Medical Sovereign

Nine hundred and four zombie virus

"The thing is like this. Some time ago, an abnormal explosion occurred in the Patagonian desert in South America. The Argentine government sent personnel to investigate in the desert, and the result..."

Following Minister Jiang's narration, Ding Ning's face became more and more solemn, and a storm arose in his heart.

It turned out that after the explosion in the Patagonian desert in South America, the Argentine government immediately sent personnel to investigate the cause of the incident. At first, seven police officers from nearby intervened, but the seven police officers never returned.

The local government thought that the seven police officers were trapped in the dangerous environment of the desert, so they sent search and rescue personnel to rescue them by helicopter. Unexpectedly, the twelve search and rescue personnel never returned, completely cut off contact, and even the helicopter did not return.

This suddenly aroused the local government's great attention, mobilizing the military and police to search and rescue in the desert on a large scale. As a result, according to the information and images sent back from the scene, it was found that the previous police officers and search and rescue personnel had all mutated into inhuman and extremely aggressive powerful zombies.


Ding Ning screamed in shock, his face was full of disbelief, what kind of international joke, aren't zombies something that only exists in novels and film and television dramas?

If it weren't for Minister Jiang's high position and power, and the emergency meeting held overnight, he would have thought that Minister Jiang would join everyone to tease him.

"Yes, you heard it right, it is a zombie, the kind of zombie in "Life Crisis" on TV."

Minister Jiang's stern expression showed that he heard it right, Ding Ninglei's appearance was tender, and his whole body was sluggish, Nima, is there really such a thing?

"Listen to me first, and I'll add anything I don't understand."

Minister Jiang gave a majestic cough and continued to narrate.

If the Argentine government could have realized that these people had become compiled "zombies", perhaps things would not have developed to the serious situation they are now.

When the search and rescue military and police personnel saw these rescue targets, they didn't realize that they were no longer alive. After the helicopter landed, the search and rescue personnel went up to ask them what was going on, but they were attacked by these zombies unexpectedly. Unable to guard against it, three people were bitten on the spot.

The military police thought they were lost by something, so they forcibly controlled them, escorted them to the helicopter, and took them out of the desert, and disaster came from this.

The medical staff began to check their bodies on the helicopter, looking for the reason why they lost control, but they didn't want to be bitten again. Four medical staff, but because the injuries were not serious, several medical staff did not take it seriously, just routine After detoxifying them with alcohol, they sent the nineteen zombies to the nearest town of El Calafah.

It can be regarded as a blessing among misfortunes. It was precisely because the search and rescue personnel sent these zombies to the nearby town of El Calafah for emergency rescue that the disaster was controlled within a certain range, but this glacier with a population of only a little over 10,000 The town became a dead town that night after the corpses of those who were bitten turned into corpses.

The three military police who managed to escape from the small town of El Calafate immediately reported the situation. In order to avoid causing panic among the people, the Argentine government immediately blocked the news and sent troops to block the entire small town under the pretext of military exercises. town and dispatched medical personnel to investigate the origin of the virus.

It is precisely because of the Argentine government's blockade of news that it did not communicate with other countries in a timely manner, which led to the further spread of the disaster.

After the zombie incident broke out in Argentina, zombie incidents broke out in parts of Africa one after another, but the news was forcibly blocked by their respective countries.

Having said that, Minister Jiang signaled the secretary to turn on the large electronic screen, which displayed a map of the world.

Minister Jiang stood up and drew a straight line with his fingers from Argentina along the Atlantic Ocean to Somalia in Africa and then to Tianzhu with a solemn face. what?"

"A straight line is coming to our Shenzhou!"

Ding Ning seemed to have a flash of lightning in his mind,

He lost his voice in shock, and the expressions of all the old Chinese doctors also changed.


Minister Jiang glanced at Ding Ning approvingly, nodded with an extremely heavy expression, and said, "The situation is very serious now. The latest zombie virus outbreak area is in Tianzhu, which is only a thin line away from our Shenzhou, Tibet, and Xinjiang. The zombie virus has spanned more than half of the world and Looking at the outbreak areas along the way in a straight line, we have reason to suspect that this zombie virus is coming to China, which has aroused the high attention of our country's high-level, so we have an emergency meeting tonight."

"Minister Jiang, how long has it been since the first virus outbreak in Argentina?"

Ding Ning frowned tightly, and asked out the doubts in his heart.

"Half a month!"

Minister Jiang said angrily: "If the Argentine government spread the news as soon as the virus broke out, maybe we would have more time to make preparations. Now our soldiers have already deployed troops to hide in frontiers, blocking all possible The entry of pathogens that can cause disaster."

Ding Ning fell into deep thought. In fact, pathogens can span almost the entire earth in more than half a month. He doesn't think it can be done by manpower. The military blockade of the border with Tianzhu is nothing more than nothing, and it is even very possible. become a disseminator of pathogens.

"Minister Jiang!"

After being silent for a long time, Ding Ning pointed to the core of the problem and asked, "In the past half a month, how have the countries where the zombies broke out dealt with this virus? Have you found the source of the virus?"

"That's a good question!"

Minister Jiang glanced around everyone, and said slowly: "The Argentine government thought it was just a small-scale virus incident. In order to avoid causing panic, they immediately sent soldiers and medical personnel in chemical protective suits to go deep into El Calafa. Go to the center of the desert where the virus first broke out to investigate, and finally found that there is an underground test base that has been destroyed in the explosion area. It is suspected that the source of infection of the virus came from this underground laboratory. Unfortunately, this underground laboratory was destroyed very cleanly. , only part of the alloy melted by high temperature, after testing by scientists, this alloy is stronger than any alloy we know so far, but unfortunately, no clues to the source of the virus have been found."

Minister Jiang said very seriously: "The Argentine government also exchanged information internationally after receiving news of the outbreak of the zombie virus in other countries, but the news is currently blocked by the governments of various countries, and it is only known to the top officials of the country to avoid causing large-scale outbreaks. The public panicked, so today our meeting is highly confidential, and everyone here must sign a non-disclosure agreement, and I hope you will not leak any information."

"Don't worry, Minister Jiang, we know the severity."

All the old doctors expressed their opinions one after another, and signed the non-disclosure agreement sent by the secretary in a hurry.

Ding Ning secretly slandered, I was tricked by you in a muddle-headed way, obviously because I was driven to the shelves.

But at this time, he also knows the priority of the matter. How can there be no eggs under the overturned nest? If the source of infection cannot be found as soon as possible, once the virus breaks out in Shenzhou, then no one here can escape the fate of extinction. Obediently sign the non-disclosure agreement.

"This is a disaster for all mankind!"

Minister Jiang said in a heavy tone: "The heads of state of the world have urgently held a teleconference and have reached a consensus to unite in the face of this disaster for all mankind to tide over the difficulties."

Minister Jiang turned to look at Ding Ning: "The president of the World Medical Association, Ms. Katharina, was going to China to verify the authenticity of Midou Oral Liquid, but she rushed there immediately after learning about the outbreak of the zombie virus. The place where the virus broke out and called on medical experts from all over the world to gather together to study the virus serum, but until now, it has still not been resolved.”

Ding Ning suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the World Medical Association released its own pigeons to study the virus serum, which dissipated the grudges in his heart. After thinking for a while, he asked: "Minister Jiang summoned us, and he wanted us to participate in the In the research of virus serum, I want to know, according to the current research results, is the transmission mode of this virus determined?"

All the old doctors cheered up and looked at Minister Jiang with burning eyes, waiting for his answer.

Ding Ning's question is on point. Although everyone is ready to sacrifice for the country, they can understand how the virus is transmitted and try to avoid being infected by the virus.

"I'm going to tell you this if you don't ask me. After the study of the virus samples by the World Medical Association, the news sent back is that the infection method of this zombie virus should be blood infection, that is to say, just be careful not to be infected by the zombies." Bites or open wounds should not be contagious, but this is only a preliminary finding and has not yet been confirmed, so the risk is still very high."

Minister Jiang looked at the united people with emotion: "Everyone here is the national treasure of our country. If it were not for the moment of human life and death, the country would not want to put you in danger. I am entrusted by the supreme leader to represent the country and People, thank you for your dedication and sacrifice!"

After speaking, Minister Jiang solemnly stood up and bowed deeply at ninety degrees, which moved everyone.

Mr. Jiang and Mr. Hu looked at each other, stepped forward to support Minister Jiang, Mr. Jiang coughed and said solemnly: "Minister Jiang, we are all very old, it doesn't matter if a group of old bones die for the country, but, I have an unfeeling request, whether Xiaoding can be excluded from this operation."

"That's right, Minister Jiang, we are all old, so it's okay to sacrifice, but the little brother is still so young, and still shoulders the important task of revitalizing traditional medicine, can you react to the leader and leave a spark for our Chinese medicine practitioners. "

Mr. Hu also said anxiously.

"Yes, Minister Jiang, we finally see the hope of revitalizing Chinese medicine, Ding Ning must not let anything happen!"

"My son, daughter-in-law, grandson, and granddaughter are all medical students, and their medical skills are not bad. I brought them all along, just asking Ding Ning to withdraw from this operation."

"Minister Jiang, please accommodate me..."


A group of old doctors spoke collectively, all begging Ding Ning to withdraw from this operation, and Ding Ning's eyes were moistened with such love and affection.

For a long time, although he talked about the revitalization of traditional medicine and made some achievements, in fact he didn't pay much attention to it. He wanted to achieve the high hopes placed by his father, to be successful and famous, and to make his oppressed father Mother's people trample underfoot.

But at this moment, his heart was deeply shocked by these selfless old people, and for the first time in his life, he felt ashamed of his selfishness.

In our motherland, it is because of the existence of such a group of elderly people who sacrifice themselves, treat others with noble medical ethics and care for the younger generation that traditional medicine can be passed on from generation to generation, and it has been passed on endlessly to this day.

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