Medical Sovereign

Nine hundred and twelve totem seeds

Pao Ding Jieniu's fifth pose seems to have only one cut, but in fact it cuts out 480 cuts in an instant, but because the speed is too fast, it is difficult to detect with the naked eye, making people think it is just one cut.

It has to be said that the golden man's saber skills are indeed extraordinary, and such a deceptive knife was actually blocked by it.

However, since Ding Ning regards it as the ultimate killer move, how could it be so simple? When the golden man swung the Gengjin long knife to block the fifth move, Ding Ning was not idle, and casually made another blow .

Afterwards, Ding Ning's face turned pale, as if he had been drained of all energy, his legs softened, and he knelt on the ground on one knee, panting heavily, but looked at the golden man without blinking.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

The golden man remained motionless, standing there as if nothing had happened, but after a second, the whole body began to crack like a broken porcelain doll, and then, the huge body collapsed, and the whole body was dismembered into thousands of pieces, It instantly turned into a golden spirit crystal all over the place.

Paoding Jieniu's seventh move cut out seven hundred and twenty knives in an instant. Ding Ning used the inertial thinking of the golden man to jump and directly cut out the seventh move, which was a full one hundred and twenty knives more than the sixth move. The extra one hundred and twenty knives finally made a miraculous contribution, successfully dismembering him before the golden man could not guard against it.

Just when the golden man turned into golden spirit crystals scattered all over the ground, Ding Ning suddenly noticed that the sealing power of the isolation storage ring was gone. Even though he consumed a lot, he still took the golden spirit crystals on the ground into the space as soon as possible.


There was a violent vibration in the space, Ding Ning licked his lips, and finally broke through, but where is the agreed Gengjin Totem?

"Ka Ka Ka!"

The formation runes flickered, and the violent golden energy surged, quickly converging into a Gengjin long knife. At the moment Ding Ning was teleported away by the violent space fluctuation, it disappeared like a meteor and appeared on Ding Ning's right arm On it, it turned into a platinum knife-shaped imprint.

Ding Ning only felt a strong space tearing force coming, his eyes blurred, and with a "plop", he fell into the sea water.

Is it out? Or came to the Five Elements Water Array?

Ding Ning performed the seventh pose of Pao Ding Jie Niu, and almost exhausted all his energy and energy. He was soaked in the sea water like a collapse, and his head was drowsy.

His whole body was so sore that he didn't even want to move a finger, but the unfamiliar environment around him and his keen intuition for danger told him that he didn't come out and was still in the five elements formation.

Sure enough, the next moment, there was a terrifying roar, and a huge sea-blue water dragon opened its ferocious mouth and bit him.

"Tianshui Totem, I leave it to you, don't be so fast, buy me some time!"

Ding Ning gave a wry smile weakly, this giant dragon made of water elements is not that simple.

Since he was the first to obtain the Tianshui Totem, he also has the deepest understanding of the water element. He can easily perceive that this water element dragon contains undercurrents, vortices, irregular tearing, violent turbulence, water molecule vibrations, etc. All kinds of terrifying water attacks that are enough to easily crush him to pieces.

Not to mention that it is difficult for him to even move a finger now, even if he is in the peak state, it is not so easy to solve this water elemental dragon, so he can only pin his hopes on Tianshui Totem, Buy yourself enough recovery time.

Tianshui Totem lived up to expectations. After receiving Ding Ning's order, the tattoo squirmed slightly, and unexpectedly condensed a phantom mermaid, floating towards the dragon.

The mermaid phantom is exactly the same as the soul clone of Nine Heavens Profound Girl, but it is more illusory. When she faced the water elemental dragon, she frantically absorbed the surrounding water elements, and her whole body swelled and expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye. In a short while, it becomes a huge mermaid that is not inferior in size to the water elemental dragon.

Looking at the familiar face of the mermaid, Ding Ning couldn't help but secretly sighed, his eyes full of complex expressions.

Once upon a time, he regarded the mermaid as his best friend, but he never thought that she harbored evil intentions and finally killed Jenny.

Even though he knew that she was just a ray of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl's soul, he couldn't help himself, and couldn't blame her at all.

What's more, he and the Nine Heavens Xuannv can be regarded as turned into friendship, but he can't let go of it.

I don't know what Tianshui Totem is thinking, what's wrong with changing, but turning into a mermaid, is this deliberately stimulating myself?

In fact, Ding Ning misunderstood the Tianshui totem. The mermaid is the emperor of the aquatic clan. The Tianshui totem in ancient times was the image of a mermaid.


The water elemental dragon has no wisdom at all, and dared to stretch its paws in the face of the mermaid. After roaring, it slapped the mermaid like a fly.

The mermaid's slender hands reached out and grabbed the terrifying dragon claw lightly, and she held the terrifying dragon claw in her hand. The huge water elemental dragon could not even move in front of her like a baby with no resistance. The body began to shrink continuously, and the rich water element continuously entered the mermaid's body.

The supplement of water element made the illusory figure of the mermaid quickly become more solid, with picturesque features and peerless enchantment, which made Ding Ning's spirit appear in a trance for a moment, as if seeing the scene when he first met the mermaid again.

It's just that the mermaid at this moment doesn't have the agility in the eyes of the mermaid back then. The empty eyes are dull and lifeless, with only shape but no spirit, which makes Ding Ning feel a sense of loss.

It has to be said that water element is definitely the best attribute for healing. The body of the mermaid seems to be a bottomless black hole, slowly and firmly devouring the power of the water element dragon, feeding it back to Ding Ning through the totem, so that his injuries can be seen with the naked eye. The speed of recovery, the dry spiritual power in the body also quickly recovered.

Ding Ning knew that the mermaid was slowing down the speed of absorption according to his order, to buy time for his healing. After all, a gold elemental space is so scary, and he doesn't know how dangerous the wood elemental space will be next.

It's a pity that this water element can only act on the physical body, but it can't act on the spiritual power, which makes his spirit extremely sluggish, with a strong tired look on his face.

This Paodingjieniujutsu is the first heavy lifting method. There are seven moves in total, each of which needs to gather all the energy to perform.

The seventh move is the last move in the first stage, and it is also the ultimate move that consumes the most and is the most powerful. If it is used alone, it will not cause his consumption to be so huge. The problem is that he will not stop after performing the fifth move He performed the seventh form, which caused his consumption to be far greater than that of performing this form alone.

When will he be able to comprehend the importance of the second weight? Ding Ning slammed his lips with some regret. In the eyes of the world, Master Tiandao, who has reached the peak of his carving skills, is very aware of his own strength. Just getting started level.

If it weren't for Paoding's Jieniu technique, it is likely to be a martial skill that surpasses the heaven-level kung fu, and the starting point is far higher than ordinary people who practice swordsmanship. sought after.

The first important thing is to be able to use the machete as a scalpel to perform precise surgery on people. Ding Ning reached this level as early as the age of eight. Now more than ten years have passed, but he has always been stuck at this level without breaking through.

The second is the feeling of being able to fight with the scalpel as a crescent knife, as the name suggests, which is a level that Ding Ning has never been able to break through.

The realm of sword art is different from others, it is a kind of artistic conception that can only be understood but cannot be conveyed in words. It can only be realized by oneself, not through hard training.

Ding Ning aspires to practice medicine. He never took sword skills seriously before, but today he uses sword skills to reverse the situation in a desperate situation. Although there are elements of calculation and luck in it, it also makes him deeply aware that forging iron requires hard work. In this short period of time, he relied too much on formations and talismans, but ignored the role of his own combat power. This kind of awareness is extremely wrong and serious.

Arrays and talismans are indeed awesome, but after all they can only be used as auxiliary means of combat. Once the storage space is sealed, his paws will be numb.

It is said that talismans and formations cannot be used in the Tongtian Secret Realm, and even spiritual weapons cannot play their due role. This makes Ding Ning have to wonder whether he can still fight there with his own real combat power after removing these auxiliary things. Survive in a hostile environment.

Just as Ding Ning was doing self-reflection, the water elemental dragon finally disappeared with a helpless roar, and the mermaid swayed back to Ding Ning's arm, and the water drop-shaped tattoo turned into a mermaid tattoo again, looking beautiful And flirtatious.

Ding Ning didn't care that the space began to turbulently again, looking thoughtfully at the mermaid tattoo that reappeared, a wave of comprehension information about the water element hit his mind, almost bursting his mind.

Could it be that this is the complete Tianshui totem, the previous Tianshui totem was just possessed, not merged like it is now.

Ding Ning had never felt the intimacy of the Tianshui totem at this moment, as if it was born with him as one, and it actually brought him a feeling of blood connection.

Adding a totem can only be regarded as possessing the elemental seeds. With the seeds in the body, it is only possible to borrow the elemental power of the totem. If you want to make them completely integrated into your body like the Tianshui totem, you can use the elements as you like. Strength still has a long way to go!

After Ding Ningming realized this, the joy of harvesting the fire totem and gold totem also weakened a lot, but in any case, it is a good thing to get the totem seed, at least, he can accept the third and fourth military training .


As if a mirror was broken, the entire water space rippled for a while, and gradually became blurred in Ding Ning's vision. A burst of space fluctuations came, and he felt a flower appear in front of him in a place with beautiful mountains and rivers, shaded by green trees, blooming flowers, and fresh air. Filled with vitality, it is like a paradise-like space.

Looking at this world full of vitality turned into mist, even though Ding Ning is very clear that this is the wood-attributed space of the Five Elements Formation, the fresh air still makes him feel refreshed. The strong air of the wood spirit from the outside world.


Taking a mouthful of fresh air into his body, Ding Ning felt his sluggish spirit revived, and he couldn't help being surprised, the vitality here actually has the effect of restoring mental strength.

This made him immediately overjoyed, and without even thinking about it, he started to operate the "Spirit Refining Art", absorbing wood spiritual energy into his body, and then condensed it with the "Shen Shen Art", constantly recovering his sluggish soul.

At the same time, the internal and external circulatory system is running simultaneously, and the huge spiritual power of heaven and earth pours into the body along the nine orifices like a whale devouring a snake, and is continuously transformed into non-attribute spiritual power and stored in the dantian.

The terrifying wood aura formed a terrifying aura tide around Ding Ning's body, making him feel at ease, as if he had returned to his mother's embrace, he forgot everything, and was engrossed in the crazy absorption of aura.

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