Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1210: No poison

"Two thousand and one thousand!"

Only when her voice fell, someone raised the number plate in his hand to bid for the price.

"Twenty-five thousand!"

"Two hundred ten thousand!"

"Two hundred and fifty thousand!"

"Three hundred thousand!"

"Three hundred thirty thousand!"

The subsequent bidding price increased, and within a short while, the bidding price for a pair of peace jade charms was already over 300,000.

Tangning on the auction stage watched them bidding, and when the price reached 450,000, there were fewer bidders. Perhaps the price has exceeded their expectations, or they felt that the price of such a pair of peace charms would not be expensive.

"Five hundred thousand!"

The Lan Family Patriarch once again raised the number plate in his hand to bid for the price. As for the efficacy of this Ping Yu Talisman, their Lan Clan knew best. If it weren't the Ping Yu Talisman presented by Master Tang last time, they were afraid that his Lan Family was in danger Several of them have died long ago.

After the Lan family bid the price of 500,000 yuan, the other people looked at each other and whispered, as if they were discussing whether to bid or not. In the end, they all calmed down and did not increase the price.

"Five hundred thousand for the first time."

"Five hundred thousand for the second time."

"The third time with 500,000 yuan. The deal." Tangning picked up the hammer on the auction stage and knocked it. When the hammer settled, she smiled and said to the Lan Patriarch: "Congratulations Patriarch Lan."

Patriarch Lan stood up, smiled, and bowed his hands to everyone around him: "Everyone, thank you for your acceptance."

"President Lan, please hand over here." Xingtong made a please gesture and asked him to enter the backyard.

"Father, I will come as soon as I go." Patriarch Lan said to the old man beside him, and then went to the backyard.

Looking at Master Tang on the stage, the ancestor of the Lan family felt a little excited when he thought of the pair of peaceful jade charms photographed. Compared with the fate of half a million gold coins, that is not worth mentioning. What's more, afterwards, their Lan family tried to find Master Tang's peace jade charm, only to realize that the peace jade charm was hard to find outside.

Due to inquiries about the Ping An Jade Talisman, some time ago, I heard that the ancestor of a family was a dying person, but due to fate, he would meet Master Tang. He also bought three Ping Jade Talisman at the price of one hundred thousand gold coins. That night, the buddha in the family suddenly appeared. Afterwards, I heard that although the ancestor was seriously injured, he finally saved his life and survived a catastrophe, but the three peace jade charms were broken.

The next auction continued. Except for the peace jade talisman at the opening, the following items were all spiritual weapons, magic weapons and top-level cultivation techniques. After bidding and buying, Tangning took out the eighth lot, two The top grade builds Jidan.

After a round of bidding, the two Zhujidans were finally obtained by a master with the surname Gao.

She took out a medicine bottle and said: "The ninth lot is also the pill that I refined, one nine-turn detoxification pill, which is made from seven or forty-nine detoxification elixir, which can solve all dramas. If the poison is taken, it will not be invaded within ten years. The starting price is 800,000 gold coins."

Can solve all the poisonous? Can it be invaded within ten years after taking it? Ten Patriarchs moved their hearts, but such a detoxification pill cost 800,000 gold coins, and the price was too expensive.

Among them, the ancestor of the Ke family looked at the medicine bottle in Master Tang's hand, stood up and arched his hands, his old voice was hoarse, and asked: "Master Tang, if it has been poisoned for many years, and the poison has entered the bone marrow. , Possible solution?"

Hearing this, Tangning took a deep look at him and smiled: "Yes."

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