Medical Sovereign

Six hundred fifty-six hijacking?

Jingjing, a talented doctoral student, once communicated with him in psychology courses. From the eyes and behavior, he can infer the personality and mentality of the observed person, so as to judge the psychological activities of the other party.

Ding Ning was very interested in this. Since it was only a short flight of more than two hours, and he was not welcomed by the beautiful women next to him, he could only watch the passengers on the plane boredly, trying to figure out their psychology.

For example, the middle-aged fat man in a suit and leather shoes on the right behind him looked a little embarrassed, muttering something in a low voice, and was holding a handkerchief in his hand and was constantly wiping the sweat on his forehead, but even so , Still will not forget to call the stewardess to provide him with food and drinks.

From this, Ding Ning can judge that this person should be a white-collar worker with a slight obsession with cleanliness. This time he took advantage of a business trip to get into the business class. He also has a slight fear of heights or airplanes. People who take advantage of small advantages and lack a sense of security.

Another example is a man and a woman sitting on the left side in front of him. The man is in his fifties, with gray temples and a calm expression. Ding Ning deduced that he should be a successful person with enough life experience, either the boss of a certain company or a leading cadre with a high level. Judging from the fact that he pays more attention to the political pages when reading newspapers, the latter is more likely higher.

The woman sitting next to him is in her thirties, with a dignified appearance and an elegant sitting posture. From time to time, she looks at the man next to her with admiration and admiration. When she talks to the man occasionally, she speaks in a soft voice, which seems very cultivated. Ding Ning From her taste in clothes and her attitude towards men, it can be deduced that this woman should be a highly educated gold-collar class, and she has a heart of admiration for men, but from the man's questioning of her without even looking at her, Judging from his casual attitude, his status is obviously higher than hers, and Luo Hua is intentionally ruthless and not interested in her.

Ding Ning never tires of observing everyone's facial expressions, inferring their occupations and personalities, as well as the relationship between them.

This scene fell into Song Ziyi's eyes, and it took it for granted that this big pervert hit a wall on him, trying to find a suitable target Lieyan among the passengers, and became more and more disgusted with him, so he simply turned on the TV in front of the seat screen, put on headphones and watched a TV series.

Therefore, he didn't notice that the expression on Ding Ning's face became more and more weird and serious.

Since it is not a wide-body airliner and it is a short-range flight, there is no upper class cabin, and Ding Ning chooses the 12-seat business class.

The business class is not big, and there is only one flight attendant providing service. It was from the service of this flight attendant that Ding Ning noticed something was wrong.

It stands to reason that the person who can fly business class is at least a senior white-collar worker of the company. Even if this beautiful stewardess doesn't want to catch a wealthy husband, she shouldn't have such a bad service attitude, right?

Except for the stewardess telling everyone to fasten their seat belts when the plane took off, it has been flying for a long time, and she never took the initiative to ask each passenger what services they need.

Unless a passenger calls them by the button, she will step forward to ask what they need. After asking what the passenger needs, she will provide service to them in a very unskilled manner. Although there is always a professional smile on her face, Ding Ning can still Detect a hint of impatience and rigidity hidden in it.

This made him frown tightly, and felt that something was wrong. Civil aviation is very competitive, and the requirements for the service attitude and service quality of flight attendants are very high, especially for business class flight attendants. Even higher, isn't she afraid of being complained by passengers?

Of course, the thing that makes Ding Ning feel the most wrong is that he thinks he is definitely the kind of handsome, elegant, suave, extraordinary, and very attractive man, but from the beginning to the end, when the stewardess looked at him, The eyes just glanced over and ignored it directly, which made him feel simply incredible.

Doesn't he dress like a rich and handsome young man? These flight attendants have seen all kinds of guests,

The eyes are poisonous, how could it be impossible not to see that he is wearing clothes tailored by Italian handcraft masters?

Not to mention taking the initiative to throw yourself into your arms, at least you have to make a secret glance, pass a small note and leave a phone number or something. Is it really normal to ignore brother's existence like this?

Ding Ning thought angrily in his heart, feeling that the difference in treatment this time was too great. When he came to Yanjing, the stewardesses greeted him with care and cared for him. Handing him a small note with affection on his face, leaving his contact number or something, for this, Jiang Yimeng secretly teased him for a long time.

The biggest doubt is that the flight attendant's figure is too exaggerated, but if it weren't for a doctor like Ding Ning who is well versed in the human body mechanism, he wouldn't be able to see anything wrong. In his eyes, it felt too fake, it didn't even look like it was filled with silicone, which completely violated the balance mechanism of the human body, and this stewardess seemed to be more bloated than the stewardess he had seen.

Yes, it is bloated. Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Ding Ning's mind, as if he had grasped something vaguely, but he couldn't figure out what it was for a while.

"Something wrong? Very wrong?"

Ding Ning muttered softly, and glanced at Qisha sitting in the front row, who was dozing off with his eyes closed, feeling a bit at ease, and then laughed secretly at himself for worrying about what could happen with such a strong master here.

But his instinct for danger still made him vigilant, and he secretly observed the behavior of the flight attendant. This flight attendant is also a strange thing. She doesn't patrol around all the time like ordinary flight attendants, asking passengers what they need. Instead, when there are no passengers calling her , standing in the aisle connecting the cabins, leaning against the bulkhead with arms folded, watching the surrounding passengers vigilantly, like a wolf coveting a flock of sheep.

When she noticed that Ding Ning was looking at her, instead of giving him a wink, she gave him a fierce look, with warning and disdain in her eyes.

Ding Ning withdrew his gaze, and the feeling that something was wrong became even stronger. How could a flight attendant treat a passenger like this? Closing his eyes and pretending to fall asleep, he let out a magic mosquito and changed his perspective to observe them secretly.

On the seat at the interface between the rear and the economy class, two well-dressed men quickly caught Ding Ning's attention. One of the two men had curly hair and the other had long hair. Although they looked a lot like Chinese people, they were a little bit different than Chinese people. The deep eye sockets and livid stubble, and their unconscious habit of praying betrayed them, they were probably Arabs.

The reason why they caught Ding Ning's attention and saw that something was wrong with them was because although they were well disguised, they had the most eye contact with the stewardess, even though they were just touching each other and seemed to be strangers to each other , but under Ding Ning's deliberate observation from the perspective of the magic pattern, he still saw something unusual.

No, there is another person, the fat man who looks very nervous and calls the stewardess for food after a while.

Ding Ning had to admit that the fat man's acting skills were so good that even he would have missed it, if he hadn't used the magic pattern's perspective to see the flight attendant impatiently exchanged glances with the fat man during the meal delivery Well, it was impossible for him to know that the fat man and the stewardess were actually on the same team.

The plane is a short-to-medium-range Airbus A319, with 14 seats in the business class and 112 seats in the economy class, with a passenger capacity of 126. On this plane, there are only two security officers, two pilots and co-pilots, and six stewardesses.

Although Ding Ning couldn't figure out what these people wanted to do, he still felt uneasy from the two Arab-like people. After all, some religious extremists frequently caused terrorist incidents all over the world. If they were really terrorists, then Things get tricky.

In the business class alone, there are four of their accomplices, so how many terrorists are there in the economy class?

They don't want to hijack the plane, do they? It's really unlucky, such a bad thing that never happened in a century happened to me, Ding Ning was secretly depressed, and subconsciously looked at Liu Sheng Qian Dai and Wen Rou.

The two women didn't seem to realize the danger was coming, and they were watching TV with earphones on, looking relaxed and comfortable.

Ding Ning thought for a while, but did not tell Liu Sheng Qiandai during the spiritual connection. In his impression, although the money bag has matured a bit and is no longer attached to her, it is still a child's IQ after all, lest she lose her composure. Shocking the grass to scare the snake, alarmed these gangsters.

He has the ability to protect himself, and with the Seven Kills, it is enough to protect Wenrou, Qiandai and Song Ziyi, but there are so many innocent passengers on the plane, he can't just leave them dead.

Why! I really don’t want to be the savior, low-key is the kingly way, Ding Ning shook his head in distress, unfastened his seat belt, stood up and walked to the economy class, he had to observe how many terrorists there are before making a decision The next countermeasure plan.

"Sir, please stay and don't walk around at will."

As soon as Ding Ning stood up, he caught the attention of the stewardess, walked over with a straight face, and blocked his way.

"I'm going to see a friend in economy class, it shouldn't be a problem, right?"

Ding Ning frowned and said in an unhappy tone.

"I'm sorry sir, the plane is about to pass through the high air flow and it will be extremely turbulent. For your personal safety, please go back to your seat and fasten your seat belt."

The stewardess said politely and unceremoniously.

Ding Ning secretly scolded this girl as a nonsense, but the excuse was flawless, so he couldn't refute it.

Although he can't go to the economy class to inquire about the enemy's situation, Ding Ning has already confirmed that these people will attack soon, which can be regarded as a gain.

Ding Ning didn't sit back obediently. Instead, he grabbed the stewardess' hand and rubbed it with a smile on his face: "Beauty, please leave a contact number? I'll treat you to Western food when we arrive in Ninghai."

"Sorry sir, I don't like western food!"

Anger flashed in the flight attendant's eyes, but she hid it well, forcibly withdrew her hand, and said coldly.

The passengers in the cabin looked at this scene gloatingly. It seemed that Ding Ning's deflation made them feel very happy. Even Qi Kill turned around and showed him a beating smile.

Song Ziyi glanced at him with sarcasm in his eyes, and a look of contempt and loathing flashed across the corner of his mouth. As expected, he was right, this bastard is a shameless person who loves money and lust.

Ding Ning rubbed his nose embarrassingly, sat down resentfully and lowered his head, his whole body trembling slightly.

It seemed that being rejected was shameless, angry and embarrassing, but no one noticed that in his lowered eyes, there was a flash of grief and terrifying murderous intent.

When he grabbed the stewardess's hand just now, he didn't intend to frivolous her, but activated the absolute touch. The sudden discovery made him finally understand why the stewardess' figure was a bit bloated before.

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