Medical Sovereign

Nine hundred and seventy nine arrangements

? You must know that from the moment the Ax Gang was destroyed, Wang Yuqiu had nothing.

Grandpa is dead, master is dead, even the biggest enemy is dead, there are no relatives, no hatred, and my heart is completely empty.

If it wasn't for Ye Tianlang's appearance that made her taste the taste of love, she would have been unlovable at this moment, and even if she didn't commit suicide, she would have become a nun, and the Qingdeng Ancient Buddha would have passed away.

But now, not only has she found the love of her life, but she has also gained Ding Ning's trust. For her, this is happiness that she dare not expect.

"Brother, thank you!"

Wang Yuqiu said with a choked voice.

"You are Ah Lang's daughter-in-law and also my younger brother and sister. You are not allowed to be so polite in the future if you still say something unreasonable to your eldest brother. Remember, this is my home, and it is also your and A Lang's home. When you think about it someday I'm going to get married, and I'll give you another big gift!"

Ding Ning could understand Wang Yuqiu's gratitude, pretended to be angry and reprimanded, then smiled and said: "Practice hard, Ah Lang will become a big shot in the future, you are his wife, you must not hold him back!"

"Brother, what kind of big shot can I become, I'm satisfied if I can follow Big Brother for the rest of my life!"

Ye Tianlang said a little impressively.

"I said that if you can become a big shot, you will definitely be able to do it. After a while, I will let you do one thing instead of me. When the matter is completed, you will become a big shot. I will tell you in detail then!"

Ding Ning said this after careful consideration. The battle of luck is only half a year away. During this time, he must go all out to find a way to improve his cultivation, so that he can come back alive from the battle of luck .

In this way, he didn't have time to participate in the matter that he promised his father to go to the Dragon Soul to compete for the title of Dragon Tooth, so he planned to let Ye Tianlang go instead.

Anyway, the identity of "Ning Ding" was originally forged, and even his appearance was fake. Although it was only a temporary idea after seeing Ye Sirius break through the master, Ding Ning felt that it was very feasible. After all, Ye Sirius and his height It was quite close to his figure, so there was no problem for him to wear bio-simulation skin to pretend to be himself.

The only problem is that he can't personally find out who his father's enemy is, but this is not a big problem, as long as his cultivation has reached the peak of the world, he doesn't need to be afraid of anyone at all.


Ye Tianlang has blind trust in Ding Ning,

He agreed without hesitation.

"I'll tell you more in a few days. I'll first teach you a wind-attributed cultivation method. While you practice, you can learn some military knowledge from Brother Xiahou. Then, in two days, I will send you to Myanmar to participate in several live ammunition exercises." train."

Ding Ning said while passing on a wind attribute technique called "Shen Xingjue" to him.

Ye Tianlang was an excellent hunter. Ding Ning believed that he would be able to win the title of Dragon Tooth instead of him. What he lacked was nothing more than some knowledge of military theory and firearms.

"Oh, but I'm leaving, what about the second sister's restaurant?"

Ye Tianlang was a little excited, but also a little embarrassed.

"Isn't there still me? You go your way, and I will take care of it."

Although Wang Yuqiu was a bit reluctant to part with Ye Tianlang, she knew that a good man had ambitions everywhere, so she couldn't always keep him by her side and be a restaurant buyer for the rest of her life. She believed that since Ding Ning said so, she would definitely love Ye Tianlang. The future of the wolf has been planned, and the first time to stand up to express support!

"Yuqiu doesn't need to make purchases anymore. Tomorrow, Ah Lang will hand over the work at hand, and then I will send you to a place to concentrate on training!"

Ding Ning thought for a while and said.

"Ah! But..."

How could Wang Yuqiu have the nerve not to work and eat for free? Just as he was about to refuse, Ding Ning interrupted him unquestionably: "That's it, don't forget that the Tomahawk is still making trouble for you. Show up!"

"Yeah, I forgot about Tomahawk looking for you, you don't go out for a few days, I'll be in charge of the handover!"

Ye Tianlang scratched his head in bewilderment, and was very gentle for a while.

"Then I'll follow my brother's arrangement!"

Wang Yuqiu was also a little scared when he thought of the Tomahawk, so he nodded repeatedly.

"Master, Tomahawk dared to come here, do you want to..."

A ruthless look appeared on Xiahou's face, and he made a gesture of cutting his throat.

Ding Ning pondered for a while, then shook his head: "Don't worry, it's just a gangster organization, I haven't paid attention to it, just because I still think that Burmese country is too busy, so I have called all the brothers at home in the past two days. Focus on training for everyone, if Tomahawk still dares to die, then let the brothers go to Russia to train soldiers!"

"Okay! I'm going to notify my brothers now!"

The belligerent factor in Xiahou's bones was aroused, and he turned around happily and left.

"Wait, don't worry, I still have something to ask you!"

Ding Ning quickly grabbed him, and said to Ye Tianlang and his wife: "It's getting late, you guys go to rest first, I'll ask Brother Xiahou something!"

"Okay, big brother, then go to rest first!"

Ye Tianlang and Wang Yuqiu responded, and turned to go to the room to rest.

Ding Ning asked straight to the point: "Brother Xiahou, I'm not asking about your privacy, but I want to learn about the death hunter camp with you."

"Well, you ask!"

Xiahou seemed to have expected it long ago, and nodded without changing his expression.

"According to Hulang, the Death Hunter Camp has been established for 20 or 30 years, and there is only one graduate every three years, and these graduates only showed their talents after graduation, and soon disappeared from people's sight. The hunter has recruited away, did he recruit you back then?"

Ding Ning asked cautiously, lest Xia Hou would be suspicious and think he was suspicious of him.

"Master, what he said is not entirely true. If all the graduates are recruited by the hunter, who else will send them to the death hunter camp for training?"

Xiahou first denied Hulang's speculation, and then said calmly: "You must know that all the elites who can enter the death hunter camp are the elites that the major underground organizations are optimistic about. The training fee for each student entering it is 100,000 meters."

"One hundred thousand meters of gold?"

Ding Ning exclaimed, his eyes were green, and he said incredulously: "One hundred thousand people, ten thousand people is one billion rice gold, every three years only one graduate can come out alive, doesn't it mean that the remaining nine thousand nine hundred and ninety The training fees paid by the nine guys who were killed were all in vain? Are they stupid and rich?"

"That's right. The major forces that send their students to them need the elite of the elite. If they can't graduate alive, they'll die if they die. The training fee of 100,000 meters every three years is nothing to these major forces. Thirty years is only a million meters of gold, as long as there is one death hunter in thirty years, it will be worth it, after all, a top killer or mercenary can earn far more than a million meters of gold for a single big task!"

Xiahou said in a calm tone: "The Death Hunter Camp is actually not as complicated as Tiger Wolf said. To put it bluntly, it is just a training institution for training top killers or mercenaries. Many graduates have returned to their own forces after graduation. It’s normal for services to disappear, so why don’t top killers appear frequently in the public eye? Isn’t that courting death?”

"Oh, so that's the case. What happened to the tiger wolf? Is it a special case?"

Ding Ning suddenly realized, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief. After all, if those death hunters were recruited by the hunter master, it would be too scary. After all, a person who can stand out from the 10,000 elites, even if his cultivation level is not high, is definitely a killer It's just that the situation of the tiger and wolf makes him a little unclear.

"This is normal. Not all the students who can enter the hunter camp to receive training are from big forces. There are also many free mercenaries like tigers and wolves who want to improve themselves. Such death hunters who have no background background are naturally the big forces. object of solicitation."

Xiahou raised his eyebrows: "It's just that the hunter has the advantage of being close to the water, and relying on the detailed information of the students in the hunter camp, he set up a trick in advance to recruit him."

Ding Ning rubbed his chin and said thoughtfully, "You mean the tiger and wolf were recruited by the hunter?"

"I reckon that's the case. Otherwise, how could the hunter arrive in time when Tiger Wolf failed to take revenge? I even suspect that before Tiger Wolf went to take revenge, his enemy's mercenary group had already got the news, so he specially invited him." The master-level powerhouse sits in the town, and the hunter knows that Hulang is a very grateful person, so he deliberately favors him to use him. Otherwise, if the mercenary group really has a master-level powerhouse, how could it be possible to remain in the mercenary group? nameless."

Xia Hou analyzed wisely.

Ding Ning nodded again and again. He hadn't thought about it that much before, but after Xia Hou said this, he realized that there seemed to be a lot of doubts in it.

It's just that his face soon became weird. When Hulang talked about the past, Xiahou was clearly not in front of him. How did he know?

Xiahou seemed to have sensed his thoughts, and said with a slightly embarrassing face: "I didn't eavesdrop on purpose, since I practiced the "Shen Shen Jue" taught to me by the young master, my hearing has become far superior to ordinary people, even if I am outside the door, I can also hear your conversation clearly."

Ding Ning suddenly realized, so the explanation made sense. After all, "Refinement of the Gods" is a method for cultivating spiritual power. Xiahou insisted on practicing it. It was not at all surprising that Domi heard their conversation.

"I know that the young master is wondering why I was not recruited by the hunter. After all, I can be regarded as someone who has no backstage background."

There was a wry smile on the corner of Xiahou's mouth and he said leisurely: "The hunter probably wanted to kill him because I joined hands with Tuo Ye, and knew that he couldn't recruit me, so he was too lazy to do it. Many other big forces offered me olive branches. But I rejected them all, and then I offended a lot of people, and many big forces sent people to assassinate me. Fortunately, there were no masters who were too powerful, but they were all killed by me, but I also completely offended those big forces. The killers I sent out became more and more powerful, and in the end I had no choice but to flee back to Shenzhou, thinking that I would be safe in China, but who knew there were a few more powerful guys chasing after me like tarsal maggots."

There was a warm look on Xiahou's face: "Just when I was seriously injured and felt that I was going to die, Madam sent someone to save me, and after I was cured, she scolded me severely. She agreed to rush into the death hunter camp, which made Madam very angry, and I later found out that she has been sending people to follow me secretly, and secretly helped me solve many powerful killers, otherwise I would have died long ago."

Ding Ning opened his mouth wide in astonishment. He always thought that his mother was just a strong business woman with no power to protect herself, but Xiahou's words completely overturned his perception.

I seem to have underestimated my mother, how can someone who can secretly help Xiahou deal with a powerful killer be so simple? It seems that my mother is also protected by masters!

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