Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1239: Reschedule

"Yes." Qi Bohe responded, keeping his words in mind.

Although they did not spread the information about their free clinic here outside Master Tang, a few days later, all the forces in the city had also heard of it, and some even came to seek medical advice on purpose.

It's just that Qi Baihe was the only one who saw the doctor. Tangning just gave pointers from the side, but there were more and more people in the line. Because it turned out that the free clinic here was not a Buddhist disciple, but Master Tang, she was even unwilling to queue up till night. Leave.

After a free clinic for about half a month, Tangning returned to the Fuzhong with two apprentices. After sitting down in the hall and drinking a cup of tea, she looked at Qi Baihe and asked, "Xiaohe, you have time to learn sewing recently. , You have to learn this sewing and mending craft."

"Okay." Qi Baihe nodded solemnly when he thought of the scene where he stitched the wound together: "Master, rest assured, I will definitely learn the craft well."

Seeing that he was very obedient, Tangning smiled with satisfaction, then looked at Song Tianyou, and said, "You have learned all the remaining swordsmanship during this period of time, and I will find a chance to take you out to practice."

"Master Tang, when do you go to practice? Take us!" Situ walked in, and when she heard that she was going to practice, I couldn't help but look forward to it.

Tangning saw that it was a few of them, and couldn't help laughing: "Where do you need me to bring it? But you have been here for a while. If you are idle, you can find work for yourself!"

"Following Master Tang to experience and practice is wonderful. The few of us feel bored when we go out." Ye Feibai said, stepping forward and sitting down, and asked, "Master Tang, is your free clinic finished?"

"It's almost half a month, and everyone in the back city knows that we are there for the free clinic. People who are sick and not squeezed to see it. It's also very disturbing." Tangning said, picking up a piece of pastry and eating.

"Master Tang, with your current reputation, coupled with your image, you will be easily recognized wherever you go. How about we go out and change clothes next time?" Yin Qianze suggested, thinking that he would walk through clothes. It must be fun to go out and practice.

"Walking with changing clothes?" Tangning thought for a while, and said, "I have to think about this. After all, if I leave, my grandfather will be left here."

I heard that Elder Tang, who had come back from them, also walked into the hall. Before entering the hall, I heard them talking about going out, so he smiled and said, "You young people go wherever you want to go. Just pay attention to safety and protect yourself. Just fine, don’t worry if you have a grandfather at home."

"Grandfather." Tangning called, stepping forward and holding his hand, and said with a smile, "Grandfather is willing to run out again?"

"How can your child be able to stay at home? You, go wherever you want, without paying attention to your grandfather." Old Tang patted her hand and said.

Seeing this, Tangning simply said, "Okay, then I will decide where to go after I arrange everything!"

"Master, Master, take me with you!" Song Tianyou shook her arm.

Seeing this, Qi Baihe on the side also spoke: "Master, Baihe also wants to follow Master."

"Okay, then we will go together." Tangning said with a smile, thinking about making arrangements to see when it would be better to go out?

"Master." Xingtong walked in from outside and handed the post in his hand to her: "There is a little monk outside sending a post to the master."

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