Medical Sovereign

Six hundred and twentieth IX no invitation

Mosquito's eyes lit up immediately, and she cheered "Long live brother-in-law", and jumped on it happily. The startled tiger hurriedly pulled her, "Slow down, slow down, don't move your fetus."

Mosquito broke free from his hand nonchalantly, "What are you afraid of, with brother-in-law, a genius doctor, it doesn't matter even if you get gas in your fetus."

"That's what you say, but you'd better be careful."

Ding Ning shook his head dumbfounded, why the mosquitoes felt the same as Ling Yun when he saw a pile of money.

"Huzi, hurry up, pack up all these cosmetics and take them away. These days, my mother is almost annoyed by those who want the goods. My brother-in-law has helped me a lot."

Mosquito happily held a set of cosmetics and caressed fondly, giving orders casually.

"Okay, I'll look for a few big bags and pack them up for easy handling."

Huzi hurriedly ran to the waiter to ask for a plastic bag. It seemed that he had been eaten to death by mosquitoes in his life.

Watching this scene, Ding Ning was in a trance for a moment. Mosquito had been in love with Dai Zhefeng for many years but there was no result.

Now, she has finally found her destination. Maybe Huzi can't bring her a vigorous love like Dai Zhefeng, but a plain love may be more suitable for her, even the smile on her face looks so happy.

"Brother-in-law, what are you looking at? I have bruises on my face? Or are you empathizing with me? Why don't you take me to elope while Hu Zi is not here? Buy one get one free!"

Seeing Ding Ning staring at her in rapt attention, Mosquito joked fiercely, and even rubbed her belly, which was not showing, and winked at her.

Ding Ning had black lines all over his head and face, "Don't be joking, Hu Zi listened, I must be in a hurry with you."

"He dares!"

Mosquito raised his eyebrows and said fiercely, "If he dares to attack me, I will kill his son."

As he spoke, he clenched his small fists and gestured on his lower abdomen, as if he was considering where to strike.

"Okay, I'm convinced!"

Ding Ning hid his face and was defeated, this girl is too ruthless.

It's really strange, how could such a lovely woman as Xiao Nuo be called a witch by them? That girl wouldn't pretend to be a lady in front of me, but she's actually so fierce behind her back, right?

Mosquito smiled smugly, she found that Ding Ning is actually quite thin-skinned, it's fun to tease him if it's okay, it's helpful for prenatal education!

Huzi went upstairs and downstairs several times before he put 300 sets of cosmetics into the trunk of the car. Like a little eunuch supporting Lafayette on a trip, he carefully waited for the mosquitoes to go downstairs. From the looks of it, Ding Ning sighed that her husband was weak.

Babaoshan is located in Xishan, Yanjing, where the revolutionary martyrs are buried. It is indeed the last honor for some officials to enter Babaoshan after their death, and it is also an affirmation of their identity and status.

Before dawn this morning, the mighty convoy drove into Babaoshan Cemetery.

The convoy stopped slowly, and Bai Qing, who was sitting in the lead car, got out of the car in a hurry, went to the second elongated red flag car in the convoy and opened the door, and helped an old man with white beard and hair in Tang suit to get off.

The patriarch of the Bai family, Bai Ran, got off the third car, and the people who got off in the subsequent cars were all members of the Bai family.

Old Master Bai's 100th birthday, the first thing he did after waking up was to come to Babao Mountain to pay homage to the heroic souls of those sacrificed comrades-in-arms.

He said that without the sacrifices of these comrades-in-arms, New China would not be what it is today, and without the Great Wall of steel made of life and flesh by these comrades-in-arms to resist the invaders, he would not have prepared for battle in vain. today.

Although everyone in the Bai family felt that it was unlucky for the old man to come to the cemetery early in the morning for his 100th birthday, but the old man had always kept his word and kept his word, so if they didn't want to come, they could only accompany him to make the old man unhappy. Then everyone should not be happy.

Mr. Bai refused everyone's company, so he asked Bai Qing to follow alone with a box of Moutai and a wine glass in his hand. He stayed in front of the tombstones of his old comrades for a while, toasted a glass of wine, and talked for a while.

Bai unexpectedly's complexion was a little ugly,

The patriarch of his majestic Bai family is not qualified to follow the old man, but he only takes Bai Qing with him. The signal to be sent is too obvious.

There are five brothers in the second generation of the Bai family, and Bai is actually the second child. The eldest, Bai Juhao, passed away early, so he picked up a bargain and became the head of the Bai family. The position remains in the hands of their second wife.

It's a pity that Mrs. Bai is old and wise, and has always favored Bai Qing, the most outstanding fourth generation of the Bai family, and the ownership of the head of the family has gradually become clear.

This made Bai Ran feel happy. He gave Bai Yuan who was yawning beside him fiercely, and asked in a low voice, "How are you doing with what I asked you to do?"

"What's the matter? Grandpa."

Bai Yuan asked in a dazed manner, making Bai Ran's seven orifices smoke with anger, trembling all over, what an idiot who can't help.

Bai Yuan saw that his grandfather's angry face had turned into a pig's liver, so he slapped his forehead and said annoyedly, "Grandpa, it's not that I won't do it. That little genius doctor is always haunted and haunted. I went to Yanjing Hotel for two days in a row." , the front desk said he went out early in the morning."

"Go out, won't you wait?"

Bai actually hated iron for being weak and scolded in a low voice.

"I... have been waiting for him to come back at night, what's the use of waiting for him."

Bai Yuan lowered his head with some guilty conscience and muttered, he had been singing and singing every night for the past two days, and it was almost noon when he arrived at the Yanjing Hotel, it was no wonder he could find Ding Ning.


Bai actually sighed in disappointment and remained silent. The third generation of the Bai family had their own development in the political, military, and business circles, and had made remarkable achievements, so they had no idea about the position of patriarch.

Therefore, the position of Patriarch of the Bai family must be directly passed on to the top figures in the fourth generation, but it is a pity that his most promising grandson, Bai Yuan, is not even a little bit worse than Bai Qing.

Could it be that the Dafang lineage with the thinnest population is really going to rise again and take over the power of the Bai family? A gloomy look flashed across Bai Qing's eyes, and he secretly regretted that he didn't make up his mind to get rid of Bai Qing at the beginning.

The old man of the Bai family is really too shrewd. I don't know if he saw through his thoughts. When Bai Qing was still very young, he was sent to his hometown of Ninghai, and he even sent a special person to protect him, so that he was suspicious and never dared to act rashly.

Right now, Bai Qing is already full-fledged, has shown extraordinary business talent, and is quite popular in the family. Since the old lady Bai has expressed his intention to let him take over, it shows that Bai Qing is fully prepared and has enough talents. If you have the confidence to deal with any danger, it will not be so easy to move him.

Thinking of this, Bai Qing's intestines turned green with regret. If he had known that Bai Qing could pose such a big threat to the second room, he shouldn't have hesitated and missed the best opportunity.

Bai Qing, since you want to seize power from my second wife and first lineage, then don't blame me for being cruel. Bai Qing's lowered eyes flashed a frightening cold murderous intent.

At eleven o'clock, the Bai family compound was already full of people's voices. Everyone in the Bai family was beaming, and they greeted all parties who came to celebrate the birthday in the compound.

Maybe it's because the older generation has a tradition of hard work and simplicity. Mr. Bai originally only wanted to get together with his relatives and friends in a small area, and didn't want to be so public, but everyone in the Bai family didn't want to say anything, saying that the centenary birthday must be held in a big way. once.

It was difficult to disobey everyone's wishes, and it was all the filial piety of the children, so Mr. Bai could only let them make troubles, but he proposed that he would never go to any five-star hotel to hold a banquet, and just simply arrange it at home.

Even though Bai agreed without hesitation, if the Bai family old man's 100th birthday banquet is held poorly, where will the Bai family's face be saved?

Therefore, although the birthday banquet was held at home, the chefs were all famous chefs invited by the five-star hotel. Even though the guest list was repeatedly compressed, they still set up 500 tables in the Bai family compound.

At this moment, celebrities from all walks of life flocked here, and old disciples of the Bai family even rushed here from afar. This can be called the most sensational event in Yanjing in recent years.

Every guest is proud of being able to get an invitation from the Bai family, which is a symbol of status and power.

It was just eleven o'clock, and the 500 dining tables were already full of people. The guests were either high-ranking officials in the frontier, giant businessmen who dominated Shanghai, or high-end talents who had made outstanding achievements in various industries. There are not a few people who shuttle back and forth among the crowd with a general on their shoulders to call for friends.

The chief housekeeper of the Bai family, Uncle Zhong, was dressed in a neat suit, his gray hair was combed meticulously, and his face was full of joy. He stood at the gate of the Bai family's compound as a welcome guest, greeting birthday celebrations from all walks of life.

Since Mr. Bai was determined not to accept gift money, there were a few strong young men standing beside Uncle Zhong, who were responsible for registering the gifts sent by the guests and moving them to the warehouse.

Of course, this is only done by ordinary guests. For example, the precious gifts from some high-status guests will be separately registered in a booklet by the Bai family, and the gift list will be announced publicly before the banquet begins.

This is a traditional habit of aristocratic families. One is to show gratitude to the person who gave the expensive gift. It is impossible for someone to give a gift worth 50 million. It is not good to just eat a meal. Some people deliberately Come to the birthday banquet and send generous gifts, just want to be famous on this occasion, want to gain face, and take the opportunity to make more contacts, the host must satisfy them; second, you can't just let the person who gave the gift have face, right? It is also about saving face, look, our old man celebrates his birthday, so and so gave gifts of how much value, people in bridal sedan chairs carry people, this is called mutual support, you give me a big gift for my face, I will show your gift in public for your face I like it very much, this is an unwritten rule among powerful families, courtesy and courtesy!

Of course, in modern times, this method is no longer advocated. Generally, the children of the Bai family give gifts to the old birthday stars. There is a kind of mutual rivalry, competition, and competition in front of the elders. Guests with particularly expensive gifts will be specially named and reported by the host to show respect and honor.

Ding Ning didn't have an invitation card, and the Huzi and his wife were still in the car, so he planned to go to Bai Qing first, but was stopped by Uncle Zhong, who said politely, "Sir, since the space is limited, please show me the invitation card."

"I don't have an invitation!"

Ding Ning didn't expect such a thing to come out, and said with some embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, sir, but you can't go in without an invitation."

Uncle Zhong said apologetically, wondering in his heart, this young man doesn't look like an ordinary person in his clothes, what kind of young master is this, why have he never seen him before, not to mention asking for invitations for a banquet, don't you even know the rules? ?

Ding Ning frowned, and was about to call Bai Qing, when a strange voice came from beside him, "Why, you dare to come to celebrate your birthday without an invitation? Do you know the rules?"

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