of death, but he didn't know if it was the same thing as the way of life and death mentioned by Nightmare.

The most important thing is that An Xi's age seems to be very telling. According to her, she is not yet fifty years old this year, but when Hades and Zeus started the war between gods, his wife was already pregnant. At least thousands of years ago.

Even if Xi'an's mother is a god, it's impossible for a god to be pregnant for thousands of years, right?

If Anxi goes through reincarnation and forgets the events of his previous life, then the lost thousands of years can be explained.

"What's more, you don't have Jiuyou's aura on you. Even the red lotus karma fire seems to have changed its flavor. It seems to be mixed with a trace of other flames of the same level, and it is no longer pure red lotus karma fire."

It has to be said that Nightmare is very familiar with the Red Lotus Karma Fire. After just sniffing it, he was keenly aware that the Red Lotus Karma Fire was mixed with the scent of other flames.

"Senior, what exactly is Jiuyou? Is it hell?"

Ding Ning smiled slyly and quickly changed the subject. After all, whether it was the Nine Netherworld Fire or the Annihilation Sky Fire, both were extremely high-level sky fires. He didn't want to tell Nightmare about it, as it would be troublesome if it became coveted.

"Have you ever heard of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and Four Wildernesses?"

Nightmare did not answer directly, but asked instead.

"heard about it."

Ding Ning answered honestly, but secretly wondered in his heart, could Jiuyou have anything to do with Jiu Tian Ten Earth Four Wildernesses?

"Nine Heavens, known as the Upper Nine Heavens, is also the largest and most stable world in this chaotic universe. The Ten Lands were originally the Ten Directions Underworld. Jiuyou is the first Underworld among the Ten Directions Underworld. It is the only one among the Ten Places that can The largest and most stable main world alongside Jiutian is also called the Land of Underworld."

Nightmare had been trapped for countless years and regarded Ding Ning as one of his own clansmen, so he knew everything he could and patiently answered his questions.

As it narrated, a scene of the truth that had been lost in history seemed to slowly unfold before Ding Ning's eyes, and he gained a deeper understanding of the world.

According to Nightmare's inherited memory, the chaotic universe where the Three Realms are located is called the Tianhuang Realm, with thousands of small worlds and countless planes.

But just like building a house, if Heaven wants to operate in a normal order, it must have a load-bearing frame, and the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and the Four Wildernesses play the role of the main frame.

In other words, the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and the Four Wildernesses are the main plane of the Heavenly Realm. As long as there is no problem on the main plane, even if all the small worlds and subsidiary planes collapse, it will not affect the operation of the way of heaven.

In fact, according to Nightmare, the Tianhuang Realm actually operates according to the pattern of the Three Realms, and is divided into three main planes: heaven, earth, and people.

The Nine Heavens represent the sky, high above, enjoying the worship of all people, and shouldering the important task of protecting the entire world of heaven and wilderness; while the Ten Earths represent the underworld in the ten directions, representing the underworld, in charge of sins and punishments, and constructing the six paths of reincarnation; and the four wildernesses and eight wildernesses represent the underworld. It goes without saying that it represents people and the human world. Of course, jumping out of the small pond of the Three Realms, the people here do not only refer to the human race in a narrow sense, but to all living creatures in general.

Although the Four Wildernesses and Eight Wastelands are the weakest main plane in the Tianhuang Realm, it is the most important main plane, because whether it is Nine Heavens or Ten Lands, the human world is needed to input fresh blood.

Monks rely on practice to become stronger and stronger. After reaching a certain level, they will undergo the test of heavenly tribulation. Those who pass the test can ascend to nine heavens, become gods, and enjoy the incense of thousands of families in the human world.

After the death of a human being or a living being, the ghost will enter the underworld of the ten directions, be judged and punished according to the sins committed during his lifetime, and be thrown into the six reincarnations according to the level of his sins, either as a human being or as an animal... …

Among them, some who have accumulated great merits during their lifetime have the ability to live in the underworld of the ten directions and become members of the immortal clan in the underworld.

Of course, this immortality means that it has an extremely long lifespan, almost as long as the life of heaven and earth, but it will still die under irresistible external forces.

It can be said that the construction of the Three Realms actually copied the heavenly cycle model of the Tianhuang Realm.

However, human ambitions and desires eventually triggered a great melee between superpowers at the end of the ancient times. The power that destroyed the world directly shattered the prehistoric world into countless continental fragments.

The pillars of the movement of heaven were damaged, which also caused the framework of the six paths of reincarnation to collapse. The underworld was no longer the underworld, the nine heavens were no longer the nine heavens, and the human world also changed.

Tiandao is an existence without intelligence, but it has the instinct of self-evolution. After realizing that the continental plate pattern was too fragile, it began to enter a dormant state and evolved each continental plate-like plane into a circle.

But just when the control of Heavenly Dao was at its weakest, conspiracies followed one after another. In the ancient times, a terrifying and powerful man from the outside world forcibly crossed the realm and shattered the already incomplete prehistoric realm into pieces with one blow. As a result, Tiandao fell into extreme weakness and had to fall into self-dormant state.

Although I don’t know why the strong men from the outer realm want to destroy the wild world, the way of heaven has a sense of self-protection, and instinctively brings down various natural disasters, so that the strong men from the outer realm cannot take the opportunity to invade the wild world.

But because of this, the prehistoric world has fallen into the end of the world, and countless creatures have died under natural disasters. Only a few strong people can survive by relying on their own strong strength.

After the terrifying natural disasters that eluded the sky, it may have been ten thousand years, or it may have been millions of years. It was not until the broken prehistoric continent gradually evolved into a round shape that the natural disasters gradually began to subside.

People finally emerged from the threat of natural disasters, began to continue to thrive, and gradually entered the ancient era.

It's just that after experiencing the ancient disaster, the six paths of reincarnation have collapsed, yin and yang are confused, and the order is chaotic. Things and people have changed in the underworld of the ten directions, and it is no longer a pure underworld.

The Nightmare clan was originally the clan responsible for punishing sins in Jiuyou, but during that disaster, unprecedented riots broke out in Jiuyou, and countless unknown races invaded.

As the defenders of order, the Nightmare clan was naturally the first to be targeted by the invaders. Countless Nightmare clan members were killed or even enslaved.

The nightmare in front of me was named Meng Nian. At that time, it and its fiancée Ying'er were the leaders of the younger generation in the clan and the hope for the future of the clan.

In the end, the Nightmare clansmen fought their way out and forcibly sent the young couple out of Jiuyou. They sternly rejected their hysterical request to die together with the enemy, resolutely closed the door of Jiuyou, and escaped into the void from then on. trace.

After all, Meng Nian and his fiancée Ying'er were creatures of the underworld and could not survive in the human world. Fortunately, the order of heaven collapsed and yin and yang were confused and confused. Although they became extremely weak, they still managed to save their lives.

Carrying a blood feud, the young couple hid in a dark and cold place. It took them hundreds of years to gradually adapt to the environment of the human world, and their strength returned to its peak state.

But what if the strength is restored? In this human world, there is no way to improve your strength. Besides, as soon as humans see them, they immediately want to capture them and obtain their Dream Pills.

As a result, the couple lived a life of either being chased or killing people. This kind of life made them extremely annoyed. In desperation, they decided to search for other underworlds separately, and then slowly find a way to return to the Nine Netherlands.

But just when Ying'er finally discovered an entrance to the underworld and sent a message to Meng Nian, it met the person it hated most in its life, that person was Wan Tucheng.

Originally, Meng Nian was extremely wary of humans, but Wan Tu Sheng was different from ordinary humans. Not only did he not show any hostility, nor did he shout at it to kill him, but he sincerely warned it that the order of heaven was being restored, and it If you continue to live in the human world, you will be wiped out by heaven sooner or later.

Of course, Meng Nian would not easily trust a human being. He wanted to ignore him and turn around and leave, but Wan Tu Sheng's words stopped him because he said that he knew where Jiuyou was.

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