Medical Sovereign

Six hundred and ninety seventh wind! It's raining!

"You are as annoying as brother, shameless!"

Xiao Nuoxia fluttered her cheeks, stomped her feet shyly, and was angry with duplicity, but she looked at Ding Ning's beautiful eyes with affection, betraying the joy and sweetness in her heart.

Women, as expected, are creatures who like to listen to sweet words. Ding Ning was secretly happy, feeling that he still has a lot of room for improvement in this area, and he must not ignore training in this area in the future.

He never wanted to go through something like breaking up with him like Xiao Nuo, it was really too painful.

"Men are not bad, but women don't love them!"

I don't know if Xiao Chunan was bought by Ding Ning's exercises, so he immediately turned his gun to help Ding Ning speak.

"Brother, where's your integrity? What's your bottom line? You've been bribed with just one exercise? That's how you treat your sister."

Xiao Nuo said in a grief-stricken tone, but there was no trace of anger in the joy hidden in his eyes.

"People have to bow their heads under the low eaves. The water splashed by the married girl, anyway, you are already a brother-in-law, and your heart is also toward him. If I object to you, why don't you rush me?"

Xiao Chunan has long seen that his younger sister loves this guy badly, she likes it herself, and the two have a long-standing marriage contract, presumably the family will not object, he is happy to be a favor, shaking his head and saying.

"Okay, don't tease Nuonuo, I'll help you take out the chip quickly, and there is a big threat."

Ding Ning saw that Xiao Nuo was about to lose his temper if he continued to tease him, so he hurriedly interrupted their conversation in a serious manner to divert his attention.

Sure enough, Xiao Nuo immediately became nervous, and asked worriedly: "Ding Ning, are you sure?"

"Originally, I was 90% sure, but his special physique made me only 80% sure."

Ding Ning said with a wry smile, it was not difficult for him to take out the chip, it was nothing more than keeping the temperature after the craniotomy, with the constant temperature blisters spit out by the mermaid, it was not a problem at all.

But the terrible thing is that Xiao Chunan doesn't have a meridian, so he can't perform anesthesia by amputation, which adds unknown variables to the operation.

Xiao Nuo became more nervous when he heard it, and said fidgetingly: "Only 80% sure? Then what should we do? Should we think of other ways."

"Okay, don't worry, trust me, okay? After all, the human body is an extremely precise instrument, and any unknown variables are possible during the operation. You have to know that no matter what doctor you are before the operation It may be said that I have 100% certainty, 80% is already a very high probability, for me, it is almost equivalent to 100% certainty, it’s just that habit makes us not like to talk too much.”

Ding Ning is also drunk, this girl really cares about it, and the concept of 80% is still too low. Even if you go to the hospital to cut your appendix, the surgeon will never promise you that the operation will go well.

"I'm not doubting your medical skills, but if you're not 100% sure, I'm worried..."

Xiao Nuo bit his lips tightly, clenched his fists nervously, and looked at Ding Ning with a worried face.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on, everything will be fine, trust me."

Ding Ning comforted her confidently, knowing that she was worried that if the operation failed, even he would be killed by a chip explosion. Xiao Nuo's concern still warmed his heart.

"Why don't we wait a while!"

Seeing his sister's worried look, Xiao Chunan also hesitated. Although he also hoped to take out the chip earlier, he really didn't want to involve Ding Ning.

"Aren't you finished? Can't you have some confidence? I haven't married Nuonuo yet, so how could I seek my own death!"

Ding Ning's face was serious, and he confessed again shamelessly, which made Xiao Nuo's heart sweet, and dissolved the tense atmosphere invisible.

Fearing that Xiao Nuo would shake the morale of the army here, Ding Ning pointed out the door very bluntly: "Nuo Nuo, go out and wait!"

"Oh, you... you must be careful, if in case... in case... oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Good luck, nothing happens, anyway, you know, if... I will go down to accompany you... you guys! "

Xiao Nuo wanted to say something to express his determination to die for love, but he felt it was unlucky and quickly spat a few times, but in the end he explained his meaning clearly with a firm tone, and ran out holding back tears after speaking.

Ding Ning didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and shook his head again and again: "Why is this girl so unconfident in me? If it really exploded with a bang, she just can't think of staying with her. Basically, everyone in this hotel will be buried with her."

"Brother-in-law, come on, I'm worth it to have so many people buried with me."

Xiao Chunan said with a face full of death.

"Before the operation, can I trouble you to find a way to faint yourself?"

Ding Ning asked helplessly while taking out the surgical tools from his body as if by magic.

"Guan Guan scraped the bone to cure poison, isn't it just to open the skull? I can't bear it!"

Xiao Chunan said with a majestic and tragic expression, which made Ding Ning's face darken, wishing he could kick this unreliable guy to death, damn, can craniotomy and bone scraping be the same to cure poison?

Seeing that Ding Ning's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, Xiao Chunan also knew that he was blowing himself up, so he laughed dryly: "I am very experienced in knocking people out, but I really can't do it by myself. "

Ding Ning patted his forehead dejectedly, took out medicinal materials from his pocket, and muttered with pain all over his face: "It seems that we can only anesthetize with drugs, and we have to dispense the medicine first. It's such a waste."

Xiao Chunan rolled his eyes, this guy is too stingy, isn't he just ordering medicinal materials, as for cutting his flesh.

How did he know that the medicinal materials that Ding Ning took out were the materials for refining earth-level elixirs. The reason why he felt sore was because he felt that using such precious medicinal materials to prepare anesthetics was really overkill and wasteful.

Xiao Nuo paced back and forth outside the room like an ant on a hot pot, anxiously waiting, and some terrible consequences would always inadvertently appear in his mind.

She had never believed in Buddhism, clasped her palms together, and kept muttering: "Greatly merciful Guanyin Bodhisattva, I beg you to bless the operation smoothly..."


The night was dark, the bright moonlight was obscured by dark clouds that floated in at unknown times, the entire sky was as black as ink, and the earth was plunged into darkness.


Wave after wave slapped the shore, the sound was getting louder and the waves were getting higher and higher, and the wind was blowing unknowingly.

As the wind got stronger, the waves became more and more urgent, and the dark clouds became thicker and denser, soon covering the entire sky, and even the air seemed to be turbulent.

"Zi la..."

A terrifying flash of lightning flashed in the sky, illuminating the entire world, but it quickly disappeared without a trace.

At the moment when the lightning illuminated the sky and the earth, a figure was gently washed up on the beach by the waves, lying on the ground without knowing whether he was alive or dead, like an unconscious reef in the dark night.


There was a loud thunder, followed by a flash of lightning that illuminated the dark red sky, and when the sky and earth returned to darkness again, big raindrops began to fall with a crackling sound.

The rain is getting faster and faster, and it is getting bigger and bigger... Like a waterfall pouring from a high altitude, the downpour comes unexpectedly.


"Zi La!"

"Cough cough cough!"

Between lightning and thunder, the terrifying power of the sky raged, and a bolt of lightning struck the crouching black figure as if it had eyes.

The figure was struck by lightning, and it actually began to squirm slightly, making a violent coughing sound, and after the coughing, there was a violent gasping sound.

After a long time, that figure struggled to get up, stumbled and walked aimlessly towards the shore.


Another flash of lightning flashed across the night sky like a white horse passing through the night sky, illuminating the confused and empty eyes of the man. His blue hair was wet by the rain, and he looked extremely embarrassed when he stuck to his scalp. The front of his chest was still stained with dark red. The bloodstains were melted away by the rain and slowly diffused.

"Strange, the man in the bamboo hat is not in the room, where can he go?"

"It must be that we had a dispute with the owner of the homestay, which alarmed him and made him realize that something was wrong and ran away early, which made us come to nothing."

"Hmph, the owner of that homestay is really arrogant, I really want to beat him up."

"Don't forget what this place is. The beasts here are extremely repulsive to us Chinese people, otherwise they wouldn't have slaughtered so many of our Chinese compatriots during the riots!"

"Md, what's so great about these black-skinned monkeys, I wish I could kill them all."

"Come on, if you kill all these guys, what's the difference from those offal."

"I can't talk about it, I feel angry when I think about it."

"Okay, don't talk about it, it's raining so much, everyone pay attention to vigilance!"


In the pouring rain, the blue-haired man faintly heard whispered human voices, and his strong survival instinct made him involuntarily speed up his pace to walk there.

However, when he was about to approach the shadowy building, he was exhausted after all, fell to the ground with a "plop", and passed out again.

"Hey, I seem to hear something."

The calf's ears moved, and he said vigilantly.

"I'll go and see, don't be the enemy who came to sneak attack while taking advantage of the heavy rain."

Lu Zhan put on his raincoat, quietly grasped the military dagger, and carefully inspected it with a strong flashlight.

"Be careful!"

Maverick warned with some concern, but after thinking about it, he still felt uneasy, and whispered to Peng Haitao beside him: "Haitao, I will guard here, you go and call them all over."

"Okay, be careful too!"

Peng Haitao nodded, and quickly entered the room with a dignified expression to call for someone. They used to be special soldiers. Although the voice before was very soft in the heavy rain, they would never hear it wrong. It was the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground. .

When Xiahou and the others came out one after another, Lu Zhan had already walked back with a man on his shoulders, and said with a serious face, "There is a man fainted in the grass in front. The injury seems to be serious and his life is in danger."

"Not too much... Let's carry it in and have a look, and ask the young master for instructions!"

Xiahou frowned. He used to be a mercenary struggling to survive on the line of life and death. He was used to endless conspiracies and tricks. Trouble, and even lead to death.

It was a troubled time, and the young master couldn't wait to get out of danger. He really didn't want to cause trouble. Who knew the origin of this injured blue-haired man. If his enemies chased him, it would probably bring unnecessary trouble to the young master.

It's just that when the former soldiers like Lu Zhan chose to save people without hesitation, he swallowed the "don't meddle in your own business" that he was about to blurt out wisely, and politely said that he would ask the young master for a decision.

He didn't want to create a gap with Lu Zhan and the others. After all, they were all special forces, and they still had the nature of soldiers in their bones. But it is also easier to do bad things with good intentions.

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