Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1078: Take care of him

Seeing a pack of more than sixty wolves, everyone in the team couldn't help but change their faces. You will definitely encounter wolves when you go out. It’s just that there are usually only a dozen or twenty wolves. Large wolves like this kind of more than 60 wolves are rarely encountered. Generally, they will encounter a tragedy. War, this is the last thing they want to see.

The strength to reach the golden core is naturally fearless, but the monks in the foundation stage are slightly raised in their hearts.

Under the melee, if you don't pay attention, you will be killed by the wolf!

"Lao Jiu, be careful." The Brother Chen who joined the team with Jiu Lao came to him and reminded him in a low voice.

"This is not the inner circumference of the forest. How could such a wolves target it?"

The old man said in a low voice, holding a sword in his hand, watching those green and bloodthirsty eyes twinkling in the night, he regained his senses, thought of the little girl, looked around and saw her With the two female sisters, I felt relieved.

The strength of the two female sisters is not low, with them, plus the little girl's own strength, nothing should happen.

Seeing her grandfather looking at her, Tang Ning responded with a smile. She stretched out her hand and lifted the chubby Dabai to the branch, leaving it to stay on it.

The big white figure was lifted up to the tree, holding the branch with his paws, lying on it and gently shaking his tail, lying on it in a comfortable manner, looking at the people and wolves below.


The howling of the wolf king hidden somewhere in the night sounded, and the wolves that came close to staring at the monks also made a howling sound. The next moment, a touch of figure swept across the grass like a ghost in the night. The sharp fangs and grinning fangs were revealed, and they rushed towards the prey in their eyes.


The leader here gave the order to kill, and took the lead with a sword to greet the wind wolves that flew up. At almost the same time, dozens of ferocious wind wolves swarmed up, their sharp claws and fangs. The most powerful weapon.

But seeing a foundation-building monk attacking a wolf in front with a sword, another wind wolf in the back raised its claws, like a five-claw steel knife, leaving several claw marks on the back of the monk.


The screaming screams sounded, accompanied by the howling of the wind wolf, the sound of sharp swords passing by, and the blood splashing out accompanied by the wolf's head and rolling to the ground. The smell spread out, and the murderous intent filled the air between……

The wind wolf speed is mainly fast, and the combat power is considered middle and upper among the fierce beasts, but for the monks above the Jindan strength, it is not to be afraid, but for the foundation building monks, it is different.

The number of wind wolves was almost the same as that of monks, and some even had to deal with two wolves. As a result, many foundation-building monks in the team were injured.

And Jiu Lao's strength is the weakest among the others. Tangning helps him all the way to prevent him from expending too much spiritual power. Now Ye Zhan Fenglang is protected by a monk surnamed Chen. What hurt.

In fact, during the melee, the two didn’t know that Tangning, who was not far away, had been paying attention to her grandfather’s safety. The two of them had the upper hand in the battle against a wind wolf. If there was another sneak attack, they would not be able to cope. Up.

As for those Wind Wolf who wanted to sneak attack, they were repelled by a wind blade at her fingertips before they approached. After several times they were not allowed to get close to the two of them, Wind Wolf naturally turned to other targets.

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