Medical Sovereign

Nine hundred and forty sixth dark flower list

"Oh, then if you killed the Holy Son, wouldn't the Holy See have no Holy Son? What about the Holy See? Re-training?"

Ding Ning suddenly realized, and then asked in puzzlement.

"How is it possible, there are always twelve Holy Sons and Holy Maidens each, and if one dies, one is chosen from the candidate Holy Sons."

Katharina said disapprovingly.

"So that's the case, then you became the president of the World Medical Association, or the saint of the Holy See?"

Ding Ning asked with interest.

"Of course, the saint is different from the son. The saint is just the face of the Holy See, a symbol. Once selected, unless there is an accidental death or some special circumstances, there will be a substitute to fill the vacancy. Otherwise, she will be a saint for the rest of her life. Unlike Holy Son, there will be a chance to take over as Pope in the future, and at the worst, he can also be a local bishop or something like that."

When Katharina said this, there was a hint of shyness in her beautiful eyes, and she lowered her head shyly: "Besides, saintesses are not allowed to marry, but I am an exception."

Ding Ning's heart was pounding, and he muttered to himself, what do you mean by that? What do you mean you are an exception, what do you want to say?

Although Katharina made him very tempted, but it was just admiration, not to the point of talking about marriage, so he could only pretend to be crazy: "Why?"

"Because of the catastrophe, my mother is an exception. She has changed from a saint to a saint, so I am also an exception. Maybe the Holy See wants me to marry early, so as not to embarrass them."

Katharina's eyes were a little sad, but more of a self-deprecating look.

"Cut, shit, you can't even get married. Who cares about being a saint? I don't know what those saints think. If I were a woman, I wouldn't be a saint if I was killed. If you can marry, you should Feel happy."

Ding Ning saw the sadness in her heart and quickly comforted her.

"I can't blame them either. Most of them are children of poor families. As long as they become saints, the family will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of their lives. In addition, they are all believers and have crazy beliefs in the Lord. They can serve the Lord in their eyes. Coming is the greatest honor, so many people desperately want to become a saint.”

Katharina shook her head slowly, telling the truth why so many people wanted to become a saint.

Ding Ning was taken aback when he heard the words, yes, in my opinion, it is against human ethics that saintesses cannot marry, but they ignore the so-called beliefs, those fanatics can sacrifice their lives for their beliefs, and it’s okay not to marry for a lifetime What.

Katharina sighed in her heart. What she didn't say was that every year the Holy See would select tens of thousands of beautiful girls from believers to add to the ranks of saintess candidates. It has been fully edited even for hundreds of years, so why do we need so many candidate saintesses?

Therefore, these female believers will eventually become a tool for some big figures in the Holy See to vent their animal desires, and they will not take any responsibility. The saddest thing is that those girls are not only willing, but also proud of it, because they serve the servants of the gods , in this way of devotion can feel the glory of the Lord more closely.

Not to mention these girls who are not even considered as alternate saintesses, even the real saintesses sometimes cannot be alone, and will secretly become the playthings of some high-level figures. If it weren't for her having a big trouble, no one would dare to touch her , maybe one day they will be handed over to those high-ranking old gods.

On the contrary, none of the candidate saintess dared to move, because the candidate saintess has the opportunity to become a real saint. It's a big deal, someone has to be sent to the gallows.

You must know that the saint is a servant who is going to serve the Lord. In a sense, the saint is a woman who belongs to the Lord. How dare you play with the Lord's woman? Isn't this courting death?

If Ding Ning knew the tricks in it, he would definitely laugh at the so-called lord who didn’t know how many green hats his humble servants had worn on his forehead. At least Tian Xuanzi put one on him blatantly. .

"By the way, I see that there are so many virus-infected people here. Once an outbreak occurs in three days, won't all the people here be dead."

Ding Ning asked suspiciously. He really couldn't figure it out. Since Katharina knew that people with the virus had an incubation period, and gathered so many people together to draw blood for experiments with great fanfare, wouldn't she be afraid of the virus outbreak three days later? ?

Unexpectedly, Katharina said confidently: "No, no matter how I live, I am also a saint. Although I don't learn many magic arts, I have practiced great purification skills. When these virus carriers gather a certain number, I will Just concentrate on performing the Great Purification Technique."

"Great purification, can the zombie virus be eliminated?"

Ding Ning's eyes lit up, if the great purification technique could eliminate the zombie virus, then what kind of zombies would he be afraid of? Just throw a few purification techniques into the pile of zombies and it would be fine.

"If only it were that simple!"

Caesarina rolled her beautiful eyes, turned and pointed to the freezers on the wall that held the corpses: "The low temperature can reduce the activity of the zombie virus, so every virus-infected person will take a fake death drug after blood is drawn, enter Frozen state, so that the zombie virus will reduce its activity and fall into a deep sleep, and then it will be completely dead if the big purification technique is performed."

Ding Ning suddenly realized, remembering that Asdai Yagyu also used the freezing technique to seal the bodies of the three infected fighters, which was similar to Katharina's method, but it was a pity that Asdai Yagyu did not know the purification technique, otherwise the three Soldiers will not die.

"This is the only method I can think of now. Although it is theoretically feasible, it is hard to say whether it will be successful or not. I can only try it out."

It's just that what Katharina said next made Ding Ning speechless, and he didn't say anything for a long time. The feeling is only a theoretically feasible method, and it has not been proved at all.

"You silly girl, what if it doesn't work? Aren't you joking with your own life? No, no, absolutely not."

Ding Ning was immediately annoyed. Although whether these people died or lived had nothing to do with him, Katharina was also Tianxuanzi's daughter, and he would never let her die.

"Then what do you say? There are hundreds of lives here. They trust me, respect me, and love me. I can't leave them alone, can I?"

For the first time, Katharina showed a touch of weakness, and a look of fatigue flashed in her eyes.


Ding Ning hesitated, yes, he and Katharina can go, but there are still hundreds of lives here, so we can't ignore it, right?

Although, whether it is the water space or the teleportation array, he can let these people leave safely, but he can't do this, not to mention that he doesn't want to reveal his secrets, but with so many people here, who can guarantee that no one will be infected? But don't know it? Taking them away would only bring greater disaster to the outside world.

Catherine looked deeply at Ding Ning and said, "I'm very tired. I'm very happy to see you here. At least I'm not fighting alone. With you here, I think we will have a solution."

"How did you know I was coming?"

Ding Ning finally asked the question in his heart. After learning that she was Tianxuanzi's daughter, the relationship between the two became closer invisibly.

"Because I know that you are a real doctor, and doctors will not stand by and watch the virus raging without doing anything, so I chose Sikkim, which is the closest to China, to study the virus, and you really did not disappoint me..."

A sly look flashed in Katharina's eyes, and she directly put a high hat on Ding Ning, making him a little embarrassed.

It's just that Ding Ning is not a fool, he is so easy to fool, he gave her an angry look: "To be honest, don't kidnap me with morality."

"I'm telling the truth!"

Katharina looked at him innocently, her long eyelashes fluttering like a row of fans, making Ding Ning's heart itch.

"Tch, Sikkim is so big, how do you know that I will be able to find this place? Don't play foolish things with me, I have to listen to the truth, otherwise, I will turn around and leave now, pretending that I have never been here."

Ding Ning rolled his eyes and said impatiently.

"Okay, I know I can't lie to you!"

Katharina giggled, and said solemnly: "The truth is, I did guess that you would come, and I believe you will find me, because you are a very amazing person..."

Ding Ning frowned and was about to interrupt her flattery, but she stopped her with her hand: "Listen to me, you will definitely think that I am fooling you, but in fact I am not, the magic I am talking about does not refer to you Of course, this does not mean that your medical skills are not miraculous, but compared with your other performances, medical skills are not worth mentioning."

Ding Ning narrowed his eyes, stared at Katharina, and said coldly, "Are you investigating me?"

"No, it's not me who is investigating you, but the entire Western warrior community is investigating you. To be honest, your information was shown to me by the Pope."

Catherine took a deep look at him: "I'm afraid you don't know yet, right? Someone has offered a hidden flower of 500 million meters gold and wants your life. Do you think the Holy See will not investigate your information?"


Ding Ning was startled suddenly, raised his head suddenly and asked.

He is not afraid of offering a bounty for his life, what he is worried about is whether it will endanger his sister and the others.

"Since it's a hidden flower, naturally no one knows who the bounty is. Even if you find the publisher of the hidden flower, it's impossible to know who opened the hidden flower to kill you!"

Katharina said indifferently: "Some people speculate that it is a certain country's government, some people speculate that it is a god-descendant organization, some people speculate that it is the Dark Council, and some people speculate that it is your enemy in the country, but no matter what, you have now entered all the killers. No one will be indifferent to 500 million meters of gold, after all, since the opening of the dark flower list, you, a previously unknown person, have become the third reward target in the dark flower list, and no one will not be interested in you."

"Third? Only third? Then who is the first and second, and how much is the reward!"

After the initial panic, Ding Ning quickly calmed down. Now that the dark flowers have bloomed, it is useless to think about it.

Besides, I am worried that the women will be affected by me, so I have already prepared in advance. With talismans and teleportation arrays, even if those top killers want to hurt them, it may not be so easy. What's more, they are all in Shenzhou. Unscrupulous and reckless.

Catharina saw that he calmed down so quickly, and was still in the mood to ask the guy who ranked first and second in the dark flower list, she couldn't help but secretly marveled at him, and gave him another high-level look, "The number one is Shura, and the reward is ten." Yimijin, it's a pity that after so many years, no one can complete this task, and no one even knows what Shura looks like, let alone assassinate him."

Ding Ning's heart moved: "Sura? Is it the Shura who has occupied the top spot in the Shenzhou Martial Arts Ranking for more than 20 years?"

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