Medical Sovereign

Nine hundred and seventy-seven tribal melee

"If one day, I can transcend heaven and earth, I will definitely show you the scenery of thousands of worlds!"

However, Ding Ning didn't feel any depression because of his preliminary understanding of the nature of this world, instead he said it with high spirits and pride.

Su Sumei's eyes were full of brilliance, looking at the confident and flamboyant Ding Ning, it seemed that he seemed to be very different from usual at this moment, which made her feel strange waves in her heart.

"No, the jellyfish is about to lose."

Ding Ning's expression suddenly froze, and he said nervously.

At this moment, the electric eels and the wind sharks even temporarily form an alliance to kill the jellyfish, and the jellyfish population has encountered a catastrophe of genocide.

"If you lose, you lose. What are you worried about?"

Su Su looked at him puzzled.

Ding Ning shook his head repeatedly and said, "That's not acceptable. I still need jellyfish populations as materials for fusion potions. They must not be wiped out."

Speaking of this, Ding Ning's heart moved. He suddenly thought of the red coral condensed by the jelly secreted by the coral polyps that devoured the jellyfish corpse. Could it be phantom glue? up.

Unexpectedly, Su Su chuckled and said disapprovingly: "The jellyfish group can build their nest here and survive until now without being wiped out by other groups. There must be some support. You don't have to worry about it at all."

"I hope so?"

Ding Ning frowned, watching the battle nervously, not even picking up jellyfish skins on the ground.

Although I think what Su Su said is reasonable, but seeing that most of the jellyfish population has been killed and injured, and only three to four hundred thousand are still struggling to support, I still feel a little uneasy.

After all, in his eyes, in addition to providing him with spirit crystals, the corpses of wind sharks and electric eels can only be eaten as seafood to satisfy his appetite, unlike jellyfish corpses that can be used as both fusion potion materials and armor materials. The price/performance ratio is not comparable at all.

"Here we come, the jellyfish is about to make a big move!"

Su Su suddenly said excitedly.

Ding Ning also widened his eyes subconsciously, without blinking.

The jellyfish swarm, facing the danger of genocide, suddenly forced the two groups back with their lives, and then their huge arms and legs entangled one by one to form a ball, and then... Ding Ning saw a scene that he will never forget.

Three to four million jellyfish swarms hug each other to form a huge circle, and their heads come together, just like the stars suddenly gather together to form a sun, emitting a dazzling hot light.

Even Ding Ning was blinded by the sun-like light at this moment. He couldn't see what was going on. He could only detect electric eels and wind sharks silently in the light by the fluctuations in the sea. Falling down, more Wind Shark and Dianmang fled in haste.

When his red and swollen eyes were able to see again, he found that the battle between the clans had come to an end. Hundreds of thousands of jellyfish that had survived by chance were cleaning the battlefield, devouring the corpses of wind sharks and electric eels, and killing their clansmen by the way. The dead bodies were piled together by arms and legs, ready for "cremation".

It can only be seen that the jellyfish is extremely afraid of Lei Lingjing, but it doesn't care about Feng Lingjing. After swallowing the corpse, it spits out the Lingjing and buries it in the ground.

If it was before, Ding Ning would have to dig out one by one with great effort, but now with the power of the Thick Soil Totem, he can easily drill into a layer of mud on the seabed and make a fortune.

"What happened just now?"

While searching for spirit crystals, Ding Ning communicated with Susu who immediately returned to the water space when the jellyfish population shone brightly.

"It's a formation. It's incredible that these jellyfish can use the water spirit crystal to gather a large aurora formation."

Susu's voice was still trembling with shock.

"Aurora big formation? What's so scary about this tasteless big formation? Why do I feel that you are terrified?"

Ding Ning was dumbfounded, there is indeed a large aurora formation in the inheritance of formations, but this kind of formation is extremely useless to him and can only be used as lighting.

"You're a human being, so naturally you don't think there's anything scary about the Aurora Formation.

But don't forget, I am a ghost cultivator, and I have an instinctive fear of the aurora. If I hadn't run fast just now, and the aurora formation hadn't come rushing towards me, otherwise I would have been out of my wits by now. "

Susu said with lingering fear.

Ding Ning was taken aback, and asked in disbelief: "It's not that serious, is it? Don't you already have a ghost body now? It stands to reason that you shouldn't be afraid of light."

"Ordinary light is naturally not afraid, but this is the aurora array, which is extremely lethal to darkness and ghost creatures, not to mention that my soul has not been fully fused, and the body of ghosts is constantly merging with my soul Appearance is the most vulnerable time, so why is it so strange to be afraid of this kind of aurora?"

Su Su said with some annoyance, it seemed that Ding Ning noticed her weakness and felt very uncomfortable.

Ding Ning suddenly realized, but still felt that he could not understand, and asked curiously: "But the lightning emitted by the electric eel was also very bright. It seems that lightning is the nemesis of darkness and ghost creatures, right? Why don't I see you afraid?"

"That's different. I was also afraid of thunder and lightning, but since... since the last time we... we... Oh, anyway, I have become somewhat immune to thunder and lightning, as long as the lightning attack is not directed at me, I'm not afraid."

Susu said in embarrassment, which made Ding Ning realize that the feeling was that she had eaten this girl last time, and the lightning ability in her body gave her partial immunity to lightning.

But he was still puzzled, and asked humbly: "Electric eels can emit such bright electric light, so they shouldn't be afraid of such aurora, but why can the aurora emitted by this jellyfish kill so many electric eels?"

"Stupid, the electric eels can emit lightning again because of the lightning crystals, but in the final analysis, they are still deep-sea creatures, and they are still dark creatures in terms of attributes. Aurora can naturally cause damage to them, but compared to wind sharks, they resist Aurora still has a great advantage, if you look carefully, you will find that there are far fewer dead electric eels than wind sharks."

Susu quickly regained her composure and said calmly.

"Don't tell me I haven't noticed. There are indeed a lot fewer dead electric eels than wind sharks."

Ding Ning took a closer look and found that the number of dead electric eels was less than one-tenth of that of wind sharks. It was just because these guys were too big that he didn't pay attention to them before.

"If only there were wood spirit crystals!"

Susu said longingly.

"What do you want the wood spirit crystal for? Aren't you a ghost cultivator? The wood spirit crystal is full of vitality, and it is also the nemesis of the ghost cultivator?"

Ding Ning really didn't understand, after all, ghost cultivators cultivated yin and death qi, so they should be more afraid of wood spirit crystals.

"I... Anyway, I'm useful, hmph, I want you to take care of it!"

Su Su's pretty face blushed, and she said ferociously, how dare she say that after the Yin-Yang exchange with Ding Ning, she already has a seed of Yang Qi in her body, if it is nourished by the abundant vitality contained in the Wood Spirit Crystal, she will It is not impossible to gradually nourish Yang Qi, transform from ghost cultivation to human cultivation, and eventually return to the former goddess.

"Uh, then I'll keep an eye out and see if I can find Wood Spirit Crystal for you!"

Ding Ning was baffled, he didn't know what kind of temper Susu was throwing, but she was her own woman anyway, since she needed Mu Lingjing, she would find a way to get it, after all, he hoped that Susu could treat him wholeheartedly, I wish I could treat her better and impress her.

Su Su didn't say anything, she took the initiative to cut off the spiritual connection with Ding Ning, she didn't know if she didn't want to talk to him, or she was too lazy to listen to his bragging.

Ding Ning didn't take it seriously, and happily collected spirit crystals in the floating mud. What made him ecstatic was that not only wind spirit crystals and thunder spirit crystals were buried under the jellyfish, but also gold spirit crystals and earth spirit crystals.

It seems that the sea creatures that mutate by devouring attribute spirit crystals are not only jellyfish, electric eels, and wind sharks, there must be other creatures that Ding Ning has never seen before.

Ding Ning felt a little sympathetic to the jellyfish population. This is a population that is being invaded all day long. Of course, it is not ruled out that the jellyfish population will also invade other biological populations when he is not watching.

However, Ding Ning thinks that the jellyfish are more passive, because he thinks that these mutated groups invade the jellyfish not because they are natural enemies or enemies with the jellyfish, but because the jellyfish group blocks their way.

in the way?

A flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in Ding Ning's mind, could it be the entrance where the red coral forest is located?

The last time he discovered that there is a hidden passage in the innermost part of the red coral forest. The temperature in that passage is extremely high, and it seems to be a fire crystal mine, but the mermaid said at the time that his strength was not enough to enter. Persuading him not to take risks, he didn't go in to investigate.

Now, although his cultivation base has only broken through a big realm, but whether it is physical strength or strength, he does not know how many times stronger than at that time, maybe he can find out.

Especially after Ding Ning discovered that there were gold spirit crystals and earth spirit crystals here, he couldn't help but wonder if there were crystal mines with other attributes besides fire spirit crystal mines in the mysterious underground. If he could find them, then But it is developed.

Of course, if he could have Mu Lingjing, then he would be happier, and Susu must be very moved.

Ding Ning quietly followed the funeral procession of the jellyfish group in stealth, then dived again, and came to the red coral forest that he had entered before.

Perhaps because marine life is afraid of flames, this fire spirit crystal only breeds microorganisms such as fire coral polyps, which become a crematorium-like existence.

After the jellyfish dropped their corpses and filed out, the fire coral polyps swarmed up and devoured the jellyfish's corpse, and then secreted a special gelatin. The red coral began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ding Ning reaped the benefits of being a fisherman, his whole body was filled with thunder and lightning, and the frightened fire coral polyps scattered away, hiding far away and not daring to approach, allowing him to cut down the red coral trees wantonly.

Ding Ning also knew the truth of fishing in a dry marsh, and stopped after cutting down eight coral trees that were already red and purple in color. For some reason, he didn't want Susu to know this secret, so he suppressed his heart and asked her for advice. The idea of ​​sealing off the external perception of the water space.

With the flickering eyes, Ding Ning gritted his teeth and resolutely walked towards the hidden passage, perhaps because he wanted to let the jellyfish recuperate quickly, or perhaps because he had gained enough, so even the water spirit crystals scattered all over the place he would Did not pick it up.


The fire coral polyps, which were originally harmless to humans and animals under the threat of thunder and lightning, suddenly ran away when Ding Ning was about to enter the fire crystal channel.

Countless fire coral polyps that were hard to distinguish with the naked eye actually formed a humanoid creature blocking the entrance of the passage, threatening Ding Ning with claws and claws, as if trying to threaten him so that he would give up the idea of ​​entering the passage.

Ding Ning's scalp was numb, and he hurriedly stopped, forming a confrontation with the fire coral polyp. The temperature here was already extremely high, and at this moment, he was sweating profusely, with bean-sized drops of sweat on his forehead.

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