Medical Sovereign

Nine hundred and seventy first confession

"Brother, I'm not bitter, I'm not bitter at all, I live a good life, I have a mother who loves me, and a man who loves me, if I don't remember the names of you and the second brother, maybe this life will be real. Missed it, woo woo!"

Ding Qianlie was both happy and sad. The happy thing was that she finally found her elder brother, but the sad thing was that her second brother died, or died in Xiahou's hands. This made her feel complicated beyond words.

The most embarrassing and depressing one was Xiahou, how did he know that the rebellious but evil boy was actually the elder brother of the eldest lady, which made him feel so embarrassed.

The depression in his heart couldn't be vented. It just happened that the strong Russian man saw that the situation was not good, and wanted to escape quietly while others were not prepared. He became his punching bag, stepped forward to grab him, and broke his two arms.


The severe pain caused the strong Russian man to let out a roar like a wounded beast, his eyes gleamed fiercely, Ben's drooping arms healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, his muscles swelled rapidly, and his height continued to grow , grew to about 2.5 meters in a blink of an eye, and slapped Xia Hou like a wild beast.

"Boss, be careful, this guy has turned into a beast with burning life, and he is invulnerable!"

The wild cat's face changed drastically, and he reminded quickly.

"It just so happens that I want to try how powerful the beast-like biochemical man is!"

Xia Hou, who was depressed and had nowhere to vent, was not afraid, instead he rushed forward and punched him eagerly.


Under the violent collision, Xia Hou stomped back a few steps, his whole right arm was trembling slightly, and his face had a serious look. He didn't expect this biochemical orc to be so powerful after being transformed into a beast, all relying on the strength of his body To be able to compete with a great master like him!

But this doesn't make him feel afraid, on the contrary, his fighting spirit is constantly rising. During this period of time, practicing "Wild Body Refining Technique" has made him extremely confident in the strength of his physical body. Although he is slightly inferior to the biochemical bear man in terms of strength, he Hit it with confidence.


The bear man let out a ferocious roar, and rushed towards Xiahou several times faster than before. His two huge palms slammed together like a slap, trying to crush Xiahou's head.

"Boss, be careful, he won't last long after burning his vitality, as long as he survives this period of time, he will be finished."

The wild cat screamed,

reminded loudly.

"It's just in time, I just broke through, and I'm worried that no one will practice my hands."

Although Xiongren's speed has increased several times, it is far behind Xiahou's. With a simple squat, he avoided the terrifying slap, and even took advantage of the situation to punch Xiongren fiercely. human chest.


The bear man suffered from the pain, his eyes were scarlet and roared, he raised his right foot and stomped hard like Xiahou on an ant.

Xiahou turned around deftly, jumped out from under his feet, and ruthlessly swept his left leg that was supporting gravity.

With a sound of "Plop", the dust flew up, the bear man fell down and squatted, but he got up like a normal person, and chased after Xiahou.

The two kept fighting, and Ding Ning could see that Xia Hou was able to deal with him with ease, and he just used this to stabilize the state after the breakthrough, so he immediately relaxed and focused on his sister.

At this moment, Ding Qianlie seemed to have no one else in his eyes, and whispered with the tiger and wolf, crying and laughing, which made Ding Ning feel sour.

The kidnapper who came to kidnap turned out to be my sister's own elder brother. This mess is really bloody. Ding Ning shook his head and sighed softly, but he was really happy for his sister in his heart. After all, no one felt it more clearly than him. The warmth and importance of family affection.

Just looking at Luoxue who was still sobbing softly against him, her heart was filled with pity and tenderness, and she rubbed her head pamperingly, and said softly: "Luoxue, be good, don't cry, one day you will Find your parents."

"Will there be such a day?"

Luoxue opened her big tear-filled eyes, looking at him full of longing and anticipation.

"Yes, I promise, even if you go to the poor and fall to the underworld, you will definitely find your parents!"

Although Ding Ning had no idea in his heart, he still nodded affirmatively when he looked at her expectant eyes.

Luoxue smiled through tears, and gently snuggled into his arms: "Although I know that brother is comforting me, I still feel very happy. In fact, I am very satisfied to have you and sister by my side. Find me As for the matter of father and mother, just let it go."

"By the way, do you have any impression of your parents?"

Ding Ning hugged her with some distress, trying to find some clues. After all, Luoxue's adoptive parents passed away one after another when she was a teenager, and they only told her about her life before they died. .

"No, according to my mother, I was picked up by her when I was still a baby. The place where I was picked up was in the mountains and forests of Miaojiang. I also went there to look for clues, but unfortunately I didn't get anything."

Luoxue bit her lower lip, and said sadly, "The swaddle is just a rough cotton cloth woven by ordinary Miao people, and I didn't leave my name or any tokens. I think they must not be able to support me, so they threw me away." !"

"Don't be sad. There is no one in this world who doesn't love their children. I think they must have their own difficulties. Besides, you still have me. I will love you forever."

Ding Ning felt distressed when he saw her sad appearance, but he knew that what Luo Xue said was very possible. His parents must not be able to support her, and they abandoned her because she was a girl.

This made Ding Ning secretly hate it when she thought about it. According to Luoxue, her mother found her when she went to collect herbs in the deep mountains and old forests where wild beasts were rampant. Howled, and kept beating the ground with a wooden stick to scare the wild wolf away. If it was a little later, she would have been taken away by the wolf.

How cruel her parents must be to abandon her to feed wild animals like this. Although Ding Ning secretly felt sorry for her, he made up his mind that even if he finds those wolf-hearted parents one day, he will never let them recognize each other easily. He would rather let Luoxue be sad for the rest of his life, and he doesn't want her to admit that a thief is her father!

"Well, I am satisfied with you!"

Luoxue squinted her eyes, quietly snuggled into Ding Ning's arms, just seeing how her sister and Hulang brothers and sisters recognized each other, there was a look of envy in her eyes.

"By the way, I remembered that you seem to have a birthmark in the shape of a plum blossom on your chest. Can this be a mark of your recognition?"

Ding Ning saw that Luoxue was in a low mood, so he looked at her towering breasts lewdly and said, trying to make her happy.

"They don't know if they will remember my daughter, let alone this birthmark!"

Luoxue forced a laugh and said self-deprecatingly.

Not only did the joke not have the desired effect, it also made Luoxue's mood even more depressed, which made Ding Ning very depressed, but for a while, he didn't know how to comfort her, so he could only hold her tightly in his arms, Use your strength to comfort her.

"Brother, I'm fine, it's been so many years, I'm used to it!"

Luoxue was keenly aware of Ding Ning's intentions, raised her head and smiled, and said softly.


A loud noise interrupted the warmth of the two, and they heard the sound and looked.

The orc was knocked to the ground again by Xiahou, and it was unknown whether Xiahou had hurt him this time, or whether his life force burning time had reached the limit, and this time he couldn't get up again.

Ding Ning is more inclined to the latter, because after the bear man was knocked down, his swollen body quickly shrank, and he returned to his previous appearance in a blink of an eye, but the previous appearance of the strong Russian man was only in his thirties, but now he has become a The wrinkled old man, who looked like he was in his seventies and eighties, was lying on the ground without moving.

This weird scene made Luoxue shrink back into Ding Ning's arms in fear, Xiahou walked up to Ding Ning and kicked him with full vigilance: "Hey, don't pretend to be dead, get up and continue!"

"Don't shout, he's already dead. There is a time limit for burning life. If you can't defeat the enemy within the time limit, you will use up all your life force and die!"

Tiger Wolf looked at the orc's corpse, and there was a look of sadness in his eyes: "The biochemical orcs are actually very pitiful. Most of them are from poor families in Russia. They voluntarily become orcs with limited lifespans for their families to live a better life. The thugs of careerists charge forward."

"Brother, why are you with them? And why are you trying to catch Yuqiu?"

Ding Qianhunxiaoniao Yiren slung the tiger's arm, pouted and asked, how can she still be the business goddess who dominates the shopping mall at this moment, just a little sister who has found her relatives.

"I'm not very clear about this. It should have something to do with the Ax Gang. After all, she is Wang Qianqiu's only granddaughter!"

Hulang frowned, hesitated for a moment, and then sighed.

"Then who are these two bears serving?"

Ding Qianlie asked persistently.

"It's the Tomahawk man!"

Hulang said with a serious face.

"Russian tomahawk?"

Xiahou's face also changed, and his expression became serious.

Ding Ning looked at Xia Hou curiously: "Is this battle ax famous?"

"It is more than famous, it is the sixth largest underworld organization in the world's underworld organization. Let's put it this way, the Russian underworld has developed rapidly after the end of the Cold War in the last century, and among them the Tomahawk is under the leadership of Alimjan Toktakhonov. Under the leadership of Tomahawk, it became the largest gang. As Tomahawk became more powerful, its behavior became more and more rampant. Through the large amount of money they transferred from criminal activities, they penetrated into Russia's politics and economy, and began to seek their own legal status. "

Before Xiahou could speak, Hulang rushed to answer: "It can be said that in Russia, the power of the tomahawk has overwhelmed the government, and there has been a phenomenon that businessmen would rather pay them protection fees than state taxes. His business not only involves money laundering, drug production and drug trafficking, organizing international drug trafficking, creating terrorist incidents, but also arms smuggling, even including nuclear weapons."

Ding Ning was secretly stunned when he heard this, damn, is this still a gangster? Even dare to sell the fucking nuclear weapons, this is simply the underground emperor of Russia.

Why did the Tomahawks arrest Wang Yuqiu? Could it be...

A flash of light flashed in Ding Ning's mind, could it be that the batch of ammunition in Wang Qianqiu's basement caused the disaster? Thinking of this, Ding Ning became a little uneasy. If this is the case, he must have caused this trouble himself, and Wang Yuqiu must not be blamed!

"Brother, why did they arrest Yuqiu?"

Ding Qianlie and Ding Ning had a tacit understanding, and immediately asked him the question he wanted to know the most. She knew that Hulang must know the answer, but she didn't want to say it because she had some scruples.

Hulang took a deep look at his sister who had been separated for more than 20 years, shook his head and looked at Ding Ning with a wry smile, and said, "The things in the middle are more complicated. In fact, Tomahawk has been secretly trading arms with some people in Shenzhou. The last middleman died suddenly, and you should know who that middleman is."

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