Medical Sovereign

Nine hundred and twenty fifth attack

But at this moment, the unexplainable miraculous phenomenon in front of him completely overturned his three views. Could it be that the magical artifacts those people invited were real?

"A magic weapon?"

Ding Ning shook his head reticently. Before revealing the effectiveness of the talisman, he had already thought up his words: "This is the Zhu Youshu of our Chinese medicine practitioners. It has nothing to do with the magical tools used by the charlatans to cheat people out of money."

"Zhu Youshu? So there really is Zhu Youshu? I always thought it was a legend."

"Oh my God, I finally saw the legendary Zhu Youshu, how dare it be so magical."

"Hmph, those foreign devils always say that our Chinese medicine is a pseudoscience, and the superstitious legends of chaotic power and strange gods. The big reason is Zhu Youshu. I really should let them take a good look at what the real Zhu Youshu looks like. Look at it. Can you keep their mouths shut?"

"I am profound in Chinese medicine, how can those ignorant barbarians understand it?"

Mr. Hu and the others were completely stunned, their eyes flickered with enthusiasm, and they discussed excitedly.

Now I'm afraid that even if Ding Ning doesn't invite them to join, they will beg to join. After all, the magical means shown by Ding Ning has already conquered them.

"Zhu Youshu? It's amazing, can this really isolate the virus?"

After all, Minister Jiang was a high-ranking official, so he quickly woke up from the shock, and asked excitedly, if this amulet can really isolate the virus, then the matter will be resolved.

He got the news just now that the situation at the scene was panic-stricken, and rumors were spreading everywhere. Except for a few doctors with noble medical ethics who dared to wear chemical protective clothing and enter the quarantine area to draw blood tests on soldiers infected by the virus, everyone else was afraid of snakes and scorpions, and they were afraid to avoid it. Not as good as.

Especially members of the medical team from other countries, they thought it was just an ordinary virus and came here excitedly, but after learning that it was a zombie virus, they had already retreated, and they also clamored that the Chinese government had deceived them and wanted to submit protest.

How did they know that these medical teams were actually sent by the top leaders of their country to conduct research on their own initiative. Even if the zombie virus has not yet broken out in their country, who can guarantee that it will not break out in the future?

Therefore, in a sense, they were all deceived by their own country's high-level officials, and they were sent as the first batch of researchers, which could be regarded as sacrifices.

Moreover, the high-level leaders of their country generously told the Chinese government that,

Although these medical staff use them, there is no problem how to treat them. There is no need to send them back until the zombie virus is completely solved.

The subtext is self-evident, these people must not be let go until the zombie virus is solved, who knows if they will carry the zombie virus back and infect others? Even if the news is released, it is absolutely not allowed!

Therefore, the Shenzhou government immediately adopted military control on the spot without hesitation, everyone could only enter but not exit, and anyone who dared to escape would be shot and killed. This suppressed these guys.

It's just that they didn't dare to make trouble anymore, but they adopted soft resistance, passive sabotage, not participating in virus research at all, and hiding in the protective circle of soldiers all day long, waiting to be hungry when they were full, making the work progress of virus research very difficult optimism.

But now, Ding Ning brought him a big surprise. If everyone can wear the amulet that isolates the virus, then everyone will be safe.

But Ding Ning's answer poured cold water on his head: "No, this amulet can only be activated automatically when the wearer is attacked. If the zombie virus is only infected by blood, there is no problem, it can guarantee wearing The victim will not be bitten by the zombies, and the virus infection is avoided to the greatest extent, but now three wounded soldiers are infected, which proves that the blood infection is not the only way of infection of the zombie virus, so the effect of this amulet is much smaller .”

Although Minister Jiang was disappointed by Ding Ning's answer, he still managed to squeeze out a smile and said, "But anyway, this is good news. At least it guarantees that everyone here will not be infected by the virus due to wounds."

"Yes, I have also considered the solution of contact infection, but I didn't come up with any good solution. I can only remind the seniors, before thoroughly understanding the transmission routes of the zombie virus, try not to take off the mask. A fancy dress, preferably even in bed."

Ding Ning said sincerely, but he knew that what he said was unrealistic. After all, wearing a chemical protective suit is very bulky, and even breathing is difficult. It can be tolerated for a short time, but no one can bear it for a long time.

"I can't help it. This is the only way to do it now. Everyone, please work harder. For the sake of safety, you can wear it for as long as you can, and take it off when you really can't."

Minister Jiang could only comfort everyone in this way. Everyone knew the severity of the matter and nodded their heads to express their understanding. Anyway, the current situation is much better than expected before, and they have been able to avoid virus infection to the greatest extent. What is there to be dissatisfied with?

At this moment, Ding Ning suddenly frowned, his face became more dignified than ever before, a figure appeared in the cockpit, and before the driver could react, Ding Ning pushed him aside and sat in the driver's seat, Start maneuvering the helicopter.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what kind of trouble he was having. The driver who was pushed aside by him looked angry and wanted to question Ding Ning but was stopped by Minister Jiang. Although he didn't know what Ding Ning wanted to do, he knew that it was inevitable for him to do so. has his purpose.


But soon, a rocket flew past the tail of the helicopter, detonated in the air, a violent explosion occurred, and the whole sky was red, making them pale and immediately understand that if Ding Ning hadn't discovered something was wrong, they would have already It was blown to ashes.

"What the hell is going on, why would someone attack us?"

The soldier, who was still very dissatisfied with Ding Ning's rough behavior, swallowed subconsciously, and asked with a pale face in horror.

A group of medical experts had never seen such a scene before, their faces were pale with fright, and they were holding on to the handle beside the cabin, trembling all over.

Minister Jiang is not much better. Although he has a high position and authority, he is only a civil servant after all. Wherever he has encountered such a dangerous thing, it is considered calm enough not to pee his pants in fear on the spot.

Ding Ning, however, had no time to talk to them, and tried his best to control the helicopter to do evasive actions in the air; but purple flames flickered in his eyes, the eyes of the nine secluded, the pupils of hell, and the consciousness extended out as if they didn't need money, trying to get the second A rocket changed its direction slightly, passed by the helicopter body at the critical moment, and then died at a high altitude.


There was a huge explosion, although it didn't hit the helicopter, it did cause great damage to Ding Ning. After all, his consciousness is not as powerful as his physical body. If he didn't bear the shock wave of an explosion, his sea of ​​consciousness would be greatly affected. Not to mention the severe shock and impact, not to mention the splitting headache, even the seven orifices began to ooze blood, the veins on the forehead swelled and wriggled crazily, especially the eyes, which were already blurred with blood, and could not see clearly. His spiritual consciousness should be his eyes, otherwise, he would have to plunge his head into the ground.

This time, if Xiaojin hadn't warned him in time, he would be really in danger. Although his physical body is strong, even if he couldn't be killed by the bomb, he would be seriously injured and fell into a coma. He didn't feel comatose when he fell from a height of 5,000 meters I can survive.

Of course, he can also choose to jump directly when he finds danger. With wings, he will be safe and sound, but everyone on the helicopter will die. This is the ending he never wants to see, so he chose this without hesitation. way out of crisis.

After the two rockets emptied out, Ding Ning stood up with relief, returned the driving seat to the soldier, and said with a wry smile, "It should be fine."


The soldier looked at the bloodstains on his face, swallowed hard, gave him a solemn military salute, immediately took over the heavy responsibility of driving, and contacted the flight base as soon as possible to report the situation to his superiors.

It's just that he subconsciously chose to trust Ding Ning, and he never thought of asking him why he was so sure that the bandits would stop attacking after firing two rockets.

And the others didn't think of this, but stepped forward to support him with tense and concerned faces, "Academician Ding, how are you?"

"I'm fine, just rest for a while!"

Ding Ning wiped away the ghostly bloodstains on his face, and forced a smile to comfort and love everyone.

In fact, the anger in my heart is constantly surging, who wants to put himself to death? And dragged so many people to be buried with him? It's just insane.

It's a pity that time was running out, and in order to save his life, he had to order Xiaojin to directly kill the two bandits dressed as Tibetans who attacked the helicopter, and the clues were interrupted.

Hopefully, the local military region can find clues from the identities of the two attackers, but he knows that it is difficult. The attack helicopter is still a military plane loaded with medical experts. This is definitely an extremely serious terrorist attack in Shenzhou. , the people behind the scenes will never leave any clues.

Young Master Su, this name came to Ding Ning's mind again.

This method is very similar to that of Young Master Su, and the corner of Ding Ning's mouth curved into a cold arc.

I swore in my heart, Young Master Su, whether it's you or not, it's best not to let me catch you, otherwise, I will settle all the accounts with you bit by bit.

The professors who were still in shock sat pale in their seats, looking at Ding Ning with his eyes closed, his eyes full of gratitude and worry, thanking him for saving everyone's lives, and worrying about his injuries.

Ding Ning, who possessed the body of green wood, was only bled from the seven orifices when he was shocked by the sea of ​​consciousness. Under the nourishment of the rich life essence, he healed his injuries in a blink of an eye, but he didn't want to be too shocking, so he closed his eyes and recuperated as if he was seriously injured. .

In order to prevent everyone from worrying, he also pretended to take out a healing elixir and stuffed it into his mouth, which reassured everyone a little.

Minister Jiang's face was ashen, and after the lingering fear, he was furious. He took out the satellite phone and called Zhongnanhai directly to report the attack to his superiors.

The bosses were furious, and made a phone call to the Shudu Military Region, scolding He Zhengqi, the bewildered commander-in-chief of the military region.

After learning what happened, He Zhengqi was stunned. He hung up the phone and directly called the Tibetan Military Region, shouting on the phone: "I don't care who it is, even if I dig three feet, I will dig him out. , Investigate, investigate for me, no matter who is involved, they will be thoroughly investigated to the end, and an explanation must be given to the comrades in the medical team."

Just kidding, even though Tibet is an autonomous region, it is also the territory of the Kingdom of China. It is simply inconceivable that members of the medical team would be attacked on the territory of the Kingdom of China.

The commander of the Tibetan military region, Ge Jianjun, turned green when he received the call. Due to the requirement to strictly block the news about the zombie virus, only a small number of high-level troops knew that the medical team that came for reinforcements was attacked by armed forces or heavy weapons. Great? Medicine Supreme

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