Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1101: Where's your hair

The long-tailed monkey took off the wig and flicked it. It turned out to be tossing the wig to another monkey...

Seeing the other long-tailed monkey pulling the wig after getting the wig, she clicked on her head, still grinning and exclaiming with monkey teeth, the corners of her mouth twitched.

Dare these monkeys use her wigs as toys?

The other long-tailed monkey snatched the wig again, and after buckling his head, he sat on the tree branch like a human being, and a pair of monkey paws brought the long hair down to play.

Looking at the wig clasped on the head crookedly, and the monkeys next to it, they are still pulling forward, even pulling a strand and chewing in the mouth, as if wanting to taste what it is like. , Tangning couldn't help covering her eyes, she really didn't look at it.


The long-tailed monkey was vying to grab it, and the wig was torn apart and scattered. Looking at the wigs scattered from above, several black lines crossed her forehead.

Her wig is gone.


Seeing that she was standing still, the monkeys squeaked again. One of them sprang down from the tree, picked up the wigs scattered on the ground, crumpled them up and threw them back to her, quickly. He rushed to the tree to hide, and then stuck his head from behind the leaves to look at the human underneath.

Well, this human seems to have no hair on his head.

Looking at the wig that the long-tailed monkey was thrown back into a ball, Tangning's mouth twitched, "Give it back to me? I really thank you."

Can this messy wig still work? Obviously it can't be used anymore, what use is it to throw it back to her now?

As soon as the palm's mental strength was condensed, a ball of flame rose up, and the ball of wig in his palm turned into ashes, and the light breeze dissipated.

"Sure enough, I still have to grow hair on my head!" She sighed softly, touched her bald head, and murmured in distress, "Going back with such a bald head, grandfather won't be frightened?"

After wiping off the water marks on her feet, she put on her boots and then walked back. However, if she had a mirror in front of her, she would know that she was wearing a fairy-like cyan long dress at this time, she was also exquisite and graceful, but she was wearing a bald head.

The old man in the cave was practicing the exercises Tangning gave him. Seeing that it was noon and Tangning hadn't returned yet, he couldn't help but feel a little worried. He got up and went outside the cave, and said to Dabai who was guarding the entrance of the cave: "Dabai, will Ning girl go to the forest alone, will you encounter any danger? How about you go look for it?"

Dabai yawned lazily on his stomach. After taking a glance at him, he said, "The master's strength is very strong, so there is no danger."

Although he heard Da Bai say this, the old man was still a little worried. He walked back and forth at the entrance of the cave while waiting. When he saw a blue figure coming from the woods, joy appeared on his face.

"Ning Ya..."

Jiu Lao stepped forward and called, but when he saw her bald head, the words behind him suddenly got stuck in his throat. He opened his eyes in astonishment and looked at her bald head. He trembled and asked: "Your Head and hair? What's going on? How come out, all my hair is gone?"

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through her mind, her lips trembled lightly, her horrified eyes stared at her bald head tightly, and she couldn't speak for a while.

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