Medical Sovereign

Eight hundred and seventy first strategic materials

"Imprisonment? That's out of the question. How wise is the ancestor of the ancient Canglong. He is willing to serve as a mount for the great power of the human race. Naturally, he wants to exchange great benefits for the dragon clan. You know, when God opens a door for you, he will also Let me close a window for you. Our Dragon Clan is the darling of heaven and earth. We were born a high-level race, but because of this, we were envied by Heaven, which caused difficulties for our Dragon Clan to reproduce. How many clansmen are there?"

Pipilu let out a long sigh, and before Lu Xixi could answer, he said to himself: "With the ancestor of the Primordial Canglong, our entire dragon clan has less than a hundred dragons."

"Ah, why are there so few?"

Lu Xixi's eyes widened in shock. Although there are not many dragons in the Sunset Continent, and the three major dragon cities add up to only a million, they are also extremely powerful races, and other races would not dare to provoke them easily. The Dragon Clan is almost about to be wiped out. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

"Yes, that's why the ancestor of the ancient Canglong was willing to bear the humiliation and bear the burden of being a mount for the power of the human race in exchange for the continuation of the race. We, the dragon clan, will guard this prison exiled in the turbulent flow of time and space, so as to stay away from the monitoring of heaven. Here, It is a plane that cannot be touched by the power of heaven. Although the racial advantages of our dragon race cannot be maximized here, our ability to reproduce has been greatly improved. Compared with the outside world, it takes tens of thousands of years to give birth to a descendant of the dragon race. After hundreds of millions of years of recuperation, our dragon clan has grown from less than a hundred to nearly a million, this is the plan of our dragon clan ancestors."

Pipilu speaks amazingly and tells the ultimate secret of the Dragon Clan.

"Ah! So what should we do now? If we leave the Sunset Continent, won't we have to face the difficulty of reproduction in the future?"

Lu Xixi was stunned. She didn't expect that in the outside world, it would be so difficult for the dragon clan to survive and reproduce. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

You must know that although the fertility of the dragon clan is not high now, it is still easy to give birth to a descendant of the dragon clan in a hundred years. It takes tens of thousands of years in the outside world to give birth to a descendant of the dragon clan, which is beyond her imagination.

"That's right, that's why the ancestor of the Primordial Canglong once said when he sent the only remaining dragons to the Sunset Continent,

According to its agreement with the Almighty of the human race, when one day the human race appears on the sunset continent, it means that our dragon race will have a new master, and the life and death of the dragon race will also be dominated by humans. "

Pipiru's face was full of bitterness: "What a proud race the Dragon Clan is, how can they entrust their own destiny to a human being? Some support following the precepts of their ancestors and putting human beings first, while others firmly disagree and insist on their own Come to dominate your own destiny, so the dragon clan has been arguing for tens of thousands of years, until the old dragon emperor died a hundred years ago, the dragon clan finally began to have civil strife, our golden dragon clan respects His Majesty the golden dragon emperor, The giant dragon respects the Ice Dragon Emperor, while the dark devil dragon respects the Devil Dragon Emperor."\u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

"Then what are their opinions, are they willing to respect human beings?"

Lu Xixi asked cautiously, the fate of the entire ethnic group was at stake, and no one dared to take it lightly.

"His Majesty the Golden Dragon Emperor has a vague attitude and has never made a clear statement. The Frost Dragon has a clear-cut banner and must abide by the ancestral precepts; the Dark Demon Dragon is a lawless lord, so how could he be willing to hand over his destiny to human beings? Therefore, the Demon Dragon Emperor He deliberately leaked the news, causing other races who have always hated the human race to unite and force the Ice Dragon Emperor and the Golden Dragon Emperor to sign an alliance under the city. As long as there are traces of humans, they must be killed immediately. The Ice Dragon Emperor had to agree under pressure. Due to the situation, His Majesty the Golden Dragon Emperor also agreed."

Pipilu rubbed his head with a headache, "Now this human has appeared in my territory, if one is not good, I will become the target of public criticism, and I don't know what His Majesty the Golden Dragon Emperor thinks, this matter is difficult Ah!" \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

"How about handing Ding Ning to Jinlonghuangluo?"

Lu Xixi's eyes showed a look of unbearable, but it was related to the safety of her whole family, she could not influence Pipilu's judgment with her own preferences, and could only cruelly put forward seemingly sensible suggestions.

"No, Ding Ning is a hot potato right now. If I hand him over to Golden Dragon City with great fanfare before I figure out what His Majesty the Dragon Emperor is thinking, I will be forcing His Majesty the Dragon Emperor to make a choice. Bring disaster to our Golden Dragon Clan."

Pipilu shook his head and rejected Lu Xixi's suggestion, women and Taoists don't understand politics at all, so how can they act so hastily on a major event that is related to the fate of the entire Dragon Clan and even the entire Sunset Continent.

As the king of Zhenxi who led troops to fight all the year round, Pipilu knew very well that the reason why the Golden Dragon Emperor had an ambiguous attitude and was always unwilling to express his position was due to his concerns. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

After all, putting humans first is the exchange condition that the ancestor of the ancient Canglong and that human race can reach. If the dragons dare to violate the ancestral precepts and kill humans, who knows what kind of terrible consequences it will bring?

Being able to lead the human race to defeat the powerful monster race, and exile those races who supported the monster race to the Sunset Continent, where even the Dao of Heaven can't take care of it, shows how powerful that human race master is, how could he not leave behind? Woolen cloth?

Therefore, according to Pipilu's conjecture, His Majesty the Golden Dragon Emperor should not be willing to be this early bird. He is likely to be inclined to breach the contract, but he is unwilling to bear the consequences, so his attitude is always ambiguous. Even if it causes any consequences, it will be borne by the Dark Demon Dragon.

But, is it really that simple? That mighty human race can even subdue the Primordial Canglong as a mount, so how can he not see through the careful thinking of the Golden Dragon Emperor? Who can guarantee that the inaction of the Golden Dragon Clan will not arouse the anger of that mighty human race? \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

The more Pipilu thought about it, the more complicated it became, and the more he thought about it, the bigger his head became. He secretly complained to that damn bastard Ding Ning, whose territory you went to was not good, but why did you come to your own territory, and entered the palace majestically and became the royal chef of the palace? What if His Majesty the Dragon Emperor knew about it?

It's such a hot potato, you can't kill it, you dare not let it go, you can't hide it, it will lead to disaster sooner or later.

Seeing that Pipiru was frowning, Lu Xixi couldn't help feeling worried, the husband and wife were speechless for a while, and couldn't think of a perfect solution.

"If it doesn't work, I'll report the situation to His Majesty the Dragon Emperor and ask him to make a decision!"

Pipilu thought about it, but the only solution now is to tell the truth to His Majesty the Dragon Emperor, risking being punished by him, and throwing this hot potato out, he believes that His Majesty the Dragon Emperor is not enough to This indiscriminate disaster cost him his life. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

"Daddy, I'm going to have lots and lots of Zui Linglong soon!"

Pikachu ran in at this moment, showing off with joy on his face.

"Oh, my Pikachu, where did you get so many Zui Linglong!"

Pipilu put away the sad look on his face, hugged his precious daughter lovingly, and asked casually absent-mindedly.

He was just subconsciously making Pikachu happy. Zui Linglong, as an extremely precious strategic material of the Sunset Continent, was not something ordinary people could buy even if they had money.

As for why Zui Linglong became a strategic material, it was thanks to the dark race on the Sunset Continent.

The golden dragon is strong and invincible in melee combat; the frost dragon is weak in body but invincible in magic power; the dark dragon is a unit capable of close combat and long-distance attack, capable of both attack and defense, and is extremely difficult to deal with. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

The three dragon clans joined forces to suppress all races on the mainland, but because of the betrayal of the dark dragon, the strength of the golden dragon and the frost dragon dropped sharply, and some dark races that had been suppressed gradually began to rise.

The dark race is afraid of sunlight, and is good at hiding, lurking, tracking, and assassinating. It is not a big threat to a creature with a strong body like the golden dragon, but it is not a big threat to the weak body of the frost dragon, which relies on spells to fight. For the whole family, that would be a huge trouble, once they were allowed to get close, the Frost Dragon would definitely die.

And the mirror made of exquisite materials, after special refining, can be transformed into a magic weapon to see through the traces of the dark races, making them invisible, and the refracted light can also cause certain damage to them.

However, the manufacturing method of the mirror is in the hands of the Jingzu. Although the Jingzu is not a dark race, but as a race that was also exiled by the human race, their interests are consistent with the dark race, and they have reached an alliance. The method of making the mirrors has been leaked, and even if they are sold occasionally, they are only made of small pieces of mirrors to make a kaleidoscope for profit, and it is impossible to sell them on a large scale. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

This makes the Frost Dragon family very painful, and there is no place to buy it on a large scale. Even if there is a golden dragon to help collect it, it is just a drop in the bucket, and it will not help.

However, on the Sunset Continent, almost half of them are dark races, so this mirror has become an extremely precious strategic reserve material.

"Brother Ding Ning will be drunk and exquisite. He asked Manager Long Maer to collect materials. He also said that he would make me a big mirror and put it in my bedroom, so that I can see a beautiful one every day." Pikachu!"

Pikachu said excitedly, his big eyes full of longing.

"He...he can be Zuo Linglong?"

Pipilu suddenly stood up, and asked inconceivably, but there were raging flames burning in his eyes. If Ding Ning really knew how to make mirrors and could mass-produce them, then even if there were no dark dragons, golden dragons and frost giants Together, the dragons can be invincible. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

You must know that although Jinlonghuang's attitude is ambiguous and vacillating, it is very likely that he will be more inclined to violate the ancestral precepts, but that is just a guess, not to mention that Pipilu knows him very well, knows that he is in awe, and just wants to keep Neutral, do not want to really try the tragic revenge of the mighty human race.

The Golden Dragon Emperor has always been on good terms with the Ice Dragon King, but his relationship with the Demon Dragon Emperor has always been at odds. In addition, the last time the Demon Dragon Emperor united with other clans and put him together again, forcing him to express his position and kill humans. Personality is naturally to secretly hate the Dragon Emperor.

Therefore, his attitude is likely to change a little now. This old dragon has always been a black-bellied and ruthless master who will take revenge.

More importantly, the Golden Dragon Emperor is very superstitious. If he knew that Ding Ning could make mirrors, he would definitely think that Ding Ning was sent by the heavens to help him make choices, so he would most likely fall to the side of the Frost Dragon and make Ding Ning Be respectful.

"Of course, Brother Ding Ning is omnipotent. He can do anything he says he can do. If Dad doesn't believe it, just wait until Director Long Maer collects all the materials and watch."

Daddy would actually question her most admired elder brother Ding Ning, which made Pikachu, a little fan girl, pouted her mouth in displeasure.

"That's it, then wait for two days and see!"

Pipilu's mood is very tangled at the moment. In fact, although he can't understand the rampant dark dragon, he also doesn't want to regard a human as his master.

But the ancestral instruction was put there, and Ding Ning revealed the key to victory. Like the Golden Dragon Emperor, he didn't want to bear the punishment brought by that fearsome human race powerhouse.

So, Pipiru gritted his teeth and made a decision: "Let's wait for two days and see!"

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