Medical Sovereign

Eight hundred and forty eighth ghost

Ding Ning didn't pay attention at first, but when he heard Susu's hurried voice, he felt a strong sense of danger in his heart. Just when he was about to take action to stop Lian immediately, Lian's whole body suddenly withered away as if his vitality had been sucked dry, green The ghostly fire floated out of his pupils, and flew into the eyes of the black-haired zombie.




Explosions sounded one after another, and those corpse puppets who lost their master's control suddenly exploded one by one.

A terrifying scene appeared, the black-haired corpse puppet, which was motionless, suddenly spread its arms, opened its stinky mouth, exposed two fangs, and sucked hard.

The fragments of the corpse puppet exploded were sucked into the mouth of the black-haired puppet like a sea of ​​rivers. The black-haired puppet's pupils flickered with faint green light, and the whole body began to swell crazily, and the black hair continued to grow. It fell off and was replaced by layers of fine black scales, which looked extremely terrifying.

Pi Lian suddenly opened his mouth and spewed out a big mouthful of blood, with a look of horror on his face, he kept muttering to himself: "How could this happen? How could this happen? No, it shouldn't be like this..."

It seems that the evolution of the black-haired corpse puppet has not yet ended, so he simply ignored him, making him look ridiculous like a clown.

Ding Ning frowned tightly, not aware of the sense of danger brought by the black-haired corpse puppet, he couldn't help asking in his mind, "Susu, what's going on."

"I don't know, I don't know where the adjacent spell came from. It seems to be a little incomplete, which caused some kind of mutation in the black-haired corpse, and got rid of his mind control, causing him to suffer backlash."

Su Su's voice was a bit dignified: "I've never heard of this kind of mutation, but there is no doubt that this uncontrollable mutation is extremely dangerous. If something goes wrong, it will bring catastrophe to the world."

"It's just a corpse puppet, it's not that serious."

Ding Ning stared at the corpse puppet without blinking, watching it grow taller, its body swell, its black hair fell off continuously, and layers of fine black scales emerged.

"It's hard to say, this corpse puppet gives me a very familiar feeling, but I can't remember it anyway."

Su Su simply floated out, stared at the black-haired corpse puppet carefully, frowned and thought hard.

The black-haired corpse puppet is still transforming, but Ding Ning still doesn't feel any danger, and can't help but look forward to what this thing will eventually turn into.

"not good,

He is going to evolve into a mutated ghost! "

Susu's face suddenly changed drastically, and she cried out in shock.

"Ghost? Isn't it just flying stiff?"

Ding Ning's scalp suddenly went numb. Guiba is a flying zombie, which is equivalent to the existence of Shenwu Realm. If this thing becomes a ghost, he can be killed with just a finger.

"That's right, but it's not a real ghost, it's a mutated ghost. No one knows how strong it will become."

Su Su's face was ugly, and she looked at Ding Ning resolutely: "Master, you must control it, otherwise the whole world will suffer catastrophe."

"How to control it?"

Ding Ning cheered up, if he could control a ghost, wouldn't he have another powerful thug.

"Ghosts don't have intelligence, they are still corpse puppets in essence, they can only act on instinct, but this mutated ghost has gone beyond the routine and has given birth to its own intelligence. Not fully formed, I can take it away."

Susu pursed her lips tightly and said excitedly.

Ding Ning frowned: "You took him away? How ugly!"

Thinking of Susu, such a charming beauty, staying in the body of an ugly ghost, he panicked a little.

"The shape is born from the heart, and the shape is determined by the soul. If I take it away, the body shape will be shaped by myself, but it will take a while to fit. After I finish shaping, I will be able to help the master fight in the future."

There was light in Susu's eyes, and she looked at the ghost without blinking, as if she was looking at a beautiful woman who was naked, Ding Ning felt a chill.

After hesitating for a moment, Ding Ning asked hesitantly, "Is there any danger in seizing the house?"

"Seizing the house will definitely be dangerous, but I am confident that I will be able to successfully seize the house."

There is a warm current in Susu's heart, and an inexplicable brilliance flashes in her beautiful eyes. For many years, no one cares whether she is ugly or beautiful, and no one cares whether she will be in danger, even though she regards Ding Ning as the master. Sometimes she was reluctant, but at this moment, a strange feeling surged in her heart inexplicably, perhaps, it is not bad to have such a master who cares about her.

Ding Ning looked into her eyes and said seriously: "If it helps you, then do it. If you want to help me, then don't take risks!"

Susu met his gaze with a sweet smile, and said with flickering eyes: "Duoshe is a ghost that has not yet fully developed its intelligence. I am still sure. This will not only help me, but also help the master. After I seize the house, I will have a period of deep sleep, and I hope the master can put me in the nine-turn glazed ice coffin, which will help speed up my fusion with this body."


Ding Ning exhaled with complicated emotions, and looked at her with piercing eyes: "Jenny is also in the nine-turn glazed ice coffin, will there be any conflict?"

Susu lowered her eyes, avoiding his gaze, and said with her lips tightly pressed together: "I will completely fuse her broken soul, otherwise I will not be able to completely fuse this ghost."

Ding Ning's eyes were very complicated. Although he knew that Jeni was only Susu's half-soul reincarnation, after all, she had saved his life, and it was still an extremely difficult task for him to make Jeni's remnant soul completely disappear. Choice, but for Susu, it is natural for her to want to take back her half-soul, which makes him extremely entangled.

"Master, Jenny is the reincarnation of my half-soul. Sooner or later, we will merge into one body. What's more, her current spirit is suffering from the division and torture of the power of space all the time. Only with the help of the powerful ghost The physical body is the only way to get rid of that pain, I hope the master can fulfill it."

Susu knew that Ding Ning and Jeni's relationship was much deeper than hers, so she could only act on the basis of love and reason, so as to avoid Jeni's soul suffering as an excuse and let Ding Ning let go.

"Then will she still have her own memory in the future?"

Ding Ning asked in pain.

"I don't know, even if her memories are not obliterated by the power of space, these memories will belong to me after the fusion of soul and soul. Maybe by then, I will have the memories shared by Jenny and myself."

Susu looked at him deeply, and said anxiously: "Master, in fact, I am her and she is me, there is no difference. Hurry up and make a decision, or it will be too late, and wait for the ghost's wisdom." Once it takes shape, it will be difficult to seize it.”

"Then you go, remember, you must protect yourself, I don't want to lose Jenny and then lose you!"

Ding Ning finally made a decision, and lowered his head not to look into Susu's eyes, as if he had lost something important, feeling empty in his heart.

"Master, wait for me!"

Su Su passionately kissed Ding Ning's face, but her body was illusory, Ding Ning only felt her cheeks were slightly cold, without any tactile sensation at all.

Su Su resolutely rushed towards the ghost, the ghost seemed to sense the danger instinctively, turned his head to look in Susu's direction, a trace of anger flashed in the flashing green pupils, and he opened his bloody mouth and let out a roar .

The terrifying sound wave formed a shock wave visible to the naked eye, sweeping towards Susu's body, and Susu let out a cry.

The silent scream and the air wave canceled each other out.

Ding Ning's heart rose to his throat instantly, and he clenched his fists nervously, because he saw that Susu's phantom became more and more illusory under the impact of the air wave.

"Master, don't worry, it's fine!"

Su Su turned her head and smiled sweetly at him, that smile was as beautiful as a spring flower, its brilliance made the world pale.

Before Ding Ning could reply, Su Su took advantage of the gap between the cancellation of the sound waves and instantly merged into Gui Ba's body.

With a soft "click", the imprint representing Susu in Ding Ning's mind suddenly went out, and the connection between the two was completely severed.

Ding Ning looked at the trembling ghost standing there with deep eyes, and whispered softly: "Susu, since you want to be free, then I will let you go. No matter what, I just hope to meet again in the future. We will meet in battle, after all, I owe you my life!"

Yes, Ding Ning already knew that Su Su was lying to him. She is a majestic Jiuyou girl, how could she be willing to be his ghost slave, so when she saw the ghost demon change, she had a chance to get rid of Ding Ning. After that, she immediately wanted to seize the house with sweet words.

Ding Ning knew that she was lying to him, but he still chose to let her go. If it wasn't for her, Shen Muqing would have died by now. Ding Ning still felt that it was a good deal to exchange his woman's life for her freedom.

"Kill him, kill him!"

Even though Lian lost the mental connection with the mutated ghost, he still yelled out of luck.

The ghost that stopped mutating has turned into a terrifying monster that is more than five meters tall, with two horns on its head and black fine scales all over its body.

There was a "poof"!

A cold and ruthless light flashed in the ghostly green pupils, and when he heard the adjacent shouts, he stretched out his hand, and the huge black phosphorous claws unscrewed his neck effortlessly, and the majestic exorcist sect master So the soul returns to Jiuquan.

After killing Lian, Ghost Ba turned around and walked towards Ding Ning, with a fierce light in his eyes, the huge oppressive force made Ding Ning feel terrified.

"MD, what kind of monster is this, it's so frighteningly scary!"

"Master is dangerous, run away!"

"Boss, hurry up, let's stop him!"

Xiahou and the others who were still in ambush at the sniper point were terrified, and a chill rushed straight to the sky, calling out anxiously in the headset.

"Calm down, calm down, don't shoot anyone, don't provoke it."

There were bean-sized drops of sweat on Ding Ning's forehead, his muscles were tense, and he stared at Gui Ba without blinking.

He could see that Su Su hadn't succeeded in seizing the house, and the current Guiba was acting entirely on instinct.


Ghost Ba let out a roar, looked at Ding Ning who was only as tall as his own thigh, his eyes flickered fiercely, raised his huge arm, and slapped Ding Ning fiercely, everyone had no doubt that with this slap, Ding Ning would definitely become a A pile of flesh and blood.


Although he received Ding Ning's instructions, seeing Ding Ning in distress, Xia Hou shot without hesitation. The sniper bullet hit Gui Ba's body, and sparks shot out, even the scales' defense could not be broken.

"Bang bang bang!"

Lu Zhan and the others had a look of determination on their faces, and then shot Gui Ba without hesitation.


Enraged, Gui Ba withdrew the slap he was about to slap on Ding Ning's face, roared angrily, turned around and ran towards the hiding place of Xiahou and the others.


Ding Ning was shocked and shouted in the headset, he dared to face Gui Ba directly, he was betting that even if Susu hadn't completely succeeded in seizing the body, he would temporarily control Gui Ba's body forcibly, and stop at the critical moment.

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