Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1226: Advanced fast

Those people couldn't enter the Tang family, so they sat down in the corner outside the Tang family to practice. These spiritual energy blessings are most helpful to the Qi refining period. The higher the strength, the less effective it will be.

The people in the mansion knew that there were a large circle of monks sitting outside, but they didn't care about it. They just guarded the mansion to prevent anyone from coming in and disturbing them.

When the Yuan family saw the seven-colored glow in the sky, their heart moved slightly, and the Tang family had advanced, but their Yuan family had only one thunder struck by the sky until now. I don't know how it is going.

The mood at this time is uneasy and expectant.

The Tang family was in excitement and excitement at this time, especially the subordinates in the mansion, it was even more exciting to see the old man stepping up. After all, the master family became stronger, which is a good thing for them.

Tangning stood outside the old Tang yard, watching, watching the scene in the sky dissipate, and the barrier disappeared with it. The yard gradually calmed down until, after about a stick of incense, the door opened. Her grandfather just walked out of it.

"Xiaoning, grandfather made it!"

He couldn't hide his excitement, and he took a deep breath and looked at the sky with red eyes: "Who would have thought that one day, I will become a strong Yuan Ying?"

"Congratulations, grandfather." Tangning congratulated with a smile, and stepped forward.

"Oh! Master, then let's make a contract!" As soon as the thought of the contract can be advanced to become a super mythical beast, the unicorn beast wagging its tail and quickly stepped forward and came to Don's side to rub.

Old Tang smiled, looked at Tangning, and asked, "Xiaoning, but now you have a contract with Qilin Beast?"

"Yes, taking advantage of the advancement now, grandfather has contracted with it, and then retreat and practice for a period of time to stabilize the cultivation base!" Tang Ning said, flipping the palm of his hand to take out a pill.

"Grandfather, take this pill when you contract with Qilin Beast." She handed him the pill.

"Okay." Old Tang took the pill and asked, "How is the house? Is it okay?"

"Grandfather rest assured, everything is as usual."

Hearing these words, Elder Tang nodded: "Well, after I contract, I will close the door and come out after the strength of my cultivation stabilizes." After he confessed, he brought the unicorn beast into the room.

Seeing the door closed, Tangning turned around and walked out, while waving his hand before laying down the barrier.

"Grandfather has successfully advanced, then I will be busy with my business." She whispered softly, smiled, and walked towards the front. Unexpectedly, not far away, she saw a small figure sitting on the stone. Practice on it.

Seeing the spirit energy aura surging from him, and his strength surging upward, Tangning raised her eyebrows and sat and watched.

Song Tianyou sat cross-legged, hands on both knees, the spiritual energy aura on his body surged, and the strength cultivation base also improved at this moment, and stopped when he reached the seventh level of Qi Refining.

Tangning watched with his chin in one hand, while holding the round bamboo taken from his waist in the other hand, spinning around. After watching him take back his breath, she exhaled and slowly opened her eyes.


Seeing her, Song Tianyou immediately laughed, and ran down from the stone excitedly: "Master, I'm advanced! I am at the seventh stage of Qi refining!"

Tangning touched his little head and said with a smile: "Well, yes, progress is quite fast." How long has it been with her? It is already the seventh stage of Qi refining, and the cultivation speed is indeed quite fast.

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