Medical Sovereign

Eight hundred and eighty six Am I beautiful?

"any drinks?"

Li Enxi's Shenzhou dialect is very good, but there is a little bit of waxy sound in the magnetism, which makes people feel like their bones are itching when they hear it.

I have to say that sitting with a beautiful woman to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Bund and listening to her soft voice is indeed a great pleasure in life.

"Miss Enxi is too stingy. It's already lunch time, so you can't treat me to lunch!"

Ding Ning said pretending to be displeased, but one sentence shortened the distance between the two.

"It's Enxi's honor to let Miracle Doctor Ding enjoy eating together!"

Li Enxi's beautiful eyes under the sunglasses shone brilliantly. He pressed the call bell on the table, and a waiter with a bow tie appeared soon, and respectfully handed over the menu!

"Doctor Ding can order whatever he wants, don't save money for Enxi!"

Li Enxi stretched lazily, her graceful figure could be seen at a glance, the soft and magnetic voice made the waiter tremble slightly, but he didn't dare to look up to appreciate her beautiful scenery.

Looking at the performance of the waiters and the empty sightseeing platform, Ding Ning secretly guessed, if this is not the property of the Samsung consortium, then it must be that Li Enxi has booked the venue in advance, but he is more inclined to the former, after all, he has heard It is said that many bars and clubs near the Bund are invested and built by foreigners.

"Compared with Western food, I still prefer Chinese food!"

Ding Ning casually ordered a few Chinese dishes and handed the menu to Li Enxi: "Miss Enxi, what would you like to eat?"

"I'm also very interested in Chinese cuisine, just do as the Romans do!"

Li Enxi took the menu and ordered two more vegetarian dishes to the waiter, then asked, "What would you like to drink?"

"Forget it, I'm not interested in drinking, give me a glass of boiled water!"

Ding Ning said casually, Li Enxi didn't force it, and said to the waiter, "Give me a cappuccino."

"Okay, wait a moment!"

The waiter bowed slightly, turned around respectfully and left. His slightly blunt Chinese language made Ding Ning affirm that this place is one of the industries of the Samsung consortium.

Li Enxi seemed to see his thoughts, and said openly: "This is not Samsung's industry."

In Ding Ning's astonishment, Li Enxi seemed to smile: "When I just came back from studying abroad, I went to Ninghai to travel here. On a whim, I partnered with a classmate of mine. She is in charge of taking care of it, and I am in charge of funding. I am the big man here. shareholder."

Ding Ning suddenly came to a sudden, laughed and joked: "As expected of the heir of the Samsung consortium, he really has a good business vision. This is the Bund, and it is not an exaggeration to say that every inch of land is expensive. It is indeed very profitable to set up a club here. "

"It doesn't matter to me whether I make money or not. When the money reaches a certain level, it is just a series of numbers. At that time, investing in this club was actually just a way out for me!"

Li Enxi said in a somewhat shallow manner, but Ding Ning secretly felt pity.

According to the information he investigated, when Li Enxi returned from studying abroad, it was the time when the Li family's business dynasty was in turmoil because of its involvement in the riots. Li Enxi even chose to leave a way out for himself at that time, which shows the seriousness of the situation at that time.

He didn't care too much about the details, but he knew that Li Enxi's grandfather was old and incapable of performing his duties, and his father, the helm of Samsung in his prime, was sentenced to probation because of his involvement in a political scandal, which caused his reputation The sharp drop is at the cusp of internal and external troubles.

The wealthy family has no family ties, internal struggles for power, and the tragedies of brothers fighting against the wall are constantly being staged. Li Enxi, who grew up in a single-parent family since childhood, stepped forward in this situation. It is conceivable what a difficult burden is on his immature shoulders. It is said that Samsung is able to maintain the current seemingly stable situation, and Li Enxi, a business talent who was ordered in a crisis, has contributed a lot.

Like a person who knows how warm and cold drinking water is, the sadness and helplessness behind Li Enxi's beautiful appearance may only be clear to her.

This is also the reason why Ding Ning has some admiration and pity for her. Although he is not a complete male chauvinist, more often than not, he still thinks that happiness is a girl who can live a carefree life.

"By the way, Miracle Doctor Ding, you said before that you know something that others don't, can you tell me what it is?"

Seeing that Ding Ning didn't speak, but just looked at him with some pity, Li Enxi's steady heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he changed the subject unnaturally.

"I know a lot of things that others don't. For example, you were born with a birthmark on your face, which makes you reluctant to take off your mask and sunglasses when you eat with me. Although I didn't tell me these things personally , but I overheard him when he was telling others. Maybe you think what I said was a lie, but I think you will understand after seeing everything here. Zheng Minzhe is a scumbag, and he is not worthy of you at all. !"

Since Ding Ning had long regarded Li Enxi as his partner this time, he naturally wouldn't hide it anymore, and directly took out a micro hard drive and handed it to Li Enxi.

Li Enxi inserted the hard drive into the mobile phone, and looked at the unsightly scene of Zheng Minzhe's woman on the screen, and what she said to Wang Haiqing, and she froze there.

Although she always thought Ding Ning was very mysterious, she did not expect that he could even take such a hidden picture. But what made her most angry and distressed was that Zheng Minzhe, a beast with a human face and heart, actually told his biggest secret to a strange man. Shenzhou people.

You must know that even in Korea, except for her relatives and very few trusted friends, no one knew about the birthmark on her face.

Including Zheng Minzhe only found out when he proposed marriage. When Zheng Minzhe came to propose marriage, in order to test whether he was hypocritical, Li Enxi once lifted the veil and showed him his whole face. After getting married, Zheng Minzhe said it was a fraudulent marriage.

Zheng Minzhe's performance at that time was quite calm. Not only did he accept this reality, but he also swore that he would treat her well for the rest of his life. That's why Li Enxi was deceived by him. It was because she felt that Zheng Minzhe was so conniving and partial to him. I didn't dislike her, I really loved her!

But thinking about it now, what a ridiculous scene it was. Zheng Minzhe must have suppressed his nausea and said those sweet words to her because the family business needed the cooperation of Samsung.

This made Li Enxi's heart very painful. When she was studying abroad, she always envied those extremely loving couples. She was not a very traditional woman in her thinking, and she did not resist premarital sex.

But after making a marriage contract with Zheng Minzhe, he never touched her, and said seriously that he loved her and wanted her again on the wedding night.

Li Enxi was still very moved at the time, and naively thought that Zheng Minzhe really cared about her and respected her, but thinking about it now, he was simply disgusted and unwilling to touch the excuse she made, how could she not be heartbroken.

Although Ding Ning's hints made her suspicious and responded rationally, deep down in her heart she still had a sense of luck, so she was still undecided to make things right, but at this moment, seeing Seeing such unquestionable evidence, she was still heartbroken. After all, although she didn't love Zheng Minzhe that much, she always regarded him as her future spouse in her heart.

Seeing Li Enxi's stunned sad look, Ding Ning secretly sighed in his heart. He knew how hard this would be for a woman who had low self-esteem and hated to marry, but he needed Li Enxi's cooperation to hit Hyundai Motor Company to the greatest extent.

Otherwise, when Hyundai Motor Company slows down and repeats the Longteng Group, even if it may not succeed, it will definitely be a situation where it will kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred. The company's entanglement.


Li Enxi laughed suddenly, heartlessly, tears streaming down his face.

"Enxi, don't be like this, don't be sad, I can help you get rid of your birthmark, you can definitely find a better man, Zheng Minzhe is not worthy of you at all."

Seeing her almost hysterical appearance, Ding Ning's heart was clenched together, and he blamed himself in his heart. He was too eager for quick success and unscrupulous means. Although the starting point was to revenge Zheng Minzhe, he still had the idea of ​​using Li Enxi, although it was not unintentional. But it still hurt her in the end, which made him feel at a loss and softly comforted her.

Li Enxi leaned forward and back with a smile, turned her head and slowly took off her sunglasses and mask, revealing her true face: "Am I beautiful?"

"Beautiful, very beautiful, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and you are not bad at all compared to a real goddess."

Ding Ning stared blankly at her flawless half face and couldn't help saying.

What he said was not half a lie, the skin was as crystal clear as jade and flawless, the bridge of the nose was upturned, the small pink cherry mouth, the half-scallop-like white teeth...

Such a stunning face, coupled with that perfect figure and unique temperament, is not inferior to the two real goddesses, Jiutian Xuannv and Susu. This is the gift of the Creator to human beings, and it is the interpretation of perfection. .

"Yes, it's beautiful. Zheng Minzhe thought so too at the beginning, but what about adding this half face?"

Li Enxi suddenly turned her face, facing Ding Ning, staring at Ding Ning with a pair of beautiful eyes full of irony, mockingly said: "Now you still think I am beautiful, can you find a better man?"

Ding Jing quietly looked at her ghostly half covered with red birthmarks, there was no sympathy or pity in her eyes, and she said softly as if she was looking at a normal person: "I think it's possible, it's definitely possible."

To be honest, if he hadn't seen Zhu Wuxia's more terrifying face than this, he might have been frightened. Only now did he realize why Li Enxi's figure and temperament are so perfect, and Zheng Minzhe still fears her like a tiger , I can't even get interested in making out with her.

A red birthmark is not scary, at most it makes people feel a little uncomfortable, but when there are more than a dozen black moles the size of small fingernails on the red birthmark, and half an inch of black hair grows on the moles, This would indeed make people feel extremely disgusting, not to mention Zheng Minzhe, even Ding Ning couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed in his stomach and almost didn't spit it out.

It's like the most beautiful landscape painting being splashed with a pile of stinky dog ​​feces, completely destroying the beautiful artistic conception of this landscape painting, which is unbearable to witness.

Li Enxi looked at Ding Ning's eyes without blinking, and said self-deprecatingly: "Don't lie to me, even when I see this face, I can't help but want to spit it out. Although you concealed it very well, but Your pupils contracted violently for a moment when you saw my face, which is enough to show that you were frightened."

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