Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1217: Get together

On the other hand, after Tangning and the others returned to the mansion, the ancestors and grandchildren first read the letter that Tang Xiao had brought over. The letter was filled with instructive words and some family conditions.

Knowing that everything in the family over there is stable, they felt relieved and set about preparing for advancement. Tangning walked around in her grandfather's yard and said, "Grandfather, you can advance and break through in this yard! I will set up a barrier here so that outside affairs will not disturb you."

Elder Tang nodded and said, "Okay, you can rest assured that your grandfather arranges, just do as you say! It's just, I don't know how long it will take for this advanced Yuan Ying?"

"This is not necessarily true. Some days will be fine, and some will last more than half a month. But grandfather, don't worry, there will be no problem if we protect the law for you." She smiled so that he doesn't have to worry. .

She looked around, but did not see the unicorn beast, and said: "After the advancement is completed, then contract the unicorn beast. I believe it will definitely help to improve the strength. This is a top-quality Po Yuan Dan. Grandpa takes it."

"Okay, it's up to you to do everything in that house." He said, and then he squeezed the medicine bottle. After a glance at her, he walked into the room.

Seeing him in, Tangning set up a barrier in the courtyard, and as the barrier formed, he retreated outside the courtyard.

"Dabai, Qilin." She called out, and a voice containing spiritual power spread. After a while, two little beasts ran over.

"Master." Da Bai came to her feet and rubbed.

"My lord." Qilin Beast also came to her, squatting and looking at Tangning.

"Grandfather is advancing. Don't play around during this time. Just stay outside this courtyard. Don't make any trouble."

While talking, she looked at the unicorn beast and said: "This time grandfather enters the Nascent Soul, it is also an opportunity for you. I will help you when you are in, so that you can break through the level of the beast and become a super beast after contracting with your grandfather."

Upon hearing this, Qilin Beast's eyes lit up and he nodded fiercely: "Oh! Thank you, my lord! I will keep guarding! I won't leave!"

Tang Ning nodded, let them guard here, and walked into the front hall first.

"Master Tang."

The hall was full, and Situ and the others stood up when they saw Tangning coming. After freshening up, the people all dressed in refreshing clothes, all dressed in Jin Yihua, gathered the fierce murderous aura on their bodies, and returned to the appearance of the noble son in the past.

"Sit all!" Tang Ning gestured and told them to sit down. She walked to the main seat and sat down, followed by Song Tianyou who had come all the way, standing beside her.

When I came back earlier, I had heard Brother Niu say that Tang had accepted two apprentices. At this time, watching the little child Tonggui standing beside Master Tang, looking at them curiously with a bald head, everyone said He smiled and said, "Master Tang, don't you say you don't accept disciples? Why did you accept two when you came over?"

"That's right, it's understandable to accept this small one, but the big one in that building, doesn't Master Tang think he is too old?" Chen Dao answered with a smile.

"I knew that Master Tang didn't dislike it. We should have been grinding Master Tang to accept us as disciples in the academy." Yin Qianze winked at the others.

Upon seeing this, Su Yanqing also smiled and said, "Master Tang, should you take us all?"

"Master Tang taught us a long time ago, so we should be Master Tang's disciples after all, Master Tang, don't you think?" Situ asked Tangning with a smile.

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